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Guo  Jianxiu  Bowatte  Saman  Hou  Fujiang 《Plant and Soil》2021,459(1-2):49-63
Plant and Soil - Seeds are involved in the transmission of microorganisms from one plant generation to the next, acting as initial inoculum for the plant microbiome, therefore provide a key source...  相似文献   
无眼金线鲃及其性状演化   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
无眼金线鲃Sinocyclocheilus anophthalmus是继我国个旧盲条鳅、无眼平鳅、裸腹盲鲃之后发现的第四种盲鱼。与近似种小孔金线鲃相比,该新种侧线鳞较少。由于它长期生活在黑暗的石灰岩溶洞之中,引起某些性状的适应性变异:眼睛消失;体无色素;鳞片退化,感觉器官特别发达。形态比较结果表明,无眼金线鲃是类似小孔金线鲃的祖先进入地下伏流后,适应黑暗环境而形成的一个种,为本属鱼类进化过程中的一个特化分支。  相似文献   
Abstract Growth-chamber cultivated Raphanus plants accumulate nitrate during their vegetative growth. After 25 days of growth at a constant supply to the roots of 1 mol m?3 (NO?3) in a balanced nutrient solution, the oldest leaves (eight-leaf stage) accumulated 2.5% NO?3-nitrogen (NO3-N) in their lamina, and almost 5% NO3-N in their petioles on a dry weight basis. This is equivalent to approximately 190 and 400 mol?3 m?3 concentration of NO?3 in the lamina and the petiole, respectively, as calculated on a total tissue water content basis. Measurements were made of root NO?3 uptake, NO?3 fluxes in the xylem, nitrate uptake by the mesophyll cells, and nitrate reduction as measured by an in vivo test. NO?3 uptake by roots and mesophyll cells was greater in the light than in the dark. The NO?3 concentration in the xylem fluid was constant with leaf age, but showed a distinct daily variation as a result of the independent fluxes of root uptake, transpiration and mesophyll uptake. NO?3 was reduced in the leaf at a higher rate in the light than in the dark. The reduction was inhibited at the high concentrations calculated to exist in the mesophyll vacuoles, but reduction continued at a low rate, even when there was no supply from the incubation medium. Sixty-four per cent of the NO?3 influx was turned into organic nitrogen, with the remaining NO?3 accumulating in both the light and the dark.  相似文献   
冬虫夏草的寄主昆虫是虫草蝙蝠蛾   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
朱弘复 《昆虫学报》1965,(6):620-621
冬虫夏草原名夏草冬虫,简称虫草,是我国一味名贵药材。李时珍(1578)的本草纲目中未有记载。据考据此种药材在清朝雍正或乾隆年间才应用(中国药学大辞典,1958)。赵学敏(1756)的本草拾遗和吴遵程(177)的本草从新才把它记载为药材。四川通志、黔囊、文房肆考、柑园小识等书中早已提到,足见在民间府用已久。1723 年曾有法国人把标  相似文献   
Cold-induced depolymerization of cortical microtubules were examined in suspension culture cells of corn (Zea mays L. cv Black Mexican Sweet) at various stages of chilling. In an attempt to determine whether microtubule depolymerization contributes to chilling injury, experiments were carried out with and without abscisic acid (ABA) pretreatment, since ABA reduces the severity of chilling injury in these cells. Microtubule depolymerization was detectable after 1 h at 4°C and became more extensive as the chilling was prolonged. There was little chilling injury after 1 d at 4°C in either ABA-treated or non-ABA-treated cells. After 3 d at 4°C, there was about 26% injury for ABA-treated and 40% injury for non-ABA-treated cells, as evaluated by 2,3,5-triphenyl-tetrazolium chloride reduction and by regrowth. After 1d at 4°C, less than 10% of cells retained full arrays of microtubules in both ABA-treated and non-ABA-treated cells, the remainder having either partial arrays or no microtubules. After 3d at 4°C, about 90% of cells showed complete or almost complete depolymerization of microtubules in both ABA-treated and non-ABA-treated cells. ABA did not stabilize the cortical microtubules against cold-induced depolymerization. In about 66% of ABA-treated cells and 57% of non-ABA-treated cells that had been held at 4°C for 3d, repolymerization of cortical microtubules occurred after 3h at 28°C. These results argue against the hypothesis that depolymerization of cortical microtubules is a primary cause of chilling injury.  相似文献   
高浓度Ca~(2 )(0.1 mol/L)使叶绿体产生O_2~ 的能力下降,旋转相关时间(τ_c)增大34.3%,即膜的流动性降低,并抑制ACC形成乙烯;衰老时细胞内的Ca~(2 )作用却与此相反;O_2~ 的生成与乙烯的产量成正相关(r=0.941)。EGTA,吩噻嗪和W_7等加入到叶绿体反应体系中,可使O_2~ 的产量下降,ACC形成乙烯减少;相反,亚油酸作为Ca~(2 )载体,却使之明显升高,但亚油酸本身产生乙烯的量比ACC少得多。因此推测:高浓度Ca~(2 )可能影响叶绿体膜的状态,从而影响EFE的构象或者减少O_2~ 的生成,抑制ACC的转化,衰老时细胞内的Ca~(2 )可启动钙信使系统,使O_2~ 的产量升高,而其中膜脂过氧化是衰老的中心环节,因此O_2~ 的升高可能是诱发衰老启动的重要因素。  相似文献   
朱又生 《昆虫学报》1975,(1):119-120
1964年我站在山西省太原市作了蝇类密度调查,其中部分蝇种由作者在上海昆虫研究所进修期间进行了鉴定,发现丽蝇科绿蝇属一新种。 太原绿蝇Lucilia(Phaenicia)taiyuanensis新种 体亮绿色,微带黄色反光。体长7.5毫米。头:额宽约为触角第三节宽的3×1/2倍,亦即为一眼宽的1/2弱,额宽率0.18;间额黑色,为一侧额的1×1/2倍;侧颜裸,与间额等宽;头前面灰色,有银灰色粉被,颜堤的下端1/3长度内具毛;单眼后鬃1对,发达,约为单眼鬃4/5长;侧后顶鬃3;额鬃10—11;侧额具大体上排成2行的小毛;触角黑,第三节约为第二节的3×1/2倍长,触角芒羽状,基部1/2增粗;下颚须棕色,细长,末端增粗;中喙长约为其  相似文献   
桑亚转  尤杨  李多才  安玉峰  侯扶江 《生态学报》2023,43(15):6364-6377
土壤质量是维持陆地生态系统稳定性与功能多样性的基础。放牧作为草地资源最广泛的利用方式之一,其对草地土壤质量的影响却缺乏量化标准,且两者之间的作用机理尚不明确。以祁连山高寒草原两个季节性牧场为研究对象,结合生态系统耦合与生态系统多功能性,探究了放牧对高寒草原土壤质量的影响与潜在机制。试验结果表明:基于最小数据集,不同放牧率下土壤质量指数差异显著(P<0.05),冬季牧场和春秋季牧场放牧率分别在2.45头月-1 hm-2和0.80头月-1 hm-2时土壤质量指数最高。土壤速效磷、有机碳、氮磷比和土壤pH是决定冬季牧场土壤质量的关键因子,而春秋季牧场中则是土壤有机碳、碳氮比和土壤pH;两个季节性牧场土壤质量指数与物种丰富度指数(P<0.05)和香浓维纳多样性指数(P<0.0001)呈显著正相关。高寒草原季节性牧场放牧地植物群落物种多样性与土壤因子耦合度在0.67—0.81之间,平均耦合度为0.74,属于中度协调;随着放牧率的增加,生态系统多功能性指数逐渐减低且与土壤质量指数变化趋势相似,...  相似文献   
高原湖泊流域是高原地区人类活动的重要载体,兼具高生态价值和高脆弱性的特点。随着高原湖泊流域城市化和工业化发展加速,湖泊面积萎缩,污染加剧,流域生态环境受损严重,引发了一系列生态环境问题,如水土流失、水污染、湿地退化、生境质量下降等。亟需开展生态修复以平衡经济发展与生态环境保护之间关系,而基于整体保护与系统治理思维诊断并修复生态修复优先区,是科学有序推进国土空间生态保护与修复的重要抓手。基于此,研究以高原湖泊流域典型代表滇池流域为例,利用人类足迹和景观生态风险模型定量评估生态系统所受负向干扰,以最小累积阻力模型和电路理论构建流域生态网络;提取生态网络受负向干扰较高的关键区域为生态修复优先区并提出针对性修复措施。研究表明:(1)滇池流域人类干扰和生态风险整体较高,人类干扰整体呈核心—边缘递减的圈层式分布,中高生态风险占据了绝大部分区域。人类交通网络大幅扩展了人类干扰和生态风险的强度和深度;(2)区域生态网络呈典型湖泊生态网络特点,38条生态廊道呈放射状或环状分布,连通湖区、山区两大生态空间内共23块生态源地,保障区域生态安全;(3)研究共提取生态源地修复优先区73.83km2  相似文献   
王吉成  李洁  丁天波  褚栋 《昆虫学报》2020,63(2):159-165
【目的】本研究旨在建立TaqMan实时荧光定量PCR(TaqMan RT-qPCR)技术,快速检测单头烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci体内的番茄褪绿病毒(tomato chlorosis virus, ToCV)。【方法】根据ToCV外壳蛋白保守序列设计了1对特异性引物和1条TaqMan探针,建立了TaqMan RT-qPCR方法;与常规PCR检测进行比较,检测该方法的灵敏度与特异性;并应用该方法对单头烟粉虱成虫体内ToCV进行了快速检测。【结果】本研究构建的TaqMan RT-qPCR检测ToCV的标准曲线,其循环阈值(Ct值)与模板浓度具有良好的线性关系,扩增效率为98%。该方法对ToCV的最低检测浓度为8.3×10 copies/μL,灵敏度是常规RT-PCR的1 000倍。该方法与田间番茄两种重要病毒番茄黄化曲叶病毒(tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV)和番茄斑萎病毒(tomato spotted wilt virus, TSWV)检测无交叉反应。单头烟粉虱成虫ToCV检测结果表明,温室内ToCV侵染植株上烟粉虱携毒率为100%,田间烟粉...  相似文献   
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