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Several well-established fluorescence methods depend on environment-sensitive probes that report about molecular properties of their local environment. For reliable interpretation of experiments, careful characterization of probes’ behavior is required. In this study, bleaching-corrected polarized fluorescence microspectroscopy with nanometer spectral peak position resolution was applied to characterize conformations of two alkyl chain-labeled 7-nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl phospholipids in three model membranes, representing the three main lipid phases. The combination of polarized and spectral detection revealed two main probe conformations with their preferential fluorophore dipole orientations roughly parallel and perpendicular to membrane normal. Their peak positions were separated by 2–6 nm because of different local polarities and depended on lipid environment. The relative populations of conformations, estimated by a numerical model, indicated a specific sensitivity of the two probes to molecular packing with cholesterol. The coexistence of probe conformations could be further exploited to investigate membrane organization below microscopy spatial resolution, such as lipid rafts. With the addition of polarized excitation or detection to any environment-sensitive fluorescence imaging technique, the conformational analysis can be directly applied to explore local membrane complexity.  相似文献   
Loss of integrity of the basal forebrain cholinergic neurons is a consistent feature of Alzheimer’s disease, and measurement of basal forebrain degeneration by magnetic resonance imaging is emerging as a sensitive diagnostic marker for prodromal disease. It is also known that Alzheimer’s disease patients perform poorly on both real space and computerized cued (allothetic) or uncued (idiothetic) recall navigation tasks. Although the hippocampus is required for allothetic navigation, lesions of this region only mildly affect idiothetic navigation. Here we tested the hypothesis that the cholinergic medial septo-hippocampal circuit is important for idiothetic navigation. Basal forebrain cholinergic neurons were selectively lesioned in mice using the toxin saporin conjugated to a basal forebrain cholinergic neuronal marker, the p75 neurotrophin receptor. Control animals were able to learn and remember spatial information when tested on a modified version of the passive place avoidance test where all extramaze cues were removed, and animals had to rely on idiothetic signals. However, the exploratory behaviour of mice with cholinergic basal forebrain lesions was highly disorganized during this test. By contrast, the lesioned animals performed no differently from controls in tasks involving contextual fear conditioning and spatial working memory (Y maze), and displayed no deficits in potentially confounding behaviours such as motor performance, anxiety, or disturbed sleep/wake cycles. These data suggest that the basal forebrain cholinergic system plays a specific role in idiothetic navigation, a modality that is impaired early in Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   
To investigate whether efferent parasympathetic fibers to the trachealsmooth muscle course through the pararecurrent nerve rather than therecurrent or the superior laryngeal nerve, we stimulated all threenerves in anesthetized dogs. We also recorded the pararecurrentnerve activity response to bronchoconstrictor stimuli and compared itwith pressure changes inside a saline-filled cuff of an endotrachealtube. Electrical stimulation (30 s, 100 Hz, 0.1 ms, 10 mA) increasedtracheal cuff pressure by 21.0 ± 3.2 and 1.3 ± 0.7 cmH2O for the pararecurrent and the recurrent laryngealnerve, respectively. Stimulation of the superior laryngeal nerveincreased tracheal cuff pressure before, but not after, sectioning ofthe ramus anastomoticus, which connects it to the pararecurrent nerve.Intravenous administration of sodium cyanide increased pararecurrentnerve activity by 208 ± 51% and tracheal cuff pressure by14.4 ± 3.5 cmH2O. Elevation of end-tidalPCO2 to 50 Torr increased pararecurrent nerveactivity by 49 ± 19% and tracheal cuff pressure by 8.4 ± 3.6 cmH2O. Further elevation to 60 Torr increasedpararecurrent nerve activity by 101 ± 33% and tracheal cuffpressure by 11.3 ± 2.9 cmH2O. These results lead usto the conclusion that parasympathetic efferent fibers reach the smoothmuscle of the canine trachea via the pararecurrent nerve.

In this paper the mechanism of enzymic hydrolysis by a cellulase on xanthan is investigated. It is demonstrated that in salt free solution there is a random breakdown of the main chain when the polysaccharide is in the unordered conformation. The apparent rate of hydrolysis followed by the decrease of the solution viscosity depends on the quality of the solution. In addition, the rate of hydrolysis may be directly correlated with the degree of local order expressed by its specific rotary power. It is shown that there is no hydrolysis on the ordered helical conformation.  相似文献   
Zoran Kovačević 《BBA》1976,430(3):399-412
The effect of mersalyl, an inhibitor of phosphate transport across the inner mitochondrial membrane, was investigated on the uncoupled respiration of pig kidney mitochondria in the presence of glutamine as substrate and on the activity of the phosphate-dependent glutaminase in the intact organelles. In addition, the submitochondrial location of the enzyme was reinvestigated.

1. (1) It was found that mersalyl completely inhibits uncoupled respiration of the mitochondria in the presence of glutamine as substrate, whereas respiration with glutamate was not affected. The same amount of mersalyl which inhibits coupled oxidation of glutamine also inhibits coupled oxidation of glutamate and some other substrates.

2. (2) Mersalyl strongly inhibited the activation of glutaminase in intact mitochondria only in the presence of inhibitors of electron transport or of an uncoupler. The addition of a detergent prevented or fully released the inhibition. The effect of mersalyl was observed even when the mitochondria were pre-incubated with phosphate or incubated in the phosphate-free medium. If mersalyl and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) were added 3 min after pre-incubation with phosphate the same intramitochondrial concentration of the anion as in control experiments was found, whereas the activity of glutaminase was severely inhibited. These findings suggest that the activation of the enzyme by phosphate in intact nonenergized mitochondria occurs only if the activator moves across the inner mitochondrial membrane.

3. (3) Mersalyl (plus CCCP) markedly decreased [14C]glutamine- and [32P]-phosphate-permeable mitochondrial spaces. A close correlation between the decrease of phosphate and glutamine permeable spaces and the inhibition of glutaminase activity was found.

4. (4) If the activation energy of the enzyme was determined with frozen mitochondrial preparations, a discontinuity or break in the Arrhenius plot was observed, whereas the presence of a detergent completely abolished the break. Digitonin or ultrasonic treatment of the mitochondria followed by separation of the membrane and the soluble fraction revealed that glutaminase is a membrane-bound enzyme.

On the basis of these findings it is concluded that there is an association between the transport of phosphate on one side and the transport of glutamine and glutaminase activity on the other. It is possible that the movement of phosphate across the membrane activates the enzyme which facilitates diffusion of glutamine down a concentration gradient. However, the existence of a specific glutamine-phosphate carrier is not ruled out.  相似文献   

Zoran Kova evi&#x; 《BBA》1975,396(3):325-334
The transport of glutamate across the inner membrane of kidney mitochondria and the influx of glutamine into the mitochondria was studied using an oxygen electrode, the swelling technique and by continous recording of the activity of the mitochondrial glutaminase by an NH4+-sensitive electrode. It is well known that the enzyme is activated by inorganic phosphate and strongly inhibited by glutamate.

1. 1. Avenaciolide, Bromocresal purple and Bromothymol blue inhibited the respiration of the mitochondria almost completely in the presence of glutamate as substrate but not in the presence of glutamine. Production of aspartate during the oxidation of glutamine was not significantly inhibited by avenaciolide but it was markedly suppressed by Bomocresol purple and Bromothymol blue.

2. 2. Swelling of kidney mitochondria in an isosmotic solution of glutamine and ammonium phosphate was not inhibited by avenaciolide or Bromocresol purple indicating that these substances do not inhibit the penetration of the mitochondrial membrane by glutamine or phosphate.

3. 3. The activity of the mitochondrial glutaminase was strongly inhibited by avenaciolide or Bromocresol purple in the presence of inhibitors of respiration or an uncoupler but not in their absence. Experimental data suggest that this was caused by the inhibition of glutamate efflux. The addition of a detergent removed this inhibition.

On the basis of these observations it was concluded that two mechanisms exist which enable glutamate to leave the inner space of kidney mitochondria: (a) an electrogenic efflux coupled to the respiration-driven proton translocation and the presence of a membrane potential (positive outside) and (b) an electroneutral glutamate-hydroxyl antiporter which is inhibited by avenaciolide and which operates in both directions. Our observations do not support the existence of the electrogenic glutamine-glutamate antiporter or glutamate-aspartate exchange in the mitochondria studied.  相似文献   

Ultrasound effect on physical properties of corn starch   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High power ultrasound (HPU) represents a non-thermal processing method that has been rapidly researched and used in the last 10 years. The application of power ultrasound offers the opportunity to modify and improve some technologically important compounds which are often used in food products. One of them is starch. The aim of this research was to examine the effect of the high power ultrasound of 24 kHz frequency on rheological and some physical properties of corn starch. Various ultrasound treatments were used; an ultrasound probe set with different intensities (34, 55, 73 W cm−2) and treatment times (15 and 30 min) and ultrasound bath of 2 W cm−2 intensity and treatment times (15 and 30 min). Rheological parameters, turbidity and swelling power of corn starch suspensions were determined for native and ultrasonically treated corn starch suspensions. Differential scanning calorimetry was used in order to examine the pasting properties of corn starch. The results have shown that the ultrasound treatment of corn starch distorts the crystalline region in starch granules. The results of differential scanning calorimetry measurements have shown a decrease in enthalpy of gelatinization. A significant decrease in consistency coefficient (k) has also been observed. The consistency coefficient decreases stepwise jointly with the increasing ultrasound power. The increase in the swelling power is associated with water absorption capacity and corn starch granules solubility, respectively.  相似文献   
Starting from previously disclosed equally potent cathepsin K and S inhibitor 4-propyl-6-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)pyrimidine-2-carbonitrile 1, a novel 2-phenyl-9H-purine-6-carbonitrile scaffold was identified to provide potent and selective cathepsin S inhibitors.  相似文献   
Foraging decisions should reflect a balance between costs and benefits of alternative strategies. Predation risk and resource availability in the environment may be crucial in deciding how cautious individuals should behave during foraging. These costs and benefits will vary in time and context, meaning that animals should be able to adjust their foraging behaviour to new or altered environments. Studying how animals do this is essential to understand their survival in these environments. In this study, we investigated the effect of both insularity and urbanization on risk‐taking and neophobia during foraging in the Dalmatian wall lizard (Podarcis melisellensis). Small islets tend to have both a lower number of predators and less resources. Therefore, islet populations were expected to show more risk‐taking behaviour and less neophobia in a foraging context. Previous studies on behaviour of urban lizards have yielded inconsistent results, but due to a lack of both predators and arthropod prey in urban habitats, we expected urban lizards to also take more risks and behave less neophobic. We sampled several inhabited and uninhabited locations on Vis (Croatia) and surrounding islets. Risk‐taking behaviour was tested by measuring the latency of lizards to feed in the presence of a predator model, and neophobia by measuring the latency to feed in the presence of a novel object. We found that islet lizards do indeed take more risks and were less vigilant, but not less neophobic. Urban and rural lizards did not differ in any of these behaviours, which is in sharp contrast with previous work on mammals and birds. The behavioural differences between islet and island lizards were novel, but not unexpected findings and are in line with the theory of “island tameness”. The effect of urbanization on the behaviour of animals seems to be more complex and might vary among taxa.  相似文献   
This article reports the results of a study focused on the presence and bioavailability of arsenic in agricultural soil in the mining and industrial regions of northern Kosovo and southern Serbia, as well as uptake and bioaccumulation of arsenic in two commonly cultivated plant species (Zea mays L. and Solanum tuberosum L.). This area was one of the most important mining districts in Europe. The collected soil samples were subjected to a modified BCR three-step sequential extraction procedure in order to investigate the chemical partitioning of arsenic in the soils. The general distribution of arsenic in various fractions was: exchangeable < reducible < oxidizable fractions. Highest concentrations of total arsenic in soil were found close to industrial facilities and tailing ponds. In addition, fluvisols were significantly more enriched with arsenic than soils at a distance from the river flows. The edible parts of the plant specimen showed different As contents, suggesting that these plant species have different propensities for the uptake and bioaccumulation of arsenic from soil.  相似文献   
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