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The Rho/ROCK/LIMK pathway is central for the mediation of repulsive environmental signals in the central nervous system. Several studies using pharmacological Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) inhibitors have shown positive effects on neurite regeneration and suggest additional pro-survival effects in neurons. However, as none of these drugs is completely target specific, it remains unclear how these effects are mediated and whether ROCK is really the most relevant target of the pathway. To answer these questions, we generated adeno-associated viral vectors to specifically downregulate ROCK2 and LIM domain kinase (LIMK)-1 in rat retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in vitro and in vivo. We show here that specific knockdown of ROCK2 and LIMK1 equally enhanced neurite outgrowth of RGCs on inhibitory substrates and both induced substantial neuronal regeneration over distances of more than 5 mm after rat optic nerve crush (ONC) in vivo. However, only knockdown of ROCK2 but not LIMK1 increased survival of RGCs after optic nerve axotomy. Moreover, knockdown of ROCK2 attenuated axonal degeneration of the proximal axon after ONC assessed by in vivo live imaging. Mechanistically, we demonstrate here that knockdown of ROCK2 resulted in decreased intraneuronal activity of calpain and caspase 3, whereas levels of pAkt and collapsin response mediator protein 2 and autophagic flux were increased. Taken together, our data characterize ROCK2 as a specific therapeutic target in neurodegenerative diseases and demonstrate new downstream effects of ROCK2 including axonal degeneration, apoptosis and autophagy.  相似文献   
By carrying out chain-transplantations of intramolluscan stages of digeneans from infected to uninfected snails it has been demonstrated that a great number of generations of these stages can follow one another. In Echinostomatids the succession of redial generations potentially seems to be unlimited.  相似文献   
A formula for computing the mean infection success per miracidium (“infection index”) is given for every permutation of the numbers of snails and miracidia in miracidial exposure experiments. This “infection index” allows the comparison of the results from quantitatively different exposure methods and may be important for characterizing special trematode- intermediate host systems. By means of the “infection index” it is shown that a laboratory population of Lymnaea stagnalis is homogeneous with regard to its susceptibility to Isthmiophora melis miracidia, i.e. that there is no appreciable rate of resistant individuals. Some experimental results which have been published by other authors and have been interpreted by them as indicating the resistance of a portion of snail populations can be numerically explained by means of the formula of the “infection index” and without necessarily assuming resistance.  相似文献   
1972. Double infection experiments with echinostomatids (Trematoda) in Lymnaea stagnalis by implantation of rediae and exposure to miracidia. International Journal for Parasitology, 2: 409–423. Echinostomatid species parasitizing Lymnaea stagnalis as first intermediate hosts in a South German Lake have been found present in natural double infections, but at frequencies lower than expected. Simultaneous double infection and superinfection experiments in Lymnaea stagnalis with Isthmiophora melis, Echinoparyphium aconiatum and Echinostoma revolutum were performed by redial implantation and by exposure to miracidia. All three combinations possible of these echinostomatids proved to be unstable, one species being eliminated by another ‘stronger’ one after an invariable suppression order. The degree of vigour of Isthmiophora melis in this suppression order is greater if mother rediae (macropharyngeate) are present, i.e. after miracidial invasion instead of daughter redial implantation. Snails parasitized by rediae of a ‘weak’ type could be superinfected by implantation of rediae of a ‘strong’ type, but not if the first (‘weak’) infection had reached the stage of shedding cercariae. Superinfection by implantation of Echinoparyphium aconiatum rediae (‘strong’ type) was not successful when the first infection consisted of sporocysts of plagiorchiids, or of Apatemon sp. (Strigeidae) that had reached the stage of shedding cercariae.  相似文献   
Two hematopoietic cytokines are currently gaining increasing attention within neurological research. Erythropoietin (EPO) and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) have long been known for their ability to induce the proliferation of certain populations of hematopoietic lineage cells. However, it has recently been found that EPO, G-CSF, and their respective receptors are also expressed in the human central nervous system (CNS) and may be an important part of the brain's endogenous system of protection. Both hematopoietic cytokines have been shown to have neuroprotective potential in a variety of animal disease models both in vitro and in vivo, through the inhibition of apoptosis, induction of angiogenesis, exertion of anti-inflammatory and neurotrophic effects, as well as by the enhancement of neurogenesis. EPO and G-CSF have been extensively studied in the context of hematological disorders and have recently been successfully applied in the first clinical trials in stroke patients. Intravenous high-dose EPO therapy was associated with an improvement in the clinical outcome and preclinical studies with intravenous high-dose G-CSF therapy have clearly shown that it has considerable neuroprotective potential in the acute, as well as in the chronic phase of stroke. In this review, the current knowledge of the neuroprotective mechanisms of EPO and G-CSF is summarized with regard to in vitro and in vivo data. Focus is placed on the role of EPO in neurological disease models with an emphasis on its influence on functional outcome. New experimental results are assessed in detail and correlated with the findings of recent clinical studies.  相似文献   
A method for the determination of therapeutic levels of barbituric acids in 25 μl of whole blood is described. After extraction and controlled concentration of the extract to a volume of 5 μl, the barbituric acids are N,N′-dimethylated using a microrefluxer. Of the total extract 20–100% is injected into the gas chromatograph. Low blanks, recoveries of 70–80% and peak ratios that are comparable to those in calibration experiments are obtained provided the detailed working instructions are followed strictly. In addition, barbiturates were determined (1 ng in 25 μl blood) using column-switching devices and nitrogen-sensitive detection.  相似文献   
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