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Thermal requirements for development and life table statistics ofAphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera, Aphididae) were determined over a range of constant temperatures from 10 to 30°C. The lower development threshold and the sum of effective temperatures were 6.9°C and 90.1°C, respectively, for preimaginal development, and 5.8°C and 113.6°C from birth to the onset of reproduction. Mean total fecundity ranged from 36 larvae per female at 10°C to 76 larvae at 30°C. On a time scale of days, net reproductive rate (R o ) increased with increasing temperature while generation time (T) decreased causing the intrinsic rate of increase (r m ) to increase linearly from 0.115 to 0.465. On a day-degree scaler m only varied from 0.019 to 0.028 because the growth ofR o was compensated by an increase inT with increase in temperature. The nearly constantr m in terms of day-degrees, over a wide range of temperatures, greatly simplifies the prediction of future population numbers ofA. gossypii.  相似文献   
In this study, concentrations of some major and minor elements were determined in the larynx tissues with and without cancer, and results obtained were statistically compared. No meaningful differences were found between sodium, potassium, calcium and copper concentrations in cancer tissues, corresponding cancer-free adjacent tissues and in control larynx tissues. Phosphate concentrations of the cancer tissues were higher compared with cancer-free adjacent tissues and control tissues. Iron, zinc and magnesium concentrations were found increased in both cancer and corresponding cancer-free adjacent tissues relative to control values. Intra- and inter-element correlations established within and between groups indicated that relations between elements were also disordered in the cancer tissues. We suggest that the changed element status of cancerous larynx tissues may arise from increased requirements of cancer tissues for some elements such as iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphate.  相似文献   
In order to investigate possible interactions between parental genomes in the composite genome of Nicotiana tabacum we have analyzed the organization of telomeric (TTTAGGG)n and ribosomal gene (rDNA) repeats in the progenitor genomes Nicotiana sylvestris and Nicotiana tomentosiformis or Nicotiana otophora. Telomeric arrays in the Nicotiana species tested are heterogeneous in length ranging from 20 to 200 kb in N. sylvestris, from 20 to 50 kb in N. tomentosiformis, from 15 to 100kb in N. otophora, and from 40 to 160kb in N. tabacum. The patterns of rDNA repeats (18S, 5.8S, 25S RNA) appeared to be highly homogeneous and speciesspecific; no parental rDNA units corresponding to N. sylvestris, N. tomentosiformis or N. otophora were found in the genome of N. tabacum by Southern hybridization. The results provide evidence for a species-specific evolution of telomeric and ribosomal repeats in the tobacco composite genome.  相似文献   
Treatment of methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-l-bromo-l-deoxy-α-d-glucopyranuronate severally with 2,4,6-, 2,3,6-, and 2,3,4-tri-O-methyl derivatives of methyl α-d-glucopyranoside and with methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-3-O-methyl-α-d-glucopyranoside, in the presence of silver carbonate, afforded crystalline aldobiouronic acid derivatives in high yield. Deacetylation followed by methylation gave a series of fully methylated derivatives of laminaribiouronic, cellobiouronic, and gentiobiouronic acids, and the (1 → 2)-linked analogue. Methylation with methyl iodide and silver oxide in N,N-dimethylformamide was invariably accompanied by a small amount ofβ-elimination, with the formation of olefinic disaccharides which were also obtained by β-elimination reactions of the precursor acetates followed by methylation. Methyl 4,5-unsaturated 4-deoxyhexopyranosyluronate derivatives were the main products of the reaction, but these underwent further degradation with cleavage of the interglycosidic linkage and formation of 6-methoxycarbonyl-4-pyrone.  相似文献   
The objective was to identify spontaneous hybrids between P. mugo and P. sylvestris using organelle DNA markers in sympatric zones at the sea‐side spit of Kursiu Nerija in western Lithuania. A field inventory was carried out over the entire Lithuanian part of the spit and 203 individuals morphologically intermediate between P. sylvestris and P. mugo were tested for their male parent with chloroplast DNA PCR‐RFLP markers and for their female parent with mitochondrial DNA PCR markers. Unfortunately, the mitochondrial DNA Nad7 marker failed to identify the female parent species in our study. However, the chloroplast DNA PCR‐RFLP marker revealed that out of 203 tested individuals only 23 had a paternity different than that indicated by morphology. Of these, 13 individuals were morphologically identified as P. sylvestris but possessed cpDNA of P. mugo (putative hybrids with P. sylvestris (female) ×P. mugo (male parent), and 10 individuals morphologically identified as P. mugo possessed cpDNA of P. sylvestris and may be hybrids with P. mugo (female) ×P. sylvestris (male parent). The remainder of the 177 individuals identified in the field inventory were were considered as pure species. In conclusion, our study indicates ongoing spontaneous hybridization between P. mugo and P. syvestris in Kursiu Nerija. Human impact via seed transfer on altered hybridization rates as well as evolutionary consequences are discussed.  相似文献   
In November 2004 a catastrophic windstorm destroyed a large part of the spruce forest in the Tatra National Park (Slovakia). The majority of the windthrown area was cleared; only a small part was left uncleared, thereby allowing regeneration by natural succession. The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of the different forestry practices on soil Oribatida. Three different stands were selected for the study, where sampling took place in June and October 2006: control forest stands (REF), windthrown stands left for natural development (NEX) and clear-cut windthrown stands (EXT). The mean abundance of Oribatida recorded in REF and NEX stands was significantly higher than in EXT stands. Kruskal-Wallis test of mean abundance of adults as well as juveniles confirmed significant influence of treatment and date. The highest abundance of adults was found in control forest stands (REF). Post hoc multiple comparison proved significantly lower abundance of adults in clear-cut stands (EXT) compared with REF. The mean abundance of adults and juveniles was several times higher in stands left for natural development (NEX) than in EXT stands. The highest species richness was observed in REF, followed by NEX and EXT stands. Ordination method showed differences in species composition between studied treatments. Furthermore, a much lower abundance of Hermannia gibba, a dweller of leaf litter and upper soil layers, was recorded in cleared stands compared to the other stands. Indeed, windthrown stands had an obvious lower species richness than control stands. The ordination method used demonstrated a significant influence of both treatment and sampling date on the abundance and species richness of Oribatida. The present study showed that clear-cutting of wind-damaged spruce forest markedly decreases the abundance of soil Oribatida compared with windthrown forest stands left to natural succession.  相似文献   
It has been known for over a decade that sialidase (neuraminidase) treatment could substantially enhance the capacity of resting B cells to stimulate the proliferation of allogeneic and antigen specific, syngeneic T cells. Thus, cell-surface sialic acid was implicated as a potential modulator of immune cell interaction. However, little progress has been made in either identifying explicit roles for sialic acid in this system or in hypothesizing mechanisms to explain the "neuraminidase effect." Here we show for the first time that cell surface sialic acid on medium incubated B cells blocks access to costimulatory molecules on the B cell surface, and that this is the most likely explanation for the neuraminidase effect. Further, we show that it is likely to be upregulation of ICAM-1 and its subsequent engagement of LFA-1 rather than loss of cell surface sialic acid that in part regulates access to CD86 and other costimulatory molecules. However, we cannot exclude a role for CD86-bound sialic acid on the B cell in modulating binding to T cell CD28. Because sialidase treatment of resting B cells but not resting T cells enables T cell activation, we suggest that sialidase treatment may still be an analogue for an authentic step in B cell activation, and show that for highly activated B cells (activated with polyclonal anti-IgM plus INF-gamma) there is specific loss 2, 6-linked sialic acid. Potential roles for sialic acid in modulating B cell/T cell collaboration are discussed.  相似文献   
Reconstruction of orbital floor fracture using solvent-preserved bone graft   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The orbital floor is one of the most frequently damaged parts of the maxillofacial skeleton during facial trauma. Unfavorable aesthetic and functional outcomes are frequent when it is treated inadequately. The treatment consists of spanning the floor defect with a material that can provide structural support and restore the orbital volume. This material should also be biocompatible with the surrounding tissues and easily reshaped to fit the orbital floor. Although various autografts or synthetic materials have been used, there is still no consensus on the ideal reconstruction method of orbital floor defects. This study evaluated the applicability of solvent-preserved cadaveric cranial bone graft and its preliminary results in the reconstruction of the orbital floor fractures. Twenty-five orbital floor fractures of 21 patients who underwent surgical repair with cadaveric bone graft during a 2-year period were included in this study. Pure blowout fractures were determined in nine patients, whereas 12 patients had other accompanying maxillofacial fractures. Of the 21 patients, 14 had clinically evident diplopia (66.7 percent), 12 of them had enophthalmos (57.1 percent), and two of them had gaze restriction preoperatively. Reconstruction of the floor of the orbit was performed following either the subciliary or the transconjunctival approach. A cranial allograft was placed over the defect after sufficient exposure. The mean follow-up period was 9 months. Postoperative diplopia, enophthalmos, eye motility, cosmetic appearance, and complications were documented. None of the patients had any evidence of diplopia, limited eye movement, inflammatory reactions in soft tissues, infection, or graft extrusion in the postoperative period. Providing sufficient orbital volume, no graft resorption was detected in computed tomography scan controls. None of the implants required removal for any reason. Enophthalmos was seen in one patient, and temporary scleral show lasting up to 3 to 6 weeks was detected in another three patients. Satisfactory cosmetic results were obtained in all patients. This study showed that solvent-preserved bone, which is a nonsynthetic, human-originated, processed bioimplant, can be safely used in orbital floor repair and can be considered as another reliable treatment alternative.  相似文献   
In this contribution, the advantages of the artificial neural network approach to the identification and control of a laboratory-scale biochemical reactor are demonstrated. It is very important to be able to maintain the levels of two process variables, pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, over the course of fermentation in biosystems control. A PC-supported, fully automated, multi-task control system has been designed and built by the authors. Forward and inverse neural process models are used to identify and control both the pH and the DO concentration in a fermenter containing a Saccharomyces cerevisiae based-culture. The models are trained off-line, using a modified back-propagation algorithm based on conjugate gradients. The inverse neural controller is augmented by a new adaptive term that results in a system with robust performance. Experimental results have confirmed that the regulatory and tracking performances of the control system proposed are good.  相似文献   
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