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Dynamic Light Regulation of Photosynthesis (A Review)   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2  
Regulatory reactions providing the photosynthetic apparatus with the ability to respond to variations of irradiance by changes in activities of the light and the dark stages of photosynthesis within a time range of seconds and minutes are considered in the review. At the light stage, such reactions are related to the changes in both distribution of light energy between two photosystems and probability of nonphotochemical dissipation of absorbed quanta in PSI and PSII. These regulatory reactions operate in a negative feedback mode, thus avoiding overreduction of electron transport chain and minimizing the probability of generation of reactive oxygen species. The crucial role in preventing the generation of reactive oxygen species belongs to dynamic regulation of electron transport activity despite the presence of complex system of their detoxification in chloroplasts. In dark reactions of Calvin cycle, the regulatory responses involve a positive feedback principle being related to redox regulation of activities of several enzymes, which is sensitive to the reduction status of PSI acceptor side. The complex of regulatory reactions based on negative and positive feedback principles provides prolonged functioning of a chloroplast and high stability of photosynthetic activity under various light conditions.  相似文献   
The light-induced induction of components of non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence which are distinguished by different rates of dark relaxation (qNf, rapidly relaxing and qNs, slowly relaxing or not relaxing at all in the presence brief saturating light pulses which interrupt darkness at low frequencies) was studied in leaves of spinach.After dark adaptation of the leaves, a fast relaxing component developed in low light only after a lag phase. Quenching increased towards a maximum with increasing photon flux density. This fast component of quenching was identified as energy-dependent quenching qE. It required formation of an appreciable transthylakoid pH and was insignificant when darkened spinach leaves received 1 s pulses of light every 30 s even though zeaxanthin was formed from violaxanthin under these conditions.Another quenching component termed qNs developed in low light without a lag phase. It was not dependent on a transthylakoid pH gradient, decayed exponentially with a long half time of relaxation and was about 20% of total quenching irrespective of light intensity. When darkened leaves were flashed at frequencies higher than 0.004 Hz with 1 s light pulses, this quenching also appeared. Its extent was very considerable, and it did not require formation of zeaxanthin. Relaxation was accelerated by far-red light, and this acceleration was abolished by NaF.We suggest that qNs is the result of a so-called state transition, in which LHC II moves after its phosphorylation from fluorescent PS II to nonfluorescent PS I. This state transition was capable of decreasing in darkened leaves the potential maximum quantum efficiency of electron flow through Photosystem II by about 20%.Abbreviations PFD photon flux density - PS photosystem  相似文献   
The functioning of the acceptor part of photosystem I was studied by temperature dependence of time course of light induced absorbtion changes at 700 nm of digitonin chloroplast fragments, enriched by photosystem I. Partial irreversibility of P700 photooxidation at low temperatures and appearance of two components (rapid and slow) in the time course of P700+ dark reduction reflect the contribution of different acceptors in electron transport. Thermoinactivation of fragments incubation at acid pH or treatment by glutaraldehyde cause complete inhibition of irreversible P700 photooxidation and slow dark reduction of P700+ at -170 degrees. The slow component of P700+ reduction and irreversible photooxidation of P700 are ascribed to contribution of secondary ferredoxin acceptors. The accurence of rapid component of P700+ dark reduction in light induced signal of treated fragments indicate that this component is due to recombination of reduced primary acceptor and P700+. Because only one electron transport takes at -170 degrees, the occurence of rapid and slow components in dark decay kinetics of P700+ suggests, that secondary acceptors of some reaction centers are incapable to reduction at -170 degrees. The shape of temperature dependence curve of the slow P700+ reduction component is interpreted as an indication of the tunneling electron transport.  相似文献   
The dark-relaxation kinetics of variable fluorescence, Fv, in intact green leaves of Pisum stativum L. and Dolichos lablab L. were analyzed using modulated fluorometers. Fast (t1/2 = 1 s) and slow (t1/2 = 7–8 s) phases in fv dark-decay kinetics were observed; the rate and the relative contribution of each phase in total relaxation depended upon the fluence rate of the actinic light and the point in the induction curve at which the actinic light was switched off. The rate of the slow phase was accelerated markedly by illumination with far-red light; the slow phase was abolished by methyl viologen. The halftime of the fast phase of Fv dark decay decreased from 250 ms in dark-adapted leaves to 12–15 ms upon adaptation to red light which is absorbed by PSII. The analysis of the effect of far-red light, which is absorbed mainly by PSI, on Fv dark decay indicates that the slow phase develops when a fraction of QA (the primary stable electron acceptor of PSII) cannot transfer electrons to PSI because of limitation on the availability of P700+ (the primary electron donor of PSI). After prolonged illumination of dark-adapted leaves in red (PSII-absorbed) light, a transient. Fv rise appears which is prevented by far-red (PSI-absorbed) light. This transient fv rise reflects the accumulation of QA in the dark. The observation of this transient Fv rise even in the presence of the uncoupler carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP) indicates that a mechanism other than ATP-driven back-transfer of electrons to QA may be responsible for the phenomenon. It is suggested that the fast phase in Fv dark-decay kinetics represents the reoxidation of QA by the electron-transport chain to PSI, whereas the slow phase is likely to be related to the interaction of QA with the donor side of PSII.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - FO initial fluorescence level - Fv variable fluorescence - P700 primary electron donor of PSI - PSI, II photosystem I, II - QA (QA ) QB (QB ) primary and secondary stable electron acceptor of PSII in oxidized (reduced) state Supported by grant B6.1/88 DST, Govt. of India.  相似文献   
The changes in electron transport within photosystem I (PSI) were studied in detached leaves of Cucumis sativus L. during the course of irradiation with moderate white light (300 mol photons m–2 s–1) at 4°C. When intact leaves were exposed to the combination of moderate light and low temperature, the amplitude of far-red light-induced P700 absorbance changes at 820 nm (A820), a relative measure of PSI, progressively decreased as the light treatment time increased. Almost no oxidation of P700 was noticeable after 5 h. Methyl viologen accelerated the oxidation of P700 to a steady-state level and also increased the magnitudes of A820 changes in photoinhibited leaves, reflecting the rapid removal of electrons from native carriers. Photoinhibition under moderate light and chilling temperature also accelerated the rate of P700+ reduction after far-red light excitation as the half-times of the two exponential components of P700+ decay curves decreased relative to the control ones. A detailed analysis of the kinetics of P700+ reduction using diuron alone or the combination of diuron and methyl viologen strongly favours an increased rate of electron donation from stromal reductants to PSI through the plastoquinone pool following photoinhibitory treatment. Importantly, the marked acceleration of P700+ re-reduction is the consequence of the irradiation of leaf segments at low temperature and not caused by chilling stress alone.Abbreviations A 0 and A 1 Primary acceptor chlorophyll and secondary electron acceptor phylloquinone - FR Far-red light - F X , F A , and F B Iron–sulfur centers - MT Multiple-turnover flash - MV Methyl viologen - Ndh NAD(P)H-dehydrogenase - PQ Plastoquinone - PS Photosystem - P700 Reaction-center chlorophyll of PSI - ST Single-turnover flash  相似文献   
Light modulation of the ability of three artificial quinones, 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB), 2,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone (DCBQ), and tetramethyl-p-benzoquinone (duroquinone), to quench chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence photochemically or non-photochemically was studied to simulate the functions of endogenous plastoquinones during the thermal phase of fast Chl fluorescence induction kinetics. DBMIB was found to suppress by severalfold the basal level of Chl fluorescence (F(o)) and to markedly retard the light-induced rise of variable fluorescence (F(v)). After irradiation with actinic light, Chl fluorescence rapidly dropped down to the level corresponding to F(o) level in untreated thylakoids and then slowly declined to the initial level. DBMIB was found to be an efficient photochemical quencher of energy in Photosystem II (PSII) in the dark, but not after prolonged irradiation. Those events were owing to DBMIB reduction under light and its oxidation in the dark. At high concentrations, DCBQ exhibited quenching behaviours similar to those of DBMIB. In contrast, duroquinone demonstrated the ability to quench F(v) at low concentration, while F(o) was declined only at high concentrations of this artificial quinone. Unlike for DBMIB and DCBQ, quenched F(o) level was attained rapidly after actinic light had been turned off in the presence of high duroquinone concentrations. That finding evidenced that the capacity of duroquinone to non-photochemically quench excitation energy in PSII was maintained during irradiation, which is likely owing to the rapid electron transfer from duroquinol to Photosystem I (PSI). It was suggested that DBMIB and DCBQ at high concentration, on the one hand, and duroquinone, on the other hand, mimic the properties of plastoquinones as photochemical and non-photochemical quenchers of energy in PSII under different conditions. The first model corresponds to the conditions under which the plastoquinone pool can be largely reduced (weak electron release from PSII to PSI compared to PSII-driven electron flow from water under strong light and weak PSI photochemical capacity because of inactive electron transport on its reducing side), while the second one mimics the behaviour of the plastoquinone pool when it cannot be filled up with electrons (weak or moderate light and high photochemical competence of PSI).  相似文献   
Addition of NADP(+) to thylakoid membranes or isolated photosystem I (PSI) submembrane fractions quenched chlorophyll fluorescence by up to 40% at low or room temperature. This quenching was reversed by NADPH. Similar quenching was also observed with the addition of heparin or thenoyltrifluoroacetone (TTFA), inhibitors that bind ferredoxin:NADP(+) reductase (FNR) and prevent reduction of NADP(+). The NADP(+)-induced quenching coincided with a reversible conformational change of the secondary protein structure in the PSI submembrane fractions where 20% of the alpha-helix conformations were transformed mainly into beta-sheet-like structures. Further, P700 photooxidation was retarded due to this conformational change, and about 25% of the centers could not be photooxidized, these changes being also reversible with addition of NADPH. The above modifications in the presence of NADP(+) also increased photodamage processes under strong illumination, and NADPH protected it. Conformational modification of FNR upon binding of NADP(+) or NADPH is proposed to trigger the macromolecular changes in a larger part of the protein complex of PSI. The conformational changes must increase the intermolecular distances and change the mutual orientation between the various cofactors in the PSI complex. This new control mechanism of energy dissipation and photochemical activity by NADP(+)/NADPH is proposed to increase the turnover rate of PSI under conditions when both linear and cyclic electron transport activities must be supported.  相似文献   
The relationship between the redox state of P700, the primary donor of PS I, monitored using absorbance changes at 830 nm and photochemical energy storage in PS I reaction centers assayed with the photoacoustic method (PA) was studied in isolated PS I submembrane particles aspirated onto nitrocellulose filters. Several donors have been used to support the electron transport through PS I. NADPH and NADH demonstrated low rates of electron donation to PS I, while ascorbate and ascorbate plus 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DCIP) couple have been found more effective in both P700+ reduction and stimulation of the variable component of the PA signal. A linear relationship was found in isolated PS I particles between the (A830,max – A830,steady)/A830,max and (PAmax – PAsteady)/PAmax ratios, which characterized the relative amount of P700 in the reduced state and the relative magnitude of the variable PA component, respectively. That linear relationship was obtained independently from the nature of electron donor used for the reduction of P700+. Such linear relationship was also obtained at various wavelengths of modulated light in the range of 660 to 720 nm, only the slope of the linear fits varied with wavelength. It is concluded that reduced P700 act as a photochemical quencher of absorbed energy. Variable thermal dissipation in PS I reaction centers of isolated submembrane particles linearly depends on the amount of reduced P700 and thus constitutes an appropriate indicator of the redox pressure applied to PS I. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The after effects of a short exposure of intact barley leaves to moderately elevated temperature (40°C, 5 min) on the induction transients and the irradiance dependencies of photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence are presented. This mild heat treatment strongly reduced the oscillations in the rate of photosynthesis and in the yield of chlorophyll fluorescence. However, only a 25% irreversible inhibition of maximum photosynthetic capacity of photosystem II (PSII) measured by oxygen evolution was produced and the intrinsic quantum yield of PSII measured by the chlorophyll fluorescence ratio (Fm‐ Fo)/Fm decreased by only 15%. In contrast, the above treatment increased radiationless dissipation processes in PSII by a factor of two. In heat‐treated leaves, photosynthesis was not saturated even by strong light. Both ΔpH‐dependent quenching of excitons in PSII (including formation of zeaxanthin) and state 1/state 2 transition were found to be stimulated. Heat exposure enhanced the control of PSII activity by PSI, as evidenced by a significant increase in the quenching effect of far‐red light on the maximum yield of chlorophyll fluorescence. It was deduced that after mild heat treatment, the photosynthetic apparatus in leaves lacks the precise coordinating control of electron transport and carbon metabolism owing to the inability of PSII to support electron transport at a level adequate for carbon metabolism. This effect was not related to the small irreversible thermal damage to PSII, but was rather due to a significant increase in non‐photochemical quenching of excitation energy.  相似文献   
Photon-induced absorbance changes at 830 nm (A830) related to redox transformations of P700, primary electron donor of photosystem 1 (PS1), were examined in barley leaves treated with diuron and methyl viologen. In such leaves, only soluble reductants localized in chloroplast stroma could serve as electron donors for P700+. A830 were induced by 1-min irradiation of leaves with actinic light (AL, 700±6 nm) of various irradiances. Two exponentially decaying components with half-times of 2.75 (fast component, relative magnitude of 62 % of A830) and 11.90 s (slow one, 38 % of A830) were distinguished in the kinetics of dark relaxation of A830 after leaf irradiation with saturating AL. The components reflecting P700+ dark reduction in two units of PS1 differed in the rate of electron input from stromal reductants. The decline in AL irradiance reduced steady state A830 magnitude, which was also accompanied by a decrease in the contribution of fast component to the overall P700+ dark reduction kinetics. The photon-response curves were obtained separately for rapidly and slowly decaying A830. The values of half-saturating irradiance were 0.106 and 0.035 mol m–2 s–1 for rapidly and slowly reduced PS1 units, respectively. The ratio of rate constants of P700+ dark reduction for rapidly and slowly reduced PS1 units was 1.4 times higher than the ratio of their half-saturating irradiances thus indicating higher relative antenna size in rapidly reduced PS1 units. The latter finding, taken together with higher relative amount of P700, favours the view that rapidly and slowly reduced PS1 units reflect P700+ reduction by stromal reductants in spatially separated PS1 and PS1 complexes.  相似文献   
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