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Reduced bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor has a compact structure   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
D Amir  E Haas 《Biochemistry》1988,27(25):8889-8893
The conformation of reduced bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (R-BPTI) under reducing conditions was monitored by measurements of nonradiative excitation energy-transfer efficiencies (E) between a donor probe attached to the N-terminal Arg1 residue and an acceptor attached to one of the lysine residues (15, 26, 41, or 46) [Amir, D., & Haas, E. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 2162-2175]. High-excitation energy-transfer efficiencies that approach those found in the native state were obtained for the reduced labeled BPTI derivatives in 0.5 M guanidine hydrochloride (Gdn.HCl) and 4 mM DTT. Unlike the dependence expected for a random coil chain, E does not decrease as a function of the number of residues between the labeled sites. The efficiency of energy transfer between probes attached to residues 1 and 15 in the reduced state is higher than that found for the same pair of sites in the native state or reduced unfolded (in 6 M Gdn.HCl) state. This segment also shows high dynamic flexibility. These results indicate that the overall structure of reduced BPTI under folding (but still reducing) conditions shows a high population of conformers with interprobe distances similar to those of the native state. Reduced BPTI seems to be in a molten globule state characterized by a flexible, compact structure, which probably reorganizes into the native structure when the folding is allowed to proceed under oxidizing conditions.  相似文献   
Mouse 3T3 cells transformed by a conditional mutant of Rous sarcoma virus (LA90) can assume either a normal or a transformed phenotype, depending on the temperature of cultivation. These cells (LA90) were arrested at the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle by starvation for serum growth factors at the nonpermissive temperature (39 degrees C). Release from the G0/G1 phase by serum growth factors resulted in a rapid stimulation of Rb+ influx. To investigate whether the stimulation of Rb+ influx is obligatory for cell proliferation, the cultures were released from the G0/G1 phase by a temperature decrease in the absence of serum. A temperature decrease from 39 to 32 degrees C activated the viral pp60src gene mitogenic activity. Under these conditions, no rapid stimulation of Rb+ influx was observed. These results suggest that the rapid stimulation of Rb+ influx induced by serum growth factors is not an essential signal for cell release from the G0/G1 phase. However, a delayed increase in Rb+ influx concomitant with an increase in the cell content of K+ was observed in the cultures released from the G0/G1 phase by temperature decrease in the absence of serum growth factors. We found that the LA90 cells incubated at the permissive temperature (32 degrees C) secreted a mitogenic activity into the medium. Moreover, the conditioned medium from cultures incubated at 32 degrees C, but not at 39 degrees C, stimulate Rb+ influx in G0/G1 cells. These results indicate that Rous sarcoma virus pp60src induces a slow autocrine secretion of a mitogenic activity. This mitogenic activity slowly modulates the K+ content. Therefore, the slow elevation in cellular content of K+ is proposed to be an obligatory event for proliferation in normal and transformed cells.  相似文献   
1. Trees present herbivorous insects with the greatest diversity of resources of any plant growth form. Both ontogeny and shading can alter suitability for arboreal insect herbivores. 2. We conducted a longitudinal study of tagged ‘mature’ (>12 months old) Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaves to compare the suitability of understorey and canopy trees for the leaf senescence-inducing psyllid, Cardiaspina albitextura. We quantified sugars and tannins as possible predictors of nymphal abundance. 3. Canopy leaves hosted double the number of nymphs as understorey leaves. Variation among individual trees (understorey and canopy) was the most important source of heterogeneity explaining psyllid abundance, although relative leaf age significantly influenced oviposition on canopy leaves. The diversity of foliar sugars was higher among canopy leaves than among understorey leaves. There was significant between-tree diversity in total hydrolysable tannins (HTs) and total condensed tannins (CTs) among understorey trees but not among canopy trees. Heterogeneity among understorey and canopy trees was explained by greater diversity of ellagitannins (HTs) than of CTs. 4. Shading is detrimental to the survival of nymphs on both host types, but sugars are unlikely to explain variation in suitability. Vescalagin (an ellagitannin) was negatively correlated with the abundance of nymphs on both host types.  相似文献   
Acute monocytic leukemia is a type of myeloid leukemia that develops in monocytes. The current clinical therapies for leukemia are unsatisfactory due to their side effects and nonspecificity toward target cells. Some lectins display antitumor activity and may specifically recognize cancer cells by binding to carbohydrate structures on their surface. Therefore, this study evaluated the response of the human monocytic leukemia cell lines THP-1 to the Olneya tesota PF2 lectin. The induction of apoptosis and reactive oxygen species production in PF2-treated cells was evaluated by flow cytometry, and the lectin-THP-1 cell interaction and mitochondrial membrane potential were evaluated by confocal fluorescence microscopy. PF2 genotoxicity was evaluated by DNA fragmentation analysis via gel electrophoresis. The results showed that PF2 binds to THP-1 cells, triggers apoptosis and DNA degradation, changes the mitochondrial membrane potential, and increases reactive oxygen species levels in PF2-treated THP-1 cells. These results suggest the potential use of PF2 for developing alternative anticancer treatments with enhanced specificity.  相似文献   
Vitamin A and fatty acids are critical to photoreceptor structure, function, and development. The transport of these nutrients between the pigment epithelium and neural retina is mediated by interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP). IRBP, a 133-kDa (human) glycolipoprotein, is the major protein component of the extracellular matrix separating these two cell layers. In amphibians and mammals, IRBP consists of four homologous repeats of about 300 amino acids which form two retinol and four fatty acid-binding sites. Here we show that IRBP in teleosts is a simpler protein composed of only two repeats. Western blot analysis shows that goldfish IRBP is half the size (70 kDa) of IRBP in higher vertebrates. Metabolic labeling studies employing Brefeldin A taken together with in situ hybridization studies and the presence of a signal peptide show that goldfish IRBP is secreted by the cone photoreceptors. The translated amino acid sequence has a calculated molecular weight of 66.7 kDa. The primary structure consists of only two homologous repeats with a similarity score of 52.5%. The last repeats of human and goldfish IRBPs are 69.1% similar with hydrophobic regions being the most similar. These data suggest that two repeats were lost during the evolution of the ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii), or that the IRBP gene duplicated between the emergence of bony fish (Osteichthyes) and amphibians. Acquisition of a multirepeat structure may reflect evolutionary pressure to efficiently transport higher levels of hydrophobic molecules within a finite space. Quadruplication of an ancestral IRBP gene may have been an important event in the evolution of photoreceptors in higher vertebrates. Correspondence to: F. Gonzalez-Fernandez  相似文献   
A kinetic study was made of the relationship between respiration rate, sugar content and ATP levels, in fresh and aged potato tubers stored at 4°. The ATP content in tubers rose rapidly immediately after the chilling stress, while respiration rate decreased below the initial rate and sugar accumulation was not detected. After 4 days of storage, the ATP level declined and the sugars started to accumulate. The typical increase in respiration rate that usually follows chilling stress, appeared only in fresh tubers (at about the 6th day of storage). In dinitrophenol-treated tubers, the ATP level remained below the initial level and sugar accumulation was blocked completely. The evidence presented suggests that ATP elevation is not generated by the respiration burst.  相似文献   
To identify those glycoproteins whose synthesis or modification is necessary for memory formation, we have studied the uptake of radiolabelled fucose into synaptic plasma membranes (SPMs) and postsynaptic densities (PSDs) derived from two specific left and right forebrain loci, at two different times after training of 1-day-old chicks on a one-trial passive avoidance learning task. To increase the reliability of the comparison, a double-labelling method was used. Tissue samples from intermediate medial hyperstriatum ventrale (IMHV) and lobus parolfactorius (LPO) were isolated at 6 and 24 h after training. At both times, training resulted in region-specific changes, both increases and decreases, in incorporated radioactivity into pre- and postsynaptic glycoproteins. After 6 h, there was a relative decline in incorporation into both SPMs and PSDs of the right IMHV of trained chicks, a decline that persisted in the PSDs until 24 h. A small decline in incorporation in SPMs from the right LPO of trained chicks at 6 h was reversed by 24 h, by which time there was a 64% increase in incorporation into SPMs and a 24% increase into PSDs of the left LPO. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of left and right hemisphere samples containing LPO revealed that 6 h after training the main effect was presynaptic, including a reduction of incorporation into high molecular mass glycoproteins, of 150-180 kDa, and an increase in a lower molecular mass (41 kDa) fraction. By 24 h after training, a left hemisphere presynaptic glycoprotein of molecular mass approximately 50 kDa showed the biggest increase in fucosylation. In addition, a wide group of postsynaptic glycoproteins of both hemispheres, in the ranges 150-180, 100-120, and 33 kDa now showed increases in incorporation. Some other fractions showed decreases. These results are in accord with previous data on incorporation obtained using the amnesic agent 2-deoxygalactose. They also support the hypothesis that memory formation involves the strengthening of connections between pre- and postsynaptic neurons of the LPO by growth or modulation of pre- and postsynaptic structures.  相似文献   
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