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  1977年   1篇
  1976年   1篇
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The distribution pattern of 14C-malformin in major fractionsof Phaseolus vulgaris L. seedlings shifted during water treatmentin the absence of malformin. From these shifts, and by comparisonof the 14C distribution patterns at the base and top of theseedlings, it was concluded that some 14C-malformin enters thecell and proceeds to the cell wall via intermediate compounds.As a working hypothesis it was suggested that in roots 14C-malforminfirst appears in a soluble "small molecules" fraction, bindsto a soluble protein fraction, and proceeds via die wall lipidfraction to the wall itself. Direct binding of some 14C-malforminto the wall fraction was not precluded. In leaves, the pathwayof 14C-malformin to the cell wall was similar in some respectsto that in roots. 1 Present address: American Cyanamid, P.O. Box 400, Princeton,New Jersey 08540, U.S.A. (Received January 21, 1976; )  相似文献   
14C-malformin attaches to at least two cell wall receptors inPhaseolus vulgaris. One receptor was extracted with Tris buffer(pH 8.5) and the other with 0.1 N NaOH. In both cases, priortreatment of the walls with wall degrading enzymes (macerase,cellulysin) was required. The two receptors differed with regardto ultrafiltration and gel filtration chromatography. The Tris-extractedreceptor is a protein, probably a glycoprotein, which containshydroxyproline and sulfhydryl groups. Although cuttings nottreated with malformin had Tris-extractable receptor, formationof the receptor appeared to be enhanced by malformin. 1 Present address: American Cyanamid, P. O. Box 400, Princeton,New Jersey 08540, U. S. A. (Received August 2, 1976; )  相似文献   
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