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Kidney anion exchanger 1 (kAE1) mediates chloride/bicarbonate exchange at the basolateral membrane of kidney alpha-intercalated cells, thereby facilitating bicarbonate reabsorption into the blood. Human kAE1 lacks the N-terminal 65 residues of the erythroid form (AE1, band 3), which are essential for binding of cytoskeletal and cytosolic proteins. Yeast two-hybrid screening identified integrin-linked kinase (ILK), a serine/threonine kinase, and an actin-binding protein as an interacting partner with the N-terminal domain of kAE1. Interaction between kAE1 and ILK was confirmed in co-expression experiments in HEK 293 cells and is mediated by a previously unidentified calponin homology domain in the kAE1 N-terminal region. The calponin homology domain of kAE1 binds the C-terminal catalytic domain of ILK to enhance association of kAE1 with the actin cytoskeleton. Overexpression of ILK increased kAE1 levels at the cell surface as shown by flow cytometry, cell surface biotinylation, and anion transport activity assays. Pulse-chase experiments revealed that ILK associates with kAE1 early in biosynthesis, likely in the endoplasmic reticulum. ILK co-localized with kAE1 at the basolateral membrane of polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells and in alpha-intercalated cells of human kidneys. Taken together these results suggest that ILK and kAE1 traffic together from the endoplasmic reticulum to the basolateral membrane. ILK may provide a linkage between kAE1 and the underlying actin cytoskeleton to stabilize kAE1 at the basolateral membrane, resulting in higher levels of cell surface expression.  相似文献   
A genomic DNA fragment from wheat carrying the Glu-1Dx5 gene has been shown to exhibit reduced pollen transmission in transgenic maize. To localize the region of the DNA fragment responsible for this reduced pollen transmission, we produced transgenic maize plants in which the wheat genomic DNA proximal to the 1Dx5 coding sequence was replaced with the maize 27 kDa gamma-zein promoter. Like the wheat promoter-driven Glu-1Dx5 transgene, this zein promoter-driven transgene functioned to produce 1Dx5 in maize endosperm. However, with the zein promoter-driven transgene, pollen transmission of the transgene loci was normal in most self- and cross-pollinations. We concluded that the wheat genomic DNA proximal to the wheat 1Dx5 coding sequence was required for reduced pollen transmission of the transgene in maize. In two of four transformation events of the wheat promoter-driven construct examined, pollen exhibited two morphological classes. In one class, pollen was normal in morphology and displayed average viability, and in the second, pollen was reduced in size and did not germinate on artificial media. DNA from the transgene was detectable in mature pollen from plants with reduced pollen transmission of transgene loci. To explain these observations, we hypothesize that elements within the transgene construct interfere with pollen development. We demonstrated that the wheat genomic DNA fragment can be used to control pollen transmission of an herbicide resistance transgene genetically linked to it. The wheat genomic DNA fragment may contain elements that are useful for controlling pollen transmission of transgene loci in commercial maize grain and seed production.  相似文献   
Autosomal dominant and recessive distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA) can be caused by mutations in the anion exchanger 1 (AE1 or SLC4A1) gene, which encodes the erythroid chloride/bicarbonate anion exchanger membrane glycoprotein (eAE1) and a truncated kidney isoform (kAE1). The biosynthesis and trafficking of kAE1 containing a novel recessive missense dRTA mutation (kAE1 S773P) was studied in transiently transfected HEK-293 cells, expressing the mutant alone or in combination with wild-type kAE1 or another recessive mutant, kAE1 G701D. The kAE1 S773P mutant was expressed at a three times lower level than wild-type, had a 2-fold decrease in its half-life, and was targeted for degradation by the proteasome. It could not be detected at the plasma membrane in human embryonic kidney cells and showed predominant endoplasmic reticulum immunolocalization in both human embryonic kidney and LLC-PK1 cells. The oligosaccharide on a kAE1 S773P N-glycosylation mutant (N555) was not processed to the complex form indicating impaired exit from the endoplasmic reticulum. The kAE1 S773P mutant showed decreased binding to an inhibitor affinity resin and increased sensitivity to proteases, suggesting that it was not properly folded. The other recessive dRTA mutant, kAE1 G701D, also exhibited defective trafficking to the plasma membrane. The recessive kAE1 mutants formed dimers like wild-type AE1 and could hetero-oligomerize with wild-type kAE1 or with each other. Hetero-oligomers of wild-type kAE1 with recessive kAE1 S773P or G701D, in contrast to the dominant kAE1 R589H mutant, were delivered to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
Kanadaptin (kidney anion exchanger adaptor protein) is a widely expressed protein, shown previously to interact with the cytosolic domain of mouse Cl-/HCO3- anion exchanger 1 (kAE1) but not erythroid AE1 (eAE1) by a yeast-two hybrid assay. Kanadaptin was co-localized with kAE1 in intracellular membranes but not at the plasma membrane in alpha-intercalated cells of rabbit kidney. It was suggested that kanadaptin is an adaptor protein or chaperone involved in targeting kAE1 to the plasma membrane. To test this hypothesis, the interaction of human kanadaptin with human kAE1 was studied in co-transfected HEK293 cells. Human kanadaptin contains 796 amino acids and was immuno-detected as a 90 kDa protein in transfected cells. Pulse-chase experiments showed that it has a half-life (t1/2) of 7 h. Human kanadaptin was localized predominantly to the nucleus, whereas kAE1 was present intracellularly and at the plasma membrane. Trafficking of kAE1 from its site of synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane was unaffected by co-expression of human kanadaptin. Moreover, we found that no interaction between human kanadaptin and kAE1 or eAE1 could be detected in co-transfected cells either by co-immunoprecipitation or by histidine6-tagged co-purification. Taken together, we found that human kanadaptin did not interact with kAE1 and had no effect on trafficking of kAE1 to the plasma membrane in transfected cells. Kanadaptin may not be involved in the biosynthesis and targeting of kAE1. As such, defects in kanadaptin and its interaction with kAE1 are unlikely to be involved in the pathogenesis of the inherited kidney disease, distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA).  相似文献   
Degradation of a novel insulin sensitizer in aqueous solutions was studied using high pressure liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS). The insulin sensitizer, containing a thiazolidine-2,4-dione (TZD), was a new class of antidiabetic agent for the treatment of type II diabetes. Chemical stability of the insulin sensitizer was evaluated by stressing its aqueous solutions at 40 degrees C for 24 h. Oxygen was removed from one of the solutions by bubbling pure nitrogen through to identify non-oxidative pathways. LC/MS analyses of the stressed solutions revealed that hydrolysis and oxidation are the primary degradation pathways for the studied compound. A alpha-thiol acetic acid, acyl amide, and two dimeric diastereomers were the main degradates of the insulin sensitizer. The alpha-thiol acetic acid served as an intermediate-like species, and oxidized to two dimeric degradates upon exposing to air. All of them were identified as ring-opening products of the TZD. The entities of the acyl amide and dimeric degradates were respectively verified by a synthetic standard or NMR following isolation of a diastereomeric degradate. Characterization using MS in both positive and negative ion scans were discussed for an isolated diastereomeric degradate. Mechanisms of fragmentation and formation for those degradates are presented based on the MS result.  相似文献   
Isolation of Vibrio hollisae strains, particularly from the environment, is rare. This may be due, in part, to the difficulty encountered when using conventional biochemical tests to identify the microorganism. In this study, we evaluated whether two particular genes may be useful for the identification of V. hollisae. The two genes are presumed to be conserved among the bacterial species (gyrB) or among the species of the genus Vibrio (toxR). A portion of the gyrB sequence of V. hollisae was cloned by PCR using a set of degenerate primers. The sequence showed 80% identity with the corresponding Vibrio parahaemolyticus gyrB sequence. The toxR gene of V. hollisae was cloned utilizing a htpG gene probe derived from the V. parahaemolyticus htpG gene, which is known to be linked to the toxR gene in V. hollisae. The coding sequence of the cloned V. hollisae toxR gene had 59% identity with the V. parahaemolyticus toxR coding sequence. The results of DNA colony hybridization tests using the DNA probes derived from the two genes of V. hollisae indicated that these gene sequences could be utilized for differentiation of V. hollisae from other Vibrio species and from microorganisms found in marine fish. PCR methods targeting the two gene sequences were established. Both PCR methods were shown to specifically detect the respective target sequences of V. hollisae but not other organisms. A strain of V. hollisae added at a concentration of 1 to 102 CFU/ml to alkaline peptone water containing a seafood sample could be detected by a 4-h enrichment incubation in alkaline peptone water at 37°C followed by quick DNA extraction with an extraction kit and 35-cycle PCR specific for the V. hollisae toxR gene. We conclude that screening of seafood samples by this 35-cycle, V. hollisae toxR-specific PCR, followed by isolation on a differential medium and identification by the above htpG- and toxR-targeted PCR methods, can be useful for isolation from the environment and identification of V. hollisae.  相似文献   
Cassava starch grafted with polystyrene (PS-g-starch) copolymer was synthesized via free-radical polymerization of styrene by using suspension polymerization technique. Potassium persulfate (PPS) was used as an initiator and water was used as a medium. The graft copolymer was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, thermal gravimetric analysis, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The sub-micron spherical beads of PS were observed on the surface of starch granules. SEM micrographs showed porous patches of PS adhering on the starch granules after Soxhlet extraction. FTIR spectra also indicated the presence of PS-g-starch copolymer. XRD analysis exhibited insignificant changes in crystalline structure and degree of crystallinity. The effects of starch:styrene weight ratio, amount of PPS, reaction time and reaction temperature on the percentage of grafting – G (%), were investigated. G (%) increased with increasing starch content. Other variables showed their own individual optimal values. The optimum condition yielding 31.47% of G (%) was derived when the component ratio was 1:3 and reaction temperature and time were 50 °C and 2 h, respectively. Graft copolymerization did not change granular shape and crystallinity of starch. This study demonstrated the capability of polymerization of styrene monomer on the granular starch without emulsifier and the synthesis of graft copolymer without gelatinization of starch.  相似文献   
Kidney anion exchanger 1 (kAE1) mediates chloride (Cl) and bicarbonate (HCO3) exchange at the basolateral membrane of kidney α-intercalated cells. Impaired trafficking of kAE1 leads to defect of the Cl/HCO3 exchange at the basolateral membrane and failure of proton (H+) secretion at the apical membrane, causing a kidney disease - distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA). To gain a better insight into kAE1 trafficking, we searched for proteins physically interacting with the C-terminal region of kAE1 (Ct-kAE1), which contains motifs crucial for intracellular trafficking, by a yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) system. An adaptor-related protein complex 1 μ1A (AP-1 mu1A) subunit was found to interact with Ct-kAE1. The interaction between either Ct-kAE1 or full-length kAE1 and AP-1 mu1A were confirmed in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293T by co-immunoprecipitation, affinity co-purification, co-localization, yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-based protein fragment complementation assay (PCA) and GST pull-down assay. The interacting site for AP-1 mu1A on Ct-kAE1 was found to be Y904DEV907, a subset of YXXØ motif. Interestingly, suppression of endogenous AP-1 mu1A in HEK 293T by small interfering RNA (siRNA) decreased membrane localization of kAE1 and increased its intracellular accumulation, suggesting for the first time that AP-1 mu1A is involved in the kAE1 trafficking of kidney α-intercalated cells.  相似文献   
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