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克隆天蓝色链霉菌中一个新基因scrX并进行了序列分析, 利用基因破坏策略进行了该基因的功能研究. 结果表明, scrX基因由660个碱基组成, 编码产物是一个220个氨基酸残基的蛋白质;该基因含有3个在链霉菌中的稀有密码子--AAA, AAA和ATA, 是典型的在翻译水平上受到严紧调控的分化调控基因. 氨基酸序列同源性比较结果表明, scrX编码蛋白属于原核生物转录调控蛋白IclR家族.基因功能研究结果揭示, scrX基因在天蓝色链霉菌孢子形成中可能起正调控作用.  相似文献   
Several genetically stable mutants blocked in nikkomycin biosynthesis were obtained after the slightly germinated spores of Streptomyces ansochromogenes, a nikkomycin producer, were treated with ultra violet radiation. One of the mutants is the same in morpholotical differentiation as the wild type strain and is designated as NBB19. A DMA library was constructed using plasmid plJ702 as cloning vector, NBB19 as cloning recipient. A 6 kb DNA fragment which can genetically complement NBB19 was cloned when screening the library for antifungal activity. Sequence analysis showed that the 3 kb Bgl II-Sal I fragment contains one complete ORF (ORF1) and one partial ORF (ORF2). ORF1 is designated as sanA. sanA is 1 365 bp, encoding a protein consisting of 454 amino acid residues. Database searching indicated that sanA is homologous to the hypothetical methyltransferase in Pyrococcus horikoshli with 25% identities and 41% positives. Disruptant of sanA lost the ability to synthesize nikkomycin. It indicated that sa  相似文献   
以Sau3AI部分酶切野生型圈卷产色链霉菌7100(Streptomyces ansochromogenes 7100)染色体DNA,回收3~6 kb的DNA片段,插入到链霉菌表达载体pIJ702的BglⅡ位点,转化圈卷产色链霉菌白色突变株W19,得到了近3 000个转化子,从中筛选到了两个具有硫链丝菌素抗性和野生型灰色表型的转化子.进行了质粒提取和酶切分析,两个重组质粒分别命名为pNL-1和pNL-2(分别含有约5.2和5.8 kb的外源片段).通过亚克隆及突变株互补实验,将互补W19的基因定位在了1.25 kb的Pst Ⅰ-Apa Ⅰ片段上.DNA序列分析结果表明,该DNA片段中含有一个完整的可读框(ORF1),编码一个由295个氨基酸组成的蛋白质,该基因命名为sawB.利用Blast程序在蛋白数据库中比较发现,SawB与天蓝色链霉菌的一个转录调控蛋白WhiH具有81%的一致性.利用基因破坏策略研究了sawB的功能,结果发现,野生型菌株的sawB基因破坏后,丧失了孢子形成能力,由灰色表型转变为白色表型.显微镜下观察sawB突变株的气生菌丝长而直,顶部略有波浪形卷曲,螺旋程度有所下降.由此可知,sawB是与圈卷产色链霉菌形态分化有关的一个重要基因,它与菌丝螺旋及孢子形成直接相关.sawB的异源表达分析表明,sawB可互补天蓝色链霉菌whiH突变株C119,使之恢复到野生型表型,产生紧密螺旋及丰富的灰色孢子.  相似文献   
以链霉菌发育调控启动子PTH4 直接控制的下游部分基因片段为探针 ,在圈卷产色链霉菌中克隆到 1个 4.6kb的DNA片段 ,该片段除含有sawD基因外 ,其中1 .4kb的PvuⅡDNA片段对圈卷产色链霉菌的分化有促进作用 .序列分析及同源性比较表明 ,开放阅读框架 (ORF)由 6 39个核苷酸组成 ,编码 2 1 3个氨基酸的蛋白 ,该蛋白与红球菌 (Rhodococcusgloberulus) 3-羟苯丙基丙酸 ( 3HPP)代谢合成的调控基因hppR所编码的蛋白有 36 %的氨基酸完全相同和 5 2 %的氨基酸类似 ,该基因称之为samfR基因 .基因功能研究表明 ,samfR基因的破坏使圈卷产色链霉菌不能形成气生菌丝和孢子 ,而发育分化停止在基质菌丝阶段 ,出现光秃型的表型 .  相似文献   
A partial DNA library of Streptomyces ansochromogenes 7100 was constructed by using plasmid plJ702 as vector and white mutant W19 as recipient. About 3 000 clones were obtained, two of which gave rise to the grey phenotype as wild type 7100. The plasmids were isolated from two transformants. The result indicated that the 5.2 kb and 5.8 kb DNA fragments were inserted into plJ702. The resulting recombinant plasmids were designated as pNL-1 and pNL-2 respectively. The 1.25 kb Pstl l-Apa l DNA fragment from pNL-1 was recognized as its complementarity to W19 strain. The nucleotide sequence of the 3.0 kb Pst I DNA fragment including 1.25 kb was determined and analyzed. The result indicated that this DNA fragment contains one complete open reading frame (ORF1) which encodes a protein with 295 amino acid residues, and this gene was designated as sawB. The deduced protein has 81% amino acid identities in comparison with that encoded by whiH in Streptomyces coelicolor. The function of sawB gene was studied by usi  相似文献   
A 4.6 kb DNA fragment was cloned from the DNA library of Streptomyces ansochromogenes using a partial DNA fragment located in the downstream of promoter-P_(TH4) as probe. The experiments revealed that this DNA fragment consists of saw D gene and a 1.4 kb Pvu Ⅱ fragment which can accelerate mycelium formation of S. ansochromogerms. The nucleofide sequence of 1.4 kb DNA fragment was determined and analysed; the result indicated that the fragment contains one complete open reading frame (ORF) which encodes a protein with 213 amino acids, and this gene was desiguated as samfR. The deduced protein has 36% amino acid identities and 52% amino acid similarities in comparison with that encoded by hppR gene, which is involved in the regulation of catabolism for 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl) propionate (3HPP) in Rhodococcus globerulus. The function of samfR gene was studied using strategy of gene disruption, and the resulting samfR mutant failed to form aerial hyphae and spores, its development and differentiation stopped  相似文献   
圈卷产色链霉菌是尼可霉素产生菌,经紫外线诱变后,以赤星灰霉为指示菌筛选到遗传稳定的尼可霉素生物合成阻断突变株,选择其中的NBB19为受体,以质粒pIJ702为克隆载体,从野生型圈卷产色链霉菌的DNA文库中克隆到了6kb的DNA片段,能互补NBB19使之恢复尼可霉素的产生能力.对6kbDNA片段中的部分片段进行了序列分析,结果表明2710bpDNA片段包含一个1365bp的完整开放阅读框架,编码一个由454个氨基酸残基组成的蛋白质,该基因命名为sanA.蛋白序列数据库比较结果表明,sanA编码的蛋白质氨基酸序列与Pyrococcus horikoshii的甲基转移酶有较高的同源性,353个氨基酸残基中有25%的一致性.用基因破坏策略研究了sanA的功能,野生型菌株sanA基因被破坏后导致失去合成尼可霉素的能力,表明sanA是尼可霉素生物合成中的一个新的重要基因.  相似文献   
链霉菌发育控制启动子—PTH4对孢子形成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在原核生物发育分化的分子遗传学研究中,链霉菌因其复杂的分化生命周期,无与伦比的合成次级代谢产物的能力(目前世界上所知的数千种天然抗生素的70%由链霉菌产生),使之成为原核生物乃至微生物发育与分化研究的最好模式系统[1],为研究基因时空表达和阐明分化调...  相似文献   
在原核生物发育分化的分子遗传学研究中,链霉菌因其复杂的分化生命周期,无与伦比的合成次级代谢产物的能力(目前世界上所知的数千种天然抗生素的70%由链霉菌产生),使之成为原核生物乃至微生物发育与分化研究的最好模式系统[1],为研究基因时空表达和阐明分化调…  相似文献   
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