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Acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT)is an integral membrane protein, which is mainly locatedin rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and is responsiblefor catalyzing the intracellular formation of cholesterylester from cholesterol and long-chain fatty acyl-coenzymeA [1,2]. Human ACAT1 cDNA K1 was firstly cloned andfunctionally expressed in 1993 [3]. Further studies withspecific anti-ACAT1 antibody (DM10) illustrated that onemajor 50 kD ACAT1 protein was expressed in various…  相似文献   
基因转录调节是植物对非生物胁迫适应机制的一个重要方面,转录调节因子在胁迫信号转导途径中调节下游基因的表达,在建立植物对胁迫适应性过程中起到重要作用.锌指蛋白是功能多样的转录调节因子蛋白家族,家族成员在植物响应非生物胁迫方面扮演着重要角色.本研究以秋茄C2H2型锌指蛋白编码基因KcZFP为目的基因,在烟草中过表达KcZFP,分析C2H2型锌指蛋白在植物耐盐性中的作用.研究结果显示:转基因株系中,KcZFP表达量显著提高.过表达KcZFP的烟草植株的耐盐性明显提高,在200 mmol/L NaCl处理的条件下,KcZFP过表达烟草中脯氨酸水平远高于野生型植株.对光合作用参数比较分析显示,在KcZFP过表达植株中净光合速率受盐胁迫的影响小于野生型植株,光合系统在一定程度上得到了保护.研究结果说明KcZFP作为转录调节因子参与了植物的渗透调节,对植物的耐盐性具有贡献.  相似文献   
运用 PCR 法扩增湛江沿海海域7种龙虾的线粒体 CO玉和 Cyt b 基因并对其序列进行分析,以分析7种龙虾的分子系统关系.从 7种龙虾中扩增到的 CO玉基因片段长度均为650 bp,共存在224个核苷酸位点变异,变异率为35.22%,简约信息位点161个;扩增到的 Cyt b 基因片段长度均为536 bp,共存在148个核苷酸位点变异,变异率为29.48%,简约信息位点66个.所有的扩增序列中,没有发现碱基的缺失以及插入,序列中的转换大于颠换,且碱基替换多发生于密码子的第3位.以帝加洛真龙虾(Palinurus delagoae)、普通真龙虾(Palinurus elephas)、吉氏真龙虾(Palinurus gilchristi)为外群,对 CO玉和 Cyt b 两个基因序列采用最大简约法(maximum parsimony, MP)和贝叶斯推论法(bayesian inference, BI)构建龙虾类分子系统树.结果显示:日本龙虾和密毛龙虾亲缘关系比较近,而其它5种龙虾与真龙虾属的3种关系较近,与传统的分类存在一定分歧.  相似文献   
A novel ribosome-inactivating protein designated Moschatin from the mature seeds of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) has been successively purified to homogeneity, using ammonium sulfate precipitation, CM-cellulose 52 column chromatography, Blue Sepharose CL-6B Affinity column chromatography and FPLC size-exclusion column chromatography. Moschatin is a type 1 RIP with a pI of 9.4 and molecular weight of~29 kD. It is a rRNA N-glycosidase and potently blocked the protein synthesis in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate with a IC_(50) of 0.26 nM. Using the anti-human melanoma McAb Ng76, a novel immunotoxin Moschatin-Ng76 was prepared successfully and it efficiently inhibited the growth of targeted melanoma cells M_(21) with a IC_(50) of 0.04 nM, 1500 times lower than that of free Moschatin. The results implied that Moschatin could be used as a new potential anticancer agent.  相似文献   
植物褪黑素及其抗逆性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
褪黑素(N-乙酰-5-甲氧基色胺)是脊椎动物的松果体产生的吲哚类激素,主要参与动物昼夜节律调节.现已证实褪黑素在高等植物中也普遍存在,但对其功能的研究还不甚深入.目前,植物中褪黑素的可能功能包括清除自由基、调节光周期、参与生长调节等.本文简述了植物中褪黑素的研究概况、含量及其合成途径,重点综述了其在提高植物抗逆性方面的功能,并对其研究前景进行展望.  相似文献   
蜜蜂蜂毒(honeybee venom)作为重要的蜂产品之一,其中的很多蛋白在抗炎、抗癌、抗菌、抗辐射和杀虫等方面具有很好的效果.20世纪40年代以来,国内外在蜂毒活性成分分析、作用机理、重要基因克隆和毒蛋白功能等方面进行广泛地研究,取得了重要的进展.本文的目的是总结蜜蜂蜂毒主要成分磷脂酶A2、透明质酸酶、蜂毒肽、蜂毒明肽、肥大细胞脱粒肽和镇静肽等毒蛋白的基因结构、生化特性及功能等方面的研究进展,为蜂毒基因的研究和利用提供一定的理论基础.  相似文献   
Cystatins are cysteine proteinase inhibitors,We found two expression sequence tags (ESTs),CA463109 and AV042522,from a mouse testis library using Digital differential display (DDD).By electricalhybridization,a novel gene,Cymgl(GenBank accession No.AY600990),which has a full length of 0.78 kb,and contains four exons and three introns,was cloned from a mouse testis eDNA library.The gene is locatedin the 2G3 area of chromosome 2.The full eDNA encompasses the entire open reading frame,encoding 141amino acid residues.The protein has a cysteine protease inhibitor domain that is related to the family 2cystatins but lacks critical consensus sites important for cysteine protease inhibition.These characteristicsare seen in the CRES subfamily,which are related to the family 2 cystatins and are expressed specifically inthe male reproductive tract.CYMG1 has a 44%(48/108)identity with mouse CRES and 30%(42/140)identity with mouse cystatin C.Northern blot analysis showed that the Cymgl is specifically expressed inadult mouse testes.Cell location studies showed that the GFP-tagged CYMG 1 protein was localized in thecytoplasm of HeLa cells,lmmunohistochemistry revealed that the CYMG1 protein was expressed in mousetestes spermatogonium,spermatocytes,round spermatids,elongating spermatids and spermatozoa.RT-PCRresults also showed that Cymgl was expressed in mouse testes and spermatogonium.The Cymgl expressionlevel varied in different developmental stages:it was low 1 week postpartum,steadily increased 2 to 5 weekspostpartum,and was highest 7 weeks postpartum.The expression level at 5 weeks postpartum was main-tained during 13 to 57 weeks postpartum.The Cymgl expression level in the testes over different develop-mental stages correlates with the mouse spermatogenesis and sexual maturation process.All these indicatethat Cymgl might play an important role in mouse spermatogenesis and sexual maturation. Cystatins are cysteine proteinase inhibitors,We found two expression sequence tags(ESTs),CA463109 and AV042522,from a mouse testis library using Digital differential display (DDD).By electricalhybridization,a novel gene,Cymgl(GenBank accession No.AY600990),which has a full length of 0.78 kb,and contains four exons and three introns,was cloned from a mouse testis eDNA library.The gene is locatedin the 2G3 area of chromosome 2.The full eDNA encompasses the entire open reading frame,encoding 141amino acid residues.The protein has a cysteine protease inhibitor domain that is related to the family 2cystatins but lacks critical consensus sites important for cysteine protease inhibition.These characteristicsare seen in the CRES subfamily,which are related to the family 2 cystatins and are expressed specifically inthe male reproductive tract.CYMG1 has a 44%(48/108)identity with mouse CRES and 30%(42/140)identity with mouse cystatin C.Northern blot analysis showed that the Cymgl is specifically expressed inadult mouse testes.Cell location studies showed that the GFP-tagged CYMG 1 protein was localized in thecytoplasm of HeLa cells,lmmunohistochemistry revealed that the CYMG1 protein was expressed in mousetestes spermatogonium,spermatocytes,round spermatids,elongating spermatids and spermatozoa.RT-PCRresults also showed that Cymgl was expressed in mouse testes and spermatogonium.The Cymgl expressionlevel varied in different developmental stages:it was low 1 week postpartum,steadily increased 2 to 5 weekspostpartum,and was highest 7 weeks postpartum.The expression level at 5 weeks postpartum was main-tained during 13 to 57 weeks postpartum.The Cymgl expression level in the testes over different develop-mental stages correlates with the mouse spermatogenesis and sexual maturation process.All these indicatethat Cymgl might play an important role in mouse spermatogenesis and sexual maturation.  相似文献   
One means to improve the selectivity of cancer therapyis by directing foreign protein with activity againsttherapeutic targets that displays different expression levelon malignant cells from normal cells. There have hadsubstantial efforts to rationally de…  相似文献   
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