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The society finch, a little passerin, was purposed to be utilized in embryological studies. Under control of the breeding cycle in 20 pairs, 4 to 6 eggs were used to be laid daily for several repeating week in a year. Average incubation time was 17 days in contrast to 21 in the domestic fowl. The eggs weighed 1.1 g in average and expected smallness of the embryo was regarded as favorable for morphological studies including the scanning electron microscopy. We present the first report of the complete development of the society finch. A number of embryological characteristics are described with special reference to the peculiarity of the altricial finch as compared with the precocial domestic fowl.  相似文献   
1. From leaves of barley and spinach, cellular components wereisolated and brought together under various conditions to investigatethe fate of ascorbic acid as affected by the components in thelight and dark. 2. A new colorimetric method for assaying ascorbic acid andsome other reducing substances was devised, measuring the colorof molybdenum-blue developed by the substances in the presenceof excess amounts of phosphomolybdate and inorganic acid. 3. The photooxidation of ascorbic acid by green and yellow filtrates,prepared from green and etiolated leaves of barley, was studiedby the ordinary as well as the new colorimetric method. In thepresence of oxygen, the oxidation of ascorbic acid was foundto be accelerated by light in the green filtrate, but not inthe yellow filtrate. 4. The oxidation of the endogenous reducing substance containedin the supernatant fraction of spinach leaf extracts was studiedin the presence of washed chloroplasts (spinach). In the presenceof oxygen, the rate of oxidation in the light was markedly higherthan in the dark. From the changes in absorption spectrum accompanyingthe reaction, the endogenous reducing substance in questionwas identified as ascorbic acid. 5. The occurrence of an endogenous precursor of ascorbic acidin spinach leaf extracts was disclosed. The photoreduction ofthis precursor into ascorbic acid was studied in the precenceof spinach chloroplasts. A specific inhibition of this reactionby phosphoglycerate and glycerophosphate was discovered. 6. The experimental results obtained were discussed in connectionwith the role of ascorbic acid in photosynthesis. (Received September 13, 1960; )  相似文献   
We examined two mutants of D. discoideum which are temperature-sensitive for development. At the nonpermissive temperature one mutant becomes arrested in development during the transition from the finger to the migrating slug. Temperature-shift experiment indicates that the temperature-sensitive period begins at considerably earlier tip-forming stage. The other mutant becomes arrested at the Mexican hat stage and the temperature-sensitive period coinsided with this stage. The analysis of protein synthesis by two-dimensional gels, however, showed specific changes at the nonpermissive temperature at an earlier finger-forming stage.
These results indicate the presence of a control of late development by proteins at early stages.  相似文献   
Protein synthesis during photoinduced, synchronous progression of the cell cycle in single-celled protonemata of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris was studied by tracer techniques. Nuclei of the protonemata were labelled with 3H-thymidine during spore germination so that the amount of 3H incorporated into the TCA-insoluble fraction of the cells could be used as a measure of the cell number in each sample. The rate of the incorporation of 14C-amino acids into TCA-insoluble materials was not significantly varied at different stages of the cell cycle or by treatment with blue light. Extracts of cells labelled with 35S-methionine at various times after the transfer from red light condition (G0) to darkness (G1 to S) were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. At least 3 of about 200 spots showed significant changes in intensity on fluorograms. Spot A (molecular weight 20,000, isoelectric point 6.3) was detectable only in early G1, whereas spot B (molecular weight 19,500, isoelectric point 6.3) was found only in the late G1 and S phases. When the cells were exposed to blue light before the dark incubation, the times of disappearance of spot A and appearance of spot B were advanced depending upon the progression of the cell cycle but not upon the clock time.  相似文献   
The female Blattella germanica pushes out an oötheca 11 days after adult ecdysis and carries it for about 25 days until nymphs hatch out. The terminal oöcyte begins to accumulate yolk abruptly 4 or 5 days after adult ecdysis and grows fully on day 10 when its volume reaches 180 times as compared to that at adult ecdysis.
Vitellogenin, the vitellogenic female-specific protein, was identified by immunoelectrophoresis and Ouchterlony's test. Fluctuation of vitellogenin in the blood, ovary and embryo at various stages was analyzed. Vitellogenin appears in the female blood 3 or 4 days after adult ecdysis and disappears soon after terminal oöcytes have been released to an oötheca. In the ovary, it appears 4 or 5 days after adult ecdysis and disappears when terminal oöcytes leave the ovary. It remains in embryos until shortly before hatching, but is absent in newly hatched nymphs.  相似文献   
Round spermatids (steps 1–8) were isolated from rat testes and glucose transport into the cells was examined. The exposure of spermatids to glucose resulted in an extremely low level of ATP. In contrast, the level of ATP remained constant in the presence of pyruvate. Transport of a glucose analogue, 2-deoxy-D-[3H]glucose ([3H]dGlc) into spermatids was correlated with intracellular levels of ATP and was much greater in cells with higher rather than lower levels of ATP. [3H]dGlc transport into spermatids with low levels of ATP was partially reversed when the cells were incubated with pyruvate. Inhibition of [3H]dGlc transport was exerted on Vmax and not on Km. Moreover, glucose acted as a competitive inhibitor of [3H]dGlc uptake (Km increased; Vmax unaltered). These results suggest that glucose transport into spermatids is active in vitro and probably regulated by the intracellular level of ATP.  相似文献   
The activities of green cell-free extracts of spinach leavesin performing photochemical transphosphorylation, photosyntheticphosphorylation, the HILL reaction and the light-induced formationof the endogenous reducing substance (ascorbic acid) were followedin parallel during the growth process of the plant. There wasa certain parallelism between the development of the activitiesof photochemical transphosphorylation, of photo-synthetic phosphorylationand of the HILL reaction, activities being low in the earlierstage of growth, reaching a maximum just before efflorescence,and showing thereafter a more or less sharp decline. The activityin the light-induced formation of endogenous reducing substancewas undetectable for the first 35 day-period of growth, reacheda maximum about one week earlier than the other three activities,and again disappeared after 60 days of growth. (Received September 9, 1960; )  相似文献   
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