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Arjun Singh  T. R. Manney 《Genetics》1974,77(4):661-670
A suppressor SUP101 of alleles trp5-67 and trp5-18 of the trp5 locus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is described. The two suppressible mutations have been previously classified as missense. The suppression does not result from a physiological bypass of the tryptophan synthetase-catalyzed reaction, since the suppression is allele-specific. IU alleles trp5-70, tryp5-95, and trp5-102; IA alleles trp5-81, trp5-101, and trp5-103; and the ochre alleles trp5-33 and trp5-48 are not suppressed by SUP101. SUP101 does not suppress ochre alleles ade2-1, his5-2, arg4-17, lys1-1, amber alleles trp1-1, tyr7-1, or unclassified alleles at a number of other loci. These results indicate SUP101 is a missense suppressor. Growth on tryptophanless media is dependent upon gene dosage of both the suppressor and the suppressible alleles. Only the diploids homozygous both for the suppressor and suppressible alleles produce growth equivalent to growth of the haploids bearing a suppressible allele and the suppressor. Suppressor-bearing strains grow poorly even on tryptophan-supplemented media. In more than 100 asci analyzed partial growth inhibition on the complete medium always segregated with the suppressor.  相似文献   
Climate change and urbanisation are among the most pervasive and rapidly growing threats to biodiversity worldwide. However, their impacts are usually considered in isolation, and interactions are rarely examined. Predicting species' responses to the combined effects of climate change and urbanisation, therefore, represents a pressing challenge in global change biology. Birds are important model taxa for exploring the impacts of both climate change and urbanisation, and their behaviour and physiology have been well studied in urban and non-urban systems. This understanding should allow interactive effects of rising temperatures and urbanisation to be inferred, yet considerations of these interactions are almost entirely lacking from empirical research. Here, we synthesise our current understanding of the potential mechanisms that could affect how species respond to the combined effects of rising temperatures and urbanisation, with a focus on avian taxa. We discuss potential interactive effects to motivate future in-depth research on this critically important, yet overlooked, aspect of global change biology. Increased temperatures are a pronounced consequence of both urbanisation (through the urban heat island effect) and climate change. The biological impact of this warming in urban and non-urban systems will likely differ in magnitude and direction when interacting with other factors that typically vary between these habitats, such as resource availability (e.g. water, food and microsites) and pollution levels. Furthermore, the nature of such interactions may differ for cities situated in different climate types, for example, tropical, arid, temperate, continental and polar. Within this article, we highlight the potential for interactive effects of climate and urban drivers on the mechanistic responses of birds, identify knowledge gaps and propose promising future research avenues. A deeper understanding of the behavioural and physiological mechanisms mediating species' responses to urbanisation and rising temperatures will provide novel insights into ecology and evolution under global change and may help better predict future population responses.  相似文献   
Intraguild interactions among carnivores have long held the fascination of ecologists. Ranging from competition to facilitation and coexistence, these interactions and their complex interplay influence everything from species persistence to ecosystem functioning. Yet, the patterns and pathways of such interactions are far from understood in tropical forest systems, particularly across countries in the Global South. Here, we examined the determinants and consequences of competitive interactions between dholes Cuon alpinus and the two large felids (leopards Panthera pardus and tigers Panthera tigris) with which they most commonly co-occur across Asia. Using a combination of traditional and novel data sources (N = 118), we integrate information from spatial, temporal, and dietary niche dimensions. These three species have faced catastrophic declines in their extent of co-occurrence over the past century; most of their source populations are now confined to Protected Areas. Analysis of dyadic interactions between species pairs showed a clear social hierarchy. Tigers were dominant over dholes, although pack strength in dholes helped ameliorate some of these effects; leopards were subordinate to dholes. Population-level spatio-temporal interactions assessed at 25 locations across Asia did not show a clear pattern of overlap or avoidance between species pairs. Diet-profile assessments indicated that wild ungulate biomass consumption by tigers was highest, while leopards consumed more primate and livestock prey as compared to their co-predators. In terms of prey offtake (ratio of wild prey biomass consumed to biomass available), the three species together harvested 0.4–30.2% of available prey, with the highest offtake recorded from the location where the carnivores reach very high densities. When re-examined in the context of prey availability and offtake, locations with low wild prey availability showed spatial avoidance and temporal overlap among the carnivore pairs, and locations with high wild prey availability showed spatial overlap and temporal segregation. Based on these observations, we make predictions for 40 Protected Areas in India where temporally synchronous estimates of predator and prey densities are available. We expect that low prey availability will lead to higher competition, and in extreme cases, to the complete exclusion of one or more species. In Protected Areas with high prey availability, we expect intraguild coexistence and conspecific competition among carnivores, with spill-over to forest-edge habitats and subsequent prey-switching to livestock. We stress that dhole–leopard–tiger co-occurrence across their range is facilitated through an intricate yet fragile balance between prey availability, and intraguild and conspecific competition. Data gaps and limitations notwithstanding, our study shows how insights from fundamental ecology can be of immense utility for applied aspects like large predator conservation and management of human–carnivore interactions. Our findings also highlight potential avenues for future research on tropical carnivores that can broaden current understanding of intraguild competition in forest systems of Asia and beyond.  相似文献   
Translation of an immune response into therapy is probably the toughest task in designing vaccines for cancer due to the heterogeneity of the cell surface antigens which display tremendous variations in glycoforms. Consequently, a small segment (antigen) of the cancer-associated mucin, in spite of generating antigen-specific immune responses, may be limited in therapeutic value. It is important that the synthetic segment resembles the native cancer-associated mucin in both structure and conformation. Synthetic cancer associated mucin derived 16 amino acid peptide GVTSAPDTRAPAPGSTA and its partially glycosylated forms have demonstrated specific binding to two monoclonal antibodies, B27.29 and BCP8, raised against the native cancer associated mucin, MUC-1 and a MUC-1 derived synthetic peptide, respectively. In spite of the structural similarities at the core peptide level of both glycosylated and unglycosylated peptides, it appears that partial glycosylation does not inhibit and even slightly enhances binding to the MAb B27.29 indicating that the glycosylated synthetic peptide more closely resembles the native mucin epitope recognized by MAb B27.29. From molecular dynamic simulations using NMR derived distance constraints, both glycosylated and unglycosylated peptides have shown a type I turn involving the same amino acids in both glycosylated and unglycosylated peptides. The GalNAc attached to the threonine (T3) and serine (S4) in the 16 amino acid sequence has not imposed any conformational changes to the peptide backbone nor has offered severe steric resistance to the binding of either antibody to the glycopeptides as indicated by hapten inhibition studies. Nevertheless, all peptides have displayed glycosylation dependent specificities in binding to these antibodies, i.e. the glycosylated peptides demonstrated relative higher affinities to the native mucin antibody B27.29 while the unglycosylated peptide is more specific to the MAb BCP8. Immune responses generated by these synthetic glycopeptides are highly specific in recognizing the native cancer associated mucin.  相似文献   
Certain species of the marine diatom genus Pseudo‐nitzschia are responsible for the production of the domoic acid (DA), a neurotoxin that can bioaccumulate in the food chain and cause amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) in animals and humans. This study extends our knowledge by reporting on the first observation of the potentially toxic species Pseudo‐nitzschia simulans from this region. One clonal strain of P. simulans was isolated from the East Australian Current and characterized using light and transmission electron microscopy, and phylogenetic analyses based on regions of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and the D1–D3 region of the large subunit (LSU) of the nuclear‐encoded ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA), as well as examined for DA production as measured by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry. Although this strain was non‐toxic under the defined growth conditions, the results unambiguously confirmed that this isolate is the potentially toxic species P. simulans – the first report of this species from the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   
Data from wildlife rehabilitation centers (WRCs) can provide on‐the‐ground records of causes of raptor morbidity and mortality, allowing threat patterns to be explored throughout time and space. We provide an overview of native raptor admissions to four WRCs in England and Wales, quantifying the main causes of morbidity and mortality, trends over time, and associations between threats and urbanization between 2001 and 2019. Throughout the study period, 14 raptor species were admitted totalling 3305 admission records. The Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo; 31%) and Tawny Owl (Strix aluco; 29%) were most numerous. Relative to the proportion of breeding individuals in Britain and Ireland, Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus), Little Owls (Athene noctua), and Western Barn Owls (Tyto alba) were over‐represented in the admissions data by 103%, 73%, and 69%, respectively. Contrastingly Northern Long‐eared Owls (Asio otus), Western Marsh Harriers (Circus aeruginosus), and Merlin (Falco columbarius) were under‐represented by 187%, 163%, and 126%, respectively. Across all species, vehicle collisions were the most frequent anthropogenic admission cause (22%), and orphaned young birds (10%) were most frequent natural cause. Mortality rate was highest for infection/parasite admissions (90%), whereas orphaned birds experienced lowest mortality rates (16%). For one WRC, there was a decline in admissions over the study period. Red Kite (Milvus milvus) admissions increased over time, whereas Common Buzzard and Common Kestrel admissions declined. There were significant declines in the relative proportion of persecution and metabolic admissions and an increase in orphaned birds. Urban areas were positively associated with persecution, building collisions, and unknown trauma admissions, whereas vehicle collisions were associated with more rural areas. Many threats persist for raptors in England and Wales, however, have not changed substantially over the past two decades. Threats associated with urban areas, such as building collisions, may increase over time in line with human population growth and subsequent urban expansion.  相似文献   
Cheung CL  Huang QY  Ng MY  Chan V  Sham PC  Kung AW 《Human genetics》2006,120(3):354-359
Chromosome 1q has previously been linked to bone mineral density (BMD) variation in the general population in several genome-wide linkage studies in both humans and mouse model. The aim of present study is to replicate and fine map the QTL influencing BMD in chromosome 1q in southern Chinese. Twelve microsatellite markers were genotyped for a 57 cΜ region in the chromosome 1q in 306 southern Chinese families with 1,459 subjects. Each of these families was ascertained through a proband with BMD Z-scores less than −1.3 at the hip or spine. BMD (g/cm2) at the L1-4 lumbar spine, femoral neck (FN), trochanter and total hip was measured by dual-energy X-ray absortiometry. Linkage analyses were performed using the variance component linkage analysis method implemented in Merlin software. Four markers (D1S2878, D1S196, D1S452, and D1S218) achieved a LOD score greater than 1.0 with spine BMD, with the maximum multipoint LOD score of 2.36 at the marker D1S196. We did not detect a LOD score greater than 1.0 for BMD at the FN, trochanter, or total hip in multipoint linkage analyses. Our results present the first evidence for the presence of an osteoporosis susceptibility gene on chromosome 1q in non-Caucasian subjects. Further analyses of candidate genes are warranted to identify QTL genes and variants underlying the variations of BMD in this region.  相似文献   
For the development of novel antitumor agents, 2,6-dithienyl-4-furyl pyridine derivatives were prepared and evaluated for their topoisomerase I and II inhibitory activity as well as cytotoxicity against several human cancer cell lines. Among the 21 prepared compounds, compound 24 exhibited strong topoisomerase I inhibitory activity. In addition, a docking study with topoisomerase I and compound 24 was performed.  相似文献   
Increase in food production viz-a-viz quality of food is important to feed the growing human population to attain food as well as nutritional security. The availability of diverse germplasm of any crop is an important genetic resource to mine the genes that may assist in attaining food as well as nutritional security. Here we used 15 RAPD and 23 SSR markers to elucidate diversity among 51 common bean genotypes mostly landraces collected from the Himalayan region of Jammu and Kashmir, India. We observed that both the markers are highly polymorphic. The discriminatory power of these markers was determined using various parameters like; percent polymorphism, PIC, resolving power and marker index. 15 RAPDs produced 171 polymorphic bands, while 23 SSRs produced 268 polymorphic bands. SSRs showed a higher PIC value (0.300) compared to RAPDs (0.243). Further the resolving power of SSRs was 5.241 compared to 3.86 for RAPDs. However, RAPDs showed a higher marker index (2.69) compared to SSRs (1.279) that may be attributed to their higher multiplex ratio. The dendrograms generated with hierarchical UPGMA cluster analysis grouped genotypes into two main clusters with various degrees of sub clustering within the cluster. Here we observed that both the marker systems showed comparable accuracy in grouping genotypes of common bean according to their area of cultivation. The model based STRUCTURE analysis using 15 RAPD and 23 SSR markers identified a population with 3 sub-populations which corresponds to distance based groupings. High level of genetic diversity was observed within the population. These findings have further implications in common bean breeding as well as conservation programs.  相似文献   
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