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目的 探讨子宫颈鳞状细胞癌(cervical squamous cell carcinoma,CSCC)组织和子宫颈上皮内瘤变(cervical intraepithelial neoplasia,CIN)组织中趋化因子(C-X-C基元)配体2[chemokine(C-X-C motif)ligand 2,CXCL2]...  相似文献   
Marinobacter belong to the class of Gammaproteobacteria and these motile, halophilic or halotolerent bacteria are widely distributed throughout the world’s oceans having been isolated from a wide variety of marine environments. They have also been identified as members of the bacterial flora associated with other marine organisms. Here, using a combination of natural products chemistry and genomic analysis, we assess the nature of the siderophores produced by this genus and their potential relationship to phylogeny and lifestyle/ecological niche of this diverse group of organisms. Our analysis shows a wide level of diversity in siderophore based iron uptake systems among this genus with three general strategies: (1) production and utilization of native siderophores in addition to utilization of a variety of exogenous ones, (2) production and utilization of native siderophores only, (3) lack of siderophore production but utilization of exogenous ones. They all share the presence of at least one siderophore-independent iron uptake ABC transport systems of the FbpABC iron metal type and lack the ability for direct transport of ferrous iron. Siderophore production and utilization can be correlated with phylogeny and thus it forms a type of chemotaxonomic marker for this genus.  相似文献   
球孢白僵菌高渗适应性相关基因Bbmpd的克隆与表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】克隆与球孢白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)的高渗适应性相关基因,并对其功能进行分析,以揭示球孢白僵菌对高渗等逆境适应的分子机理。【方法】利用YADE法克隆T-DNA的侧翼序列并进行基因组步行,获得突变基因的全长及上游序列;利用RT-PCR技术分析突变基因的表达特性以及与Bbhog1的关系;采用同源重组技术敲除Bbmpd基因。【结果】克隆得到插入突变基因及其上、下游序列全长3037bp。该基因与编码球孢白僵菌的1-磷酸甘露醇脱氢酶基因相似性为98%。Bbmpd的表达受高渗环境(0.8mol/L NaCl)的诱导,受Bbhog1信号途径的激活调节,Bbhog1缺失导致Bbmpd表达下调。Bbmpd缺失突变体在高渗胁迫下的生长受到明显抑制。Bbmpd缺失不影响球孢白僵菌在查氏培养基上的生长和产孢。【结论】由T-DNA突变体克隆了编码球孢白僵菌1-磷酸甘露醇脱氢酶基因Bbmpd,该基因的表达受高渗环境的诱导和Bbhog1的调控,与球孢白僵菌高渗适应性相关。  相似文献   
【目的】本试验以小鼠为动物模型,评估了猪丹毒丝菌重组表面保护性抗原A的N端保护区域(rSpaA-N)和天然SpaA的免疫保护效果。【方法】将猪丹毒丝菌C43311株SpaA-N以可溶形式表达在大肠杆菌BL21中,用GST Bind Resin纯化试剂盒纯化rSpaA-N,采用电洗脱法从猪丹毒丝菌C43311株NaOH提取抗原中纯化天然SpaA,将rSpaA-N、天然SpaA和NaOH提取抗原制成亚单位疫苗,同时设GST及生理盐水对照组,间隔2周分3次皮下免疫小鼠,第3次免疫后2周用100LD50猪丹毒丝菌C43065株进行腹腔攻毒,采用间接ELISA方法检测免疫组小鼠血清的抗体动态变化。【结果】SDS-PAGE结果显示,采用GST Bind Resin纯化试剂盒和电洗脱法纯化得到了66kDa的rSpaA-N和64kDa的天然SpaA,蛋白含量分别为1.34mg/mL和1.26mg/mL,而Western印迹结果表明rSpaA-N和纯化前后的SpaA具有良好的免疫反应性。保护试验结果表明,不同免疫剂量的rSpaA-N组、天然SpaA组和NaOH提取抗原组均能完全保护小鼠受强毒株C43065的致死性攻击,而GST组和生理盐水组小鼠攻毒后全部死亡。ELISA检测结果表明,在不同免疫剂量的rSpaA-N组、天然SpaA组和NaOH提取抗原组小鼠血清中的抗体效价之间无显著差异(P0.05)。【结论】本研究结果表明rSpaA-N具有良好的免疫保护作用,可以作为猪丹毒亚单位疫苗。  相似文献   
猪流感病毒进化方式及其流行特点   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
祁贤  陆承平? 《微生物学报》2009,49(9):1138-1145
摘要:猪在甲型流感病毒生态分布和遗传进化中占有重要地位。猪的呼吸道上皮同时具有禽和人流感病毒2种类型的受体,因此人和禽流感病毒都可以感染猪,猪被认为是禽、人流感病毒的中间宿主和不同来源流感病毒的基因“混合器”。猪流感病毒(Swine influenza virus, SIV)的进化方式包括基因重配、抗原漂移和宿主适应性进化,其中基因重配是主要进化方式。与人类季节性流感病毒相比,SIV在全球的流行情况各不相同,呈地方流行性,并具有明显的地区差异。全球范围内流行的SIV亚型主要有3种:H1N1、H3N2和H1N2亚型,其中各亚型内病毒基因来源又不尽相同。欧洲、北美及我国猪群中流行的流感病毒在遗传进化和基因来源方面各具特色。目前欧洲猪群中流行的主要是类禽H1N1、H1N2和H3N2病毒,其中后两者是基因重配病毒。从1998年开始,古典猪H1N1、“人-猪-禽”三源基因重配H3N2、H1N1和H1N2病毒共存于北美的猪群中,其遗传变异日趋复杂。在基因进化上,欧洲和北美基因重配的SIV是目前新的人类大流感病毒-“甲型H1N1病毒”-的母源病毒。我国猪群中流感病毒主要是古典猪H1N1和类人H3N2病毒,但近年来在我国猪群中分离到遗传上与欧洲和北美SIV高度相关的病毒,提示我国SIV的进化趋势值得关注。1970年代以来,全球已报道了50多起人感染SIV事件,表明SIV也是一种值得重视的人兽共患病,预示了SIV可能成为人类大流感毒株或为大流感毒株提供基因。鉴于SIV在甲型流感病毒生态学上的重要意义,以及对人类公共卫生的潜在威胁,建议应尽早启动我国SIV的常规监测工作,密切关注SIV的流行动态,掌握其分子遗传进化规律。同时,将SIV的监测工作纳入整个流感病毒(人和动物流感病毒)的监测网络,在信息上实现共享,从生态学的高度把握我国流感病毒的流行和进化趋势,这对保护动物健康和预防人类大流感都有重要意义。  相似文献   
Emerging antibiotic resistance is a major global health threat. The analysis of nucleic acid sequences linked to susceptibility phenotypes facilitates the study of genetic antibiotic resistance determinants to inform molecular diagnostics and drug development. We collected genetic data(11,087 newly-sequenced whole genomes) and culture-based resistance profiles(10,991 out of the11,087 isolates comprehensively tested against 22 antibiotics in total) of clinical isolates including18 main species spanning a time period of 30 years. Species and drug specific resistance patterns were observed including increased resistance rates for Acinetobacter baumannii to carbapenems and for Escherichia coli to fluoroquinolones. Species-level pan-genomes were constructed to reflect the genetic repertoire of the respective species, including conserved essential genes and known resistance factors. Integrating phenotypes and genotypes through species-level pan-genomes allowed to infer gene–drug resistance associations using statistical testing. The isolate collection and the analysis results have been integrated into GEAR-base, a resource available for academic research use free of charge at https://gear-base.com.  相似文献   
摘要:【目的】为进一步提高光滑球拟酵母(Torulopsis glabrata)葡萄糖代谢速率及丙酮酸生产强度。【方法】将源于荚膜胞浆菌(Histoplasma capsulatum)的编码选择性氧化酶的AOX1基因过量表达于T. glabrata中,获得了一株线粒体内NADH氧化途径发生改变且胞内总NADH 氧化酶活性提高1.8倍的重组菌株AOX。【结果】与出发菌株CON比较,细胞浓度以及发酵周期降低了20.3%和10.7%,而平均比葡萄糖消耗速率和丙酮酸合成速率分别提高了34.7%和54.1%。其原因  相似文献   
为了提高黄粉虫抗菌肽基因tmAMP1m在大肠杆菌中的表达量,研究了培养温度、诱导时间及IPTG浓度等不同条件对HIS-TmAMP1m融合蛋白表达量和活性的影响。通过Tricine-SDS-PAGE分析确定最佳表达条件,同时,通过琼脂孔穴扩散法检测其抑菌活性。结果表明,含有重组质粒的大肠杆菌在37℃,使用终浓度为0.1 mmol/L IPTG培养4 h时,融合蛋白表达量较高,可占细菌总蛋白40%以上,抗菌活性最好。用Ni2+亲和层析纯化获得较纯的融合蛋白,Western blotting分析表明其能与His单克隆抗体起特异性反应。诱导表达的融合蛋白对宿主菌生长产生一定程度抑制。融合蛋白经100℃煮沸10 h,在20℃反复冻融10次,与强酸强碱缓冲液、不同的有机溶剂和蛋白酶混合后都具有极强的稳定性,仍然表现出良好的抗菌活性。此外,最小抑菌浓度(MIC)测定结果表明,融合蛋白对5种菌具有良好的抗菌活性。研究结果为昆虫抗菌肽推广应用和进一步研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
逃逸是鸟类常用的反捕食手段。自然选择会优化鸟类的逃逸距离,以便在躲避被捕食风险和保持能量之间做出权衡。理论模型预测动物个体可依据期望寿命来调整自身的行为:期望寿命短的个体倾向于风险偏好,即逃逸距离短;而期望寿命长的个体倾向于风险回避,即逃逸距离长。同时,逃逸距离还受到外部因素(如人为干扰强度、鸟类群体大小)的影响。本研究在北京城区收集了麻雀(Passer montanus)145只成鸟和75只幼鸟的逃逸距离数据,发现麻雀成鸟比幼鸟有着更长的逃逸距离,且成鸟更可能是群体中首先逃逸的个体。此外,研究发现麻雀的逃逸距离随着人为干扰强度的增加而降低,随着群体大小增加而增加。本研究结果符合理论预期:存活率高的类群(成鸟)有着更长的逃逸距离。  相似文献   
The wing shape and size morphology of populations of the medically important phlebotomine sand fly, Phlebotomus papatasi, were examined in two endemic (south of the Atlas Mountains) and nonendemic (north of the Atlas Mountains) foci of cutaneous leishmaniasis by using geometric morphometrics in Morocco. Although it is present in all of Morocco, P. papatasi is the main vector of Leishmania major in only southern part of the Atlas Mountains. There are four major mountain ranges that serve as geographical barriers for species distribution in the study area and at least four gaps were recognized among these barriers. We found statistically significant differences in wing shape morphology between southern and northern populations. Analysis clearly recognized two main groups of populations on both sides of the mountains. The graphical depiction of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Canonical Variates Analysis (CVA) confirmed our morphometric study suggesting that the difference in wing morphology between the populations indicates that the population of P. papatasi shows phenotypic plasticity in the study area. According to centroid size analyses, which were used as measures of wing size differences among different sites, the north population of P. papatasi had relatively larger wings than the south population.  相似文献   
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