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Gibberellic acid (GA3) brought about a 3-fold stimulation of AdoMet synthetase activity in wheat aleurones. At the qualitative level, three isozymes of AdoMet synthetase were observed by DE-52 chromatography in GA3-treated wheat aleurones. In contrast, the control wheat aleurones showed a single isozyme. Thus the phytohormone (GA3, 1 microM) induced two additional isozymes of AdoMet synthetase in wheat aleurones. The activity of all the three isozymes in GA3-treated aleurones was considerably decreased by the simultaneous presence of abscisic acid (ABA, 10 microM). Cycloheximide (20 micrograms/ml) also significantly lowered the levels of the three isozymes of AdoMet synthetase in Ga3-treated aleurones, thereby suggesting the requirement of de-novo protein synthesis for the complete induction of isozymes. However, wheat aleurones excised from embryonated wheat seeds, did not require the application of GA3 for the induction of two additional isozymes of AdoMet synthetase. Apparently, the transport of GA3 from the embryo to aleurones induced two new isozymes of AdoMet synthetase. Three isozymes of AdoMet synthetase were also observed in wheat embryos excised from germinated wheat grains, without exogenous application of GA3. The molecular weight of all the three isozymes of AdoMet synthetase in wheat system is 181,000. The molecular weight of the subunit of the enzyme is 84,000. The dimeric nature of AdoMet synthetase was established by SDS-PAGE analysis of the purified enzyme. In-vitro hybridization of two flanking isozymic peaks I and III by NaCl-freeze-thaw method resulted in the appearance of an additional middle activity peak (isozyme II). However, no additional isozymic peaks were generated when isozymic peaks I and III were individually given a freeze-thaw treatment. Thus the flanking isozymic peaks I and III represent homodimers that differed in their net charge. In contrast, the middle isozymic activity peak II, when subjected to NaCl-freeze-thaw treatments yielded two additional isozymic peaks, I and III, thereby suggesting its heterodimeric nature. We envisage that the three isozymes in GA3-treated wheat aleurone layers are formed by the random dimerization of two classes of enzyme subunits. The two enzyme subunits which differ in their net charge could be the product of two genes of AdoMet synthetase (SAM1 and SAM2). Based on this assumption, we propose that a single isozyme I in water imbibed control wheat aleurones is the product of SAM1 gene of AdoMet synthetase. The occurrence of three isozymes in GA3-treated aleurones could be ascribed to the expression of an alternate gene of AdoMet synthetase (SAM2 gene).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Two forms of poly(A) polymerase (PAPI and PAPII) from germinated wheat embryos have been resolved on DEAE-cellulose ion-exchange chromatography by a linear gradient of 0-500 mM (NH(4))(2)SO(4). Further purification shows that both forms are monomeric in nature with an identical molecular weight, approximately 65 kDa. The phosphoprotein nature of PAPI and PAPII has been established by in vivo labelling with (32)P-orthophosphate. Acid hydrolysis of both (32)P-labelled purified PAPI and PAPII has revealed that phosphorylations generally take place in serine and threonine residues. PAPI and PAPII have also been characterised with respect to V(max) and K(m) for poly(A). The V(max) and K(m) values of PAPI are 28.57 and 11.37 microg, respectively, whereas 34.48 and 7.04 microg of PAPII. In vitro dephosphorylation of the purified enzyme by alkaline phosphatase leads to a significant loss of the enzyme activity, which is regained upon phosphorylation by a 65 kDa protein kinase (PK) purified from wheat embryos. The extent of phosphorylation by protein kinase shows that PK has similar affinity towards both PAPI and PAPII, whereas the phosphate incorporation in PAPII is twofold higher than PAPI suggesting their distinct chemical nature.  相似文献   
The heat shock protein HSP90 serves as a chaperone for receptor protein kinases, steroid receptors, and other intracellular signaling molecules. Targeting HSP90 with ansamycin antibiotics disrupts the normal processing of clients of the HSP90 complex. The platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRalpha) is a tyrosine kinase receptor up-regulated and activated in several malignancies. Here we show that the PDGFRalpha forms a complex with HSP90 and the co-chaperone cdc37 in ovarian, glioblastoma, and lung cancer cells. Treatment of cancer cell lines expressing the PDGFRalpha with the HSP90 inhibitor 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG) promotes degradation of the receptor. Likewise, phospho-Akt, a downstream target, is degraded after treatment with 17-AAG. In contrast, PDGFRalpha expression is not affected by 17-AAG in normal human smooth muscle cells or 3T3 fibroblasts. PDGFRalpha degradation by 17-AAG is inhibited by the proteasome inhibitor MG132. High molecular weight, ubiquitinated forms of the receptor are detected in cells treated with 17-AAG and MG132. Degradation of the receptor is also inhibited by a specific neutralizing antibody to the PDGFRalpha but not by a neutralizing antibody to PDGF or by imatinib mesylate (Gleevec). Ultimately, PDGFRalpha-mediated cell proliferation is inhibited by 17-AAG. These results show that 17-AAG promotes PDGFRalpha degradation selectively in transformed cells. Thus, not only mutated tyrosine kinases but also overexpressed receptors in cancer cells can be targeted by 17-AAG.  相似文献   
Summary The influence of sucrose on the thermostability of pure alcohol dehydrogenase is investigated for various temperatures (50–70°C) in the presence and absence of sucrose (0, 80 wt.%). The thermal inactivation clearly exhibits nonlinear biphasic behavior. The thermal inactivation rate constants and the magnitude of the heat-stable and heat-labile fractions of the enzyme are quantified.  相似文献   
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