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正常人体体液的pH值常稳定在7.35—7.45范围内,平均为7.4。维持体液酸碱度的相对衡定,对人体正常生理活动是非常重要的。本文拟就体液酸碱平衡的维持做一简单介绍。缓冲系统缓冲系统是维持体液酸碱平衡的重要因素之一,每个缓冲系统都是由几对具有缓冲作用的物质(缓冲对)所组成,每一“缓冲对”又都是由一种弱酸和这种弱酸的碱性盐组成。人体组织和血液内的缓冲系统可分为三类: 1.碳酸氢盐系统包括 NaHCO_3/H_2CO,(存于血浆内)和KHCO_3/H_2CO_3(存于细胞内)。 2.磷酸盐系统包括 Na_2HPO_4/NaH_2PO_4  相似文献   
Acetylcholine, the first identified neurotransmitter, plays crucial roles in various brain functions. One well-known case is its involvement as an activating neurotransmitter in the regulation of locomotion. However, its inhibitory regulatory role, particularly in locomotion, remains poorly understood. In a study conducted by Polat et al., the authors investigated the inhibitory role of acetylcholine in locomotion in C. elegans. In this organism, the acetylcholine-gated chloride channel receptor consists of four subunits. The authors thoroughly examined the loss-of-function of each subunit in movement regulation. Interestingly, the mutant worms were still capable of performing various movements such as forward, backward crawling, and turning, suggesting that the overall movement was not significantly affected. However, quantitative behavior analysis revealed subtle yet significant differences in the timing and postures of the movement in these mutants. Furthermore, the authors employed optogenetics to stimulate a specific neuron involved in backward crawling and demonstrated that the loss-of-function of the receptors in individual neurons affects the transitioning between locomotion modes. This work provides evidence for the inhibitory regulatory role of acetylcholine in locomotion. The loss-of-function of acetylcholine-gated chloride channel receptors likely disrupts the balance of neuronal and circuit physiology, thereby affecting the regulation of locomotion. Moreover, this study highlights the powerful role of quantitative behavior analysis in discovering and understanding more sophisticated functions of neural circuits.  相似文献   
对具有灭蚊效果的链霉菌N0.7180进行了形态、培养特征和生理生化特性的研究,认为与已知的近似种都不相同,是一个新种,定名为灭蚊链霉菌(Streptomyces culicidicus Yan et al. n.sp.),它的培养物对中华按蚊、致乏库蚊、二带喙库蚊、三带喙库蚊、褐尾库蚊、骚扰阿蚊等幼虫有显著的毒杀效果。  相似文献   
本文报道了单细胞蓝细菌粘球藻(Gloeocapsa spp.)的分离培养新方法。经改进后的趣声波处理方法比前人报道的分离方法更简便有效,又不会对菌体产生不良影响。应用这一方法,从国内不同生态环境的土壤样品中,首次分离到4株Gloeocapsa spp.纯培养体,同时还证实了它们均有固氮酶活性。  相似文献   
季节性干旱地区典型树种长期水分利用特征与模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在季节性干旱地区,水分是影响植物生长发育的关键核心因子.基于长期连续观测数据探究植物水分利用模式,对于季节性干旱地区植被建设具有重要意义.本研究以北京山区侧柏人工林为对象,利用稳定氢氧同位素技术测定了2012-2017年间土壤、植物枝条和降水同位素组成,通过MixSIAR模型定量分析侧柏对不同土层土壤水分的贡献率.结果...  相似文献   
四合木(Tetraena mongolica Maxim.)是内蒙古东阿拉善-西鄂尔多斯地区的特有珍稀植物,为古地中海孑遗物种.自然环境恶化和人类活动干扰,使其生境发生了严重的破碎化,甚至消失.有限的分子标记限制了对该植物种质遗传多样性和生存现状的认识.本研究通过转录组测序,构建了含有119603条Unigenes的四...  相似文献   
环境因子对大亚湾人工鱼礁上附着生物分布的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张伟  李纯厚  贾晓平  陈丕茂  方良 《生态学报》2009,29(8):4053-4060
通过对深圳大亚湾人工鱼礁区7个月(2008-04~2008-10)挂板实验,同时监测相应的环境因子指标.以附着生物丰度数据进行了除趋势对应分析(DCA),并根据附着生物丰度数据和7个环境因子进行了典范对应分析(CCA).共鉴定出附着生物54种,物种鉴定结果表明实验试板上的常见种有华美盘管虫 (Hydroides elegans)、三角藤壶( Balanus trigonus)、细肋肌蛤(Musculus mirandus)等.DCA种类排序图可明显地看出每种附着生物都有自己的分布中心和分布区域;CCA分析结果表明深度、透明度、溶解氧是影响附着生物群落变化的最主要环境因子,其次是盐度和温度.CCA排序图较好地反映了人工鱼礁上附着生物分布与各环境因子的相互关系.  相似文献   
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