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Aim The seagrass, Posidonia oceanica is a clonal angiosperm endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. Previous studies have suggested that clonal growth is far greater than sexual recruitment and thus leads to low clonal diversity within meadows. However, recently developed microsatellite markers indicate that there are many different genotypes, and therefore many distinct clones present. The low resolution of markers used in the past limited our ability to estimate clonality and assess the individual level. New high‐resolution dinucleotide microsatellites now allow genetically distinct individuals to be identified, enabling more reliable estimation of population genetic parameters across the Mediterranean Basin. We investigated the biogeography and dispersal of P. oceanica at various spatial scales in order to assess the influence of different evolutionary factors shaping the distribution of genetic diversity in this species. Location The Mediterranean. Methods We used seven hypervariable microsatellite markers, in addition to the five previously existing markers, to describe the spatial distribution of genetic variability in 34 meadows spread throughout the Mediterranean, on the basis of an average of 35.6 (± 6.3) ramets sampled. Results At the scale of the Mediterranean Sea as a whole, a strong east–west cleavage was detected (amova) . These results are in line with those obtained using previous markers. The new results showed the presence of a putative secondary contact zone at the Siculo‐Tunisian Strait, which exhibited high allelic richness and shared alleles absent from the eastern and western basins. F statistics (pairwise θ ranges between 0.09 and 0.71) revealed high genetic structure between meadows, both at a small scale (about 2 to 200 km) and at a medium scale within the eastern and western basins, independent of geographical distance. At the intrameadow scale, significant spatial autocorrelation in six out of 15 locations revealed that dispersal can be restricted to the scale of a few metres. Main conclusions A stochastic pattern of effective migration due to low population size, turnover and seed survival is the most likely explanation for this pattern of highly restricted gene flow, despite the importance of an a priori seed dispersal potential. The east–west cleavage probably represents the outline of vicariance caused by the last Pleistocene ice age and maintained to this day by low gene flow. These results emphasize the diversity of evolutionary processes shaping the genetic structure at different spatial scales.  相似文献   
In this present study we evaluated the ability of a recently synthesized melatonin antagonist, N-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-5-methoxytryptamine (ML-23), to antagonize the effects of afternoon injections of melatonin on the reproductive and thyroid axes in the female Syrian hamster. Thirty-six animals were divided into four groups and treated daily for 13 weeks with an afternoon injection of melatonin (25 micrograms/injection) or saline diluent. ML-23 was given via the drinking water to both melatonin- and saline-treated groups. The experiment was continued until 78% of melatonin-treated animals exhibited acyclicity. The results show that ML-23 partially reversed the effects of melatonin on pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone concentrations but was without effect on the decreased pituitary and plasma prolactin concentrations induced by melatonin treatment. Furthermore, ML-23 antagonized the effects of melatonin on plasma thyroxine levels and significantly increased plasma triiodothyronine concentrations and the free triiodothyronine index when used in combination with melatonin. The decrease in ovarian weight and plasma estradiol, but not progesterone, obtained with melatonin treatment also was reversed by ML-23. Our data suggest that ML-23 prevents the effects of melatonin treatment on ovarian weight, pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone levels, plasma estradiol, and thyroxine concentrations in the female Syrian hamster. Since ML-23 did not prevent the effects of melatonin on pituitary weight, plasma luteinizing hormone and prolactin, and pituitary prolactin concentrations, the actions of ML-23 may involve only peripheral sites of action of melatonin. Alternatively, the dose of ML-23 may not have been optimal to prevent all of the central effects of the indoleamine.  相似文献   
Expression of HOX homeogenes in human neuroblastoma cell culture lines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mammalian genes containing a class-I homeobox (HOX genes) are highly expressed in the embryonic nervous system. As a first step towards the molecular analysis of the role these genes play in neural cells, we studied the expression of four human HOX genes in five neuroblastoma (NB) cell lines - SK-N-BE, CHP-134, IMR-32, SK-N-SH and LAN-1 - during the process of differentiation induced by treatment with retinoic acid (RA). The four genes, HOX1D, 2F, 3E and 4B, located at corresponding positions in the four HOX loci, share a high degree of sequence similarity with the Drosophila Deformed homeotic gene and constitute a homology group, group 10. One of these genes, HOX1D, is not expressed in the cells used, whereas the other three are highly expressed in untreated and RA-induced NB cells, even though the expression pattern in the various lines is slightly different for the three genes. Our analysis reveals a complex and specific expression pattern in these lines, paving the way to an identification of different NB-cell populations by means of specific HOX gene expression schemes. On the other hand, in every line studied, morphological maturation toward a neuronal differentiated phenotype appears to be associated with increased HOX gene expression.  相似文献   
We isolated and mapped the human homeobox gene EVX1. This gene encodes a protein of 407 amino acid residues containing a homeodomain closely related to the Drosophila even-skipped (eve) segmentation gene of the pair-rule class. EVX1 belongs to a small family of vertebrate eve-related homeobox genes including human EVX1 and EVX2 genes, their murine homologs, Evx 1 and Evx 2, and the frog Xhox-3 gene. We previously reported that EVX2 is localized at the 5' end of the HOX4 locus on chromosome 2. We show here that EVX1 is localized at the 5' end of the HOX1 locus on chromosome 7, 48 kb upstream from the most 5' of the eleven HOX1 genes, namely HOX1J. Both EVX genes are transcribed in an opposite orientation as compared to that of adjacent HOX genes. Human HOX1 and HOX4 complex loci appear to be both closely linked to a homeobox gene of the EVX family.  相似文献   
We have determined the content of free l-amino acids and d-aspartate in the nervous tissue of three representative cephalopods: Sepia officinalis, Octopus vulgaris, and Loligo vulgaris, and the optic lobes of adult and embryo Sepia officinalis. Taurine is the most abundant amino acid in the cephalopod nervous tissue. Its content amounts to more than 50% of the total free amino acids. The other most concentrated amino acids are Glu, Ala, Asp, and GABA. High concentrations of d-aspartate were found in the nervous tissue of all cephalopods examined (7–12 μmol/g wet tissue) which represents 50–80% of the total aspartate (d + l), depending on the animal. Among the various regions of the brain of Octopus vulgaris, d-aspartate was found to be evenly distributed in the various regions of the brain. In nerve tissue of Sepia officinalis, there is no significant difference in the pattern of free l-amino acids, in particular of the d-aspartate concentration, between adults and embryos, except for GABA, Gly, His and Thr. This suggests that d-aspartate in nerve tissue of the Cephalopoda is of endogenous origin and not a product of accumulation from exogenous sources. From a comparative study of the content of d-aspartate in the nervous tissue of different animals, we found that protostomia contain a significantly higher amount than deuterostomia. Thus, d-aspartate could be a criterion to distinguish the protostomia phyla from the deuterostomia phyla.  相似文献   
The murine white (W) spotting locus is the site of the c-kit gene and encodes a tyrosine kinase receptor while the complementary Steel (Sl) iocus encodes its ligand. Mutations at either locus have profound effects on hematopoiesis, particularly erythroid and mast cell proliferation. We added c-kit antisense oligonucleotides to long-term suspension cultures of enriched human umbilical cord progenitor cells. This resulted in the suppression of c-kit gene expression and the preferential suppression of the generation of erythroid burst-forming cells (BFU-E) which extended over the life of the culture (3 weeks). The results provide an in vitro model of the “W phenotype” in human hematopoiesis and confirm the importance of c-kit gene function in early erythropoiesis. Because the generation of BFU-E was suppressed even after c-kit gene expression had recovered, this gene product may be critical to the erythroid commitment process. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We have investigated the phenotypic and functional characteristics of murine pre-B cells obtained in semisolid and liquid culture with stem cell factor (SCF) and interleukin 7 (IL-7). Both serum-supplemented and serum-deprived culture conditions were used. The source of bone marrow cells was either normal mice (CD1 and C3H) or the lupus strain of mice MRL/Ipr and its congenic strain MRL/+. SCF (100 ng/ml) and IL-7 (250 ng/ml) supported murine B cell proliferation in vitro from all the murine strains analyzed both in serum-supplemented and serum-deprived conditions. Maximal colony growth was observed in both cases when the factors were used in combination. The growth factors alone induced some colony growth in serum-supplemented cultures but were either ineffective or had modest activity in serum-deprived cultures. Cells harvested from the colonies or generated in liquid cultures and stimulated with SCF + IL-7 in the absence of serum had almost exclusively a pre-B cell phenotype (BP-1+, B220+, slg-, CD4-, CD8-, Mac-1, RB-6-). Both the maximal colony growth in semisolid culture and the maximal number of cells in liquid culture were observed at day 12–14. At this time, the pre-B cells failed to differentiate further and started to die. Pre-B cells generated in vitro were, however, capable of differentiating in vivo. SCID mice injected with 2 × 106 pre-B cells had readily detectable serum levels of IgM (54 ± 26 m?g/ml) and IgG (60 ± 95 m?g/ml) at 4 weeks and 6 weeks posttransplantation, respectively. Mature B and T cells of the donor major histocompatibility complex type were detected in the SCID mice at sacrifice 14 weeks posttransplantation. These data indicate that purified (>80% BP-1+) populations of functional pre-B cells can be grown from murine bone marrow of normal mice as well as of lupus mice in serum-deprived cultures stimulated with SCF and IL-7. These cultures, therefore, provide a highly enriched source of pre-B cells but also contain T cell precursors that differentiate upon adoptive transfer into SCID mice. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In vitro study of the NS2-3 protease of hepatitis C virus.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Processing at the C terminus of the NS2 protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is mediated by a virus-encoded protease which spans most of the NS2 protein and part of the NS3 polypeptide. In vitro cotranslational cleavage at the 2-3 junction is stimulated by the presence of microsomal membranes and ultimately results in the membrane insertion of the NS2 polypeptide. To characterize the biochemical properties of this viral protease, we have established an in vitro assay whereby the NS2-3 protease of HCV BK can be activated posttranslationally by the addition of detergents. The cleavage proficiency of several deletion and single point mutants was the same as that observed with microsomal membranes, indicating that the overall sequence requirements for proper cleavage at this site are maintained even under these artificial conditions. The processing efficiency of the NS2-3 protease varied according to the type of detergent used and its concentration. Also, the incubation temperature affected the cleavage at the 2-3 junction. The autoproteolytic activity of the NS2-3 protease could be inhibited by alkylating agents such as iodoacetamide and N-ethylmaleimide. Metal chelators such as EDTA and phenanthroline also inhibited the viral enzyme. The EDTA inhibition of NS2-3 cleavage could be reversed, at least in part, by the addition of ZnCl2 and CdCl2. Among the common protease inhibitors tested, tosyl phenylalanyl chloromethyl ketone and soybean trypsin inhibitor inactivated the NS2-3 protease. By means of gel filtration analysis, it was observed that the redox state of the reaction mixture greatly influenced the processing efficiency at the 2-3 site and that factors present in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate, wheat germ extract, and HeLa cell extract were required for efficient processing at this site. Thus, the in vitro assay should allow further characterization of the biochemical properties of the NS2-3 protease of HCV and the identification of host components that contribute to the efficient processing at the 2-3 junction.  相似文献   
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