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冬小麦根表面氧化还原活力的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
证实了两个不同品种的冬小麦根系表面存在着氧化NADH和还原K3Fe(CN)6的氧化的活力。还原铁氰化物活力在PH5.5到8.5范围内随着PH值升高而增大,温度在15℃到45℃范围内随温度升高还原活力增强,45℃达最高值,55℃时活力急剧下降。  相似文献   
球囊菌胁迫中华蜜蜂幼虫肠道过程中病原的转录组学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
【目的】本研究利用RNA-seq技术对球囊菌胁迫的中华蜜蜂(中蜂)幼虫肠道进行深度测序,经趋势分析得到差异表达基因(DEGs)的显著表达模式,进而对胁迫过程中的球囊菌进行转录组学分析。【方法】利用Illumina HiSeq 2500平台对球囊菌胁迫的中蜂幼虫肠道进行深度测序,并利用相关软件进行了深入分析。最后,通过RT-qPCR对RNA-seq数据进行了验证。【结果】本研究共得到球囊菌的41133932条高质量clean reads。22865个DEGs共聚类为8个基因表达模式,其中,16769个DEGs聚类为2个显著上调趋势与2个显著下调趋势。GO富集分析结果显示,显著上调与显著下调趋势中的DEGs分别富集于40与37个GO term,基因富集数最多的为细胞进程(2486 unigenes)。KEGG代谢通路(pathway)富集分析结果显示,显著上调与显著下调趋势中的DEGs分别富集于119和112个pathway,基因富集数最多的分别是氨基酸生物合成(127 unigenes)与核糖体(98 unigenes)。进一步分析表明球囊菌在胁迫中蜂幼虫肠道的过程中通过提高物质合成促进其增殖,而宿主通过抑制球囊菌的蛋白合成抵御病原入侵。富集在MAPK信号通路的11个DEGs的表达水平随着胁迫时间的延长而逐渐下降,推测中蜂幼虫通过抑制该通路而阻遏球囊菌增殖。【结论】本研究不仅为揭示白垩病过程中的球囊菌-中蜂幼虫互作提供了重要信息,也为阐明不同抗性蜂种的球囊菌抗性差异奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Luo  Shengxue  Zhang  Panli  Zou  Peng  Wang  Cong  Liu  Bochao  Wu  Cuiling  Li  Tingting  Zhang  Ling  Zhang  Yuming  Li  Chengyao 《中国病毒学》2021,36(5):1113-1123
Virologica Sinica - SARS-CoV-2 has caused more than 3.8 million deaths worldwide, and several types of COVID-19 vaccines are urgently approved for use, including adenovirus vectored vaccines....  相似文献   
Wang  Xuefei  Xie  Huiqin  Ku  Yongli  Yang  Xiangna  Chen  Yinglong  Yang  Nan  Mei  Xueli  Cao  Cuiling 《Plant and Soil》2020,448(1-2):413-424
Plant and Soil - Mycorrhizal type has been proposed as an effective trait integrator capturing varying biogeochemical syndromes in terrestrial ecosystems. However, for boreal peatlands, it is still...  相似文献   
Insect protein, used for in vitro culture media for entomopathogenic nematode, produces nematodes of high quality. However, the time-consuming culture and poor purity of nematodes hinder the commercial application of insect protein media. We show that hydrolyzed insect protein improves nematode purity in in vitro culture. The results revealed that nematode purity was increased by more than 90 %, and the culture period was reduced by 6 days. Estimated economic efficiency of using hydrolyzed insect protein medium was increased by 44.25 % over that obtained with non-hydrolyzed insect medium.  相似文献   
Ethanol exposure inhibits protein synthesis and causes cell death in the developing central nervous system. The double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-activated protein kinase (PKR), a serine/threonine protein kinase, plays an important role in translational regulation and cell survival. PKR has been well known for its anti-viral response. Upon activation by viral infection or dsRNA, PKR phosphorylates its substrate, the alpha-subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation factor-2 (eIF2alpha) leading to inhibition of translation initiation. It has recently been shown that, in the absence of a virus or dsRNA, PKR can be activated by direct interactions with its protein activators, PACT, or its mouse homologue, RAX. We have demonstrated that exposure to ethanol increased the phosphorylation of PKR and eIF2alpha in the developing cerebellum. The effect of ethanol on PKR/eIF2alpha phosphorylation positively correlated to the expression of PACT/RAX in cultured neuronal cells. Using PKR inhibitors and PKR null mouse fibroblasts, we verified that ethanol-induced eIF2alpha phosphorylation was mediated by PKR. Overexpression of a wild-type RAX dramatically enhanced sensitivity to ethanol-induced PKR/eIF2alpha phosphorylation, as well as translational inhibition and cell death. In contrast, overexpression of a mutant (S18A) RAX inhibited ethanol-mediated PKR/eIF2alpha activation. Ethanol promoted PKR and RAX association in cells expressing wild-type RAX but not in cells expressing S18A RAX. S18A RAX functioned as a dominant negative protein and blocked ethanol-induced inhibition of protein synthesis and cell death. Our results suggest that the interactions between PKR and PACT/RAX modulate the effect of ethanol on protein synthesis and cell survival in the central nervous system.  相似文献   
非点源污染物在沟渠湿地中的累积和植物吸收净化   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
对有机质和总氮在沟渠湿地底泥中的垂直分布和水平分布的研究表明,40 cm以下深度的芦苇(Phragmites communis)和茭草(Zizania latifolia)湿地底泥对有机质和总氮有显著的持留和累积作用;但表层底泥中含量随季节变化大,最高与最低值相差近2倍以上.有机质和总氮之间有极显著的相关关系,在芦苇和茭草湿地底泥中的相关系数分别为0.9876和0.9335.水体中总氮与NH4+-N和NO3-N也显著相关,表明总氮的主要成分是有机氮,其矿化作用是无机氮的重要来源.每年秋季芦苇收割以后,可带走氮818 kg·hm-2和磷103.6 kg·hm-2,茭草可带走氮131 kg·hm-2和磷28.9 kg·hm-2.茭白对氮的吸收能力高,试验表明,利用茭白取代野生植物,既能取得很好的净化效果,又可被农民主动回收,解决植物的二次污染问题.  相似文献   
【目的】蜜蜂球囊菌(Ascosphaeraapis,简称球囊菌)是专性侵染蜜蜂幼虫的致死性真菌病原。MicroRNA(miRNA)作为一类重要的基因表达调控因子,能够广泛参与真菌及其宿主的相互作用过程。本研究通过比较分析球囊菌孢子(AaCK)和侵染中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana,简称中蜂) 6日龄幼虫肠道内的球囊菌(AaT)的smallRNA(sRNA)组学数据对球囊菌的差异表达miRNA(differentiallyexpressed miRNA,DEmiRNA)、靶mRNA及二者间的调控网络进行全面解析,旨在揭示miRNA介导的球囊菌对中蜂幼虫的侵染机制。【方法】对于球囊菌侵染的中蜂6日龄幼虫肠道的small RNA-seq (sRNA-seq)数据,利用BLAST工具连续比对东方蜜蜂(Apiscerana)和球囊菌的参考基因组筛滤得到AaT的sRNA组学数据。分别将AaCK和AaT的sRNA组学数据比对miRBase数据库,对球囊菌侵染宿主前后miRNA的数量和结构特征进行分析。联用RNAhybrid+svmlight、Miranda和Tar...  相似文献   
Ditches grown with nature reed (Phragmites communis Trin) and wild rice (Zizania latifolia Turcz) were selected to study the removal capacity of agricultural non-point source pollutants so as to find a way to alleviate eutrophication in Lake Taihu. Ditches sediment from depths below 40 cm can accumulate organic matter and total nitrogen (TN). TN is correlated positively to organic matter in reed populated sediment and wild rice populated sediment. This suggests that the main composition of TN is organic nitrogen derived from plant decomposition. A significant negative relationship between TN and pH was found in reed and wild rice sediments. Seasonal harvest of helophyte vegetation is an effective method to remove N and P from wetlands. Organic matter and TN concentrations in water and sediments (0–20 cm) in areas where reeds were removed are lower than non-harvested areas (control). Reeds and wild rice have high uptake ability of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). However, the low economic value of these plants will not stimulate voluntary harvest of farmers. Zizania caduciflora Turez Hand-mazt is a kind of vegetable widely cultivated in ditches around the lake. It can also absorb N and P effectively. Thus, large scale cultivation of Z. caduciflora to replace nature plants may improve water quality.  相似文献   
常用食品防腐剂抗菌作用的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
采用杯碟法和琼脂平板点种法分别测定20种常用食品防腐剂对30株菌的抑菌圈直径和最低抑菌浓度,借此判断药剂抗菌力的大小。实验结果表明,在所测20种防腐剂中,对细菌抑制力最强者是乙酸,对霉菌和酵母菌抑制力最强者是富马酸二甲酯。  相似文献   
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