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The ladybird beetle, Stethorus gilvifrons, is a major predator of the red spider mite, Oligonychus coffeae, infesting tea. Biology, life table and predatory efficiency of S. gilvifrons were studied under laboratory conditions. Its average developmental period from egg to adult emergence was 19.2 days. After a mean pre-oviposition period of 5.3 days, each female laid an average of 149.3 eggs. Adult females lived for 117.3 days and males for 41.5 days. The life table of the beetle was characterized by an intrinsic rate of increase (r) of 0.066 day−1, net reproductive rate (R 0) of 72.2 eggs/female, gross reproduction rate (Σm x ) of 82.3 eggs/female, generation time (T) of 64.9 days, doubling time of 10.5 days and finite rate of increase (λ) of 1.07 day−1. Population dynamics of S. gilvifrons and its prey, O. coffeae, was monitored by sampling 25 tea leaves from each experimental block grown under the prevailing field conditions. Populations of S. gilvifrons reached a peak during January to March and had low incidence during June to November. Peaks in the populations of S. gilvifrons coincided with the abundance of O. coffeae in tea fields. Weather factors such as low temperature, high humidity and heavy rainfall adversely affected the populations of S. gilvifrons. The predatory efficiency of S. gilvifrons increased during the growth of larval instars. An adult female consumed 205.0 eggs, 92.2 larvae, 81.8 nymphs and 52.4 adult mites per day.  相似文献   
The staphylinid beetle, Oligota pygmaea (Solier) is an important predator of the red spider mite, Oligonychus coffeae (Nietner) infesting tea. Biology, life table and predatory efficiency of O. pygmaea were studied under laboratory conditions. Duration of developmental stages of O. pygmaea was 3.2, 5.7 and 12.5 d for eggs, larvae and pupae, respectively with an average of 23.0 d from egg to adult emergence. After a mean preovipostion period of 2.9 d, each female laid an average of 400.5 eggs in its life span. Adult O. pygmaea lived for an average of 54.1 d. Adult females lived for a longer period of 58.8 d compared to the longevity of 49.4 d of adult male. Studies revealed that its life table characterized by an intrinsic rate of natural population increase (r) of 0.118 d, net reproductive rates (Ro) of 243.693 eggs/female, gross reproduction rate (Σmx) of 245.313 eggs/female, generation time (T) of 46.575 d, doubling time (DT) of 5.874 d and finite rate of increase (λ) of 1.125 d. Seasonal abundance of O. pygmaea and its prey, O. coffeae was monitored by sampling 25 tea leaves randomly from each experimental block grown under the prevailing field conditions. O. pygmaea showed a typical pattern of population dynamics with a peak during January to March and low incidence during June to September. Peak in the population of O. pygmaea coincided with the abundance of O. coffeae in the tea fields. Weather factors such as high temperature, low relative humidity and low sunshine hours adversely affected the populations of O. pygmaea. The first to third instar larvae of O. pygmaea consumed 31.0–133.2 eggs of mites per day. Third instar larva of O. pygmaea consumed an average of 133.2 eggs, 46.4 hexapod larvae, 39.6 nymphs and 11.4 adults per day. Adult females consumed more number of red spider mites compared to the males.  相似文献   
Life table and predation of the predatory mite Neoseiulus longispinosus (Evans) on the red spider mite (RSM), Oligonychus coffeae (Nietner), a major pest of tea in India, were studied in the laboratory. Developmental time from egg to adult varied from 4 to 14 days at 30 to 15 °C, respectively; at 35 °C no larva survived. Survival of immature stages was more than 94 % at all temperatures. Threshold temperature for development of immature stages of females and males was 10 and 9.9 °C, respectively, and thermal constant was 84.03 degree-days for females and 80 for males. Sex ratio was female biased and temperature (20–30 °C) had no clear effect on sex determination. Egg hatchability was 73 % at 35 °C and >97 % at lower temperatures. Average number of eggs laid per female/day was higher at 30 °C than at 20 or 25 °C. The highest net reproductive rate (R 0) was 40.7, at 20 °C. Mean generation time (T) decreased from 28 to 13 days with temperature increasing from 20 to 30 °C. Weekly multiplication (6.5) and intrinsic rate of natural increase (r m ) (0.268) were highest at 30 °C. Males lived longer than females at every temperature tested. Longevity was highest at 20 °C (50 days for females and 55 for males). Survival and longevity were adversely affected by temperature above 30 °C. Daily consumption of prey increased with the advancement of predator’s life stages; adult females consumed the highest numbers of prey items, preferably larvae and nymphs.  相似文献   
The predatory mite, N. longispinosus preys up on red spider mite, O. coffeae infesting tea in south India. An attempt has been made to determine the predatory potential, prey stage preference and optimum predator–prey ratio of N. longispinosus under laboratory and green house conditions. When 50 adult female O. coffeae were given, the number of adults reduced by eight days along with an increase in the number of predators. The larvae hatched from the eggs laid by O. coffeae were fed by predatory mite. N. longispinosus preyed up on all life stages with a preference to larvae and nymphs of red spider mite. Predator–prey ratios of 1:33 and 1:50 were effective in lab, and 1:25 was found to be effective in green house. These results revealed that N. longispinosus could be used as a successful biocontrol candidate of O. coffeae in tea through augmentation or mass rearing and field release.  相似文献   
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