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The aim of the present work was to study the evolution of the color of an apple‐baby food and to estimate its sensory shelf life. Samples of apple‐baby food stored at 25C were analyzed using trained assessors and a consumer panel. A zero‐order reaction kinetics was found for the evolution of sensory color with storage time. Color was highly correlated with consumers' rejection percentage and overall acceptability, which indicates that consumers consider this attribute when deciding to accept or reject this product and in assigning their acceptability scores. Using this correlation, the sensory cutoff point for color, corresponding to a 25% consumer rejection, was calculated. Sensory shelf life was estimated using consumer data. Sensory shelf life estimated by survival analysis was in agreement with that calculated considering an acceptability limit of 6.0 in a 9‐point hedonic scale.  相似文献   
Incubation of 50 mM d -glucose with aspartate aminotransferase (AST, EC preparations (purified pig heart enzyme or a rat liver 20,000 × g supernatant) at 25°C had no effect on enzyme activity. 50 mM d -fructose or d -ribose gradually inhibited pig heart AST under the same conditions to zero activity after 14 days. 50 mM dl -glyceraldehyde decreased enzyme activity to zero after 6 days of incubation. The inhibition of pig heart AST by 50 mM d -fructose or d -ribose was marked even at a temperature of 4°C but it was less pronounced than at 25°C. There was no effect of 0.5 mM 2-oxoglutarate on AST activity during incubation, while the presence of 25 mM l -aspartate decreased it rapidly. 0.5 mM 2-oxoglutarate partly prevented inhibition of AST by d -ribose or d -fructose, while an analogous experiment with 25 mM aspartate resulted in a rapid decline similar to that in the absence of sugars.  相似文献   
Abstract: Fossils of dyrosaurid crocodyliforms are limited in South America, with only three previously diagnosed taxa including the short‐snouted Cerrejonisuchus improcerus from the Paleocene Cerrejón Formation of north‐eastern Colombia. Here we describe a second dyrosaurid from the Cerrejón Formation, Acherontisuchus guajiraensis gen. et sp. nov., based on three partial mandibles, maxillary fragments, teeth, and referred postcrania. The mandible has a reduced seventh alveolus and laterally depressed retroarticular process, both diagnostic characteristics of Dyrosauridae. Acherontisuchus guajiraensis is distinct among known dyrosaurids in having a unique combination of craniomandibular characteristics, and postcranial morphology that suggests it may have occupied a more placid, fluvial habitat than most known Old‐World dyrosaurids. Results from a cladistic analysis of Dyrosauridae, using 82 primarily cranial and mandibular characters, support an unresolved relationship between A. guajiraensis and a combination of New‐ and Old‐World dyrosaurids including Hyposaurus rogersii, Congosaurus bequaerti, Atlantosuchus coupatezi, Guarinisuchus munizi, Rhabdognathus keiniensis and Rhabdognathus aslerensis. Our results are consistent with an African origin for Dyrosauridae with multiple dispersals into the New World during the Late Cretaceous and a transition from marine habitats in ancestral taxa to more fluvial habitats in more derived taxa.  相似文献   
The spatial epidemiology of Bluetongue virus (BTV) at the landscape level relates to the fine‐scale distribution and dispersal capacities of its vectors, midges belonging to the genus Culicoides Latreille (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Although many previous researches have carried out Culicoides sampling on farms, little is known of the fine‐scale distribution of Culicoides in the landscape immediately surrounding farms. The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of Culicoides populations at increasing distances from typical dairy farms in north‐west Europe, through the use of eight Onderstepoort‐type black‐light traps positioned along linear transects departing from farms, going through pastures and entering woodlands. A total of 16 902 Culicoides were collected in autumn 2008 and spring 2009. The majority were females, of which more than 97% were recognized as potential vectors. In pastures, we found decreasing numbers of female Culicoides as a function of the distance to the farm. This pattern was modelled by leptokurtic models, with parameters depending on season and species. By contrast, the low number of male Culicoides caught were homogeneously distributed along the transects. When transects entered woodlands, we found a higher abundance of Culicoides than expected considering the distance of the sampling sites to the farm, although this varied according to species.  相似文献   
Abstract. Village-scale trials were carried out in southern Mexico to compare the efficacy of indoor-spraying of the pyrethroid insecticide lambda-cyhalothrin applied either as low-volume (LV) aqueous emulsion or as wettable-powder (WP) aqueous suspension for residual control of the principal coastal malaria vector Anopheles albimanus. Three indoor spray rounds were conducted at 3-month intervals using back-pack mist-blowers to apply lambda-cyhalothrin 12.5 mg a.i./m2 by LV, whereas the WP was applied by conventional compression sprayer at a mean rate of 26.5 mg a.i./m2.
Both treatments caused mosquito mortality indoors and outdoors (collected inside house curtains) as a result of contact with treated surfaces before and after feeding, but had no significant impact on overall population density of An. albimanus resting indoors or assessed by human bait collections. Contact bioassays showed that WP and LV treatments with lambda-cyhalothrin were effective for 12–20 weeks (>75% mortality) without causing excito-repellency.
Compared to the WP treatment (8 houses/man/day), LV treatment (25 houses/man/day) was more than 3 times quicker per house, potentially saving 68% of labour costs. This is offset, however, by the much lower unit price of a compression sprayer (e.g. Hudson 'X-pert' at US120) than a mist-blower (e.g. 'Super Jolly' at US350), and higher running costs for LV applications. It was calculated, therefore, that LV becomes more economical than WP after 18.8 treatments/100 houses/10 men at equivalent rates of application, or after 7.6 spray rounds with half-rate LV applications.  相似文献   
Increasingly, local ecological knowledge (LEK) held by groups of people engaging directly with their ecosystems for food production is recognized as a valuable tool for understanding environmental change, as well as for ecosystem management and conservation. However, the acceptance of LEK for resource management has been partly hindered by difficulties in translating local knowledge into a form that can be applied directly to Western scientific endeavors. Anthropology's focus on cultural meaning makes its practitioners uniquely qualified to find common ground between different systems of knowledge. Here, I report the use of ethnographic methods to represent Puerto Rican small-scale fishers' knowledge about tropical coastal habitat connectivity and the composition of species assemblages by underwater habitats. These two topics are of current interest for tropical fishery science and their study can benefit from fishers' extensive experience with the coastal environments on which they depend.  相似文献   
The behaviour of five broods of radio-tagged Spanish Imperial Eagles Aquila heliaca adalberti was studied in Doñana National Park, Spain during the post-fledging period. The distance between perching sites and nest, the mean flight duration and distance, the percentage of time spent flying and the home range all increased exponentially with age. As the young got older, the parents spent less time in their vicinity. Young were not seen hunting, but depended on their parents for food. They begged and chased their parents throughout the post-fledging period, with higher intensity at the end. Nevertheless, the adults became progressively more reluctant to feed them, as reflected in the decrease in feeding frequency and in the number of approaching flights towards the young. At the end of the post-fledging period, adults often performed aerial displays and frequently chased their offspring. The age of independence of the different young studied varied between 123 and 145 days. The correlations between individual independence and the dates when the young were last fed by their parents, and when the highest intensity of parental aggressive behaviour occurred, were higher than correlations with the variables related to the maturation of flying. Therefore, it is suggested that parental 'meanness' and aggressive behaviour may be the factors determining the date of juvenile independence and dispersal from the home territory.  相似文献   
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