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The presence of the glycolytic enzymes from hexokinase to pyruvate kinase in plastids of seedling pea (Pisum sativum L.) roots was investigated. The recoveries, latencies and specific activities of each enzyme in different fractions was compared with those of organelle marker enzymes. Tryptic-digestion experiments were performed on each enzyme to determine whether activities were bound within membranes. The results indicate that hexokinase (EC and phosphoglyceromutase (EC are absent from pea root plastids. The possible function of the remaining enzymes is considered.Abbreviations GADPH glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase - PFK phosphofructokinase - PFP pyrophosphate: fructose 6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase Bronwen A. Trimming gratefully acknowledges the award of a studentship from the Science and Engineering Research Council  相似文献   
Dugesia polychroa, D. lugubris and Planaria torva preyed upon snails of differing morphologies and while the Dugesia spp. fed approximately in proportion to snail abundance, PL torva was more selective on Potamopyrgus jenkinsi. The incidence of feeding on four snail taxa by the Dugesia spp. was significantly correlated and differed strikingly from that of PI. torva where feeding was related to its annual life cycle. Large peaks of feeding coincided in the Dugesia spp. for the four snail types; this was attributed to snail vulnerability being increased by environmental disturbance. Comparison of feeding by Dugesia spp. in the presence and absence of PI. torva indicated that severe competition was occurring for food with PI. torva having a food refuge in P. jenkinsi. The distribution of PI. torva in Britain is largely confined to productive habitats in the Glasgow-Edinburgh and East Anglia regions. It is concluded that historical rather than ecological events have played the major part in its distribution to date. The strong association of PL torva with port areas and the canal system suggests that it is a recent introduction via the timber trade with Fennoscania.  相似文献   
We investigated experience acquisition (alpha-conditioning) by females of the parasitoid Trichogramma australicum using host eggs of the noctuid moth Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner). We compared the acceptance of a host egg by females with different levels of ovipositional experience. The level of experience was designated using the standard oviposition sequence: (1) host contact (C); (2) host examination (E); (3) drilling (D); (4) full insertion (FI); and (5) oviposition (O). Each treatment consisted of a single experience level, but together these consituted a qualitative behavioural continuum of oviposition experience from naive (N) to experienced wasps. We found that host experience by adult T. australicum females can modify their behaviour. Mean duration of host finding was: N = C > E = D > FI = O. Mean duration of host examination and full insertion were: N = C > E = D = FI = O. Drilling was constant for all experience levels. Experience in drilling of the chorion during the previous host-exposure process represents a critical experience for a female and results in efficient handling and more ready acceptance of a subsequently encountered host egg.  相似文献   
The physical mechanics of music making is important both in the prevention of injuries and in guiding how music is performed and taught. Electromyography has potential as a resource in understanding the loads involved in instrumental playing; however, only a small number of projects have been undertaken, and little is understood on the muscle activity used during bowing on string instruments. This study aimed to measure the muscle activity at the bowing shoulder of a cellist during cello playing and to establish if fine-wire EMG is useful in understanding muscle recruitment in string players without interfering with normal playing ability. This project used a combination of fine-wire and surface EMG to evaluate the muscular load placed on the right shoulder of a professional cellist whilst playing a set of various bowing exercises. The results indicated that different bowing techniques produced statistically different muscle activity levels, with the supraspinatus muscle in particular maintaining higher mean contraction (20% MVC) during all bowing patterns tested. Fine-wire EMG was useful in measuring shoulder muscle load and did not interfere with normal playing technique of the subject. Overall, the study presents a working protocol from which future studies may be able conduct further research.  相似文献   
We investigated the acceptance of different sized host models by Trichogramma australicum in the laboratory. We used isoline cultures of T. australicum reared in hosts of different sizes. Helicoverpa armigera represent relatively large hosts, and those of Sitotroga cerealella are small, termed the Ha and Sc biotypes, respectively. Five sizes of glass beads were tested for acceptance: diameter 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mm. The acceptance of a host model was determined by persistent attempted drilling of a glass bead by a female. The relationship between host egg size and number of eggs laid by a female was also investigated. We used three sizes of artificial egg (diameter 0.75, 1.00, and 1.50 mm of hemispherical cupules) each containing artificial diet. Ha biotype wasps accepted host models in the range 0.75--1.50 mm dia. (vol. 0.166--1.325 l), whereas those of the Sc biotype accepted host models in the range 0.50--1.00 mm dia. (vol. 0.05--0.393 l). This evidence suggests a lineal (possibly genetic) influence to host size acceptance for T. australicum, dependent on the size of the host in which the wasp has been reared. Also T. australicum lay fewer eggs in smaller artificial eggs than in larger ones. The role of host size in host acceptance and number of eggs delivered, and its implications, is discussed.  相似文献   
The molecular ordering of cellulose, including its crystallinity,in the unlignified primary cell walls of three monocotyledons(Italian ryegrass, pineapple, and onion) and one dicotyledon(cabbage) was characterized by solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy.These species were chosen because their primary cell walls havedifferent non-cellulosic polysaccharides and this may affectthe molecular ordering of cellulose. Values of the proton rotating-framerelaxation [T1p(H)] and spin-spin relaxation [T2(H)] time constantsshowed that the cellulose in the cell walls of all four specieswas in a crystalline rather than an amorphous state. Furthermore,a resolution enhancement procedure showed that the triclinic(I) and the monoclinic (I) crystal forms of cellulosewere present in similar proportions in these cell walls. However,the calculated cross-sectional dimensions of the cellulose crystallitesvaried among the cell walls (in the range 2–3 nm): thelargest were in the Italian ryegrass, the smallest were in theonion and cabbage, and those of intermediate size were in thepineapple. The crystallite dimensions may thus be affected bythe non-cellulosic polysaccha-ride compositions of the cellwalls. 4Present address: Food Science Postgraduate Programme, Departmentof Chemistry, The University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019,Auckland, New Zealand.  相似文献   
Tricin [5,7‐dihydroxy‐2‐(4‐hydroxy‐3,5‐dimethoxyphenyl)‐4H‐chromen‐4‐one], a flavone, was recently established as an authentic monomer in grass lignification that likely functions as a nucleation site. It is linked onto lignin as an aryl alkyl ether by radical coupling with monolignols or their acylated analogs. However, the level of tricin that incorporates into lignin remains unclear. Herein, three lignin characterization methods: acidolysis; thioacidolysis; and derivatization followed by reductive cleavage; were applied to quantitatively assess the amount of lignin‐integrated tricin. Their efficiencies at cleaving the tricin‐(4′–O–β)‐ether bonds and the degradation of tricin under the corresponding reaction conditions were evaluated. A hexadeuterated tricin analog was synthesized as an internal standard for accurate quantitation purposes. Thioacidolysis proved to be the most efficient method, liberating more than 91% of the tricin with little degradation. A survey of different seed‐plant species for the occurrence and content of tricin showed that it is widely distributed in the lignin from species in the family Poaceae (order Poales). Tricin occurs at low levels in some commelinid monocotyledon families outside the Poaceae, such as the Arecaceae (the palms, order Arecales) and Bromeliaceae (Poales), and the non‐commelinid monocotyledon family Orchidaceae (Orchidales). One eudicotyledon was found to have tricin (Medicago sativa, Fabaceae). The content of lignin‐integrated tricin is much higher than the extractable tricin level in all cases. Lignins, including waste lignin streams from biomass processing, could therefore provide a large and alternative source of this valuable flavone, reducing the costs, and encouraging studies into its application beyond its current roles.  相似文献   
The new genusBarnebya is described and illustrated and its systematic position in the Malpighiaceae is discussed, especially its similarity in some respects to the primitive subfamily Byrsonimoideae and in other respects to the Old World genusAcridocarpus. Two species are recognized,B. dispar comb. nov. andB. harleyi sp. nov.; these are described and illustrated and a key is provided for their distinction.  相似文献   
Additional weight due to contamination (water and/or contaminating particles) can potentially have a detrimental effect on the flight capabilities of large winged insects such as butterflies and dragonflies. Insects where the wing surface area-body mass ratio is very high will be even more susceptible to these effects. Water droplets tend to move spontaneously off the wing surface of these insects. In the case of the brown lacewing, the drops effectively encounter a dual bed of hair springs with a topographical structure which aids in the hairs resisting penetration into water bodies. In this article, we demonstrate experimentally how this protective defense system employed by the brown lacewing (Micromus tasmaniae) aids in resisting contamination from water and how the micro- and nanostructures found on these hairs are responsible for quickly shedding water from the wing which demonstrates an active liquid-repelling surface.  相似文献   
Objective: To determine whether the N363S variant in the glucocorticoid receptor (encoded by nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1: NR3C1) is associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, or hypertension. Research Methods and Procedures: This was a cross‐sectional case‐control study involving 951 Anglo‐Celtic/Northern European subjects from Sydney. This study consisted of the following: 1) an obesity clinic group, most of whom had “morbid obesity” (mean BMI for group = 43 ± 8 kg/m2; n = 152); 2) a type 2 diabetes clinic group (n = 356); 3) patients with essential hypertension who had a strong family history (n = 141); and 4) normal healthy controls (n = 302). N363S genotype, BMI, and a range of other parameters relevant to each group were measured. Results: Compared with the frequency of 0.04 in nonobese healthy subjects, the S363 allele was significantly higher in obesity clinic patients (0.17; p = 5.6 × 10?8), subjects with diabetes who were also obese (0.09; p = 0.0045), subjects with hypertension who were also overweight (0.08; p = 0.0016), and overweight healthy subjects (0.12; p = 0.0004). Discussion: The NR3C1 N363S variant is associated with obesity and overweight in a range of patient settings but is not associated with hypertension or type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   
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