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A number of studies conducted in the last decade showed that saturable ('specific') binding, by itself, does not necessarily imply biological significance. That is, biological ligands were shown to bind to inert materials as well as to biological receptors in a saturable manner. In these studies specific binding was operationally defined as binding that was displaceable by excess concentrations of unlabeled ligand. This method of measuring specific binding is now no longer considered optimal. To investigate whether optimal (computer-assisted) techniques of measuring specific binding--namely, nonlinear least-squares curve fitting of total binding data, with mathematical separation of the total binding into its various components--might ensure biological significance of measured specific binding, we studied the binding of high-density lipoproteins (HDL3) to tissue culture dishes as an example of binding without biological significance. This binding closely followed the paradigm of a ligand interacting with a class of homogeneous, saturable sites and with a class of relatively unsaturable sites, just as it would have if the HDL3 were interacting with an unpurified biological receptor. This finding indicates that computer-assisted analysis, while most accurately describing binding data, nevertheless does not ensure that measured specific binding has biological significance. Saturability is such a nonselective feature of equilibrium binding data that it should probably no longer be considered one of the criteria for deciding whether or not a defined binding site is a receptor.  相似文献   
S Levy  E Mendel  S Kon 《Gene》1987,54(2-3):167-173
A rapid procedure is described for cloning immunoglobulin V region genes from cells that express them. cDNA is synthesized from mRNA template using primers homologous to the immunoglobulin constant-region genes. Blunt-ended, double-stranded cDNA is obtained by sequential addition of enzymes to a single tube. The cDNA is inserted directly into the M13 vector, which is screened by plaque lifting for the presence of specific inserts. Screening probes can be generated from 32P-labeled single-stranded cDNAs generated from primers different from those used for cloning, or alternatively, from previously cloned V or C gene segments. The ease of cloning a cDNA V region is directly related to the abundance of Ig-specific mRNA within the cell of interest. This method minimizes the number of steps and the time needed to obtain accurate and complete sequences of any expressed Ig V region gene.  相似文献   
Neal G.  Smith 《Ibis》1966,108(1):68-83
Various aspects of the breeding of three gulls, Larus thayeri, glaucoides and hyperboreus, which nested in colonies both on cliff ledges and on level ground in the eastern Canadian Arctic, were compared with those of the ground-nesting L. argentatus and the cliff-nesting Rissa tridactyla. As the result of adaptation to cliff ledge nesting, many aspects of the breeding biology of R. tridactyla were strikingly different from those of the ground-nesting European L. argentatus, but the behaviour of L. thayeri, glaucoides and hyperboreus clearly spanned these differences. Cliff-nesting individuals of thayeri and glaucoides were most like Rissa; ground-nesting individuals of these species were most like argentatus. L. thayeri was more like Rissa than was glaucoides. With but few exceptions, both cliff- and ground-nesting individuals of hyperboreus were most like argentatus. The factors responsible for the intra-specific differences between cliff- and ground-nesters of thayeri and glaucoides are not clear. Limited gene exchange between cliff and ground colonies occurs. Because of physical features of the nest, first-laid eggs were more liable to fall from ledges than second or third eggs. L. thayeri and glaucoides have evolved separate mechanisms to cope with this problem. Egg shape was multimodal in thayeri and glaucoides. Long pyriform eggs were less liable to fall from ledges than eggs of other shapes. L. thayeri laid more long pyriform eggs as first eggs than did glaucoides. L. thayeri lost fewer eggs than did glaucoides, but glaucoides replaced all lost eggs while thayeri did not. Delayed follicular atresia provided glaucoides with insurance of egg replacement. In thayeri, accessory follicles were reabsorbed after the first egg was laid; in argentatus, after the second egg, and in glaucoides after the third egg. At the approach of a predator, it was advantageous for cliff-dwelling chicks to remain motionless but for ground-dwelling chicks to flee their nests and to hide. Among the cliff-nesters, the “freezing in place” reaction of chicks was best developed in thayeri, to a lesser extent in glaucoides, and least in hyperboreus. Among the ground-nesters, chicks of glaucoides and hyperboreus behaved like those of argentatus and fled their nests when disturbed, but chicks of thayeri froze like their cliff-dwelling siblings. Reciprocal transfers of eggs and chicks between cliff and ground colonies indicated that in argentatus, glaucoides and hyperboreus, the factors determining a chick's reaction to disturbance came into play between hatching and the eighth day. In thayeri, the reaction appeared to be effectively innate. Chicks of glaucoides showed a greater predisposition to this behaviour than chicks of argentatus after both had received identical experience on cliff ledges. In thayeri, stereotypy of the freezing reaction has probably been a factor limiting the colonisation of areas where cliffs are scarce but predators present. In argentatus, lack of perfection of this behaviour (compared to glaucoides and thayeri) has probably been a factor preventing argentatus from attaining cliff ledges. L. hyperboreus, although nowhere abundant, is a widespread species nesting on level ground and on cliff ledges but lacking the modifications observed in glaucoides and thayeri; this is due to its size and aggressiveness, the fact that it picks nest-sites before glaucoides and thayeri arrive in the colonies, and that on cliffs it chooses the largest and most level ledges.  相似文献   
Cells containing increased levels of the membrane phosphoprotein P-glycoprotein exhibit a multidrug-resistant phenotype. In the present study we have analyzed protein kinases capable of phosphorylating P-glycoprotein in membranes of HL60 cells isolated for resistance to vincristine. Analysis of this system demonstrates that in isolated membranes the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine greatly reduces P-glycoprotein phosphorylation. In contrast, the kinase inhibitor H-7 does not affect this reaction. Fractionation of solubilized membrane proteins from sensitive and resistant cells on DEAE-cellulose reveals a major protein kinase (PK-1) which exhibits optimal activity in the presence of Mn2+ and histone H1. This enzyme fraction does not contain detectable levels of protein kinase C or cAMP-dependent protein kinase. PK-1 phosphorylation of two endogenous proteins is, however, greatly enhanced in the presence of phosphatidylserine or phosphatidyl-inositol. In reaction mixtures containing Mg2+ or Mn2+ in the absence of phospholipid, PK-1 from resistant cells phosphorylates an endogenous protein of 180 kilodaltons (P180), which exhibits an electrophoretic mobility identical to P-glycoprotein. In parallel experiments with PK-1 from sensitive cells there is no detectable phosphorylation of a P180 protein. P180 phosphorylated by PK-1 from resistant cells is immunoprecipitated by antibody against P-glycoprotein. Additional studies demonstrate that PK-1 is capable of phosphorylating specific synthetic peptides which correspond to the sequence of P-glycoprotein. Peptide phosphorylation occurs at both serine and threonine residues. These studies thus identify a novel membrane-associated protein kinase in HL60 cells which is capable of phosphorylating P-glycoprotein. This enzyme may have an important role in regulating levels of multidrug resistance.  相似文献   
Chromosomal restriction fragments of Corynebacterium ulcerans and C. diphtheriae, containing an integration site for corynephages of the beta family, show homology on Southern blots. Homologous DNA in also found in the soil isolate C. glutamicum, although this strain is not susceptible to beta-corynephages. Three of these DNA fragments, one for each bacterial strain, and a fragment of gamma-corynephage DNA previously shown to contain the phage integration site, were cloned and sequenced. Alignment of the 3 bacterial sequences shows a very high degree of homology in a stretch of ca 120 nucleotides, whereas the rest of the sequences is generally non-homologous. Within this common bacterial portion, a segment of ca. 96 nucleotides (core sequence) is also highly homologous to the phage sequence. The first half (ca. 50 bp) of the core sequence is identical in all aligned sequences whereas the second half, which is largely occupied by a stem-and-loop structure, contains point mutations peculiar to each clone. The described sequences are likely to be involved in phage integration/excision processes.  相似文献   
Blood glucose and glucose tolerance tests demonstrated that many male MM mice are diabetic. Serial urine sampling showed that the diabetes occurred only in mature MM males and consisted of a single self-limiting episode. Histological examination of the pancreas, together with measurements of body weight, glycosylated haemoglobin and plasma insulin, revealed that the diabetes was of the maturity-onset insulin-resistant type. Bacteriological examination of the urine samples showed that urinary tract infection, a known feature of male MM mice, occurred in the diabetics but only after the onset of hyperglucosuria. It was concluded that the high urinary glucose levels of diabetic MM males are of prime importance in the aetiology of the renal infection which occurs rarely in non-diabetic MM males or in other strains in the colony. An infectious aetiology for the diabetes per se was excluded by the existence of diabetes in germfree MM males.  相似文献   
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