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The mRNAs present in bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1)-transformed C127 cells were studied by primer extension. The results show that two internal promoters are present in the E region of BPV-1 in addition to the previously identified promoter at coordinate 1 (H. Ahola, A. Stenlund, J. Moreno-López, and U. Pettersson, Nucleic Acids Res. 11:2639-2650, 1983). One, located at coordinate 31, generated a set of mRNAs with heterogeneous 5' ends, which may encode the major transforming protein of BPV-1, the E5 protein. The second promoter, which is located at coordinate 39, generates colinear mRNAs which encode either the E4 protein or a truncated form of the E2 protein. Unlike the cottontail rabbit papillomavirus (O. Danos, E. Georges, G. Orth, and M. Yaniv, J. Virol. 53:735-741, 1985), BPV-1 appears to lack a separate promoter for expression of the E7 protein. The major splice sites in the transforming region (E region) of the BPV-1 genome were also identified by nucleotide sequence analysis.  相似文献   
The European elk papillomavirus (EEPV) genome was cloned in the BamHI cleavage site of the pBR322 vector. The cloned genome was used for construction of a physical map, employing restriction endonucleases BamHI, BglII, HindIII, PvuII, SacI, and XhoI. The sequence homology between the EEPV and bovine papillomavirus type 1 genomes was elucidated by performing hybridizations in different concentrations of formamide. Sequence homology could only be revealed under less stringent conditions, i.e., Tm - 43 degrees C. Nucleotide sequence information was also collected from the regions which lie adjacent to the three HindIII sites that are present in the EEPV genome. The results made it possible to align the EEPV and bovine papillomavirus type 1 genomes. Transformation by EEPV was demonstrated with the C127 mouse cell line, and fibrosarcomas were induced in young hamsters after subcutaneous injection. The transformed cells and the tumors contain multiple, nonintegrated copies of the EEPV genome. Virus particles could not be detected either in tumors or in transformed cells.  相似文献   
Summary The distribution of -spectrin, and its relation to other cytoskeletal structures and to the plasma membrane, was studied in detergent-extracted whole-mount cytoskeletons of chicken embryo heart fibroblasts by using immunogold labelling and electron microscopy (IEM). The cell surface was labelled with gold-conjugated wheat germ agglutinin (WGA-gold), microtubules with anti-tubulin antibodies, and spectrin by using antibodies raised to chicken erythrocyte -spectrin. Additionally, the effect of fixation and drying on the labelling pattern was evaluated.In electron microscopy, a three-dimensional filamentous network was observed in detergent-extracted whole-mount preparations. Filaments of diameter 7–10 nm and 15 nm, microtubules of diameter 30 nm, and filament bundles (40–50 nm in diameter) were seen. In IEM, -spectrin was seen on the surface of the cytoskeletal network, especially along the thick filament bundles. In some cells, a distinct membrane skeleton which was labelled with -spectrin antibodies, was seen in close association with the cytoskeletal network. The cells which were labelled first with WGA-gold, and then permeabilized, fixed and labelled with -spectrin, showed a co-localization of the WGA binding sites and -spectrin along the surface of the filament bundles. Reversing the order of the staining, such that fixation was done before WGA labelling and permeabilization, led to a greatly diminished labelling for -spectrin and less pronounced co-localization of spectrin and WGA. Comparison of the conventional critical point drying method with Peldri II, a novel drying agent, indicated a better stability of the cellular structures under the electron beam when Peldri II was used.The results show that electron microscopy of the detergent-extracted whole-mount cytoskeletons, combined with immunogold labelling, enables accurate localization of -spectrin in relation to cell organelles. However, it is sensitive to procedural effects which have to be taken into account when evaluating the results.  相似文献   
H. Hyvärinen    H. Kangasperko    Raija  Peura 《Journal of Zoology》1977,182(4):457-466
A study is made of the histology, distribution and ultrastructure of nerve-organs in the carpal and ventral sinus hairs of the squirrel Sciurus vulgaris L. These sinus hairs were found to be typical tactile hairs. Their situation on the inner surfaces of the forelimbs, and on the ventral body wall is assumed to be useful during climbing. Five different types of nerve end-organs were found:
1. Ring-shaped end-organs, especially in the ring sinus, associated with certain cells in connectivetissue and in many cases also anchored to the hair follicle.
2. Merkelcells in the basal cell layer of the outer root sheath at the level of the ring sinus.
3. Lanceolate end-organs between the glassy membrane and the connective tissue of the ringwulst and betweenthese in the upper part of the ring sinus.
4. Encapsulated end-organs in the cavernous sinus.
5. Free thin nerveendings.  相似文献   
The rates of keratinocyte proliferation and synthesis of Hyaluronan (HA) were studied in human whole-skin organ culture by labeling with [6-3H]glucosamine and [3H]thymidine, respectively, to reveal possible correlations between the two functions of the cell. HA distribution in epidermis was examined by staining with a specific probe prepared front cartilage proteoglycan. The keratinocyte proliferation rate was low on the first 2 culture days, but showed a tenfold increase on the third and fourth days while the synthesis of HA proceeded at a relatively stable level throughout the same period. The most intensive staining of HA occurred in the uppermost spinous cell layer, whereas mitotic cells resided in the basal and suprabasal layers. The keratinocytes under various stages of mitosis were surrounded by a HA staining not more intense than that around nondividing basal cells, but a thick pad of HA appeared rapidly between the daughter cells. These findings suggest that newly synthesized HA is associated with the separation of keratinocytes following mitosis but the majority of the synthesis and content of HA in epidermis is involved in other keratinocyte activities such as maintenance of the extracellular space and cell-cell interactions during migration and differentiation.  相似文献   
Reactive oxygen species (ROS), including nitric oxide (NO(*)), are associated with all steps of carcinogenesis. Hyaluronan (HA), a high-molecular-mass glycosaminoglycan overexpressed in a variety of human malignancies also has ROS-scavenging properties. We histochemically studied the level of HA in breast carcinoma cells and their stroma and compared it with the expression of NO(*) synthases (NOSs), major antioxidant enzymes, and nitrotyrosine. We also assessed whether the level of HA correlates with traditional prognostic factors of breast cancer and survival. Stromal HA level was moderate or high in all the samples studied (n=185), and 84% of the lesions showed HA-positive carcinoma cells. Intense stromal HA signal was associated with high neuronal NOS expression (p=0.009), whereas tumor-cell associated HA was inversely correlated with nitrotyrosine expression (p=0.027). Of the traditional prognostic factors, tumor cell-associated HA was correlated with poor differentiation (p=0.011), and high stromal HA levels were associated with aggressive features of the carcinomas such as large primary tumor (p=0.002), poor differentiation (p=0.019), and estrogen (p=0.012) and progesterone receptor negativity (p=0.009). High stromal HA level also significantly predicted poorer survival. The strong positive correlation between neuronal NOS and stromal HA could reflect NO(*)-stimulated synthesis of HA, an extracellular matrix alteration that favors breast cancer progression. Furthermore, it is suggested that, while acting as a scavenger of NO(*)-derived radicals, cell-associated HA undergoes partial fragmentation, release from receptors, and further degradation in lysosomes, and thus becomes undetectable in histological sections.  相似文献   
The membrane-associated alphavirus RNA replication complex contains four virus-encoded subunits, the nonstructural proteins nsP1 to nsP4. Semliki Forest virus (SFV) nsP1 is hydrophobically modified by palmitoylation of cysteines 418 to 420. Here we show that Sindbis virus nsP1 is also palmitoylated on the same site (cysteine 420). When mutations preventing nsP1 palmitoylation were introduced into the genomes of these two alphaviruses, the mutant viruses remained viable and replicated to high titers, although their growth was slightly delayed. The subcellular distribution of palmitoylation-defective nsP1 was altered in the mutant: it no longer localized to filopodial extensions, and a fraction of it was soluble. The ultrastructure of the alphavirus replication sites appeared normal, and the localization of the other nonstructural proteins was unaltered in the mutants. In both wild-type- and mutant-virus-infected cells, SFV nsP3 and nsP4 could be extracted from membranes only by alkaline solutions whereas the nsP2-membrane association was looser. Thus, the membrane binding properties of the alphavirus RNA replication complex were not determined by the palmitoylation of nsP1. The nsP1 palmitoylation-defective alphaviruses produced normal plaques in several cell types, but failed to give rise to plaques in HeLa cells, although they induced normal apoptosis of these cells. The SFV mutant was apathogenic in mice: it caused blood viremia, but no infectious virus was detected in the brain.  相似文献   
Small-molecule inhibition of hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl 4-hydroxylases (HIF-P4Hs) is being explored for the treatment of anemia. Previous studies have suggested that HIF-P4H-2 inhibition may also protect the heart from an ischemic insult. Hif-p4h-2gt/gt mice, which have 76 to 93% knockdown of Hif-p4h-2 mRNA in endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and cardiomyocytes and normoxic stabilization of Hif-α, were subjected to ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). Hif-p4h-2 deficiency resulted in increased survival, better-preserved left ventricle (LV) systolic function, and a smaller infarct size. Surprisingly, a significantly larger area of the LV remained perfused during LAD ligation in Hif-p4h-2gt/gt hearts than in wild-type hearts. However, no difference was observed in collateral vessels, while the size of capillaries, but not their number, was significantly greater in Hif-p4h-2gt/gt hearts than in wild-type hearts. Hif-p4h-2gt/gt mice showed increased cardiac expression of endothelial Hif target genes for Tie-2, apelin, APJ, and endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthase (eNOS) and increased serum NO concentrations. Remarkably, blockage of Tie-2 signaling was sufficient to normalize cardiac apelin and APJ expression and resulted in reversal of the enlarged-capillary phenotype and ischemic cardioprotection in Hif-p4h-2gt/gt hearts. Activation of the hypoxia response by HIF-P4H-2 inhibition in endothelial cells appears to be a major determinant of ischemic cardioprotection and justifies the exploration of systemic small-molecule HIF-P4H-2 inhibitors for ischemic heart disease.  相似文献   
Understanding how survival is affected by the environment is essential to gain insight into population dynamics and the evolution of life‐history traits as well as to identify environmental selection pressures. However, we still have little understanding of the relative effect of different environmental factors and their interactions on demographic traits and population dynamics. Here we used two long‐term, individual‐based datasets on Tawny Owl Strix aluco (1981–2010) and Ural Owl S. uralensis (1986–2010) to undertake capture‐mark‐recapture analysis of annual survival of adult females in response to three biologically meaningful environmental variables and their two‐way interactions. Despite the similar ecology of these two species, their survival was associated with different and uncorrelated environmental drivers. The main correlate of Tawny Owl survival was an inverse association with snow depth (winter severity). For Ural Owl, high food (vole) abundance improved survival during years with deep snow, but was less important during years with little snow. In addition, Ural Owl survival was strongly density‐dependent, whereas Tawny Owl survival was not. Our findings advise caution in extrapolating demographic inferences from one species to another, even when they are very closely related and ecologically similar. Analyses including only one or few potential environmental drivers of a species' survival may lead to incomplete conclusions because survival may be affected by several factors and their interactions.  相似文献   
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