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Splicing is catalyzed by the spliceosome, a compositionally dynamic complex assembled stepwise on pre-mRNA. We reveal links between splicing machinery components and the intrinsically disordered ciliopathy protein SANS. Pathogenic mutations in SANS/USH1G lead to Usher syndrome—the most common cause of deaf-blindness. Previously, SANS was shown to function only in the cytosol and primary cilia. Here, we have uncovered molecular links between SANS and pre-mRNA splicing catalyzed by the spliceosome in the nucleus. We show that SANS is found in Cajal bodies and nuclear speckles, where it interacts with components of spliceosomal sub-complexes such as SF3B1 and the large splicing cofactor SON but also with PRPFs and snRNAs related to the tri-snRNP complex. SANS is required for the transfer of tri-snRNPs between Cajal bodies and nuclear speckles for spliceosome assembly and may also participate in snRNP recycling back to Cajal bodies. SANS depletion alters the kinetics of spliceosome assembly, leading to accumulation of complex A. SANS deficiency and USH1G pathogenic mutations affects splicing of genes related to cell proliferation and human Usher syndrome. Thus, we provide the first evidence that splicing dysregulation may participate in the pathophysiology of Usher syndrome.  相似文献   
It is well-kown that sensory information influences the way we execute motor responses. However, less is known about if and how sensory and motor information are integrated in the subsequent process of response evaluation. We used a modified Simon Task to investigate how these streams of information are integrated in response evaluation processes, applying an in-depth neurophysiological analysis of event-related potentials (ERPs), time-frequency decomposition and sLORETA. The results show that response evaluation processes are differentially modulated by afferent proprioceptive information and efference copies. While the influence of proprioceptive information is mediated via oscillations in different frequency bands, efference copy based information about the motor execution is specifically mediated via oscillations in the theta frequency band. Stages of visual perception and attention were not modulated by the interaction of proprioception and motor efference copies. Brain areas modulated by the interactive effects of proprioceptive and efference copy based information included the middle frontal gyrus and the supplementary motor area (SMA), suggesting that these areas integrate sensory information for the purpose of response evaluation. The results show how motor response evaluation processes are modulated by information about both the execution and the location of a response.  相似文献   
Haloarchaeal alcohol dehydrogenases are exciting biocatalysts with potential industrial applications. In this study, two alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes from the extremely halophilic archaeon Haloferax volcanii (HvADH1 and HvADH2) were homologously expressed and subsequently purified by immobilized metal-affinity chromatography. The proteins appeared to copurify with endogenous alcohol dehydrogenases, and a double Δadh2 Δadh1 gene deletion strain was constructed to prevent this occurrence. Purified HvADH1 and HvADH2 were compared in terms of stability and enzymatic activity over a range of pH values, salt concentrations, and temperatures. Both enzymes were haloalkaliphilic and thermoactive for the oxidative reaction and catalyzed the reductive reaction at a slightly acidic pH. While the NAD+-dependent HvADH1 showed a preference for short-chain alcohols and was inherently unstable, HvADH2 exhibited dual cofactor specificity, accepted a broad range of substrates, and, with respect to HvADH1, was remarkably stable. Furthermore, HvADH2 exhibited tolerance to organic solvents. HvADH2 therefore displays much greater potential as an industrially useful biocatalyst than HvADH1.  相似文献   
The matrilins form a family of oligomeric extracellular adaptor proteins that are most strongly expressed in cartilage but also present in many other extracellular matrices. Matrilins bind to different types of collagen fibrils, to other noncollagenous proteins and to aggrecan. They thereby support matrix assembly by connecting fibrillar components and mediating interactions between these and the aggrecan gel. The binding avidity of a matrilin can be varied by alternative splicing, proteolytic processing and formation of homo- and heterooligomers. Such changes in matrilin structure may lead to a modulation of extracellular matrix assembly. Some matrilins bind weakly to α1β1 integrin and cell surface proteoglycans, but even though matrilins play a role in mechanotransduction and matrilin-3 activates the expression of osteoarthritis-associated genes the physiological relevance of matrilin-cell interactions is unclear. Matrilin knockout mice do not display pronounced phenotypes, which points to a redundancy within the protein family or with functionally related proteins. In man, dominant mutations in the von Willebrand factor A like domain of matrilin-3 lead to a protein retention in the endoplasmic reticulum that causes multiple epiphyseal dysplasia by initiating a cell stress response. In contrast, a mutation in an EGF domain of matrilin-3 that is associated with hand osteoarthritis and disc degeneration does not interfere with secretion but instead with extracellular assembly of matrix structures. In this review we summarize such information on matrilin structure and function that we believe is important for the understanding of extracellular matrix assembly and for deciphering pathophysiological mechanisms in diseases causing skeletal malformations or cartilage degeneration.  相似文献   
Studies have shown that after controlling for the effects of body size on brain size, the brains of adult humans, rhesus monkeys, and chimpanzees differ in relative size, where males have a greater volume of cerebral tissue than females. We assess whether head circumference sexual dimorphism is present during early development by evaluating sex differences in relative head circumference in living fetuses and infants within the first year of life. Head circumference is used as a proxy for brain size in the fetus and infant. Femur length is used as a proxy for body length in the fetus. Ultrasonography was used to obtain fetal measures, and anthropometry was used to obtain postnatal measures in humans, rhesus monkeys, baboons, and common marmosets. We show that statistically significant but low levels of head circumference sexual dimorphism are present in humans, rhesus monkeys, and baboons in early life. On average, males have head circumferences about 2% larger than females of comparable femur/body length in humans, rhesus monkeys, and baboons. No evidence for head circumference sexual dimorphism in the common marmoset was found. Dimorphism was present across all body size ranges. We suggest that head circumference sexual dimorphism emerges largely postnatally and increases throughout maturation, particularly in humans who reach adult dimorphism values greater than the monkeys. We suggest that brain dimorphism is not likely to impose an additional energetic burden to the gestating or lactating mother. Finally, some of the problems with ascribing functional significance to brain size sexual dimorphism are discussed, and the energetic implications for brain size sexual dimorphism in infancy are assessed.  相似文献   
Whereas eubacterial and eukaryotic riboflavin synthases form homotrimers, archaeal riboflavin synthases from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii and Methanothermobacter thermoautrophicus are homopentamers with sequence similarity to the 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine synthase catalyzing the penultimate step in riboflavin biosynthesis. Recently it could be shown that the complex dismutation reaction catalyzed by the pentameric M. jannaschii riboflavin synthase generates riboflavin with the same regiochemistry as observed for trimeric riboflavin synthases. Here we present crystal structures of the pentameric riboflavin synthase from M. jannaschii and its complex with the substrate analog inhibitor, 6,7-dioxo-8-ribityllumazine. The complex structure shows five active sites located between adjacent monomers of the pentamer. Each active site can accommodate two substrate analog molecules in anti-parallel orientation. The topology of the two bound ligands at the active site is well in line with the known stereochemistry of a pentacyclic adduct of 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine that has been shown to serve as a kinetically competent intermediate. The pentacyclic intermediates of trimeric and pentameric riboflavin synthases are diastereomers.  相似文献   
EMILIN-3 is a glycoprotein of the extracellular matrix belonging to a family that contains a characteristic N-terminal cysteine-rich EMI domain. Currently, EMILIN-3 is the least characterized member of the elastin microfibril interface-located protein (EMILIN)/Multimerin family. Using RNA, immunohistochemical, and protein chemistry approaches, we carried out a detailed characterization of the expression and biochemical properties of EMILIN-3 in mouse. During embryonic and postnatal development, EMILIN-3 showed a peculiar and dynamic pattern of gene expression and protein distribution. EMILIN-3 mRNA was first detected at E8.5-E9.5 in the tail bud and in the primitive gut, and at later stages it became abundant in the developing gonads and osteogenic mesenchyme. Interestingly and in contrast to other EMILIN/Multimerin genes, EMILIN-3 was not found in the cardiovascular system. Despite the absence of the globular C1q domain, immunoprecipitation and Western blot analyses demonstrated that EMILIN-3 forms disulfide-bonded homotrimers and higher order oligomers. Circular dichroism spectroscopy indicated that the most C-terminal part of EMILIN-3 has a substantial α-helical content and forms coiled coil structures involved in EMILIN-3 homo-oligomerization. Transfection experiments with recombinant constructs showed that the EMI domain contributes to the higher order self-assembly but was dispensable for homotrimer formation. EMILIN-3 was found to bind heparin with high affinity, a property mediated by the EMI domain, thus revealing a new function for this domain that may contribute to the interaction of EMILIN-3 with other extracellular matrix and/or cell surface molecules. Finally, in vitro experiments showed that EMILIN-3 is able to function as an extracellular regulator of the activity of TGF-β ligands.  相似文献   
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