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The neoglycolipid technology comprises several microproceduresinvolving the generation of lipid-linked oligosaccharide probesfor carbohydrate recognition studies in conjunction with oligosaccharidesequence determination by mass spectrometry. Although applicableto any desired oilgosaccharides, procedures are greatly facilitatedif the ohgosaccharides are nonreduced, as conjugation is byreductive amination of a reducing end aldehyde to a phosphatidylethanolamine.Using bovine submaxillary mucin as a model for release of O-glycansin the reducing state, and based on yields of neoglycolipidsand side-products from "peeling" reactions and degradation,aqueous ethylamine 70% w/v at 22°C for 48 h has been selectedin preference to other conditions, triethylainine, sodium hydroxide,and bydrazine. The integrity of the main acidic and neutraloligosaccharides released under these conditions, di- to octasaccharides,was established by analyses of free oligosaccharides by liquidsecondary ion mass spectrometry (LSIMS) and of the derived neoglycolipidsby TLCLSIMS; the repertoire compared favorably with that ofthe oligosaccharide alditols generated by conventional reductivealkaline borohydride treatment. More forcing conditions of ethylamine70% w/v at 65°C for 6 h were required to release oligosaccharidesfrom porcine gastric mucin; di- to nonasaccharides were obtainedof which about one-third had an intact core GalNAc. Relativeto yields after reductive alkaline hydrolysis, the overall yieldsfor these two glycoproteins were 20% and 40–50% for acidicand neutral oligosaccharides, respectively. Among O-glycansreleased from an ovarian cystadenoma glycoprotein using ethylamine,three variants of the sulfated Lea/x sequences were identifiedas ligands for the endothelial adhesion molecule E-selectin,one of which is based on the unusual backbone Gal-3/4GlcNAc-3Gal-3Gal. mucins O-linked oligosaccharides TLC-LSIMS neoglycolipids E-selectin  相似文献   
The thin-layer-chromatography immunostaining procedure was applied to human erythrocyte glycolipids using monoclonal anti-i and anti-I antibodies which are directed against epitopes on linear and branched carbohydrate chains of the neolacto (poly-N-acetyl-lactosamine) series. An examination of native and mild-acid-treated glycolipids from normal adult (Iadul t antigen type), neonatal (icord) , and I-antigen-deficient adult (iadult) erythrocytes enabled certain structural inferences to be made as follows: (a) cells of both I and i phenotypes contain a multiplicity of glycolipids of the neolacto series whose backbones consist of 8 or more sugar residues; (b) the octasaccharide backbones are predominantly linear in cells of i phenotype and branched in those of I type; and (c) more complex glycolipids having decasaccharide and larger backbones with both linear and branched sequences occur in erythrocytes of both phenotypes, 0  相似文献   
The hybridoma antibody TL5, which precipitates the EGF receptor from the human epidermoid carcinoma cell line A431, has been shown to recognize the blood-group-A carbohydrate structure. This conclusion has been reached from studies of (a) the binding of the antibody to glycoproteins and haemagglutination of erythrocytes with known blood-group-antigen activities and (b) the inhibition of binding of the antibody to a radiolabelled blood-group-A-active glycoprotein by structurally defined oligosaccharides.  相似文献   
Binding specificity of the major surfactant protein SP-A from human and dog lung has been investigated. Radiobinding experiments have shown that both proteins bind in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner to galactose, mannose, fucose, and glucose linked to bovine serum albumin. These results are in accord with a previous study in which monosaccharides were linked to agarose (Haagsman, H. P., Hawgood, S., Sargeant, T., Buckley, D., White, R. T., Drickamer, K., and Benson, B. J. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 13877-13880). Chromatogram overlays in conjunction with in situ liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry (TLC-LSIMS) of several purified glycosphingolipids and neoglycolipids as well as binding assays with glycolipids immobilized on plastic wells, demonstrate recognition of galactose (human and dog SP-A), glucose, and lactose (human SP-A) in association with specific lipids. In addition, the occurrence of several neutral and acidic glycosphingolipids in human and rat extracellular surfactants and rat alveolar type II cells is described. Selected components among the neutral glycolipids are bound by radiolabeled human SP-A; these are identified by TLC-LSIMS as predominantly ceramide mono- and disaccharides (human surfactant) and ceramide tri- and tetrasaccharides (rat surfactant and type II cells). A recombinant carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) of human SP-A inhibits the binding of human SP-A to galactosyl ceramide and to galactose- and mannose-bovine serum albumin, indicating that the CRD is directly involved in the binding of SP-A to these ligands. These results provide evidence for a novel type of binding specificity for proteins that have Ca(2+)-dependent CRDs and raise the possibility that glycosphingolipids are endogenous ligands for SP-A.  相似文献   
A human serum containing a monoclonal anti-(blood-group I) antibody was used to investigate the distribution of blood-group-I antigen on erythrocyte membrane components. Sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel-electrophoresis profiles of immuneprecipitates by using 3H-labelled (by the galactose oxidase/NaB3H4 method) and 125I-labelled solubilized stroma were compared. Different radioactive profiles were revealed by the two radiolabelling methods. In the immunoprecipitates the predominant 125I radioactivity within the gel had the electrophoretic mobility of Band-3 protein (apparent mol.wt. 90 000--100 000), whereas the 3H radioactivity revealed a diffusely migrating component(s) (apparent mol.wt. range 40 000--70 000) in addition to radioactivity compatible with glycolipids at the dye front. The diffusely migrating 3H-labelled component was shown to have a similar electrophoretic mobility to a subpopulation of erythrocyte poly(glycosyl)ceramides with blood-group-I activity.  相似文献   
Protein O-mannosylation is a post-translational modification essential for correct development of mammals. In humans, deficient O-mannosylation results in severe congenital muscular dystrophies often associated with impaired brain and eye development. Although various O-mannosylated proteins have been identified in the recent years, the distribution of O-mannosyl glycans in the mammalian brain and target proteins are still not well defined. In the present study, rabbit monoclonal antibodies directed against the O-mannosylated peptide YAT(α1-Man)AV were generated. Detailed characterization of clone RKU-1-3-5 revealed that this monoclonal antibody recognizes O-linked mannose also in different peptide and protein contexts. Using this tool, we observed that mono-O-mannosyl glycans occur ubiquitously throughout the murine brain but are especially enriched at inhibitory GABAergic neurons and at the perineural nets. Using a mass spectrometry-based approach, we further identified glycoproteins from the murine brain that bear single O-mannose residues. Among the candidates identified are members of the cadherin and plexin superfamilies and the perineural net protein neurocan. In addition, we identified neurexin 3, a cell adhesion protein involved in synaptic plasticity, and inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor 5, a protease inhibitor important in stabilizing the extracellular matrix, as new O-mannosylated glycoproteins.  相似文献   
Interest in the characterisation of O-mannosyl glycan structures has been stimulated following the identification of mannitol-terminating oligosaccharides among the chains released from mammalian proteins in nervous and muscle tissues, and by the discovery of a putative human O-mannosyl transferase. Several mass spectrometry methods have been applied to structure elucidation particularly when low amounts of oligosaccharide are available for analysis. However, when sufficient amounts are available, a combination of through-bond homo- and heteronuclear, and of through-space homonuclear NMR experiments permit the complete identification of these oligosaccharide sequences. We describe here the assignment of 1H and 13C NMR chemical shifts from such experiments for four mannitol-terminating oligosaccharide alditols, GlcNAcbeta-(1-->2)Manol, Galbeta-(1-->4)GlcNAcbeta-(1-->2)Manol, Galbeta-(1-->4)[Fucalpha-(1-->3)]GlcNAcbeta-(1-->2)Manol and NeuAcalpha-(2-->3)Galbeta-(1-->4)GlcNAcbeta-(1-->2)Manol, that were released from brain glycopeptides by alkaline borohydride treatment.  相似文献   
We describe microarrays of oligosaccharides as neoglycolipids and their robust display on nitrocellulose. The arrays are obtained from glycoproteins, glycolipids, proteoglycans, polysaccharides, whole organs, or from chemically synthesized oligosaccharides. We show that carbohydrate-recognizing proteins single out their ligands not only in arrays of homogeneous oligosaccharides but also in arrays of heterogeneous oligosaccharides. Initial applications have revealed new findings, including: (i) among O-glycans in brain, a relative abundance of the Lewis(x) sequence based on N-acetyllactosamine recognized by anti-L5, and a paucity of the Lewis(x) sequence based on poly-N-acetyllactosamine recognized by anti-SSEA-1; (ii) insights into chondroitin sulfate oligosaccharides recognized by an antiserum and an antibody (CS-56) to chondroitin sulfates; and (iii) binding of the cytokine interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and the chemokine RANTES to sulfated sequences such as HNK-1, sulfo-Lewis(x), and sulfo-Lewis(a), in addition to glycosaminoglycans. The approach opens the way for discovering new carbohydrate-recognizing proteins in the proteome and for mapping the repertoire of carbohydrate recognition structures in the glycome.  相似文献   
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