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中国泥炭藓属植物的初步观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A general introduction to the mycological and bryological researches in Yunnan during the last about 100 years was made . Although several contributors such as Lan Mao (1397 - 1476) and Li Shi-zhen (1518 - 1593) paid their attention to fungi and bryophytes for medical purposes in as early as the Ming Dynasty, much of scientific researches were done in the last one hundred years .Western missionaries and biological explorers, and domestic experts, such as F. L. Tai, T. N. Liou, S. T. Teng , W. F. Chiu. D. F. Yu and J. C. Chou, traveled and collected from different localities of Yunnan and its adjacent areas . Collections of fungi and bryophytes were then studied by mycologists and bryologists from both home and abroad .Many new species of fungi and bryophytes from Yunnan have been discovered and described. The bryophytes in Yunnan are now relatively well-known. However, much mycological work should be done in the future before the diversity of fungi in the region can be recognized and understood.  相似文献   
中国提灯藓科的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
提灯藓科植物世界已报道的先后有12属,约100余种,主要分布在北半球温带地区,尤以东亚种类最多,在我国南北各地都很习见。自十九世纪后期以来,曾有不少中外植物学工作者对我国该科植物进行采集和研究,但由于以往调查的地区及采集的标本有限,至今我国有记载的仅5属,37种,3变种及6变型。  相似文献   
对中国四齿藓科的分类及分布进行了全面研究。据陈邦杰等前人报道,本科在中国分布仅1属1种。现经作者们搜集到的236份中国四齿藓科标本(原均被鉴定为四齿藓TetraphispelucidaHedw.),重新解剖观察后鉴定,发现除原有之广布种四齿藓外,尚有此次新发现的中国新分布种:疣柄四齿藓TetraphisgeniculataGirg,另有傅星及高谦等在川西发现新分布原丝藓Tetrodontiumbrownianum(Dicks)Schwaegr.,以及H.Vil和曹同在吉林发现的无助原丝藓Tetrodontiumrepandum(FunckexSturm)Schwaegr.,故本科在中国分布增至2属4种,本文对此4种在中国及世界分布均进行了讨论。  相似文献   
多纹泥炭藓 新种 图1 Sphagnum multifibrosum Li et Zang,sp.nov. Planta rubusta.Epidermis caulina stratis plerumque 2—3,fibrosa.Folia caulina elongato-lingulata,3.8—4.3mm longa,1.2—1.5 mm lata,multi-fibrosa et multiporosa.Folia ramulina rotundato-vel clongato-ovata,2 mmlonga,1.8—2 mm lata,interiore folii prope margines laterales paucipori magnirotundi;dorso folii pori in cellularum angulis bini ternive.Cellulae chlorophyl-liferae sectione transversali anguste trangulae,dorso foliorum inclusae.Odoraromaticus.  相似文献   
云南真菌学与苔藓植物学研究百年记——回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
真菌与苔藓在地球上出现的年代远早于种子植物, 寒武纪就有菌类的化石记录,至泥盆纪早期尚有高达约30 m、粗约80 cm的线丝木(Nematophyton loganii Dans),最初被认为是原杉(Prototaxites Dawson),后经研究发现其茎部细胞全部为菌丝组成,因此它是一种高大的菌类,只是与恐龙同步绝迹了.  相似文献   
研究了我国南北各地的丛本藓属标本326号,借阅了美国纽约植物标本馆(NY),芬兰赫尔辛基大学标本馆(H)及日本服部植物研究所标本馆(NICH)的有关本属藓类各种的原模式标本(Holotype)等模式标本(Syntype)及后选模式(Lectotype),据模式特征,重新订正了本属各种及中国各地标本,将原定名为绿丛本藓(Anoectangiumeuchloron(Schwaegr.)Mitt)改为丛  相似文献   
中国蔓藓科两新种和五新分布种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道我国蔓藓科植物2新种:云南灰气藓Aerobryopsis yunnanensis X.J.Li et D.C.Zhang,sp.nov.芒叶灰气藓Aerobryopsis aristifolia X.J.Li,S.H.Wu et D.C.Zhang,sp.nov.以及5个新记录:波叶毛扭藓Aerobryidium crispifolium (Broth.et Geh.)Fleisch,ex Broth,膜叶灰气藓Aerobryopsis membranacea(Mitt.Broth.纤细灰气藓Aerobryopsis subleptostigmata Broth.et Par.,卷叶悬藓Barbella convolvens(Mitt.)Broth,斯氏悬藓Barbella stevensii(Ren.et Card.)Fleisch.ex Broth.  相似文献   
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