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Female green iguanas, Iguana iguana, were caught in Belize, Central America (17 degrees N), in December, at the onset of seasonal gonadal activity. The animals were immediately transferred to San Diego (32 degrees N). Ovarian follicular development continued, with peak plasma hormone levels measured in January and February; 200 pg/ml for progesterone (P) and 800 pg/ml for total estrogens (Et = estradiol [E2] + estrone [E1]). E2 was the predominant estrogen throughout the cycle. Follicular atrophy was indicated in April with circulating progesterone and estrogen levels decreasing to baseline (refractory phase) levels (P = 20 pg/ml; Et = 50 pg/ml). Approximately midway through the refractory phase of their annual reproductive cycle (late May), either the D-Arg6 analog of Chicken II or mammalian GnRH was administered via intraperitoneal osmotic pumps for 14 days to nine females. The analog of chicken II induced a fivefold increase in total circulating estrogens within 3-4 days after implantation. Both continuous and pulsatile delivery of the chicken II analog produced a similar pattern of steroidogenic response. A radical sham control animal showed no increase in steroidogenesis. Mammalian GnRH produced a pattern of similar duration, although the magnitude of the steroidogenic response was only half that produced by the chicken II analog. Estrogen titers approached baseline levels in all treatment groups two days after treatment ceased. Progesterone levels increased in all treatment groups during the delivery of exogenous GnRH, although the increases were not consistent. Untreated male cagemates housed with treated females exhibited increased territoriality, courtship behavior, and mating, which began on day 4 or 5 of the treatment period. The control female was not courted by its male cagemate.  相似文献   
Summary— We designed a protocol for cell labeling with the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) linked to the fluorochrome tetramethyl-rhodamine isothiocyanate (TRITC) for effective detection of the B16F10 melanoma and Lewis lung carcinoma (LLc) cells on pulmonary histological sections from C57BL6; mice. We have also determined a suitable concentration of WGA-TRITC (10 μg/ml), which leads to a very intense and homogeneous labeling of the cells, as it avoids cell clumping due to the presence of the lectin WGA. In order to determine to what extent the method affects these tumor cells, we have studied some important aspects related to their metastatic behavior, taking into account three parameters: a) viability and rate of proliferation of the cells cultured in vitro; b) percentage of animals C57BL6 mice) bearing metastasis 15 days after intravenous inoculation with 105 B16F10 or LLc cells; and c) pattern of distribution of tumor foci in lung. There were no significant differences in these three parameters between the WGA-TRITC labeled-cells compared to the cultures of non-labeled cells in either of the cell lines (B16F10, LLc). Thus, we conclude that B16F10 and LLc tumor cells can be labeled following the protocol set-up in our study, as it allows these cells to be neatly identified on tissue sections and it causes no important physiological changes in the cells, with regard to metastatic behavior. These points make this technique very suitable for the detection of B16F10 and LLc cells on histological sections in studying their behavior during the first stages of the metastatic process.  相似文献   
We have carried out a study on the annual and daily pollen concentrations from Gramineae over four consecutive years in the atmosphere of Granada (Spain). Samples of pollen grains were collected by the volumetric method with the aid of a Burkard sporetrap. Gramineae, according both to their high sensitizing capacity and to data from allergologists, are responsible for many pollinoses diagnosed in this area. In this work, daily pollen levels from April to July are monitored and the variations identified are interpreted in relation to meteorological conditions. Results indicated that the highest airborne concentrations of Gramineae pollen were found in May and June, although the beginning and intensity of pollination have been variable during these 4 years.  相似文献   
Five rices (Oryza sativa L.) differing in final grain size were studied at the midmilky stage to determine if any factor could be identified which might limit rate of starch accumulation. Only UDP glucose pyrophosphorylase activity increased with increasing grain size. Detached rice panicles incubated in liquid medium containing 1% sucrose and 0.1% glutamine, in addition to minerals and vitamins, produced grains similar to those on intact plants. Sucrose level (0–1.5%) in the medium determined the extent of dry matter and starch accumulation and influenced physiological development of the ripening grains. Chemical and enzymic composition of the grain were similar to previously reported levels in grains of intact panicles analysed at regular intervals after anthesis. Addition of 3-P glycerate or K+ to the medium did not improve dry matter accumulation in the developing grain.  相似文献   
To study alterations in cellular gene expression in mouse kidney cell cultures infected with simian virus 40 (SV40) or polyomavirus, we performed a differential screening of a mouse kidney cDNA library with probes prepared from mRNAs of virus-infected and mock-infected cells. We isolated and characterized cDNA recombinant pKT13 which detected increased mRNA levels in infected cells. Sequence analysis of pKT13 revealed close to 100% homology with the 3'-end of mouse fibronectin (FN) mRNA. Since primary cultures of baby mouse kidney cells have been extensively characterized in our laboratories, we studied FN gene expression at different stages of uninfected and virus-infected cultures. High levels of FN and of its mRNA were found in the kidneys of suckling mice, while in primary cultures of proliferating epithelial kidney cells the expression of FN was very low until the cultures became confluent. Thereafter FN increased and reached high levels in cells which were irreversibly arrested in phase Go and which had apparently exhausted their finite division potential. Infection of confluent cultures with polyomavirus or SV40 resulted in a further stimulation of FN gene expression. However, during abortive infection with SV40, FN mRNA and FN levels decreased with emergence of transformed cells and were low in an established SV40-transformed mouse kidney cell line. These changes in FN gene expression suggest that high levels of FN might be indicative in vivo for terminal differentiation and in vitro for cellular senescence.  相似文献   
Neuro-2a cells incubated for 1 hour with 0.1 mM vanadate showed an increase in cell membrane permeability. This effect is dose dependent, e.g. with 0.01 mM, 0.1 mM and 1 mM vanadate, there was {20, 30 and 40% increase. In contrast, no alteration in permeability was observed in HEp-2 cells under the same conditions.Ethanol (3%, 1 h incubation) also enhanced membrane permeability. The increase was also greater with Neuro-2a cells ({80%) than with HEp-2 cells (~30%). When the cells were incubated with ethanol plus vanadate (0.1 mM), there was a marked potentiation ({200%) in cell membrane permeability in Neuro-2a cells, and again a lesser increase in permeability ({50%) with HEp-2 cells.These results seem to be due to a preferential effect of vanadate on passive permeability of Neuro-2a cells because parallel measurements demonstrate equal inhibition of (Na+K) ATPase with both Neuro-2a and HEp-2 cells.  相似文献   
Treatment of tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants with lithium induces the formation of necrotic lesions and leaf curling as in the case of incompatible pathogen interactions. Further similarities at the molecular level include accumulation of ethylene and of salicylic and gentisic acids, and induced expression of pathogenesis-related PR-P, PR5 and PR1 genes. With the exception of PR1 induction, lithium produced the same effects in transgenic tobacco plants that do not accumulate salicylate because of overexpression of the bacterial hydroxylase gene nahG. On the other hand, inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis with aminoethoxyvinylglycine prevented lithium-induced cell death and PR5 expression. These results suggest that lithium triggers a hypersensitive-like response where ethylene signalling is essential.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the main climatic and biological trends related to olive flowering in central-southern Italy compared to those in Andalusia, Spain. Results since 1982 were compared for the two long-series monitoring areas of Cordoba and Perugia, and since 1992–1999 for the short-series areas. The relationship between climatic trends and the biological response of the olive, a widespread culture in the Mediterranean basin, were investigated. An aerobiological method involving capturing pollen released into the atmosphere was utilised as a bioindicator of flowering phenology. The study results confirm the strong relationship between flowering periods and spring temperature trends for the olive. Temperature during March, April and May was the parameter most related to flowering date in the study areas, particularly in Italy. In some cases we found a significant correlation between flowering and past autumn temperatures, probably due to their effect on floral bud dormancy induction, but this phenomenon appeared to be of minor importance in the studied areas. The phenological trend results show the continuous advance of flowering dates to the late 1990s, followed by a relatively stationary time series related to a short-term temperature fluctuation in the Mediterranean area. This latter period probably represents a mesoscale event forced by a macroscale event—the North Atlantic Oscillation. The results reveal that the trend towards increased temperatures, and the consequent flowering advance of some species, indicated some years ago is nowadays not as clear as was expected and should be confirmed over the next few years in the Mediterranean areas under investigation.  相似文献   
The Population Study of Women in Gothenburg, Sweden is an ongoing prospective study of female residents who were recruited from the local registry in 1968–1969 when they were 38–60 years old. The data presented here were collected from 361 healthy women who underwent a baseline physical examination including a supplementary dietary history interview and returned for a second general health examination 6 years later. This report identifies a subgroup of 57 women who were sedentary during their leisure time and appear to have been particularly susceptible to gaining weight as a function of the fat content of their diets. Specifically, longitudinal analysis of body weights in the whole sample revealed a statistical interaction between leisure-time physical activity and habitual dietary fat intake (energy-%), as reported at the baseline examination, in the prediction of subsequent weight change. Further stratified analysis suggested that weight changes were significantly dependent on dietary fat intake among the sedentary women only. High energy intake also predicted weight gain in the sedentary group, although the predictive value for a high-fat diet was of marginal significance after adjusting for total energy consumption. These results suggest that sedentary recreational activity plus a low-fat diet may have a combined contribution to weight change that is not equivalent to the sum of the separate effects. Such a synergy between two modifiable lifestyle factors seems highly relevant for prevention of obesity.  相似文献   
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