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The distribution, antiquity and epidemiology of tuberculosis (TB) have previously been studied in osteoarchaeological material in the eastern part of Hungary, mainly on the Great Plain. The purpose of this study is to map the occurrence of skeletal TB in different centuries in the western part of Hungary, Transdanubia, and to present new cases we have found. Palaeopathological analysis was carried out using macroscopic observation supported by radiographic and molecular methods. A large human osteoarchaeological sample (n = 5684) from Transdanubian archaeological sites ranging from the 2nd to the 18th centuries served as a source of material. Spinal TB was observed in seven individuals (in three specimens with Pott's disease two of which also had cold abscess) and hip TB was assumed in one case. The results of DNA for Mycobacterium tuberculosis were positive in seven of the eight cases identified by paleopathology, and negative in the assumed case of hip TB. However, the molecular results are consistent with highly fragmented DNA, which limited further analysis. Based on the present study and previously published cases, osteotuberculosis was found in Transdanubia mainly during the 9th-13th centuries. However, there are no signs of TB in many other 9th-13th century sites, even in those that lie geographically close to those where osteotuberculous cases were found. This may be due to a true absence of TB caused by the different living conditions, way of life, or origin of these populations. An alternative explanation is that TB was present in some individuals with no typical paleopathology, but that death occurred before skeletal morphological features could develop.  相似文献   
Based on experiments on agarose gels and tissue, a procedure has been developed which greatly improves the sensitivity and the specifity of the Kossa method for demonstrating calcium in tissue. Tissue calcium is immobilized by acetonic oxalic acid, which simultaneously removes the other sorts of anions capable of precipitating silver ions (e.g. phosphate, carbonate). The resulting submicroscopic grains of calcium oxalate are converted first into silver oxalate then into metallic silver by a treatment with silver nitrate followed by an ultra-violet irradiation (Kossa reaction). These submicroscopic metallic silver grains are enlarged up to microscopic visibility by means of physical development, which makes the staining highly sensitive. Co-staining of the argyrophil sites in the tissue is totally suppressed by various tricks, which render the silver staining selective for calcium.  相似文献   
Flow of water under foam neoprene wet suits could halve insulation that the suits provided, even at rest in cold water. On the trunk conductance of this flow was approximately 6.6 at rest and 11.4 W . m-2 . C-1 exercising; on the limbs, it was only 3.4 at rest and 5.8 W . m-2 . degrees C-1 exercising; but during vasoconstriction in the cold, skin temperatures on distal parts of limbs were lower than were those of the trunk, allowing adequate metabolic responses. In warm water, minor postural changes and movement made flow under suits much higher, approximately 60 on trunk and 30 W . m-2 . degrees C-1 on limbs, both at rest and at work. These changes in flow allowed for a wide range of water temperatures at which people could stabilize body temperature in any given suit, neither overheating when exercising nor cooling below 35 degrees C when still. Even thin people with 4- or 7- mm suits covering the whole body could stabilize their body temperatures in water near 10 degrees C in spite of cold vasodilatation. Equations to predict limits of water temperature for stability with various suits and fat thicknesses are given.  相似文献   
Tubulin subunit carboxyl termini determine polymerization efficiency   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Cleavage of tubulin by subtilisin removes a small (Mr less than 2000) fragment from the C-terminal end of both alpha and beta subunits. The resulting protein is much reduced in negative charge. The cleaved, less acidic protein retains its competence to polymerize in a GTP-dependent and cold-, GDP-, and podophyllotoxin-sensitive manner and assembles into sheets or bundles of twisted filaments. The critical concentration for polymerization of the cleaved protein is about 50-fold lower than that for intact tubulin. It is proposed that the C termini of the subunits normally impede polymerization.  相似文献   
Bacopa monniera Wettst. (BM, syn. Herpestis monniera L; Scrophulariaceae), is an Ayurvedic drug used as a rasayana. Its fresh juice was earlier reported to have significant antiulcerogenic activity. In continuation, methanolic extract of BM (BME) standardized to bacoside-A content (percentage-38.0 ± 0.9), when given in the dose of 10–50 mg/kg, twice daily for 5 days, showed dose-dependent anti-ulcerogenic on various gastric ulcer models induced by ethanol, aspirin, 2 h cold restraint stress and 4 h pylorus ligation. BME in the dose of 20 mg/kg, given for 10 days, twice daily showed healing effects against 50% acetic acid-induced gastric ulcers. Further work was done to investigate the possible mechanisms of its action by studying its effect on various mucosal offensive acid-pepsin secretion and defensive factors like mucin secretion, mucosal cell shedding, cell proliferation and antioxidant activity in rats. BME 20 mg/kg showed no effect on acid-pepsin secretion, increased mucin secretion, while it decreased cell shedding with no effect on cell proliferation. BME showed significant antioxidant effect per se and in stressed animals. Thus, the gastric prophylactic and curative effects of BME may be due to its predominant effect on mucosal defensive factors.  相似文献   
Abstract Photoproduction of hydrogen, nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) and hydrogenase activity (methylene blue dye reduction) were studied in free and alginate immobilized whole cells of a purple non-sulfur photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides O.U. 001. Four-fold increase in hydrogen production, two-fold increase in nitrogenase activity and 1.2-fold increase in the hydrogenase activity were observed in immobilized cells compared to free cells. Effect of various inhibitors (CO and C2H2) and electron donor (H2) on the above three functions by free and immobilized cells has also been studied.  相似文献   
Management of the Wadden Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Wadden Sea situated along the North Sea coasts of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany and The Netherlands represents one of the world's largest bar-built type of estuaries. The area is a typical sedimentation and mineralization basin, with a large influx of organic matter from the adjoining North Sea, consequently a delicate oxygen balance and a rich benthic macrofauna, poor in species, which serves as food for juveniles of some commercially important North Sea fishes and for large numbers of migrating and wintering waders and waterfowl. Past and present activities of the human society in the area include fisheries (mainly for shrimp and mussels, semi-culture), shipping, land reclamation, recreation, dredging for sand and shells, and waste discharge from industries and human communities. Until the present these activities, although sometimes conflicting, did not fundamentally affect the area and its biota (pollution excluded), but future claims, including the construction of large deep-sea harbours, drilling for natural gas and oil, large-scale land reclamation and increased industrialization etc., might gradually induce degradation. For instance, area reduction by continued land reclamation could lead to irreversible losses of specific biotopes (e. g. salt-marshes, mud-flats), which could affect the size of bird and fish populations in a much wider region. Increased pollution, which has already inflicted damage on bird and seal populations, could reduce the fauna and hence the value of the area as a natural sanctuary. In the event of a proposal for a new human activity in the area, the present standing practice in the countries concerned requires an evaluation of its safety and economic aspects and its environmental impact. However, the various plans are considered separately and there is a general need for integrated management of the area.  相似文献   
Mesophyll derived protoplasts ofCatharanthus roseus cv. Little pinkie were fused with protoplasts derived from an habituated cell line ofC. roseus. Polyethylene glycol was used as agglutinating agent while fusions were induced by square pulses. Best results were obtained by fusing protoplasts from primary leaves with those from three-day-old cell cultures. Adding calcium ions considerably enhanced heterofusion rate. Good cell viabilities indicated that this fusion process was not cytotoxic. The heterofusion frequency was up to 10% or more. Most of the heterokaryons were able to regenerate their cell walls and underwent division. Communicated by J. TUPY  相似文献   
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