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Mutations in the genes recA and recBC were constructed in the virulent Salmonella typhimurium strain 14028s. Both the recA and recBC mutants were attenuated in mice. The mutants were also sensitive to killing by macrophages in vitro. The recombination mutants were no longer macrophage sensitive in a variant line of J774 macrophage-like cells that fail to generate superoxide. This suggests that repair of DNA damage by Salmonella is necessary for full virulence in vivo and that the oxidative burst of phagocytes is one source of such DNA damage.  相似文献   
Pili have been shown to play an essential role in the adhesion of Neisseria meningitidis to epithelial cells. However, among piliated strains, both inter- and intrastrain variability exist with respect to their degree of adhesion to epithelial cells in vitro (Virji et al., 1992). This suggests that factors other than the presence of pili per se are involved in this process. The N. meningitidis pilin subunit undergoes extensive antigenic variation. Piliated low- and high-adhesive derivatives of the same N. meningitidis strain were selected and the nucleotide sequence of the pilin gene expressed in each was determined. The highly adhesive derivatives had the same pilin sequence. The alleles encoding the pilin subunit of the low-adhesive derivatives were completely different from the one found in the high-adhesive isolates. Using polyclonal antibodies raised against one hyperadhesive variant, it was confirmed that the low-adhesive piliated derivatives expressed pilin variants antigenically different from the highly adhesive strains. The role of antigenic variation in the adhesive process of N. meningitidis was confirmed by performing allelic exchanges of the pilE locus between low-and high-adhesive isolates. Antigenic variation has been considered a means by which virulent bacteria evade the host immune system. This work provides genetic proof that a bacterial pathogen, N. meningitidis, can use antigenic variation to modulate their degree of virulence.  相似文献   
Two transport systems for glucose were detected: a high affinity system with a Km of 27 μM, and a low affinity system with a Km of 3.3 mM. The high affinity system transported glucose, 2-deoxy-d-glucose (Km = 26 μM), 3-O-methylglucose (Km = 19 μM), d-glucosamine (Km = 652 μM), d-fructose (Km = 2.3 mM) and l-sorbose (Km = 2.2 mM). All sugars were accumulated against concentration gradients. The high affinity system was strongly or completely inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide, quercetin, 2,4-dinitrophenol and sodium azide. The system had a distinct pH optimum (7.4) and optimum temperature (45°C). The low affinity system transported glucose, 2-deoxy-d-glucose (Km = 7.5 mM), and 3-O-methylglucose (Km = 1.5 mM). Accumulation again occurred against a concentration gradient. The low affinity system was inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide, quercetin and 2,4-dinitrophenol, but not by sodium azide. The rate of uptake by the low affinity system was constant over a wide temperature range (30–50°C) and was not much affected by pH; but as the pH of the medium was altered from 4.5 to 8.9 a co-ordinated increase in affinity for 2-deoxy-d-glucose (from 52.1 mM to 0.3 mM) and decrease in maximum velocity (by a factor of five) occurred. Both uptake systems were present in sporelings germinated in media containing sodium acetate as sole carbon source. Only the low affinity system could initially be demonstrated in glucose-grown tissue, although the high affinity system was restored by starvation in glucose-free medium. The half-time for restoration of high affinity activity was 3.5 min and the process was unaffected by cycloheximide. Addition of glucose to an acetate-grown culture inactivated the high affinity system with a half-life of 5–7.5 s. Addition of cycloheximide to an acetate-grown culture caused decay of the high affinity system with a half-life of 80 min. Regulation is thus thought to depend on modulation of protein activity rather than synthesis, and the kinetics of glucose, 2-deoxy-d-glucose and 3-O-methylglucose uptake would be consistent with there being a single carrier showing negative co-operativity.  相似文献   
The specific contribution of insulin and IGF-I receptors to IRS-protein activation remains elusive. We studied the signalling properties of AspB10-insulin, an analog with enhanced affinity for the IGF-I receptor, in comparison to native insulin using primary human skeletal muscle cells. In myoblasts regular insulin and AspB10-insulin were equipotent in stimulating the IRS cascade, whereas this analog induced a significantly higher Shc phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of IRS-1 in response to insulin was inhibited equally by blocking either the insulin or the IGF-I receptor. IRS-1 activation by AspB10-insulin was only inhibited by blocking the IGF-I receptor. IRS-2 phosphorylation induced by both insulin and AspB10-insulin was nearly insensitive to blocking the insulin receptor, being predominantly mediated by the IGF-I receptor. We conclude that in myoblasts IRS-2, but not IRS-1, functions as preferred substrate for the IGF-I receptor. These data suggest a specific role for IRS-2 in growth and differentiation of human skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
The role of a cyclooxygenase (COX) II inhibitor in reducing microvascular inflammation and the platelet count associated with interferon (IFN) plus ribavirin therapy of chronic hepatitis C (HCV) was assessed. Three plasma mediators (biomarkers) associated with platelet activation, inflammation and fibrosis were measured. Eighteen IFN na?ve patients were studied. Nine were treated with pegylated IFN alfa-2a (PEG-IFN alpha-2a) plus ribavirin and rofecoxib; nine were treated with PEG-IFN alpha-2a plus ribavirin. A complete blood count, liver panel and HCV-RNA were assayed weekly. Human soluble P-selectin (hs-P-selectin), human interleukin-8 (IL-8), human interleukin-13 (IL-13) and human thrombopoietin (TPO) were assayed at 4 week intervals. The COX II inhibitor reduced the platelet reduction experienced with PEG-IFN alpha-2a treatment of HCV despite a reduction in the plasma TPO level. Hs-P-selectin was increased in both groups. In contrast, human IL-8 levels declined to undetectable levels in virologic responders. Similarly, human IL-13 levels declined with therapy (P < 0.001). These data suggest that: (1) a COX II inhibition is associated with an increase in the platelet count despite a reduction in the TPO level; (2) human IL-8 and human IL-13 but not hs-P-selectin levels decline in those who experience an early virologic response.  相似文献   
BRCA1-induced apoptosis involves inactivation of ERK1/2 activities   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Mutation in the BRCA1 gene is associated with an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Recent studies have shown that the BRCA1 gene product may be important in mediating responses to DNA damage and genomic instability. Previous studies have indicated that overexpression of BRCA1 can induce apoptosis or cell cycle arrest at the G(2)/M border in various cell types. Although the activation of JNK kinase has been implicated in BRCA1-induced apoptosis, the role of other members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase family in mediating the cellular response to BRCA1 has not yet been examined. In this study, we monitored the activities of three members of the MAPK family (ERK1/2, JNK, p38) in MCF-7 breast cancer cells and U2OS osteosarcoma cells after their exposure to a recombinant adenovirus expressing wild type BRCA1 (Ad.BRCA1). Overexpression of BRCA1 in MCF-7 cells resulted in arrest at the G(2)/M border; however, BRCA1 expression in U2OS cells induced apoptosis. Although BRCA1 induced JNK activation in both cell lines, there were marked differences in ERK1/2 activation in response to BRCA1 expression in these two cell lines. BRCA1-induced apoptosis in U2OS cells was associated with no activation of ERK1/2. In contrast, BRCA1 expression in MCF-7 cells resulted in the activation of both ERK1/2 and JNK. To directly assess the role of ERK1/2 in determining the cellular response to BRCA1, we used dominant negative mutants of MEK1 as well as MEK1/2 inhibitor PD98059. Our results indicate that inhibition of ERK1/2 activation resulted in increased apoptosis after BRCA1 expression in MCF-7 cells. Furthermore, BRCA1-induced apoptosis involved activation of JNK, induction of Fas-L/Fas interaction, and activation of caspases 8 and 9. The studies presented in this report indicate that the response to BRCA1 expression is determined by the regulation of both the JNK and ERK1/2 signaling pathways in cells.  相似文献   
The Neisseria type IV pilus promotes bacterial adhesion to host cells. The pilus binds CD46, a complement-regulatory glycoprotein present on nucleated human cells (Källström et al., 1997). CD46 mutants with truncated cytoplasmic tails fail to support bacterial adhesion (Källström et al., 2001), suggesting that this region of the molecule also plays an important role in infection. Here, we report that infection of human epithelial cells by piliated Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) leads to rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of CD46. Studies with wild-type and mutant tail fusion constructs demonstrate that Src kinase phosphorylates tyrosine 354 in the Cyt2 isoform of the CD46 cytoplasmic tail. Consistent with these findings, infection studies show that PP2, a specific Src family kinase inhibitor, but not PP3, an inactive variant of this drug, reduces the ability of epithelial cells to support bacterial adhesion. Several lines of evidence point to the role of c-Yes, a member of the Src family of nonreceptor tyrosine kinases, in CD46 phosphorylation. GC infection causes c-Yes to aggregate in the host cell cortex beneath adherent bacteria, increases binding of c-Yes to CD46, and stimulates c-Yes kinase activity. Finally, c-Yes immunoprecipitated from epithelial cells is able to phosphorylate the wild-type Cyt2 tail but not the mutant derivative in which tyrosine 354 has been substituted with alanine. We conclude that GC infection leads to rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of the CD46 Cyt2 tail and that the Src kinase c-Yes is involved in this reaction. Together, the findings reported here and elsewhere strongly suggest that pilus binding to CD46 is not a simple static process. Rather, they support a model in which pilus interaction with CD46 promotes signaling cascades important for Neisseria infectivity.  相似文献   
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