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Samples of marine pleuston were collected from the sea-surface along considerable sections of the track of Eye of the Wind during its 2-year circumnavigational expedition 'Operation Drake' from November 1978 to October 1980. One hundred and eleven of the tow samples contained insects of the genus Halobates . They were assigned to four oceanic species: H. micans, H. sericeus, H. germanus and H. splendens; two coastal species: H. maculatus, H. princeps, and one undescribed species. Various development stages of the oceanic species were found. The locations, time of collection and surface temperatures where sea-skaters were collected are tabulated. Distributional boundaries and population densities of the oceanic species collected are discussed.  相似文献   
The chemiluminescence (CL) of bis(2,4,6‐trichlorophyenyl) oxalate with hydrogen peroxide in the present of cationic surfactant and gold nanoparticles was studied. The CL emission was obviously enhanced in the presence of surfactant at a suitable concentration, with a synergetic catalysis effect exhibited. Different sizes of gold nanoparticles (15 and 50 nm) showed different effects on CL intensity. Mechanisms of the CL reaction and sensitization effect are discussed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We have developed a sensitive and selective radioimmunoassay for porcine/human endothelin (ET1). The assay has a detection limit of 0.62 pg/tube and exhibits no cross-reactivity to atrial natriuretic peptide, arginine vasopressin, or angiotensin II. Procedures were developed for extraction of endothelin from human plasma samples and samples of buffer from endothelial cell incubations using C18 Sep-Pak extraction cartridges. The mean recovery following extraction was approximately 80%. Both bovine and porcine aortic endothelial cells were found to produce immunoreactive endothelin (IR-ET) with porcine cells producing 4.7 +/- 1.1 ng of IR-ET/mg cell protein after 6 hours. Human plasma samples were extracted, assayed and found to contain a mean concentration of 2.0 +/- 0.4 pg/ml of IR-ET.  相似文献   
Storage of apple fruits ( Pyrus malus L. cv. Golden Delicious) at different temperatures (0, 12 and 35°C) markedly altered the pattern of water freezing in the seeds. Higher temperatures of storage brought about a shift from the sequential to the discontinuous type of freezing in seeds, the low temperature exotherm (LTE) being much more pronounced than the high temperature one (HTE). The occurrence of LTE was highly correlated with embryo death. Fruit storage at higher temperatures also caused a decrease in the threshold super cooling temperature of seeds and of naked embryos, removed from the seed coat and endosperm. The decrease was less pronounced in naked embryos than in intact seeds. The results presented show that the frost resistance of apple seeds relies mainly on the supercooling ability of the embryos and is increased by the presence of seed coat and endosperm. The broad peak of the LTE indicates that, in contrast with other seeds and many super cooling organs, massive ice nucleation in apple seeds occurs within the embryo tissues and that extra organ freezing seems to be of less importance. Therefore, the increased super cooling ability of apple seeds, isolated from fruits stored at higher temperatures, seems to rely on those seed properties that protect embryo cells against heterogeneous ice nucleation.  相似文献   
黄洛秀  程珍风 《生理学报》1996,48(4):329-336
在浅麻醉大鼠上,在延髓腹内侧结构内观察到三种具有不同放电类型的细胞,即乃尾前放电骤停的撤反应细胞,甩尾前放电骤增的给反应细胞和甩尾无关的中性细胞。电刺激外侧缰核可抑制撤反应细胞的自发放电,加强给反应细胞自发放电,从而易化两类细胞的甩尾相关反应,同时易化伤害刺激引起的甩尾反射。实验结果说明,外侧缰核对节段性防御反射有易化作用,这种易化作用可能是通过延髓内撤反应和反应细胞的协同活动而实现的。  相似文献   
粟穗螟滞育的形成和解除与环境条件的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘学贤  程开禄 《昆虫学报》1993,36(4):451-458
粟穗螟Manpava bipunctella Ragonot在川南地区为二化性兼性滞育的昆虫。光周期是诱发滞育的主导因素,在中位温度下,滞育与否主要取决于幼虫发育期间的每日光照时数。在2s℃恒温下,临界光周期为14小时38分。幼虫对光照刺激反应的敏感期为低龄期。 温度和食料效应只发生在每天14小时以上的长光照下,低温有抵销长光照抑制滞育的作用,高温影响不显著;取食玉米的幼虫滞育率比高粱的高,并随寄主生育阶段的发展而增高。该虫滞育解除必需每天14-15小时的长光照;不利于滞育发育和解除,适宜温度为10一25℃。本文最后讨论了该虫滞育形成和解除的特点对发生规律的作用及在测报上的意义。  相似文献   
A new isopropyl chromone ( 1 ) and a new flavanone glucoside ( 2 ) together with eleven known compounds ( 3–13 ) were isolated from the leaves of Syzygium cerasiforme (Blume) Merr. & L.M.Perry. Their structures were elucidated as 5,7-dihydroxy-2-isopropyl-6,8-dimethyl-4H-chromen-4-one ( 1 ), 5,7-dihydroxyflavanone 7-O-β-D-(6′′-O-galloylglucopyranoside) ( 2 ), strobopinin ( 3 ), demethoxymatteucinol ( 4 ), pinocembrin-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside ( 5 ), (2S)-hydroxynaringenin-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside ( 6 ), afzelin ( 7 ), quercetin ( 8 ), kaplanin ( 9 ), endoperoxide G3 ( 10 ), grasshopper ( 11 ), vomifoliol ( 12 ), litseagermacrane ( 13 ) by the analysis of HR-ESI-MS, NMR, and CD spectral data. Compounds 1 , 2 , 5 , 6 and 10 inhibited NO production on LPS-activated RAW264.7 cells with IC50 values of 12.28±1.15, 8.52±1.62, 7.68±0.87, 9.67±0.57, and 6.69±0.34 μM, respectively, while the IC50 values of the other compounds ranging from 33.38±0.78 to 86.51±2.98 μM, compared to that of the positive control, NG-monomethyl-L-arginine acetate (L-NMMA) with an IC50 value of 32.50±1.00 μM.  相似文献   
Protein phosphorylation was investigated in [32P]-labeled cardiomyocytes isolated from adult rat heart ventricles. The -adrenergic stimulation (by isoproterenol, ISO) increased the phosphorylation of inhibitory subunit of troponin (TN-I), C-protein and phospholamban (PLN). Such stimulation was largely mediated by increased adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity, increased myoplasmic cyclic AMP and increased cyclic AMP dependent protein kinase (A-kinase)-catalyzed phosphorylation of these proteins in view of the following observations: (a) dibutyryl-and bromo-derivatives of cyclic AMP mimicked the stimulatory effect of ISO on protein phosphorylation while (b) Rp-cyclic AMP was found to attenuate ISO-dependent stimulation. Unexpectedly, 8-bromo cyclic GMP was found to markedly increase TN-I and PLN phosphorylation. Both 1- and 2-adrenoceptors were present and ISO binding to either receptor was found to stimulate myocyte AC. However, the stimulation of the 2-AR only marginally increased while the stimulation of 1-AR markedly increased PLN phosphorylation. Other stimuli that increase tissue cyclic AMP levels also increased PLN and TN-I phosphorylation and these included isobutylmethylxanthine (non-specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor), milrinone (inhibits cardiotonic inhibitable phosphodiesterase, sometimes called type III or IV) and forskolin (which directly stimulates adenylyl cyclase). Cholinergic agonists acting on cardiomyocyte M2-muscarinic receptors that are coupled to AC via pertussis toxin(PT)-sensitive G proteins inhibited AC and attenuated ISO-dependent increases in PLN and TN-I phosphorylation. Thein vivo PT treatment, which ADP-ribosylated Gi-like protein(s) in the myocytes, markedly attenuated muscarinic inhibitory effect on PLN and TN-I phosphorylation on one hand and, increased the -adrenergic stimulation, on the other. Controlled exposure of isolated myocytes to N-ethyl maleimide, also led to the findings similar to those seen following the PT treatment. Exposure of myocytes to phorbol, 12-myristate, 13-acetate (PMA) increased the protein phosphorylation, augmenting the stimulation by ISO, and such augmentation was antagonized by propranolol suggesting modulation of the -adrenoceptor coupled AC pathway by PMA. Okadaic acid (OA) exposure of myocytes also increased protein phosphorylation with the results supporting the roles for type 1 and 2A protein phosphatases in the dephosphorylation of PLN and TN-I. Interestingly OA treatment attenuated the muscarinic inhibitory effect which was restored by subsequent brief exposure of myocytes to PMA. While the stimulation of alpha adrenoceptors exerted little effect on the phosphorylation of PLN and TN-I, inactivation of alpha adrenoceptors by chloroethylclonidine (CEC), augmented -adrenergically stimulated phosphorylation. KCl-dependent depolarization of myocytes was observed to potentiate ISO-dependent increase in phosphorylation (incubation period 15 sec to 1 min) as well as to accelerate the time-dependent decline in this phosphorylation seen upon longer incubation. Verapamil decreased ISO-stimulated protein phosphorylation in the depolarized myocytes. Depolarization was found to have little effect on the muscarinic inhibitory action on phosphorylation. Prior treatment of myocytes with PMA, was found to augment ISO-stimulated protein phosphorylation in the depolarized myocytes. Such augmented increases were completely blocked by propranolol. Forskolin also stimulated PLN and TN-I phosphorylation. Prior exposure of myocytes to forskolin followed by incubation in the depolarized and polarized media showed that PLN was dephosphorylated more rapidly in the depolarized myocytes. The results support the view that both cyclic AMP and calcium signals cooperatively increase the rates of phosphorylation of TN-I and PLN in the depolarized cardiomyocytes during -adrenergic stimulation. The results raise the additional possibility that the calcium signal may regulate the dephosphorylation of PLN in the depolarized cell. While muscarinic attenuation of -adrenergic action on protein phosphorylation was mediated, in part, by decreased AC activity, and muscarinic inhibition of AC and protein phosphorylation was not detectably influenced by the depolarization, the evidence was seen that muscarinic stimulation of dephosphorylation mechanisms are intimately involved. The postulate that the simultaneous stimulation of 1-adrenoceptors inhibits -adrenergic stimulation of PLN and TN-I phosphorylation is supported.  相似文献   
In vitro germination of wheat pollen on raffinose medium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何淑嫱  李伟  程希平  谭芮  松卫红 《生态学报》2019,39(6):2063-2070
高寒草甸具有重要的生态服务功能,然而固有脆弱性使其极易遭受气候变化和人为干扰等多重因素的影响。作为滇西北旅游资源中重要的组分之一,高寒草甸吸引了大批游客前往开展徒步旅行活动,但伴随着的践踏干扰作用会不可避免地对高寒草甸生态系统带来负面影响。然而,目前关注践踏干扰对滇西北高寒草甸植被的影响,特别是植被功能性状和功能多样性如何发生变化方面的研究还十分欠缺。以云南省香格里拉市碧塔海自然保护区内的典型高寒草甸生态系统为研究对象,采用实验践踏的方式(一共5种不同强度的践踏处理)来模拟旅游活动对草甸植被的干扰作用,并以草甸植被的茎叶性状特征为切入点,重点探讨践踏干扰对茎叶性状的平均大小和变异程度的影响,以及物种丰富度(以物种形态分类为基础)和功能丰富度(以功能性状为基础)之间的关系。研究结果显示,随着践踏强度的增加,植株高度和叶片大小的平均值,而不是茎叶性状的变异程度,出现明显下降趋势。此外,物种丰富度和功能丰富度均随践踏强度的增强而减小,且两者之间呈现显著正相关关系。然而,较之轻度践踏实验组,重度践踏实验组中的功能均匀度和功能分离度水平均有所增加,表明践踏干扰可能会在短期内打破优势种对资源的绝对占有格局和减少物种间的生态位重叠程度。尽管高寒草甸对人类践踏活动有一定的承受能力,但气候变化和人为干扰等多重因素势必会改变和影响高寒草甸群落的结构和功能可持续性,这也对高寒草甸的保护与管理工作提出了更加紧迫的要求。  相似文献   
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