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During his presidential campaign, the new elected President of U.S., Donald Trump, called for a complete ban on Muslims from entering the United States. Although numerous European observers have been shocked by this proposal, using the most recent European Social Survey immigration module, this paper found that a sizeable proportion of Europeans support a similar ban in their own countries, e.g. Czech Republic (54 per cent), Hungary (51 per cent), Estonia (42 per cent), Poland (33 per cent), and Portugal (33 per cent). The paper also provides evidence that racism and immigration phobia play a key role in shaping Europeans’ support of a ban on Muslims’ immigration.  相似文献   
Origanum compactum L. (Lamiaceae) is one of the most important medicinal species in term of ethnobotany in Morocco. It is considered as a very threatened species as it is heavily exploited. Its domestication remains the most efficient way to safeguard it for future generations. For this purpose, wide evaluation of the existing variability in all over the Moroccan territory is required. The essential oils of 527 individual plants belonging to 88 populations collected from the whole distribution area of the species in Morocco were analyzed by GC/MS. The dominant constituents were carvacrol (0 – 96.3%), thymol (0 – 80.7%), p‐cymene (0.2 – 58.6%), γ‐terpinene (0 – 35.2%), carvacryl methyl ether (0 – 36.2%), and α‐terpineol (0 – 25.8%). While in the Middle Atlas region and the Central Morocco mainly carvacrol type samples were found, much higher chemotypic diversity was encountered within samples from the north part of Morocco (occidental and central Rif regions). The high chemical polymorphism of plants offers a wide range for selection of valuable chemotypes, as a part of breeding and domestication programs of this threatened species.  相似文献   
Wheel‐running activity was recorded in Lemniscomys barbarus exposed to different lighting conditions. This rodent shows rhythmic locomotor activity under natural twilight‐light/dark (LD) as well as squared‐LD cycles. A mean of 77% of the activity occurred during the light phase. Under different controlled photoperiods, the quantity of daily locomotor activity was relatively stable except for a lower level in the shortest photoperiod tested (LD 06∶18). The duration of the active phase tended to increase with the duration of the light phase, especially in the longer photoperiods. Whatever the lighting conditions, Lemniscomys barbarus started running before lights‐on and stopped after lights‐off. The phase angle of activity offset relative to lights‐off was stable in each squared‐photoperiod, whereas the phase angle of activity onset relative to lights‐on was significantly the highest under the shortest photoperiods. Recording of activity under constant lighting conditions showed that the daily rhythm of locomotor activity is fundamentally circadian. The endogenous period was slightly<24 h (mean=23.8 h) in permanent darkness and>24 h (mean=24.5 h) in continuous light. Re‐entrainment of the locomotor activity rhythm after a 6 h phase advance or delay requires only four days on average. Moreover, the phase‐responses curve to a 30 min light pulse (200 lux) in Lemniscomys barbarus kept in constant dark reveals large phase shifts according to circadian times (CT). With CT0 being defined as the onset of daily activity, maximum phase delay and advance shifts were observed at CT11 (Δ Ψ=‐5.7 h±2.3 h) and CT21 (Δ Ψ =4.9±1.2 h), respectively. Interestingly, the phase‐response curve to light did not show any dead zone. Immunohistochemical staining of the suprachiasmatic nuclei indicates that arginine vasopressin‐immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers delimited a dorsal subregion that extends laterally and medially. The ventral subregion is rich in vasoactive intestinal peptide‐immunoreactive neurones overlapping a smaller area containing gastrin‐releasing peptide‐expressing cells and receives numerous fibers labeled with neuropeptide Y antibody. The results of this study clearly demonstrate that Lemniscomys barbarus is a diurnal species highly sensitive to the shifting effects of light. Overall, this rodent can be considered a new and interesting model for circadian rhythm neurobiology.  相似文献   
The Mediterranean area, from southern Balkans to western Maghreb, is inhabited by the Potamon subgenus Euthelphusa, with three currently recognised species. The Maghrebian species P. (E.) algeriense is isolated from other Potamon species by the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert, and nearly no molecular data are currently available for this taxon. Present study investigated the mtDNA and nuDNA diversity in Potamon algeriense s.l. with the aims of exploring its molecular diversity pattern throughout its known distribution range, and testing the possible presence of cryptic taxa currently lumped under this binomen. The phylogenetic and DNA taxonomy analyses showed the presence of two well-supported clades of species rank within P. algeriense s.l, with an eastern clade including the populations from Tunisia and Numidia, and a western, highly structured clade including the populations from central Algeria and Morocco. In agreement with a typical Maghrebian biogeographic pattern, the distribution of these two species shows a clear east–west divide, with a disjunction zone located in Kabylia, and a strong link between molecular diversity and segregation within different hydrographical basins is evident. The Maghreb thus proved to host an unexpectedly high genetic diversity of, and to constitute a biodiversity hot-spot for, the Potamon subgenus Euthelphusa. In the light of the existence of two well-characterised species currently lumped under P. algeriense s.l., and of their noteworthy molecular structuring, the status of Maghrebian Potamon populations should be re-assessed for both the species present in the area, which are to be considered as independent management units.  相似文献   
Halogenation of the aporphine alkaloid boldine at the 3-position leads to increased affinity for rat brain D(1)-like dopaminergic receptors with some selectivity over D(2)-like receptors. A series of 3-halogenated and 3,8-dihalogenated (halogen=Cl, Br or I) derivatives of predicentrine (9-O-methylboldine) and glaucine (2,9-di-O-methylboldine) were prepared and assayed for binding at D(1) and D(2) sites. Halogenation of predicentrine led to strong increases in affinity for D(1)-like receptors, while the affinities for D(2)-like receptors were either practically unchanged or reduced three- to fourfold. Halogenated glaucine derivatives did not show any clear trend towards enhanced selectivity, and the affinities were poor and similar to or worse than the values previously recorded for glaucine itself. Together with earlier work on boldine derivatives, these results suggest that the 2-hydroxy group on the aporphine skeleton may determine a binding mode favoring D(1)-like over D(2)-like receptors, with enhanced affinity when the C-3 position is halogenated.  相似文献   
The synthesis and characterization of new N‐donor bitriazolic tripods were reported. The in vitro antibacterial and antifungal activities of these products were screened against fungal strain (Candida pelliculosa) and against four bacterial strains (Micrococcus luteus, Bacillus subtilis, Listeria innocua, and Escherichia coli). Biological data revealed the effect of the chemical structure on antimicrobial activity. Molecular docking studies of some compounds showed that they could act as inhibitors for the biotin carboxylase enzyme.  相似文献   
Learning a complex task such as table tennis is a challenging problem for both robots and humans. Even after acquiring the necessary motor skills, a strategy is needed to choose where and how to return the ball to the opponent’s court in order to win the game. The data-driven identification of basic strategies in interactive tasks, such as table tennis, is a largely unexplored problem. In this paper, we suggest a computational model for representing and inferring strategies, based on a Markov decision problem, where the reward function models the goal of the task as well as the strategic information. We show how this reward function can be discovered from demonstrations of table tennis matches using model-free inverse reinforcement learning. The resulting framework allows to identify basic elements on which the selection of striking movements is based. We tested our approach on data collected from players with different playing styles and under different playing conditions. The estimated reward function was able to capture expert-specific strategic information that sufficed to distinguish the expert among players with different skill levels as well as different playing styles.  相似文献   
Using the method of limits and a magnitude estimation procedure, the sense of touch was examined at multiple sites on the anterior torso of normal subjects. Their performance was compared with the performance of individuals having experienced a functionally complete spinal cord transection more than 6 months prior to the tests. Near the insentient regions of the spinal cord-injured patients there was a zone wherein the threshold for light touch was elevated and variable. Within this same transition zone, estimates of the magnitude of a brushing stimulus increased as a linear function of distance from the border for approximately 12 cm away from insentient skin. Throughout the rest of the thorax, spinal cord-injured patients displayed touch thresholds 67% higher than normals and, at the same test sites, spinal cord-injured patients offered estimates of the intensity of the brushing stimulus that averaged 62% higher than normal subjects. The greater intensity of the sensations experienced by spinal cord-injured patients with even very weak stimuli and the smaller range within which they were able to scale stimulus intensity, produced a situation wherein the patients made frequent errors of judgement even on skin regions far from the body parts affected by the lesion. These observations support the hypothesis that spinal cord lesions interrupt tonic modulatory mechanisms having global influences on the sense of touch. This loss produces an elevation of the touch threshold and a reduction of the normal dynamic range of tactile sensory perception for all skin surfaces on the anterior torso.  相似文献   
Using the method of limits and a magnitude estimation procedure, the sense of touch was examined at multiple sites on the anterior torso of normal subjects. Their performance was compared with the performance of individuals having experienced a functionally complete spinal cord transection more than 6 months prior to the tests. Near the insentient regions of the spinal cord-injured patients there was a zone wherein the threshold for light touch was elevated and variable. Within this same transition zone, estimates of the magnitude of a brushing stimulus increased as a linear function of distance from the border for approximately 12 cm away from insentient skin. Throughout the rest of the thorax, spinal cord-injured patients displayed touch thresholds 67% higher than normals and, at the same test sites, spinal cord-injured patients offered estimates of the intensity of the brushing stimulus that averaged 62% higher than normal subjects. The greater intensity of the sensations experienced by spinal cord-injured patients with even very weak stimuli and the smaller range within which they were able to scale stimulus intensity, produced a situation wherein the patients made frequent errors of judgement even on skin regions far from the body parts affected by the lesion. These observations support the hypothesis that spinal cord lesions interrupt tonic modulatory mechanisms having global influences on the sense of touch. This loss produces an elevation of the touch threshold and a reduction of the normal dynamic range of tactile sensory perception for all skin surfaces on the anterior torso.  相似文献   
In addition to South Africa, the Northwestern corner of the African continent is providing a wealth of data for the understanding of the behaviour of early modern humans. In NW Africa, this modern behaviour is associated with a technocomplex called 'Aterian'. However, its definition as well as chronological position is heavily debated. As a common notion, the 'Aterian' is placed as the (more or less) last technocomplex of the Middle Stone Age/Middle Palaeolithic. However, the stratigraphy of the Moroccan site of Ifri n'Ammar provides evidence that the 'Aterian' cannot serve as a chronostratigraphic entity because of its presence in a stratigraphical sequence before as well as after Middle Palaeolithic industries lacking tanged tools. These should supposedly all occur beneath any layer containing tanged lithic objects, which are, at present, the main criteria for assigning an assemblage to the 'Aterian'. According to the sequence of Ifri n'Ammar, the relative chronostratigraphical position of tanged tools is therefore shown not to be a single unit. Thermoluminescence (TL) dating of heated artefacts from the main layers of Ifri n'Ammar provides a first chronostratigraphic backbone for the site and for the Maghreb. Layer 'Upper OS', which contains tanged items as well as personal ornaments is dated to 83.3 ± 5.6 ka (n = 10), while the underlying 'Lower OS', which is lacking tanged pieces, is dated to 130.0 ± 7.8 ka (n = 9). The following layer (Upper OI), which again contains tanged items, and thus provides the earliest appearance of the technique of tanging is dated to 145 ± 9 ka. The base of the sequence is formed by a Middle Palaeolithic layer (Lower OI) again lacking tanged objects and dated to 171 ± 12 ka by TL on heated lithic artefacts. These data significantly push back in time the earliest occurrence of tanged tools and the sequence calls for a complete revision of the Maghreb chronostratigraphy.  相似文献   
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