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The fungal fruiting body or mushroom is a multicellular structure essential for sexual reproduction. It is composed of dikaryotic cells that contain one haploid nucleus from each mating partner sharing the same cytoplasm without undergoing nuclear fusion. In the mushroom, the pileus bears the hymenium, a layer of cells that includes the specialized basidia in which nuclear fusion, meiosis, and sporulation occur. Coprinopsis cinerea is a well-known model fungus used to study developmental processes associated with the formation of the fruiting body. Here we describe that knocking down the expression of Atr1 and Chk1, two kinases shown to be involved in the response to DNA damage in a number of eukaryotic organisms, dramatically impairs the ability to develop fruiting bodies in C. cinerea, as well as other developmental decisions such as sclerotia formation. These developmental defects correlated with the impairment in silenced strains to sustain an appropriated dikaryotic cell cycle. Dikaryotic cells in which chk1 or atr1 genes were silenced displayed a higher level of asynchronous mitosis and as a consequence aberrant cells carrying an unbalanced dose of nuclei. Since fruiting body initiation is dependent on the balanced mating-type regulator doses present in the dikaryon, we believe that the observed developmental defects were a consequence of the impaired cell cycle in the dikaryon. Our results suggest a connection between the DNA damage response cascade, cell cycle regulation, and developmental processes in this fungus.  相似文献   
We developed a unified model of the GRK-mediated β2 adrenergic receptor (β2AR) regulation that simultaneously accounts for six different biochemical measurements of the system obtained over a wide range of agonist concentrations. Using a single deterministic model we accounted for (1) GRK phosphorylation in response to various full and partial agonists; (2) dephosphorylation of the GRK site on the β2AR; (3) β2AR internalization; (4) recycling of the β2AR post isoproterenol treatment; (5) β2AR desensitization; and (6) β2AR resensitization. Simulations of our model show that plasma membrane dephosphorylation and recycling of the phosphorylated receptor are necessary to adequately account for the measured dephosphorylation kinetics. We further used the model to predict the consequences of (1) modifying rates such as GRK phosphorylation of the receptor, arrestin binding and dissociation from the receptor, and receptor dephosphorylation that should reflect effects of knockdowns and overexpressions of these components; and (2) varying concentration and frequency of agonist stimulation “seen” by the β2AR to better mimic hormonal, neurophysiological and pharmacological stimulations of the β2AR. Exploring the consequences of rapid pulsatile agonist stimulation, we found that although resensitization was rapid, the β2AR system retained the memory of the previous stimuli and desensitized faster and much more strongly in response to subsequent stimuli. The latent memory that we predict is due to slower membrane dephosphorylation, which allows for progressive accumulation of phosphorylated receptor on the surface. This primes the receptor for faster arrestin binding on subsequent agonist activation leading to a greater extent of desensitization. In summary, the model is unique in accounting for the behavior of the β2AR system across multiple types of biochemical measurements using a single set of experimentally constrained parameters. It also provides insight into how the signaling machinery can retain memory of prior stimulation long after near complete resensitization has been achieved.  相似文献   
The present study sought to determine which of the common Poaceae species in the study area contribute most to the Poaceae pollen season curve, and to determine the phenological behaviour of the species studied. The different floral phenophases in thirty-three Poaceae species common in and around the city of Córdoba (SW Iberian Peninsula) were checked periodically over the period 2004–2006. Results showed that longer phenological ranges were recorded in the coolest and wettest year, and shorter ranges in the warmest and driest year. Moreover, ranges varied as a function of altitude: populations in lower-lying areas flowered earlier than those at higher altitudes. The results, taken in conjunction with the findings of preliminary research into potential pollen production, showed that probably only four of the Poaceae species studied—Dactylis glomerata, Lolium rigidum, Trisetaria panicea and Vulpia geniculata—were major contributors to the Poaceae airborne pollen curve.  相似文献   
A rapid extraction method for screening aflatoxin producing potential ofAspergillus flavus group isolates is described. The method is performed using a moist wheat medium with ca. five infected grains extracted with 2 mL of chloroform, and using thin layer chromatography. This method was proved with 95A. flavus isolates from animal feeds.  相似文献   
Fragile sites,chromosome evolution,and human neoplasia   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Summary In a study of the possible relationship between human fragile sites, chromosomal rearrangements related to neoplasia, and chromosome regions involved in evolutionary changes, we have found that 17 fragile sites related to cancer, 15 fragile sites not related to cancer, and 17 non-fragile regions also related to human malignancy correspond or are close to bands involved in rearrangements that have taken place during chromosomal evolution in primates.  相似文献   
p82H identifies sequences at every human centromere   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
Summary A cloned alphoid sequence, p82H, hybridizes in situ to the centromere of every human chromosome. After washing under stringent conditions, no more than 8% of the grains are located on any specific chromosome. p82H thus differs from other centromeric sequences which are reported to be chromosome specific, because it detects sequences that are conserved among the chromosomes. Two experimental approaches show that the p82H sequences are closely associated with the centromere. First, p82H remains with the relocated centromeres in an inv(19) and an inv(6) chromosome. Second, p82H hybridizes at the centromere but not to the centromeric heterochromatin of chromosomes 1, 9 and 16 that have elongated 1qh, 9qh and 16qh regions produced by short growth in 5-azacytidine. The only noncentromeric site of hybridization is at the distal end of the 9qh region.  相似文献   
To study how different domains of the muscle-specific intermediate filament protein, desmin, contribute to its polymerization, two of its CNBr fragments were examined as to their oligomeric structure under assembly conditions. One of these, D88, covers residues 1-88 and represents almost the entire headpiece; the other, D109, covers residues 145-254, and includes the entire Helix 1B and part of linker L12 of the intact molecule. Chemical cross-linking followed by SDS-PAGE, and analytical gel filtration, revealed that in 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5, conditions that favor tetramerization of intact desmin D88 formed only dimers. D109, on the other hand, formed primarily a dimeric species but low levels of trimeric and tetrameric species were also detectable. These data are consistent with the proposal that, during assembly of intact protein molecules into IF, the headpiece and Helix 1 contribute to dimerization of two polypeptides into a parallel, in-register coiled-coil. However, additional interactions, including headpiece-to-rod binding and hydrophobic interaction along the entire rod domain, are required to stabilize the tetramers and full-size IF.  相似文献   
Selenium-labeled proteins (SLP) distinct from glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) recently have been purified and partially characterized. Antisera to two SLP, a 56-kDa and a 14-kDa protein, were generated in rabbits and used to examine expression of these proteins as a consequence of dietary selenium concentration (0.02, 0.2, 2.0 ppm) in mice and rats. Additionally, the kinetics of 75Se labeling in plasma, liver, kidney, and mammary gland were examined over a 40-hr time period as a function of dietary selenium concentration. A plasma 57-kDa protein was labeled by 30 min after 75Se injection and reached maximum labeling by 4 hr. The cellular 56-kDa and 14-kDa proteins, as well as GSH-Px, labeled progressively over 40 hr starting between 1 and 4 hr after injection. In general, the 56-kDa and GSH-Px followed similar labeling patterns, whereas the 14-kDa protein was labeled less and was not labeled in discernible quantities until 40 hr. The extent of labeling of all proteins was inversely proportional to the dietary selenium concentration and was probably a reflection of different endogenous selenium body pools. The most important observation was generated by the immunoblot data. The amount of 56-kDa and 14-kDa proteins as detected and measured on immunoblots was not a function of dietary selenium concentration. This result suggests that the synthesis and maintenance of the 56-kDa and 14-kDa proteins are not selenium dependent, a characteristic which distinguishes the two proteins from GSH-Px. The single exception to the above results was the 40% decrease of liver 14-kDa protein concentration in carcinogen-treated rats fed 2.0 ppm of selenium. An organic selenium compound, selenobetaine, did not lead to a decrease under similar conditions. In 15 rat mammary tumors induced by 7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene and analyzed on immunoblots, the SLP-56 was undetected in 5 cases and appeared as two bands (56,000 Da, 50,000 Da) in 10 cases. This latter result raises the possibility that the expression of SLP-56 may be altered in mammary tumors as compared with normal mammary gland.  相似文献   
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