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SKF 38393 (5 mg/kg), but not quinpirole, shortened the duration of loss of righting reflex produced in pentobarbital-narcotized rats. This effect was blocked by atropine (2 mg/kg), but not by atropine methylbromide, suggesting involvement of central cholinergic mechanisms. The analeptic effect was also blocked by SCH 23390 (0.2 mg/kg) or raclopride (2 mg/kg). SKF 38393 also increased sodium dependent high affinity choline uptake (HACU) in cortical and hippocampal synaptosomes that had been depressed by pentobarbital. SCH 23390 or raclopride prevented the SKF 38393 reversal of the depressed HACU, indicating that both D1 and D2 mechanisms were involved mediating the analeptic effect. These results provide neurochemical evidence that cortical and hippocampal D1-mediated cholinergic activation results in a behavioral arousal (analeptic) response. They also suggest that DA mechanisms may be involved in regulation of cortical and hippocampal cholinergic neurons.  相似文献   
A Horita  M A Carino  J Zabawska  H Lai 《Peptides》1989,10(1):121-124
Microinjection of ibotenic acid into medial septum of rats decreased choline acetyltransferase (CAT) and high-affinity choline uptake (HACU) activities in hippocampus and retarded the learning of a spatial memory task in the radial-arm maze. Administration of MK-771, a stable TRH analog, to such animals restored HACU activity in hippocampus to normal levels. Daily treatment of rats with MK-771 prior to maze running also restored the animals' learning ability. MK-771 did not enhance hippocampal HACU activity or maze performance in sham-lesioned rats. These results suggest that MK-771 reversed the ibotenic acid-induced memory deficit by restoring septohippocampal cholinergic function. MK-771 and other TRH analogs may represent novel agents for improving memory deficits produced by cholinergic insufficiency in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   
A Horita  M A Carino 《Peptides》1990,11(5):1021-1025
Intracerebroventricular (ICV) microinjection of arginine vasopressin (AVP) to pentobarbital-anesthetized rats produced shortening of the duration of narcosis. This analeptic effect was blocked by atropine, indicating the central cholinergic nature of the response. AVP also increased hippocampal sodium-dependent high affinity choline uptake activity that had been depressed by the barbiturate. The AVP analeptic effect was blocked by pretreatment with a V-1 (vasopressor), but not a V-2 (antidiuretic), vasopressin receptor antagonist. These results suggest that ICV AVP produces its analeptic effect by interacting with central V-1 receptors to activate a hippocampal cholinergic arousal system. The cholinergic arousal effect may be a factor in the memory enhancing property of AVP.  相似文献   
Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) was administered intracerebrally into various brain regions of conscious and pentobarbitalnarcotized rabbits. In conscious animals tachypnea was observed after TRH administration into all brain regions investigated. Behavioral excitation was most pronounced after TRH administration into the cerebral cortex, caudate nucleus and hypothalamus. Hyperthermia was produced only after hypothalamic injections of TRH. In pentobarbital-narcotized rabbits TRH exerted analeptic activity (shortening of narcosis) regardless of the brain area injected, although some quantitative differences were observed. These results indicate that the analeptic effect of TRH may be initiated from various areas of the brain.  相似文献   
We performed experiments to investigate subtypes of opioid receptors in the brain involved in the effect of acute (45 min) pulsed microwave exposure (2,450-MHz, 2-microseconds pulses, 500 pps, average power density 1 mW/cm2, peak-power density, 1 W/cm2, average whole body SAR 0.6 W/kg) on cholinergic activity in the rat brain. Rats were pretreated by microinjection of specific antagonists of mu, delta, and kappa opioid-receptors into the lateral cerebroventricle before exposure to microwaves. The data showed that all three subtypes of opioid receptors are involved in the microwave-induced decrease in cholinergic activity in the hippocampus. However, the microwave-induced decrease in cholinergic activity in the frontal cortex was not significantly affected by any of the drug treatments, confirming our previous conclusion that the effect of microwaves on the frontal cortex is not mediated by endogenous opioids.  相似文献   


The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) p17 is a matrix protein involved in virus life''s cycle. CXCR2 and Syndecan-2, the two major coreceptors for the p17 protein, are expressed in hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), a key cell type involved in matrix deposition in liver fibrotic disorders.


In this report we have investigated the in vitro impact of p17 on HSCs transdifferentiation and function and underlying signaling pathways involved in these processes.


LX-2 cells, a human HSC line, and primary HSC were challenged with p17 and expressions of fibrogenic markers and of p17 receptors were assessed by qRT-PCR and Western blot. Downstream intracellular signaling pathways were evaluated with qRT-PCR and Western blot as well as after pre-treatment with specific pathway inhibitors.


Exposure of LX2 cells to p17 increases their contractile force, reshapes the cytoskeleton fibers and upregulates the expression of transdifferentiation markers including αSMA, COL1α1 and endothelin-1 through the activation of Jak/STAT and Rho signaling pathways. These effects are lost in HSCs pre-incubated with a serum from HIV positive person who underwent a vaccination with a p17 peptide. Confocal laser microscopy studies demonstrates that CXCR2 and syndecan-2 co-associate at the plasma membrane after exposure to p17. Immunostaining of HIV/HCV liver biopsies from co-infected patients reveals that the progression of liver fibrosis correlates with a reduced expression of CXCR2.


The HIV matrix protein p17 is pro-fibrogenic through its interactions both with CXCR2 and syndecan-2 on activated HSCs.  相似文献   
A Horita  M A Carino 《Life sciences》1978,23(16):1681-1686
Naloxone (5 mg/kg), but not naltrexone, shortened the duration of anaesthesia in rabbits pretreated with pentobarbital. This analeptic effect was blocked by atropine, but not by methylatropine; it thus appears that a central cholinergic mechanism is involved. In contrast, smaller doses of both naloxone and naltrexone attenuated the arousal property of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH). Naloxone, but not naltrexone, also antagonized the analeptic property of d-amphetamine. In conscious animals naloxone potentiated, whereas naltrexone attenuated, the excitatory effects of TRH and d-amphetamine.  相似文献   
In previous research, we have found that acute exposure to a 60 Hz magnetic field decreased cholinergic activity in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of the rat as measured by sodium-dependent high-affinity choline uptake activity. We concluded that the effect was mediated by endogenous opioids inside the brain because it could be blocked by pretreatment of rats before magnetic field exposure with the opiate antagonist naltrexone, but not by the peripheral antagonist naloxone methiodide. In the present study, the involvement of opiate receptor subtypes was investigated. Rats were pretreated by intracerebroventricular injection of the mu-opiate receptor antagonist, β-funaltrexamine, or the delta-opiate receptor antagonist, naltrindole, before exposure to a 60 Hz magnetic field (2 mT, 1 hour). It was found that the effects of magnetic field on high-affinity choline uptake in the frontal cortex and hippocampus were blocked by the drug treatments. These data indicate that both mu- and delta-opiate receptors in the brain are involved in the magnetic field-induced decreases in cholinergic activity in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of the rat. Bioelectromagnetics 19:432–437, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Rats were trained in six sessions to locate a submerged platform in a circular water-maze. They were exposed to a 1 mT, 60 Hz magnetic field for one hour in a Helmholtz coil system immediately before each training session. In addition, one hour after the last training session, they were tested in a probe trial during which the platform was removed and the time spent in the quadrant of the maze in which the platform was located during the training sessions was scored. Control animals were sham-exposed using the exposure system operating with the coils activated in an anti-parallel direction to cancel the fields. A group of “non-exposed” control animals was also included in the study. There was no significant difference between the magnetic field-exposed and control animals in learning to locate the platform. However, swim speed of the magnetic field-exposed rats was significantly slower than that of the controls. During the probe trial, magnetic field-exposed animals spent significantly less time in the quadrant that contained the platform, and their swim patterns were different from those of the controls. These results indicate that magnetic field exposure causes a deficit in spatial “reference” memory in the rat. Rats subjected to magnetic field exposure probably used a different behavioral strategy in learning the maze. Bioelectromagnetics 19: 117–122, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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