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  1996年   1篇
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In order to advance knowledge of the neural control of feeding,we investigated the cortical representation of the taste oftannic acid, which produces the taste of astringency. It isa dietary component of biological importance particularly toarboreal primates. Recordings were made from 74 taste responsiveneurons in the orbitofrontal cortex. Single neurons were foundthat were tuned to respond to 0.001 M tannic acid, and representeda subpopulation of neurons that was distinct from neurons responsiveto the tastes of glucose (sweet), NaCl (salty), HCI (sour),quinine (bitter) and monosodium glutamate (umami). In addition,across the population of 74 neurons, tannic acid was as wellrepresented as the tastes of NaCI, HCI quinine or monosodiumglutamate. Multidimensional scaling analysis of the neuronalresponses to the tastants indicates that tannic acid lies outsidethe boundaries of the four conventional taste qualities (sweet,sour, bitter and salty). Taken together these data indicatethat the astringent taste of tannic acid should be consideredas a distinct taste quality, which receives a separate representationfrom sweet, salt, bitter and sour in the primate cortical tasteareas. Chem. Senses 21: 135–145, 1996.  相似文献   
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