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Replication of Ibaraki virus was not inhibited by 5-iodo-2′-deoxyuridine, indicating that the virus is an RNA virus. The virus was resistant to ether, chloroform and deoxycholate, sensitive to trypsin, very labile at acidic pH but stable at pH 6.4 or higher, and was resistant to repeated freezing and thawing. The virus was readily inactivated at 56 C or higher, was fairly stable at 37 C, and very stable at 4 C, while it rapidly lost infectivity when stored frozen at —20 C. The virus was readily sedimented by centrifugation at 40 000Xg for 60 min. It readily passed through membrane filters of 200 mμ pore size, passed through 100 μfilters but only with some titer loss and did not through 50 mμ filters. In these tests, the bluetongue virus used as a control behaved in the same manner as Ibaraki virus. These findings provide additional evidence for the similarity of Ibaraki virus to bluetongue virus which had been previously demonstrated on the basis of seasonal incidence, symptomatology and pathology of the diseases caused by these viruses and the behavior of the viruses in cell cultures, embryonated eggs and laboratory animals. The present study, however, provided no evidence for any serological relation between these two viruses. More Information is needed to reach a final decision on the classification of Ibaraki virus, particularly regarding the morphology of the virion, the doublestrandedness of the viral RNA and other basic features.  相似文献   
This paper uses computational fluid dynamics to simulate and analyze intragastric fluid motions induced by human peristalsis. We created a two-dimensional computational domain of the distal stomach where peristalsis occurs. The motion of the gastric walls induced by an antral contraction wave (ACW) on the wall of the computational domain was well simulated using a function defined in this study. Retropulsive flow caused by ACW was observed near the occluded region, reaching its highest velocity of approximately 12 mm/s in the narrowest region. The viscosity of the model gastric contents applied in this study hardly affected the highest velocity, but greatly affected the velocity profile in the computational domain. The shear rate due to gastric fluid motion was calculated using the numerical output data. The shear rate reached relatively high values of approximately 20 s−1 in the most occluded region. The shear rate profile was almost independent of the fluid viscosity. We also simulated mass transfer of a gastric digestive enzyme (pepsin) in model gastric content when peristalsis occurs on the gastric walls. The visualized simulation results suggest that gastric peristalsis is capable of efficiently mixing pepsin secreted from the gastric walls with an intragastric fluid.  相似文献   
Sickle hemoglobin (Hb S) was cross-linked by two types of bifunctional imidoesters, dimethyladipimidate (DMA) and dimethyl-3,3'-dithiobispropionimidate (DTBP). These modified hemoglobins were separated into monomer, dimer and polymer fractions by gel filtration. All of these modified hemoglobins showed extremely left-shifted oxygen equilibrium curves with no cooperativity. The stabilities of these hemoglobins were also decreased. The solubilities of these modified hemoglobins in high-phosphate buffers were lower than those of native Hb S. Studies on the kinetics of the aggregation of these modified hemoglobins showed that intracross-linked Hb S with DMA and DTBP (DMA- and DTBP-modified monomeric Hb S) still retained the capability of aggregation with a delay time, while intercross-linked Hb S with DMA and DTBP (DMA- and DTBP-modified oligomeric Hb S) aggregated without a delay time. When the kinetics of aggregation was measured for mixtures of modified and native deoxy-Hb S, DMA-modified monomeric deoxy-Hb S shortened the delay time prior to aggregation of native deoxy-Hb S. The other modified deoxy-Hb S did not affect the delay time, suggesting that these modified oligomeric hemoglobins neither participate in the formation of nuclei nor copolymerize with native deoxy-Hb S.  相似文献   
Surface hydrophobicity, stability, solubility, and kinetics of polymerization were studied using hemoglobins with four different amino acids at the beta 6 position: Hb A (Glu beta 6), Hb C (Lys beta 6), Hb Machida (Gln beta 6), and Hb S (Val beta 6). The surface hydrophobicity increased in the order of Hb C, Hb A, Hb Machida, and Hb S, coinciding with the hydrophobicity of the amino acid at the beta 6 position. Solubility of the oxy-form of these hemoglobins decreased in relation to increases in their surface hydrophobicity, suggesting that the solubility is controlled by the strength of hydrophobicity of the amino acid at the beta 6 position. The solubility of the oxy-form of these hemoglobins is always higher than that of the deoxy-form. There is a similar linear relationship between the solubility and surface hydrophobicity among deoxyhemoglobins A, C, and Machida. However, the solubility of deoxy-Hb S deviated significantly from the expected value, indicating that the extremely low solubility of deoxy-Hb S is not directly related to the hydrophobicity of the beta 6 valine. Kinetic studies on the polymerization of deoxy-Hb Machida revealed a distinct delay time prior to polymerization. This confirms our previous hypothesis that beta 6 valine is not responsible for the delay time prior to gelation. The kinetics of the polymerization of 1:1 mixtures of sickle and non-sickle hemoglobins were similar to those of pure Hb S, suggesting that only one of the two beta 6 valines is involved in an intermolecular contact. In mixtures of equal amounts of Hb S and Hb A, Hb C, or Hb Machida, half of the asymmetrical AS, SC, and S-Machida hybrid hemoglobins behaved like Hb S during nucleation, while the other half behaved like the non-sickle hemoglobin.  相似文献   
Using the coil planet centrifugation method, the mechanism of hemolysis by alcohols and saponin was investigated. With this technique, erythrocytes are introduced into a gradient of hemolytic agents in saline, which is prepared in a long coiled polyethylene tube. The tube is centrifuged so that the cells move from a low to a high concentration of hemolytic agent. When the cells lyse, they release hemoglobin which remains stationary, and therefore hemolytic potency can be determined spectrophotometrically by the distance the cells move before lysing. We found that alcohols caused hemolysis at a particular concentration, whereas saponin-induced hemolysis was dependent on the amount of saponin accumulated in the environment of the cell. In addition, alcohols with longer carbon chains were more potent hemolytic agents than those with shorter chains, but each additional carbon group produced less of an increase in hemolysis per mole of alcohol. This chain-length dependency is consistent with a previous study on in vivo alcohol-induced hemolysis. The coil planet centrifugation method is also adaptable to comparative studies on the mechanism of other types of hemolysis, such as immune or drug-induced lysis, and to toxicological studies.  相似文献   
The uptake of sorbitol into vacuoles from immature flesh ofapple fruit (Maluspumila Mill, var domestica Schneid.) was facilitatedby 10–6 M ABA, while such uptake into protoplasts wasnot stimulated. By contrast, the application of 10–5 MIAA facilitated uptake of sorbitol into protoplasts but didnot significantly into vacuoles. (Received July 17, 1990; Accepted December 25, 1990)  相似文献   
"Cap" on the tip of Salmonella flagella   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Flagellar filaments isolated intact from a Salmonella short-flagella mutant are unable to serve as nuclei for flagellin polymerization in vitro, whereas the filaments reconstructed in vitro from the mutant flagellin are able to do so. The inability of intact flagella to nucleate flagellin polymerization appears to be common to wild-type bacteria and thus suggests that the tip of intact flagella are generally inactivated or capped in vivo. Careful observations of the tips of intact flagella and reconstructed flagellar filaments of a wild-type species have revealed marked difference between them: the intact flagella usually have blunt ends, whereas reconstructed filaments have concave, "fish-tail" ends. Moreover, a thin structure is often observed attaching to the very end of the intact flagella. We suspect that this "capping" structure is essential to the elongation mechanism of flagellar filaments.  相似文献   
The toxic effect of aluminum (Al) on the growth of Carrot cells(SO-l) decreased to a greater degree with addition of a mediumconditioned by Al-tolerant carrot cells (TA-l) than with a mediumconditioned by SO-l cells. The toxic effect of Al was reducedgreatly by adding an acidic fraction of the conditioned media,but little or not at all by a neutral or basic fraction. Offour organic acids detected in the acidic fraction, the majorone was citric acid which was present in a much greater amountin the conditioned medium of TA-l cells than in that of SO-lcells. The toxic effect of Al was reduced by adding citric or malicacid instead of the conditioned medium, but not by succinicor fumaric acid. Chelating abilities of the organic acids wereevaluated by shifts in their titration curves, and were foundto be closely correlated with the detoxification effects. Thus,the Al tolerance of TA-l cells may in fact be due to the chelatingeffect of citric acid which is abundantly released into themedium by the Al-tolerant carrot cells. (Received July 9, 1984; Accepted November 22, 1984)  相似文献   
Journal of Plant Research - The vascular anatomy of seven genera of Magnoliaceae:Elmerrillia, Liriodendron, Magnolia, Manglietia, Michelia, Paramichelia andTalauma, was examined. Based on the...  相似文献   
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