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Social justice issues remain some of the most pressing problems in the United States. One aspect of social justice involves the differential treatment of demographic groups in the criminal justice system. While data consistently show that Blacks and Hispanics are often treated differently than Whites, one understudied aspect of these disparities is how police officers'' assessments of suspects'' size affects their decisions. Using over 3 million cases from the New York Police Department (NYPD) Stop, Question, and Frisk (SQF) Database, 2006–2013, this study is the first to explore suspects'' race, perceived size, and police treatment. Results indicate that tall and heavy black and Hispanic men are at the greatest risk for frisk or search. Tall and heavy suspects are at increased risk for experiencing police force, with black and Hispanic men being more likely to experience force than white men across size categories.  相似文献   
Immunofluorescence visualization of microtubule (MT) arraysin stomatal complexes of Lolium rigidum shows that disassemblyof the arrays can be successfully achieved using oryzalin orhigh pressure treatments. Under conditions allowing for MT recovery,MTs reappear within an hour after oryzalin or within 5 min afterhigh pressure treatment. During recovery guard mother cells(GMCs) nucleate MTs at sites distributed randomly in the cellcortex. Even after 22 h of recovery the MTs are not arrangedinto any configuration found in untreated tissue. This inabilityto reorganize their MTs after treatment makes GMCs more sensitiveto the loss of MTs than are other cells of the leaf. In guardcells (GCs) MTs reappear around the pore at the junction ofthe periclinal and ventral walls. They subsequently appear throughoutmost of the cell cortex and the majority of stomatal complexesrecover fully organized MT arrays indistinguishable from thosein untreated cells. The results support and extend ultrastructuraland immunofluorescence observations that suggest that MTs inGCs of developing stomata are nucleated in the cell cortex. 2Present address: Department of Biology, The University of SouthwesternLouisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana 70504-2451, U.S.A. (Received April 24, 1990; Accepted July 7, 1990)  相似文献   
Summary The role of tubular mastigonemes in the reversal of thrust of the anterior flagellum ofPhytophthora cinnamomi was analysed using mastigoneme-specific monoclonal antibodies and immunoflu-orescence and video microscopy. Exposure of live zoospores ofP. cinnamomi to the mastigoneme-specific Zg antibodies caused alterations in the arrangement of mastigonemes on the flagellar surface and at Zg concentrations above 0.3 /ml, mastigonemes became detached from the flagellum. As a consequence of antibody binding to the mastigonemes there were concentration-dependent perturbations in zoospore swimming behaviour and anterior flagellum beat pattern. With increasing antibody concentration zoospores swam more slowly and other parameters of their swimming pattern, such as the wavelength of the swimming helix and the frequency of rotation, were also reduced. The effects of Zg antibodies were specific at two levels: control immunoglobulins or antibodies that bound to other flagellar surface components did not have an effect on motility, and Zg antibodies did not interfere with the motility of zoospores of oomycete species to which they did not bind. The effects of antibody-induced disruption of mastigoneme arrangement strongly support previous hypotheses that tubular mastigonemes are responsible for thrust reversal by the anterior flagellum, enabling it to pull the cell through the surrounding medium.  相似文献   
Skeletons of chimpanzees with recorded life stories allow assessment of the potential relationships among hard tissue features and expressed behaviors. We analyze bone size, weight, and mineralization to assess osteological characters for identification of laterality of expressed behaviors involving the upper body. Results show that associations are not yet clearly defined.  相似文献   
We determined the expression of intercellular adhesion molecules (ICAM) on neuro-2a cells in order to evaluate whether they were involved in cytolysis of murine neuroblastoma. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis revealed that the control neomycin-resistance-genetransduced line (neuro-2a/LN) had poor expression of ICAM-1 (mean channel fluorescence, MCF=3.7). An ICAM-1-positive transfectant of neuro-2a (neuro-2a/ICAM-1+) (CMF=64.3) was generated to evaluate directly the role of this adhesion molecule in cytolysis. Neuro-2a/ICAM-1+ was more sensitive to LAK killing (69.7% at an effector-to-target ratio of 1001) compared to neuro-2a/LN (48.6%) (P<0.001). Blocking of neuro-2a/LN and neuro-2a/ICAM-1+ lysis with anti-ICAM-1 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) did not account for all the LFA-1-dependent killing. These data indicate that even in neuro-2a/ICAM-1+ cells, other LFA-1 ligands participated in the effector-target interaction. Therefore, we examined these cell lines for ICAM-2 expression. Both neuro-2a/LN and neuro-2a/ICAM-1+ lines expressed ICAM-2 (MCF=16.4 and 16.5). ICAM-2 accounted for the majority of the LFA-1-dependent killing in the ICAM-1-negative target, neuro-2a/LN, while ICAM-1 played a primary role in the cytolysis of the ICAM-1+ transfectant. Inhibition of lysis in the presence of anti-ICAM-1 and ICAM-2 mAbs was comparable to that seen with the addition of anti-LFA-1 mAb, indicating that other LFA-1 ligands were not involved in this system. ICAM-1 expression was associated with decreased in vivo tumorigenicity; mice inoculated with neuro-2a/ICAM-1+ cells had a significantly longer survival compared to those receiving neuro-2a/LN cells (median survival time 35.5 versus 24.5 days) (P<0.001). It is important to note that ICAM-1 transfection of murine neuroblastoma did not alter its metastatic potential. We conclude that transfection of mouse neuroblastome with ICAM-1 increases its sensitivity to in vitro lysis and reduces its in vivo tumorgenicity. In ICAM-1-negative murine neuroblastoma cells, ICAM-2 plays a primary role in cell-mediated lysis.This work was supported in part by the Children's Cancer Research Fund, the Minnesota Medical Foundation, the Viking Children's Fund and NIH grants PO1-CA-21737, NO1-AI-85002. E. K. is a recipient of the Irvine McQuarrie Research Scholar Award and B. R. B. a recipient of the Edward Mallinkrodt Foundation Scholar Award  相似文献   
cDNA clones encoding a novel proline-rich protein (NaPRP4) have been isolated from a Nicotiana alata stylar cDNA library. The N-terminal part of the derived protein is highly rich in proline (32.2%) and contains several repeats such as Lys-Pro-Pro (7 times) and Pro-Thr-Lys-Pro-Pro-Thr-Tyr-Ser-Pro-Ser-Lys-Pro-Pro (twice); the C-terminal part, on the other hand, has a lower proline content (9.9%) and contains two potential N-glycosylation sites and all the six cysteine residues. Northern blot and in situ hybridisation analyses indicate that expression of the NaPRP4 gene is restricted to cells of the transmitting tract of the style.  相似文献   
Foundation seaweed species are experiencing widespread declines and localized extinctions due to increased instability of sea surface temperature. Characterizing temperature thresholds are useful for predicting patterns of change and identifying species most vulnerable to extremes. Existing methods for characterizing seaweed thermal tolerance produce diverse metrics and are often time-consuming, making comparisons between species and techniques difficult, hindering insight into global patterns of change. Using three kelp species, we adapted a high-throughput method – previously used in terrestrial plant thermal biology – for use on kelps. This method employs temperature-dependent fluorescence (TF0) curves under heating or cooling regimes to determine the critical temperature (Tcrit) of photosystem II (PSII), i.e., the breakpoint between slow and fast rise fluorescence response to changing temperature, enabling rapid assays of photosynthetic thermal tolerance using a standardized metric. This method enables characterization of Tcrit for up to 48 samples per two-hour assay, demonstrating the capacity of TF0 curves for high-throughput assays of thermal tolerance. Temperature-dependent fluorescence curves and their derived metric, Tcrit, may offer a timely and powerful new method for the field of phycology, enabling characterization and comparison of photosynthetic thermal tolerance of seaweeds across many populations, species, and biomes.  相似文献   
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