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The Pyrenean brown bear (Ursus arctos) population is considered as one of the most seriously threatened with extinction in Western Europe. To assess its viability and possible needs of augmentation, we develop deterministic and stochastic stage-structured demographic models. The deterministic model reveals that a bear population cannot have a high annual growth rate and is particularly sensitive to breeder survival. High demographic parameters appear to be crucial to population persistence, especially for a small population that remains vulnerable to demographic and environmental stochasticities. The Pyrenean population cannot therefore be considered as viable. Successful conservation strategies for this population would require releasing more bears in both sub-populations in the near future.  相似文献   
Aggregative groups entail costs that must be overcome for the evolution of complex social interactions. Understanding the mechanisms that allow aggregations to form and restrict costs of cheating can provide a resolution to the instability of social evolution. Aggregation in Tetrahymena thermophila is associated with costs of reduced growth and benefits of improved survival through “growth factor” exchange. We investigated what mechanisms contribute to stable cooperative aggregation in the face of potential exploitation by less‐cooperative lines using experimental microcosms. We found that kin recognition modulates aggregative behavior to exclude cheaters from social interactions. Long‐distance kin recognition across patches modulates social structure by allowing recruitment of kin in aggregative lines and repulsion in asocial lines. Although previous studies have shown a clear benefit to social aggregation at low population densities, we found that social aggregation has very different effects at higher densities. Lower growth rates are a cost of aggregation, but also present potential benefits when restricted to kin aggregations: slow growth and crowd tolerance allow aggregations to form and permit longer persistence on ephemeral resources. Thus in highly dynamic metapopulations, kin recognition plays an important role in the formation and stability of social groups that increase persistence through cooperative consumptive restraint.  相似文献   
Social personalities influence natal dispersal in a lizard   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Animal personalities are common across taxa and have important evolutionary and ecological implications. Such consistent individual differences correlate with important life-history traits such as dispersal. Indeed, some environmental conditions are supposed to determine dispersers with a specific personality. For example, an increased density should promote the departure of individuals with less social tolerance. Therefore, we hypothesized that dispersers from high-density populations should primarily be asocial individuals, whereas dispersers from low-density populations should be social individuals. In the common lizard (Lacerta vivipara), we measured attraction towards the odour of conspecifics on juveniles at birth as a metric of social tolerance. We then released these juveniles into populations of different densities and measured dispersal and settlement behaviours with regard to social tolerance. One year later, we again measured the social tolerance of surviving individuals. The social tolerance is constant across time and strongly reflects the individual's dispersal and settlement patterns with respect to population density. These results strongly suggest that social personalities exist and influence dispersal decisions. Further studies will help to elucidate the proximate and ultimate determinants of social personalities.  相似文献   
Habitat quality and habitat geometry are two crucial factors driving metapopulation dynamics. However, their intricacy has prevented so far a reliable test of their relative impact on local population dynamics and persistence. Here we report on a long‐term study in which we manipulated habitat quality within a butterfly metapopulation, whereas habitat geometry was kept constant. The treatment consisted in lowering the quality of certain habitat patches while others were kept untreated, using the same spatial design over years. The effect of the treatment on metapopulation dynamics was assessed by comparing residence probability and dispersal rates within the same habitat network on 11 and 6 independent butterfly generations before and after treatment, respectively. Results showed that the experimental decrease in habitat quality generated significantly higher emigration rates from treated patches. This increase was associated with a significant decrease in dispersal rates out of untreated patches, and a significant higher residence probability in these patches. The direct relation between lower habitat quality and higher dispersal propensity in treated patches was expected. However, the lower dispersal from untreated patches after treatment was opposite to the expectation of positive density dependent dispersal generally observed in butterflies. Such negative density‐dependent dispersal would allow a rapid fine‐tuning of dispersal rates to changes in habitat quality, particularly when the spatial autocorrelation of the environmental is low. Accordingly, dispersal would promote an ideal free distribution of individuals in the landscape according to their fitness expectation.  相似文献   
This article documents the addition of 238 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Alytes dickhilleni, Arapaima gigas, Austropotamobius italicus, Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, Cobitis lutheri, Dendroctonus ponderosae, Glossina morsitans morsitans, Haplophilus subterraneus, Kirengeshoma palmata, Lysimachia japonica, Macrolophus pygmaeus, Microtus cabrerae, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Pallisentis (Neosentis) celatus, Pulmonaria officinalis, Salminus franciscanus, Thais chocolata and Zootoca vivipara. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Acanthina monodon, Alytes cisternasii, Alytes maurus, Alytes muletensis, Alytes obstetricans almogavarii, Alytes obstetricans boscai, Alytes obstetricans obstetricans, Alytes obstetricans pertinax, Cambarellus montezumae, Cambarellus zempoalensis, Chorus giganteus, Cobitis tetralineata, Glossina fuscipes fuscipes, Glossina pallidipes, Lysimachia japonica var. japonica, Lysimachia japonica var. minutissima, Orconectes virilis, Pacifastacus leniusculus, Procambarus clarkii, Salminus brasiliensis and Salminus hilarii.  相似文献   
Hormones are an important interface between genome and environment, because of their ability to modify the phenotype. More particularly, glucocorticoids are known to affect both morphological, physiological and behavioral traits. Many studies suggest that prenatal stress (associated with an elevation of corticosterone) has deleterious effects on offspring, an altered physiology resulting in retardation of fetal growth and higher percentage of dead neonates. In this study, we investigate the consequences of an artificial increase of corticosterone in pregnant female Lacerta vivipara on two important fitness components: growth and survival. Do stressed females decrease or enhance offspring survival? In 2000 and 2001, we collected pregnant females from four populations of the Cevennes and kept them in the laboratory until parturition. We applied a corticosterone solution daily onto the backs of some females. A similar solution, but without corticosterone, was applied to the remaining females as a control. Immediately after birth, we measured juveniles' morphological characteristics and released them on the field. In September of the year of release and in May of the following year, we recaptured offspring to estimate growth and survival. The elevation of the corticosterone level in pregnant females L. vivipara had a profound impact on juvenile traits. The size, the body condition and the growth of juveniles were decreased by the corticosterone treatment. In contrast, in male juveniles, survival was higher for juveniles from corticosterone-treated females than from placebo females. Thus, corticosterone does not seem to have detrimental effects on offspring survival, suggesting that it may have an adaptive function.  相似文献   
Maintenance of health and the production of offspring are competing processes that can result in trade-offs. As vertebrates invest substantial resources in their immune system, it is crucial to understand the interactions between immunity and reproductive strategies. In the lizard Zootoca vivipara, females have condition- and context-dependent mating strategies. We predicted that, if the risk of infection is higher for polyandrous females, then polyandrous females should invest more in immune system while monandrous females should invest more in reproduction. In order to test our prediction, we captured 62 gravid females of known age in a natural population; we kept them until parturition to access to their offspring. Then, using microsatellite marker-based paternity analyses within litters, we determine the mating strategy of females (monandrous or polyandrous). Females were also challenged with PHA to estimate their inflammatory response. Our results show that polyandrous females have a higher PHA response than the monandrous females, and that monandrous females produce more males and more juveniles of better body condition than polyandrous females. The relationship between mating behaviour and immune function may have consequences for females and may shape the evolution of mating systems.  相似文献   
Both intra- and inter-sexual selection may crucially determine a male's fitness. Their interplay, which has rarely been experimentally investigated, determines a male's optimal reproductive strategy and thus is of fundamental importance to the understanding of a male's behaviour. Here we investigated the relative importance of intra- and inter-sexual selection for male fitness in the common lizard. We investigated which male traits predict a male's access to reproduction allowing for both selective pressures and comparing it with a staged mating experiment excluding all types of intra-sexual selection. We found that qualitatively better males were more likely to reproduce and that sexual selection was two times stronger when allowing for both selective pressures, suggesting that inter- and intra-sexual selection determines male fitness and confirming the existence of multi-factorial sexual selection. Consequently, to optimize fitness, males should trade their investment between the traits, which are important for inter- and intra-sexual selection.  相似文献   
It is well known that for an isolated population, the probability of extinction is positively related to population size variation: more variation is associated with more extinction. What, then, is the relation of extinction to population size variation for a population embedded in a metapopulation and subjected to repeated extinction and recolonization? In this case, the extinction risk can be measured by the extinction rate, the frequency at which local extinction occurs. Using several population dynamics models with immigration, we find, in general, a negative correlation between extinction and variation. More precisely, with increasing length of the time series, an initially negative regression coefficient first becomes more negative, then becomes less negative, and eventually attains positive values before decreasing again to 0. This pattern holds under substantial variation in values of parameters representing species and environmental properties. It is also rather robust to census interval length and the fraction of missed individuals but fails to hold for high thresholds (population size values below which extinction is deemed to occur) when quasi extinction rather than true extinction is represented. The few departures from the initial negative correlation correspond to populations at risk: low growth rate or frequent catastrophes.  相似文献   
Kin selection theory predicts that costly cooperative behaviors evolve most readily when directed toward kin. Dispersal plays a controversial role in the evolution of cooperation: dispersal decreases local population relatedness and thus opposes the evolution of cooperation, but limited dispersal increases kin competition and can negate the benefits of cooperation. Theoretical work has suggested that plasticity of dispersal, where individuals can adjust their dispersal decisions according to the social context, might help resolve this paradox and promote the evolution of cooperation. Here, we experimentally tested the hypothesis that conditional dispersal decisions are mediated by a cooperative strategy: we quantified the density‐dependent dispersal decisions and subsequent colonization efficiency from single cells or groups of cells among six genetic strains of the unicellular Tetrahymena thermophila that differ in their aggregation level (high, medium, and low), a behavior associated with cooperation strategy. We found that the plastic reaction norms of dispersal rate relative to density differed according to aggregation level: highly aggregative genotypes showed negative density‐dependent dispersal, whereas low‐aggregation genotypes showed maximum dispersal rates at intermediate density, and medium‐aggregation genotypes showed density‐independent dispersal with intermediate dispersal rate. Dispersers from highly aggregative genotypes had specialized long‐distance dispersal phenotypes, contrary to low‐aggregation genotypes; medium‐aggregation genotypes showing intermediate dispersal phenotype. Moreover, highly aggregation genotypes showed evidence for beneficial kin‐cooperation during dispersal. Our experimental results should help to resolve the evolutionary conflict between cooperation and dispersal: cooperative individuals are expected to avoid kin‐competition by dispersing long distances, but maintain the benefits of cooperation by dispersing in small groups.  相似文献   
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