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SUMMARY The molecular mechanisms underlying the formation and patterning of the nervous system are relatively poorly understood for lophotrochozoans (like annelids) as compared with ecdysozoans (especially Drosophila ) and deuterostomes (especially vertebrates). Therefore, we have undertaken a candidate gene approach to study aspects of neurogenesis in a polychaete annelid Platynereis dumerilii . We determined the spatiotemporal expression for Platynereis orthologs of four genes ( SoxB, Churchill, prospero / Prox , and SoxC) known to play key roles in vertebrate neurogenesis. During Platynereis development, SoxB is expressed in the neuroectoderm and its expression switches off when committed neural precursors are formed. Subsequently, Prox is expressed in all differentiating neural precursors in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Finally, SoxC and Churchill are transcribed in patterns consistent with their involvement in neural differentiation. The expression patterns of Platynereis SoxB and Prox closely resemble those in Drosophila and vertebrates—this suggests that orthologs of these genes play similar neurogenic roles in all bilaterians. Whereas Platynereis SoxC , like its vertebrate orthologs, plays a role in neural cell differentiation, related genes in Drosophila do not appear to be involved in neurogenesis. Finally, conversely to Churchill in Platynereis , vertebrate orthologs of this gene are expressed during neuroectoderm formation, but not later during nerve cell differentiation; in the insect lineage, homologs of these genes have been secondarily lost. In spite of such instances of functional divergence or loss, the present study shows conspicuous similarities in the genetic control of neurogenesis among bilaterians. These commonalities suggest that key features of the genetic program for neurogenesis are ancestral to bilaterians.  相似文献   


Post-meiotically expressed genes in the testis are essential for the proper progression of spermatogenesis, and yet, aside from the construction of individual transgenic mice using specific promoters to drive reporter plasmids, there are only very limited possibilities for relevant and quantitative analysis of gene promoters. This is due to the special nature of post-meiotic haploid cells, which to date are not represented in any appropriate cell-lines. This article reports the development of novel methodology using isolated and cultured rat seminiferous tubules in a multiwell format, into which promoter-reporter constructs can be introduced by a combination of microinjection and electroporation.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure and distribution of receptor cells near the mouth and (where present) the pharynx of Hofstenia miamia, Proporus bermudensis, Conaperta thela, and Convoluta convoluta (Acoela) were investigated by transmission electron microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy of specimens stained with a fluorescence marker for actin. Five types of monociliary receptors were identified: (1) non‐collared receptors with a single long and narrow ciliary rootlet; (2) non‐collared receptors with a wide main ciliary rootlet and a smaller posterior rootlet; (3) non‐collared receptors with a single wide and hollow ciliary rootlet with a granulated core; (4) Collar (?) receptors with obliquely radial filament bundles in the cell apex and with a single hollow ciliary rootlet composed of numerous strand‐like elements; and (5) Collar receptors lacking a striated rootlet but with a granular body (swallow's nest rootlet). While H. miamia bears the first two receptor types, P. bermudensis has receptors of type 1, 3 and 5, and Cona. thela and Conv. convoluta have receptors of type 3, 4 and 5. The density of receptors is generally highest at the anterior body tip, regardless of where the mouth is located. Most receptor types occur scattered over the whole body but type 2 receptors of H. miamia are restricted to the pharynx and mouth region. The lack of a common receptor type specific for the mouth and pharynx of the investigated species points to an independent origin of the pharynges in Hofsteniidae and in Proporidae and of the mouth tube in Convolutidae. Moreover, the homology of the so‐called collar receptors in Acoela with typical collar receptors in other invertebrates is questioned.  相似文献   
Spasmodic, a mutation on chromosome 11 in the mouse   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new recessive mutation, spasmodic (spd), producing behavior that mimics that of the neurological mutation spastic (spa) with rapid tremors, stiff posture, and difficulty in righting, arose spontaneously in strain A/HeJ at the Jackson Laboratory in 1979. It is not an allele of spa and linkage tests show that this mutation is located close to vestigial tail (vt) near the center of chromosome 11. Additional genetic tests show that it is not an allele of trembler (Tr), shaker-2 (sh-2), nor vibrator (vb), all neurological mutations located in the same region of chromosome 11. No differences were observed in the levels of the major CNS and PNS myelin proteins or lipids of spd/spd mice versus littermate controls, suggesting that, unlike several closely linked mutations, the spd mutation does not affect myelination. Pharmacological studies reported here show that aminooxyacetic acid improves the behavioral abnormalities of affected spd/spd mice in the same way it improves the behavior of affected spa/spa mice. However, unlike the spa/spa mice, there are no changes in the postsynaptic receptors for glycine, GABA, or benzodiazepines in spd/spd mice.  相似文献   
The effect of malonyl-CoA on the kinetic parameters of carnitine palmitoyltransferase (outer) the outer form of carnitine palmitoyltransferase (palmitoyl-CoA: L-carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase, EC from rat heart mitochondria was investigated using a kinetic analyzer in the absence of bovine serum albumin with non-swelling conditions and decanoyl-CoA as the cosubstrate. The K0.5 for decanoyl-CoA is 3 microM for heart mitochondria from both fed and fasted rats. Membrane-bound carnitine palmitoyltransferase (outer) shows substrate cooperativity for both carnitine and acyl-CoA, similar to that exhibited by the enzyme purified from bovine heart mitochondria. The Hill coefficient for decanoyl-CoA varied from 1.5 to 2.0, depending on the method of assay and the preparation of mitochondria. Malonyl-CoA increased the K0.5 for decanoyl-CoA with no apparent increase in sigmoidicity or Vmax. With 20 microM malonyl-CoA and a Hill coefficient of n = 2.1, the K0.5 for decanoyl-CoA increased to 185 microM. Carnitine palmitoyltransferase (outer) from fed rats had an apparent Ki for malonyl-CoA of 0.3 microM, while that from 48-h-fasted rats was 2.5 microM. The kinetics with L-carnitine were variable: for different preparations of mitochondria, the K0.5 ranged from 0.2 to 0.7 mM and the Hill coefficient varied from 1.2 to 1.8. When an isotope forward assay was used to determine the effect of malonyl-CoA on carnitine palmitoyltransferase (outer) activity of heart mitochondria from fed and fasted animals, the difference was much less than that obtained using a continuous rate assay. Carnitine palmitoyltransferase (outer) was less sensitive to malonyl-CoA at low compared to high carnitine concentrations, particularly with mitochondria from fasted animals. The data show that carnitine palmitoyltransferase (outer) exhibits substrate cooperativity for both acyl-CoA and L-carnitine in its native state. The data show that membrane-bound carnitine palmitoyltransferase (outer) like carnitine palmitoyltransferase purified from heart mitochondria exhibits substrate cooperativity indicative of allosteric enzymes and indicate that malonyl-CoA acts like a negative allosteric modifier by shifting the acyl-CoA saturation to the right. A slow form of membrane-bound carnitine palmitoyltransferase (outer) was not detected, and thus, like purified carnitine palmitoyltransferase, substrate-induced hysteretic behavior is not the cause of the positive substrate cooperativity.  相似文献   
The results reported in this paper show two distinct ways for the incorporation ofN-acetylglucosamine into mitochondrial outer membranes. The first one is the glycosylation of dolichol acceptors, which is indicated by the inhibition of the synthesis of these products by the inhibitors of the dolichol intermediates (tunicamycin and GDP). The second one is the incorporation ofN-acetylglucosamine into protein acceptors directly from UDP-N-acetylglucosamine. This second way of glycosylation is only localized in mitochondria outer membranes.The existence of a direct route forN-glycoprotein biosynthesis has been based on the following evidence. First, the synthesis of theN-acetylglucosaminylated protein acceptors was not inhibited by tunicamycin or GDP. Second, the addition of exogenous dolichol-phosphate did not change the rate of biosynthesis of glycosylated protein material. Third, the sequential incorporation ofN-acetylglucosamine and mannose from their nucleotide derivatives in the presence of GDP and tunicamycin led to the synthesis of glycosylated protein material which entirely bound to Concanavalin A-Sepharose. The oligosaccharide moiety of the glycosylated protein material resulting from the direct transfer of sugars from their nucleotide derivatives to the protein acceptor is of theN-glycan type. On sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, this glycosylated material migrated as a marker protein with a molecular weight between 45 000 and 63 000. HPLC chromatofocusing analysis revealed that the fraction studied was anionic. The oligosaccharide moiety of the glycoprotein material can only be elongated by the incorporation ofN-acetylglucosamine and galactose from their nucleotide derivatives.  相似文献   
Summary The prevalence of the 281 (GlyGlu) mutation in hepatoerythropoietic porphyria (HEP) was investigated by the use of hybridization with a synthetic oligonucleotide probe. The mutation was found in HEP-affected members of two unrelated families from Spain, but was absent in two other patients from Italy and Portugal who also had HEP. Moreover, this mutation was not detected in 13 unrelated cases of familial (type II) porphyria cutanea tarda.  相似文献   
Cell cultures ofThalictrum rugosum released their protoberberine alkaloids into the medium, when cells were transferred to fresh medium lacking phosphate. The nutritional factors required and the impact of the cells' physiological state for the alkaloid excretion were analyzed. Cell cultures, having released their alkaloids into the medium, continued to grow when the alkaloid containing medium was replaced by fresh growth medium.  相似文献   
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