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The structures of cell-wall mannans isolated from Aphamoascus mephitalus, A. Fulvescens, A. verrucosus, and A. reticulisporus have been investigated by chemical analyses and 1D and 2D 1H and 13C NMR techniques. It was found that all of them consists of a relatively simple comb-like structure of the disaccharide repeating block {→ 6)-[-Man p-(1 → 2)]--Man p-(1 →}. The conformations around the -(1 → 2) and -(1 → 6) linkages in thes kinds of polymers were also studied by using molecular mechanics and dynamics calculations, together with NOE data. The results are similar to those found within the oligosaccharide chains of glycoproteins, with a well-defined conformation for the -(1 → 2) linkage and a certain restriction around the -(1 → 6) bonding imposed by the 2-substitution.  相似文献   
1H-NMR cross-relaxation rates and nonselectivelongitudinal relaxation times have been obtained at two magnetic fields (7.0and 11.8 T) and at a variety of temperatures for the branchedtetrasaccharide methyl3-O--N-acetyl-galactosaminyl--galactopyranosyl-(14)[3-O--fucosyl]-glucopyranoside (1), an inhibitor of astrocyte growth. Inaddition, 13C-NMR relaxation data have also been recorded atboth fields. The 1H-NMR relaxation data have been interpretedusing different motional models to obtain proton–proton correlationtimes. The results indicate that the GalNAc and Fuc rings display moreextensive local motion than the two inner Glc and Gal moieties, since thosepresent significantly shorter local correlation times. The13C-NMR relaxation parameters have been interpreted in termsof the Lipari–Szabo model-free approach. Thus, order parameters andinternal motion correlation times have been deduced. As obtained for the1H-NMR relaxation data, the two outer residues possess smallerorder parameters than the two inner rings. Internal correlation times are inthe order of 100 ps. The hydroxymethyl groups have also different behaviour,with the exocyclic carbon on the glucopyranoside unit showing the highestS2. Molecular dynamics simulations using a solvated systemhave also been performed and internal motion correlation functions have beendeduced from these calculations. Order parameters and interproton distanceshave been compared to those inferred from the NMR measurements. The obtainedresults are in fair agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   
Cyclic N6-threonylcarbamoyladenosine (‘cyclic t6A’, ct6A) is a non-thiolated hypermodification found in transfer RNAs (tRNAs) in bacteria, protists, fungi and plants. In bacteria and yeast cells ct6A has been shown to enhance translation fidelity and efficiency of ANN codons by improving the faithful discrimination of aminoacylated tRNAs by the ribosome. To further the understanding of ct6A biology we have determined the high-resolution crystal structures of CsdL/TcdA in complex with AMP and ATP, an E1-like activating enzyme from Escherichia coli, which catalyzes the ATP-dependent dehydration of t6A to form ct6A. CsdL/TcdA is a dimer whose structural integrity and dimer interface depend critically on strongly bound K+ and Na+ cations. By using biochemical assays and small-angle X-ray scattering we show that CsdL/TcdA can associate with tRNA with a 1:1 stoichiometry and with the proper position and orientation for the cyclization of t6A. Furthermore, we show by nuclear magnetic resonance that CsdL/TcdA engages in transient interactions with CsdA and CsdE, which, in the latter case, involve catalytically important residues. These short-lived interactions may underpin the precise channeling of sulfur atoms from cysteine to CsdL/TcdA as previously characterized. In summary, the combination of structural, biophysical and biochemical methods applied to CsdL/TcdA has afforded a more thorough understanding of how the structure of this E1-like enzyme has been fine tuned to accomplish ct6A synthesis on tRNAs while providing support for the notion that CsdA and CsdE are able to functionally interact with CsdL/TcdA.  相似文献   
This review focuses, in a non-exhaustive manner, on the essential structural and conformational features of protein–carbohydrate interactions and on some applications of NMR spectroscopy to deal with this topic from different levels of complexity.  相似文献   
The synthesis of (4,5,6-13C)-deoxymannojirimycin is described. The route employed is based on Sharpless asymmetric epoxidation of (1,2,3-13C)(E)-2,4-pentadien-1-ol and uses ring-closing metathesis as a key step. The labeled compound may be easily used for protein-binding experiments using NMR spectroscopic methods.  相似文献   
The alkali extractable and water-soluble cell wall polysaccharides F1SS from Aspergillus wentii and Chaetosartorya chrysella have been studied by methylation analysis, 1D- and 2D-NMR, and MALDI-TOF analysis. Their structures are almost identical, corresponding to the following repeating unit: [--> 3)-beta-D-Gal f -(1 --> 5)-beta-D-Gal f-(1 -->]n --> mannan core. The structure of this galactofuranose side chain differs from that found in the pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus, in other Aspergillii and members of Trichocomaceae: [--> 5)-beta-D-Gal f-(1 -->]n --> mannan core. The mannan cores have also been investigated, and are constituted by a (1 --> 6)-alpha-mannan backbone, substituted at positions 2 by chains from 1 to 7 residues of (1 --> 2) linked alpha-mannopyranoses.  相似文献   
A series of N-acetyl-chitooligosaccharides (GlcNAc)(1-6) have been studied by a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method, diffusion ordered spectroscopy (DOSY). DOSY has also been applied to two additional synthetic related oligosaccharides [GlcNH(2)-(GlcNAc)(4) and GlcNH(2)-(GlcNAc)(2)-GlcNAcSO(3)Na]. A plot of the log of the determined diffusion coefficients (logD) of (GlcNAc)(n) versus the log of molecular weight was linear (6 points, R(2) = 0.995). The molecular weights of the two synthetic chitin derivatives could be estimated to within 10% error. The processed NMR data of all the chitooligosaccharides was also plotted in a polyacrylamide gel-like format to aid visual interpretation. Moreover, the logD value of the NMR signal resonances of a chitin-binding protein (hevein) changed as a function of a given titrated ligand, (GlcNAc)(6). Evidence for a 2:1 hevein:(GlcNAc)(6) complex is detected by DOSY at high hevein:(GlcNAc)(6) ratios. This data is consistent with published analytical ultracentrifugation and isothermal titration calorimetry data. A 1:1 complex is preferred at higher ligand concentrations. DOSY can complement size exclusion chromatography in carbohydrate research with the advantage that oligosaccharides are more readily detected by NMR.  相似文献   
Endogenous lectins induce effects on cell growth by binding to antennae of natural glycoconjugates. These complex carbohydrates often present more than one potential lectin-binding site in a single chain. Using the growth-regulatory interaction of the pentasaccharide of ganglioside GM(1) with homodimeric galectin-1 on neuroblastoma cell surfaces as a model, we present a suitable strategy for addressing this issue. The approach combines NMR spectroscopic and computational methods and does not require isotope-labeled glycans. It involves conformational analysis of the two building blocks of the GM(1) glycan, i.e., the disaccharide Galbeta1-3GalNAc and the trisaccharide Neu5Acalpha2-3Galbeta1-4Glc. Their bound-state conformations were determined by transferred nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy. Next, measurements on the lectin-pentasaccharide complex revealed differential conformer selection regarding the sialylgalactose linkage in the tri- versus pentasaccharide (Phi and Psi value of -70 degrees and 15 degrees vs 70 degrees and 15 degrees, respectively). To proceed in the structural analysis, the characteristic experimentally detected spatial vicinity of a galactose unit and Trp68 in the galectin's binding site offered a means, exploiting saturation transfer from protein to carbohydrate protons. Indeed, we detected two signals unambiguously assigned to the terminal Gal and the GalNAc residues. Computational docking and interaction energy analyses of the entire set of ligands supported and added to experimental results. The finding that the ganglioside's carbohydrate chain is subject to differential conformer selection at the sialylgalactose linkage by galectin-1 and GM(1)-binding cholera toxin (Phi and Psi values of -172 degrees and -26 degrees, respectively) is relevant for toxin-directed drug design. In principle, our methodology can be applied in studies aimed at blocking galectin functionality in malignancy and beyond glycosciences.  相似文献   
A hallmark of oligosaccharides is their often limited spatial flexibility, allowing them to access a distinct set of conformers in solution. Viewing each individual or even the complete ensemble of conformations as potential binding partner(s) for lectins in protein-carbohydrate interactions, it is pertinent to address the question on the characteristics of bound state conformation(s) in solution. Also, it is possible that entering the lectin's binding site distorts the low-energy topology of a glycosidic linkage. As a step to delineate the strategy of ligand selection for galactosides, a common physiological docking point, we have performed a NMR study on two non-homologous lectins showing identical monosaccharide specificity. Thus, the conformation of lactose analogues bound to bovine heart galectin-1 and to mistletoe lectin in solution has been determined by transferred nuclear Overhauser effect measurements. It is demonstrated that the lectins select the syn conformation of lactose and various structural analogues (Galbeta(1-->4)Xyl, Galbeta(1-->3)Xyl, Galbeta(1-->2)Xyl, and Galbeta(1-->3)Glc) from the ensemble of presented conformations. No evidence for conformational distortion was obtained. Docking of the analogues to the modeled binding sites furnishes explanations, in structural terms, for exclusive recognition of the syn conformer despite the non-homologous design of the binding sites.  相似文献   
The analytical study of two hot-water extracts from the mushrooms Inonotus hispidus (Bull.) P. Karst and Sparassis crispa Wulf.:Fr was performed by NMR, HPLC-PAD-MS and GC-MS. The simultaneous use of different analytical techniques highlighted the diverse classes of natural products contained in these extracts. This study describes an attempt to adapt a useful phytochemical method to the direct investigation of plant water extracts, which represent the typical traditional manner for the administration of natural remedies. The heritage concerning plant processing procedures, known as traditional pharmaceutical knowledge, could play an important role in future research on medicinal species. This kind of study could be used as an update for current and future perspectives in this research field.  相似文献   
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