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Ahsg (fetuin-A) is a 55-59 kDa phosphorylated glycoprotein synthesized in the adult predominantly by hepatocytes, from which it enters the circulation. When dysregulated, this glycoprotein operates to influence the clinical sequelae of insulin resistance-type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The pathological sequelae likely arise from two separable molecular “faces” of Ahsg—one acting at the level of the insulin receptor and a second face influencing ectopic biomineralization in the intima. A detailed understanding of these two functional faces of Ahsg is not yet clear for lack of structural studies. Ahsg has a physiological role in the biomineralization of bone, which when dysregulated can lead to ectopic calcification of soft tissues in the vasculature. Ahsg has a second physiological function in regulating how insulin signals through its receptor, a transmembrane tyrosine kinase. Dysregulation of this “face” of Ahsg results in morbid sequelae such as impaired glucose disposal and fatty liver. Ahsg binds to tandem fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domains present in the 194 amino acid residue extracellular portion of the β-subunit of the insulin receptor, distant from the high-affinity pocket formed by two complementing α-subunits where insulin binds. Only two proteins are known to bind directly to the insulin receptor ectodomain - insulin and Ahsg - the former turns on the receptor's intrinsic tyrosine kinase (TK) activity, and the latter shuts it down. Recent X-ray crystallographic studies of the ectodomain of the insulin receptor now sharpen our understanding of the receptor's extracellular α-subunit and linked β-subunit. Ahsg genotype and its circulating level have been correlated with body morphometrics (obese versus lean and visceral adiposity) in epidemiological studies enrolling thousands of patients. Epidemiological studies from the clinic reveal high levels of circulating Ahsg in insulin resistance and diabetes. This review endeavors to explain how one protein can mediate diverse pathologies, but specifically addresses its metabolic “face” blunting insulin receptor activity, an action leading to insulin resistance.  相似文献   
The functional properties of the amino terminus (NT) of the corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) receptor type 1 (R1) were studied by use of murine (m) CRFR1 and rat (r) parathyroid hormone (PTH)/parathyroid hormone-related peptide receptor (PTH1R) chimeras. The chimeric receptor CXP, in which the NT of mCRFR1 was annealed to the TMs of PTH1R, and the reciprocal hybrid, PXC, bound radiolabeled analogues of sauvagine and PTH(3--34), respectively. Neither hybrid bound radiolabeled CRF or PTH(1--34). CRF and PTH(1--34) weakly stimulated intracellular cAMP accumulation in COS-7 cells transfected with PXC and CXP, respectively. Thus the NT is required for ligand binding and the TMs are required for agonist-stimulated cAMP accumulation. Replacing individual intercysteine segments of PXC with their mCRFR1 counterparts did not rescue CRF or sauvagine radioligand binding or stimulation of cAMP accumulation. Replacement of residues 1--31 of mCRFR1 with their PTH1R counterparts resulted in a chimeric receptor, PEC, which had normal CRFR1 functional properties. In addition, a series of chimeras (F1PEC--F6PEC) were generated by replacement of the NT intercysteine residues of PEC with their PTH1R counterparts. Only F1PEC, F2PEC, and F3PEC showed detectable CRF and sauvagine radioligand binding. All of the PEC chimeras except F5PEC increased cAMP accumulation. These data indicate that the Cys(68)(-)Glu(109) domain is important for binding and that the Cys(87)(-)Cys(102) region plays an important role in CRFR1 activation.  相似文献   
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and PTH-related peptide (PTHrP) binding to their common receptor stimulates second messenger accumulation, receptor phosphorylation, and internalization. LLC-PK(1) cells expressing a green fluorescent protein-tagged PTH/PTHrP receptor show time- and dose-dependent receptor internalization. The internalized receptors colocalize with clathrin-coated pits. Internalization is stimulated by PTH analogs that bind to and activate the PTH/PTHrP receptor. Cell lines expressing a mutant protein kinase A regulatory subunit that is resistant to cAMP and/or a mutant receptor (DSEL mutant) that does not activate phospholipase C internalize their receptors normally. In addition, internalization of the wild-type receptor and the DSEL mutant is stimulated by the PTH analog [Gly(1),Arg(19)]hPTH-(1-28), which does not stimulate phospholipase C. Forskolin, IBMX, and the active phorbol ester, phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate, did not promote receptor internalization or increase PTH-induced internalization. These data indicate that ligand-induced internalization of the PTH/PTHrP receptor requires both ligand binding and receptor activation but does not involve stimulation of adenylate cyclase/protein kinase A or phospholipase C/protein kinase C.  相似文献   
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1 (CRFR1) mediates the physiological actions of corticotropin-releasing factor in the anterior pituitary gland and the central nervous system. Using chemical cross-linking we have previously reported that residue 16 of sauvagine (SVG) is in a close proximity to the second extracellular loop of CRFR1. Here we introduced p-benzoylphenylalanine (Bpa) at position 17 of a sauvagine analog, [Tyr0, Gln1, Bpa17]SVG, to covalently label CRFR1 and characterize the cross-linking site. Using a combination of receptor mutagenesis, peptide mapping, and N-terminal sequencing, we identified His117 within the first transmembrane domain (TM1) of CRFR1 as the cross-linking site for Bpa17 of 125I-[Tyr0, Gln1, Bpa17]SVG. These data indicate that, within the SVG-CRFR1 complex, residue 17 of the ligand lies within a 9 angstroms distance from residue 117 of the TM1 of CRFR1. The molecular proximity between residue 17 of the ligand and TM1 of CRFR1 described here and between residue 16 of the ligand and the CRFR1 second extracellular loop described previously provides useful molecular constraints for modeling ligand-receptor interaction in mammalian cells expressing CRFR1.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that agonist-dependent phosphorylation of the PTH/PTHrP receptor occurs on its carboxyl-terminal tail. Using site-directed mutagenesis, phosphopeptide mapping, and direct sequencing of cyanogen bromide-cleaved fragments of phosphoreceptors, we report here that PTH-dependent phosphorylation occurs on the serine residues at positions 491, 492, 493, 495, 501, and 504, and that the serine residue at position 489 is required for phosphorylation. When these seven sites were mutated to alanine residues, the mutant receptor was no longer phosphorylated after PTH stimulation. The phosphorylation-deficient receptor, stably expressed in LLCPK-1 cells, was impaired in PTH-dependent internalization and showed an increased sensitivity to PTH stimulation; the EC(50) for PTH-stimulated cAMP accumulation was decreased by 7-fold. Furthermore, PTH stimulation of the phosphorylation-deficient PTH/PTHrP receptor caused a sustained elevation in intracellular cAMP levels. These data indicate that agonist-dependent phosphorylation of the PTH/PTHrP receptor plays an important role in receptor function.  相似文献   
Biological properties of amino-terminal PTHrP analogues modified in the region 11–13 were examined using ROS 17/2.8 cells. [Leu11,D-Trp12,Arg13,Tyr36]PTHrP(1–36)amide had a 17-fold lower binding affinity for the receptor (apparent Kd: 5 × 10−8 M) than [Tyr36]PTHrP(1–36)amide or [Arg11,13,Tyr36]PTHrP(1–36)amide (apparent Kd for both: 2 × 10−9 M). Moreover, it is only a weak partial agonist despite completely inhibiting radioligand binding. [Leu11,D-Trp12,Arg13,Tyr36,Cys38]PTHrP(7–38) and PTHrP(7–34)amide had similar receptor affinities (apparent Kds: 5 × 10−8 M and 8 × 10−8 M), while that of [Nle8,18,Tyr34]bPTH(7–34)amide was more than 10-fold lower (apparent Kd: 2 × 10−6 M). These changes in biological properties suggest that high affinity receptor binding requires both amino- and carboxyl-terminal domains of the PTHrP(1–36) sequence and/or intramolecular interactions which are impaired by the D-Trp substitution for Gly12.  相似文献   
The striking clinical benefit of PTH in osteoporosis began a new era of skeletal anabolic agents. Several studies have been performed, new studies are emerging out and yet controversies remain on PTH anabolic action in bone. This review focuses on the molecular aspects of PTH and PTHrP signaling in light of old players and recent advances in understanding the control of osteoblast proliferation, differentiation and function.  相似文献   
Our previous studies demonstrated that a green fluorescent protein-tagged parathyroid hormone (PTH)/PTH-related peptide (PTHrP) receptor stably expressed in LLCPK-1 cells undergoes agonist-dependent internalization into clathrin-coated pits. The subcellular localization of the internalized PTH/PTHrP receptor is not known. In the present study, we explored the intracellular pathways of the internalized PTH/PTHrP receptor. Using immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy, we show that the internalized receptors localize at a juxtanuclear compartment identified as the Golgi apparatus. The receptors do not colocalize with lysosomes. Furthermore, whereas the internalized receptors exhibit rapid recycling, treatment with proton pump inhibitors (bafilomycin-A1 and concanamycin A) or brefeldin A, Golgi disrupting agents, reduces PTH/PTHrP receptor recycling. Together, these data indicate an important role for the vacuolar-type hydrogen-ATPase and the Golgi apparatus in postendocytic PTH/PTHrP receptor recovery.  相似文献   
The methionine residues in Tyr-corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and Tyr-sauvagine radioligands are subject to oxidation, which renders them biologically inactive. Therefore [Tyr(0,) Gln(1,) Leu(17)]sauvagine (YQLS), in which the methionine was replaced with leucine was synthesized and labeled with (125)Iodine using chloramine-T. Mass spectroscopy revealed that chloramine-T-treatment did not oxidize YQLS. (125)I-YQLS bound with high affinity to cells expressing the murine CRF receptor 1 (CRFR1), CRF receptor 2 (CRFR2), and the mouse brain regions known to express both CRF receptors. (125)I-YQLS chemically cross-linked to CRFR1. In conclusion, (125)I-YQLS is oxidation-resistant, high affinity radioligand that can be chemically cross-linked to the CRF receptors.  相似文献   
[Nle8,18,Tyr34]bPTH-(1-34)amide (NlePTH) was biotinylated using sulfosuccinimidyl 6-(biotinamido)hexanoate, in dimethyl sulfoxide, and the multiple resulting peptides peaks were separated by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Their biological activities were compared with those of NlePTH, the parent compound, in radioreceptor and cAMP accumulation bioassays using rat osteosarcoma 17/2.8 cells; the earliest two eluting products, bioPTH 1 and 2, were equipotent, a third, bioPTH 3, was only 10% as potent, and the remaining, later eluting derivatives all were less than 0.1% as active. Competitive avidin binding assays using [3H]biotin suggested that bioPTH 1 and 2 had a single biotin congener per molecule, while bioPTH 3 contained two biotin residues. Upon Edman degradation, bioPTH 1 contained biotin on the lysine at position 13 of NlePTH; bioPTH 2's biotin was on the lysine at position 26 (or 27) and bioPTH 3 had biotins on lysines at both positions 13 and 26 (or 27). Avidin tagged with 125I, peroxidase, or fluorescein isothiocyanate was detected on bone-derived cells which had been incubated initially with bioPTH 2 (1, 10, and 100 nM) for 4 h, but not when NlePTH (1 microM) was added with bioPTH 2. A fluorescence-activated cell sorter detected a symmetrical shift in fluorescence of bone-derived cells incubated with 10 nM of bioPTH 2 and 10 micrograms/ml fluorescein isothiocyanate-avidin. Addition of a 30-fold molar excess of NlePTH, or omission of bioPTH 2, completely reversed this fluorescence shift, and no shift in fluorescence was seen with cells lacking PTH receptors. This fully active, high affinity biotinylated PTH-derivative should prove useful in the study of PTH receptor-bearing cells.  相似文献   
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