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Uranium (U) tolerant aerobic heterotrophs were isolated from the subsurface soils of one of the pre-mined U-rich deposits at Domiasiat located in the north-eastern part of India. On screening of genomic DNA from 62 isolates exhibiting superior U and heavy metal tolerance, 32 isolates were found to be positive for PIB-type ATPase genes. Phylogenetic incongruence and anomalous DNA base compositions revealed the acquisition of PIB-type ATPase genes by six isolates through horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Three of these instances of HGT appeared to have occurred at inter-phylum level and the other three instances indicated to have taken place at intra-phylum level. This study provides an insight into one of the possible survival strategies that bacteria might employ to adapt to environments rich in uranium and heavy metals.  相似文献   
The -carboxyl groups of Glu-43() and Glu-22() of hemoglobin-S (HbS), two intermolecular contact residues of deoxy protein, are activated by carbodiimide atp H 6.0. The selectivity of the modification by the two nucleophiles, glycine ethyl ester (GEE) and glucosamine, is distinct. Influence ofN-hydroxysulfosuccinimide, a reagent that rescues carbodiimide-activated carboxyl (O-acyl isourea) as sulfo-NHS ester, on the overall selectivity and efficiency of the coupling of Glu-22() and Glu-43() with nucleophiles has been investigated. Sulfo-NHS increases the extent of coupling of nucleophiles to HbS. The rescuing efficiency of sulfo-NHS(increase in modification) with GEE and galactosamine as nucleophiles is 2.0 and 2.8, respectively. In the presence of sulfo-NHS, the extent of modification of a carboxyl group is a direct reflection of the extent to which it is activated (i.e., the protonation state of the carboxyl group). The modification reaction exhibits very high selectivity for Glu-43() with GEE and galactosamine (GA) in the presence of sulfo-NHS. From the studies of the kinetics of amidation of oxy-HbS at its Glu-43() (i.e., chemical reactivity) as a function of thepH in the region of 5.5–7.5, the apparentpKa of its -carboxyl group has been calculated to be 6.35. Deoxygenation of HbS, nearly doubles the chemical reactivity of Glu-43() of HbS atpH 7.0. It is suggested that the increased hydrophobicity of the microenvironment of Glu-43(), which occurs on deoxygenation of the protein, is reflected as the increased chemical reactivity of the -carboxyl group and could be one of the crucial preludes to the polymerization process.  相似文献   
The relative roles of the two structural aspects of nonenzymic glycation sites of hemoglobin A, namely the ease with which the amino groups could form the aldimine adducts and the propensity of the microenvironments of the respective aldimines to facilitate the Amadori rearrangement, in dictating the site selectivity of nonenzymic glycation with aldotriose has been investigated. The chemical reactivity of the amino groups of hemoglobin A forin vitro reductive glycation with aldotriose is distinct from that in the nonreductive mode. The reactivity of amino groups of hemoglobin A toward reductive glycation (i.e., propensity for aldimine formation) decreases in the order Val-1(), Val-1(), Lys-66(), Lys-61(), and Lys-16(). The overall reactivity of hemoglobin A toward nonreductive glycation decreased in the order Lys-16(), Val-1(), Lys-66(), Lys-82(), Lys-61(), and Val-1(). Since the aldimine is the common intermediate for both the reductive and nonreductive modification, the differential selectivity of protein for the two modes of glycation is clearly a reflection of the propensity of the microenvironments of nonenzymic glycation sites to facilitate the isomerization reaction (i.e., Amadori rearrangement). A semiquantitative estimate of this propensity of the microenvironment of the nonenzymic glycation sites has been obtained by comparing the nonreductive (nonenzymic) and reductive modification at individual glycation sites. The microenvironment of Lys-16() is very efficient in facilitating the rearrangement and the relative efficiency decreases in the order Lys-16(), Lys-82(), Lys-66(), Lys-61(), Val-1(), and Val-1(). The propensity of the microenvironment of Lys-16() to facilitate the Amadori rearrangement of the aldimine is about three orders of magnitude higher than that of Val-1() and is about 50 times higher than that of Val-1(). The extent of nonenzymic glycation at the individual sites is modulated by various factors, such as thepH, concentration of aldotriose, and the concentration of the protein. The nucleophiles—such as tris, glycine ethyl ester, and amino guanidine—inhibit the glycation by trapping the aldotriose. The nonenzymic glycation inhibitory power of nucleophile is directly related to its propensity to form aldimine. Thus, the extent of inhibition of nonenzymic glycation at a given site by a nucleophile directly reflects the relative role ofpK a of the site in dictating the glycation at that site. The nonenzymic glycation of an amino group of a protein is an additive/synergestic consequence of the propensity of the site to form aldimine adducts on one hand, and the propensity of its microenvironment to facilitate the isomerization of the aldimines to ketoamines on the other. The isomerization potential of microenvironment plays the dominant role in dictating the site specificity of the nonenzymic glycation of proteins.  相似文献   
A structural basis for the interaction of urea with lysozyme.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The effect of urea on the crystal structure of hen egg-white lysozyme has been investigated using X-ray crystallography. High resolution structures have been determined from crystals grown in the presence of 0, 0.7, 2, 3, 4, and 5 M urea and from crystals soaked in 9 M urea. All the forms are essentially isomorphous with the native type II crystals, and the derived structures exhibit excellent geometry and RMS differences from ideality in bond distances and angles. Comparison of the urea complex structures with the native enzyme (type II form, at 1.5 A resolution) indicates that the effect of urea is minimal over the concentration range studied. The mean difference in backbone conformation between the native enzyme and its urea complexes varies from 0.18 to 0.49 A. Conformational changes are limited to flexible surface loops (Thr 69-Asn 74, Ser 100-Asn 103), the active site loop (Asn 59-Cys 80), and the C-terminus (Cys 127-Leu 129). Urea molecules are bound to distinct sites on the surface of the protein. One molecule is bound to the active site cleft's C subsite, at all concentrations, in a fashion analogous to that of the N-acetyl substituent of substrate and inhibitor sugars normally bound to this site. Occupation of this subsite by urea alone does not appear to induce the conformational changes associated with inhibitor binding.  相似文献   
Transgenic swine expressing human HbA contained only one of two types of the anticipated interspecies hybrids, namely H alpha 2 P beta 2 (H = human, P = swine). In an attempt to establish whether the absence of the swine alpha and human beta (P alpha 2 H beta 2) hybrid in vivo is a reflection of the lack of complementarity between the interspecies chains to generate appropriate interfaces, we have undertaken the in vitro assembly of swine alpha and human beta chimeric tetramer. In contrast to the in vivo transgenic swine system, in vitro the hybrid of swine alpha human beta chain is assembled readily and the hybrid exhibits normal cooperative oxygen binding. Both the swine alpha human beta and the human alpha swine beta interspecies hybrids are stable around neutral pH and do not segregate into parent tetramers even when mixed together. On the other hand, nearly complete exchange of P alpha chain of P alpha 2 H beta 2 hybrid occurs in the presence of H alpha chain at pH 6.0 and room temperature, resulting in the formation of HbA. However, very little of such an exchange reaction takes place at pH 7.0. These results suggest that the thermodynamic stability of P alpha 2 H beta 2 hybrid is lower compared to that of HbA. In contrast, P beta chain of H alpha 2 P beta 2 hybrid is refractory to exchange with H beta chain at pH 7.0 as well as at pH 6.0, suggesting that the stability of H alpha 2 P beta 2 is higher compared to that of HbA (H alpha 2 H beta 2). The swine alpha human beta chimeric Hb undergoes subunit exchange reaction with human alpha-chain in the presence of 0.9 M MgCl2, at pH 7.0. This demonstrates the lower thermodynamic stability of the intradimeric interactions of the heterodimer even at neutral pH. A synergistic coupling of the intra- and interdimeric interactions of the swine alpha and human beta chain heterodimer is essential for the thermodynamic stability of the chimeric Hb under the physiological conditions. Accordingly, we speculate that the lower thermodynamic stability of P alpha H beta heterodimer (compared to the homodimers H alpha H beta and P alpha P beta) facilitates its segregation into the homodimers by subunit exchange reaction involving either H alpha or P beta. This molecular aspect by itself or possibly along with other cellular aspects of the swine system results in the absence of P alpha 2 H beta 2 hybrid in transgenic swine expressing HbA.  相似文献   
The dimethyl ester of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease-A (dimethyl RNAase-A), the initial product of esterification of RNAase-A in anhydrous methanolic HCl, was isolated in a homogeneous form. The two carboxy functions esterified in this derivative are those of glutamic acid-49 and aspartic acid-53. There were no changes in the u.v.-absorption spectral characteristics, the accessibility of the methionine residues, the resistance of the protein to proteolysis by trypsin and the antigenic behaviour of RNAase-A as a result of the esterification of these two carboxy groups. Dimethyl RNAase-A exhibited only 65% of the specific activity of RNAase-A, but still had the same Km value for both RNA and 2′:3′-cyclic CMP. However, the Vmax. was decreased by about 35%. On careful hydrolysis of the methyl ester groups at pH9.5, dimethyl RNAase-A was converted back into RNAase-A. Limited proteolysis of dimethyl RNAase-A by subtilisin resulted in the formation of an active RNAase-S-type derivative, namely dimethyl RNAase-S, which was chromatographically distinct from dimethyl RNAase-A and had very nearly the same enzymic activity as dimethyl RNAase-A. Fractionation of dimethyl RNAase-S by trichloroacetic acid yielded dimethyl RNAase-S-protein and dimethyl RNAase-S-peptide, both of which were inactive by themselves but regenerated dimethyl RNAase-S when mixed together. Dimethyl RNAase-A-peptide was identical with RNAase-S-peptide. RNAase-S-protein could be generated from dimethyl RNAase-S-protein by careful hydrolysis of the methyl ester groups at pH9.5. The interaction of dimethyl RNAase-S-protein with RNAase-S-peptide appears to be about 4-fold weaker than that between the RNAase-S-protein and RNAase-S-peptide. Conceivably, the binding of the S-peptide `tail' of dimethyl RNAase-A with the remainder of the molecule is similarly weaker than that in RNAase-A, and this brings about subtle changes in the geometrical orientation of the active-site amino acid residues of these modified methyl ester derivatives. It is suggested that these changes could be responsible for the generation of the catalytically less-efficient RNAase-A and RNAase-S molecules (dimethyl RNAase-A and dimethyl RNAase-S respectively).  相似文献   
The material obtained from reduced hen egg white lysozyme after complete air oxidation at pH 8.0 and 37 degrees has yielded, by gel filtration on a Bio-Gel P-30 column, enzymically active species and an enzymically inactive form which eluted sooner than the active species but later than expected for a dimer of lysozyme. Reduced lysozyme also elutes at the same position as this inactive material. Examination of the fragments produced on CNBr cleavage of the inactive form indicates that at least 24% of the population contains incorrect disulfide bonds involving half-cystine residues 6, 30, 115, and 127. Tryptophan fluorescence and the intrinsic viscosity of the inactive form show an enlarged molecular domain with a disordered conformation. The yield of the inactive form increases as the oxidation of reduced lysozyme is accelerated using cupric ion. In the presence of 4 X 10(-5) M cupric ion, reduced lysozyme forms almost quantitatively the inactive form, which is almost completely converted to the native form by sulfhydryl-disulfide interchange catalyzed by thiol groups of either reduced lysozyme or beta-mercaptoethanol. The material trapped by alkylation of the free sulfhydryl groups with [1-14C]iodoacetic acid during the early stage of air oxidation of reduced lysozyme was fractionated by gel filtration to permit separation of the active species from the inactive form. Ion exchange chromatography of the active species yielded completely renatured lysozyme and three major enzymically active radioactive derivatives. Two of these derivatives contained approximately 2 mol of S-carboxymethylcysteine. Isolation and characterization of radioactive tryptic peptides from each of the three active forms, permitted the identification of Cys 6 and Cys 127, Cys 76 and 94, and Cys 80 as the sulfhydryl groups alkylated in these three incompletely oxidized, partially active forms. Thus, it appears that the interatomic interactions maintaining the compact three-dimensional structure of native lysozyme are operational even when one of these three native disulfide bonds between Cys 6 and Cys 127, Cys 76 and Cys 94, and Cys 64 and 80 is open.  相似文献   
Chronic topical cases of Sporotrichosis, a chronic fungal infection caused by the ubiquitously present cryptic members of the Sporothrix species complex, are treated with oral administrations of itraconazole. However, severe pulmonary or disseminated cases require repeated intra-venous doses of amphotericin B or even surgical debridement of the infected tissue. The unavoidable adverse side-effects of the current treatments, besides the growing drug resistance among Sporothrix genus, demands exploration of alternative therapeutic options. Medicinal herbs, due to their multi-targeting capacity, are gaining popularity amidst the rising antimicrobial recalcitrance. Withania somnifera is a well-known medicinal herb with reported antifungal activities against several pathogenic fungal genera. In this study, the antifungal effect of the whole plant extract of W. somnifera (WSWE) has been explored for the first time, against an itraconazole resistant strain of S. globosa. WSWE treatment inhibited S. globosa yeast form growth in a dose-dependent manner, with IC50 of 1.40 mg/ml. Minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) was found to be 50 mg/ml. Sorbitol protection and ergosterol binding assays, revealed that anti-sporotrichotic effects of WSWE correlated well with the destabilization of the fungal cell wall and cell membrane. This observation was validated through dose-dependent decrease in overall ergosterol contents in WSWE-treated S. globosa cells. Compositional analysis of WSWE through high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) exhibited the presence of several anti-microbial phytochemicals like withanone, withaferin A, withanolides A and B, and withanoside IV and V. Withanone and withaferin A, purified from WSWE, were 10–20 folds more potent against S. globosa than WSWE, thus, suggesting to be the major phytocompounds responsible for the observed anti-sporotrichotic activity. In conclusion, this study has demonstrated the anti-sporotrichotic property of the whole plant extract of W. somnifera against S. globosa that could be further explored for the development of a natural antifungal agent against chronic Sporotrichosis.  相似文献   
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