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Several bodily functions in humans vary on a 24 h pattern and most of these variations persist with a circadian period ofca 25 h when subjects are studied under conditions of social and temporal isolation. We report in this paper that the estimates of short time intervals (TE) of 2 h are strongly coupled to the circadian rhythm in sleepwakefulness. There is a linear correlation between the number of hours humans stay awake (α) and their estimation of 2 h intervals. The coupling of TE to α appears to obtain only under conditions of physical well-being.  相似文献   
The neuropeptide galanin comes under the powerful and versatile modulators of classical neurotransmitters and is present in brain tissues, which are intimately involved in epileptogenesis. It acts as appealing targets for studying basic mechanisms of seizure initiation and arrest, and for the development of novel approaches for various neurodegenerative diseases. Galanin is widely distributed in the mammalian brain which controls various processes such as sensation of pain, learning, feeding, sexual behaviour, carcinogenesis, pathophysiology of neuroendocrine tumors and others. The function of galanin can be exploited through its interaction with three G-protein coupled receptors subtypes such as GalR1, GalR2 and GalR3. The N-terminal region of galanin comprises about highly conserved 15 amino acid residues, which act as the crucial region for agonist-receptor binding. We have constructed a theoretical structural model for the N-terminal region of galanin from Homo sapiens by homology modeling. The stereochemistry of the model was checked using PROCHECK. The functionally conserved regions were identified by surface mapping of phylogenetic information generated by online web algorithm ConSurf. The docking studies on the pharmacologically important galanin receptors with the theoretical model of N-terminal region of galanin predicted crucial residues for binding which would be useful in the development of novel leads for neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   
Grapes downy mildew caused by obligate oomycete plant pathogen Plasmopara viticola is a devastating disease worldwide, resulting in significant yield and quality losses. A field survey was conducted in two major grapes cultivated areas of Tamil Nadu for the incidence of grapevine downy mildew. The disease incidence was 43.42%–76.69%, and the highest disease incidence of 76.69% was observed in the Theni district. Totally eight P. viticola isolates were collected from different places in Coimbatore and Theni districts. These isolates were confirmed through microscopic observation and sequencing of COX 2 gene, and the phylogenetic tree was developed to study their phylogenetic relationship among the isolates which shows 97–100% sequence similarity with other P. viticola isolates and less sequence similarity with Plasmopara species. The loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was developed based on the CesA4 gene sequence of P. viticola. The assay developed was more sensitive as it detected P. viticola genomic DNA up to 20 fmg. LAMP assay specificity was proved by carrying out the assay with genomic DNA extracted from other Oomycetes and fungal plant pathogens. Finally, LAMP assay was validated by testing seventy-eight grapevine leaf samples collected from seven different locations. LAMP assay showed a positive reaction in sixty-two samples tested out of seventy-eight samples tested. Therefore, the LAMP assay described should helpful for early and specific detection of downy mildew pathogen and help in mitigating disease incidence.  相似文献   
Length-weight relationship (LWR) parameters were analysed for six demersal finfish species from the Gulf of Mannar coast, Bay of Bengal. Fishes were sampled monthly from the landings of trawlers operated along the coast of Tuticorin and Rameshwaram with a cod-end mesh size of 35 mm at the depth of 60–80 m. Fish specimens were sampled by measuring the total length (TL) and total weight (TW) with precision to 0.1 cm and 0.1 g respectively. The present study also recorded a new maximum total length for Engyprosopon macrolepis, Torquigener brevipinnis and Leiognathus brevirostris.  相似文献   
The present work aims to synthesize zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles via green approaches using leaf extract of Parthenium hysterophorus. UV–vis and FT-IR tests confirmed the existence of biomolecules, active materials, and metal oxides. The X-ray diffraction structural study exposes the ZnO nanoparticles formation with hexagonal phase structures. SEM and TEM analysis reveal surface morphologies of ZnO nanoparticles and most of them are spherical with a size range of 10 nm. ZnO nanoparticles were revealed strong antimicrobial activity against both bacterial and fungal strains. The germination of seeds and vegetative growth of Sesamum indicum has been greatly improved.  相似文献   
In this study, we report the bioinformatics characterization, gene expression, transglutaminase activity and coagulation assays of transglutaminase (TGase) of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii identified from the constructed cDNA library by GS FLX™ technology. Even though, TGase have sequence similarity, they differ extensively in their substrate specificity and are thought to play an important in variety of functions such as development, tissue differentiation and immune responses etc. Gene expression studies show that MrTGase is widely distributed in the tissues such as heart, muscle, intestine, brain, etc., but higher amounts are found in hemocyte. Results of TGase mRNA relative expression in hemocyte, before and after infected with white spot syndrome baculovirus (WSBV) and Vibrio harveyi show that the gene expression initially increases up to 24 h and then it falls down. Coagulation assay results showed that the endogenous TGase is involved in the rapid assembly of a specific, plasma clotting protein. Structural studies show that MrTGase contains a typical TGc domain between 323 and 424, and two putative integrin-binding motifs at Arg180–Gly181–Asp182 and Arg269–Gly270–Asp271. The predicted 3D model of MrTGase contains 47.04% coils (366 amino acid residues), 26.74% extended strand (208 residues), 21.72% α-helix (169 residues) and 4.5% beta turns (35 residues). BLASTp analysis of MrTGase exhibited high sequence similarities with other crustacean TGase, with the highest observed in white shrimp (77.1%). Moreover, the phylogenetic analysis also showed that MrTGase clustered with the other members of crustacean TGase. Overall, these results suggested that MrTGase is a major and functional TGase of M. rosenbergii for haemolymph coagulation and also in spread of infection.  相似文献   
Bacillus licheniformis l-arabinose isomerase (l-AI) is distinguished from other l-AIs by its high degree of substrate specificity for l-arabinose and its high turnover rate. A systematic strategy that included a sequence alignment-based first screening of residues and a homology model-based second screening, followed by site-directed mutagenesis to alter individual screened residues, was used to study the molecular determinants for the catalytic efficiency of B. licheniformis l-AI. One conserved amino acid, Y333, in the substrate binding pocket of the wild-type B. licheniformis l-AI was identified as an important residue affecting the catalytic efficiency of B. licheniformis l-AI. Further insights into the function of residue Y333 were obtained by replacing it with other aromatic, nonpolar hydrophobic amino acids or polar amino acids. Replacing Y333 with the aromatic amino acid Phe did not alter catalytic efficiency toward l-arabinose. In contrast, the activities of mutants containing a hydrophobic amino acid (Ala, Val, or Leu) at position 333 decreased as the size of the hydrophobic side chain of the amino acid decreased. However, mutants containing hydrophilic and charged amino acids, such as Asp, Glu, and Lys, showed almost no activity with l-arabinose. These data and a molecular dynamics simulation suggest that Y333 is involved in the catalytic efficiency of B. licheniformis l-AI.l-Arabinose isomerase (l-AI) is an enzyme that mediates in vivo isomerization between l-arabinose and l-ribulose as well as in vitro isomerization of d-galactose and d-tagatose (20). l-Ribulose (l-erythro-pentulose) is a rare and expensive ketopentose sugar (1) that can be used as a precursor for the production of other rare sugars of high market value, such as l-ribose. Despite being a common metabolic intermediate in different organisms, l-ribulose is scarce in nature. The market for rare and unnatural sugars has been growing, especially in the sweetener and pharmaceutical industries. For example, several modified nucleosides derived from l-sugars have been shown to act as potent antiviral agents and are also useful in antigen therapy. Derivatives of rare sugars have also been used as agents against hepatitis B virus and human immunodeficiency virus (2, 22).For these reasons, interest in the enzymology of rare sugars has also been increasing. Various forms of l-AI from a variety of organisms have been characterized, and some have shown potential for industrial use. Several highly thermotolerant enzyme forms from Thermotoga maritima (12), Thermotoga neapolitana (10), Bacillus stearothermophilus (18), Thermoanaerobacter mathranii (9), and Lactobacillus plantarum (5) have been characterized previously. All of these reported l-AIs tend to have broad specificity, although a few l-AIs with high degrees of substrate specificity for l-arabinose have also been documented.The enzyme properties of l-AIs have been examined by engineering several forms by error-prone PCR and site-directed mutagenesis. Galactose conversion was reportedly enhanced 20% following site-directed introduction of a double mutation (C450S-N475K) into l-AI (16). Error-prone PCR manipulation of l-AI from Geobacillus stearothermophilus resulted in a shift in temperature specificity from 60 to 65°C and increased isomerization activity (11). All of these previously reported mutational studies have been aimed at improving enzymatic properties for industrial application. However, even though the three-dimensional (3D) structure of Escherichia coli l-AI has been determined previously (15), few new structural studies have been performed to decipher the reaction mechanism of this enzyme. Rhimi et al. (19) have reported an important role for D308, F329, E351, and H446 in catalysis, as indicated by findings from site-directed mutagenesis. Nonetheless, detailed analysis of the important molecular determinants controlling the catalytic activities of the l-AIs is still lacking.Previously, we have reported the cloning and characterization of a novel l-AI from Bacillus licheniformis (17). This enzyme can be distinguished from other l-AIs by its wide pH range, high degree of substrate specificity for l-arabinose, and extremely high turnover rate. In the present paper, we report the identification of an important amino acid residue responsible for the catalytic efficiency of l-AIs, as determined by a systematic screening process composed of sequence alignment and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, followed by site-directed mutagenesis. Using the crystal structure of E. coli l-AI as a template, we have built a 3D model of B. licheniformis l-AI. Analysis of the 3D model of B. licheniformis l-AI docked with l-arabinose, followed by a systematic screening process, showed that Y333 interacted with the substrate, suggesting that this residue in B. licheniformis l-AI may be essential for catalysis. We further characterized the role of Y333 in B. licheniformis l-AI binding of and catalytic efficiency for l-arabinose.  相似文献   
Postnatal changes in wing morphology, flight development and aerodynamics were studied in captive free-flying short-nosed fruit bats, Cynopterus sphinx. Pups were reluctant to move until 25 days of age and started fluttering at the mean age of 40 days. The wingspan and wing area increased linearly until 45 days of age by which time the young bats exhibited clumsy flight with gentle turns. At birth, C. sphinx had less-developed handwings compared to armwings; however, the handwing developed faster than the armwing during the postnatal period. Young bats achieved sustained flight at 55 days of age. Wing loading decreased linearly until 35 days of age and thereafter increased to a maximum of 12.82 Nm(-2) at 125 days of age. The logistic equation fitted the postnatal changes in wingspan and wing area better than the Gompertz and von Bertalanffy equations. The predicted minimum power speed (V(mp)) and maximum range speed (V(mr)) decreased until the onset of flight and thereafter the V(mp) and V(mr) increased linearly and approached 96.2% and 96.4%, respectively, of the speed of postpartum females at the age of 125 days. The requirement of minimum flight power (P(mp)) and maximum range power (P(mr)) increased until 85 days of age and thereafter stabilised. The minimum theoretical radius of banked turn (r(min)) decreased until 35 days of age and thereafter increased linearly and attained 86.5% of the r(min) of postpartum females at the age of 125 days.  相似文献   
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