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Summary A number of compounds were screened for their effects on growth of the yeast cells ofHistoplasma capsulatum. Included were penicillin and related compounds, sulfhydryl inhibitors, various organic sulfur compounds recently synthesized for the first time, and compounds structurally related to the required metabolites, thiamine and cystine or cysteine. Cephalothin was the only one of the penicillin related compounds which inhibited growth. This occurred only when a high concentration (8.3 × 10–4 M) was used. Of the analogues of cystine tested, allylglycine had the greatest inhibitory effect on growth of the yeast cells in the synthetic medium, but it failed to inhibit growth in a complex medium containing peptones and plasma. Among the sulfhydryl inhibitors, the maleimides were the most effective, producing complete inhibition of growth in the peptone medium at 10µg/ml or less. At subinhibitory concentrations the cultures tended to become mycelial. The action of the maleimides was reversed by cystine over a range of concentrations. At low concentrations, some of the disulfide derivatives of thiamine stimulated growth equally as well as thiamine, but at concentrations of 100 to 150µg/ml, they completely inhibited growth. On the basis of results obtained to date, three classes of the new organic sulfur compounds being tested offer promise as sources of potentially useful chemotherapeutic agents. These classes, which differ widely in structure, are as follows: the benzyl decylaminoethyl disulfides, the acyl disulfides, and the trithiopercarbamates.This investigation was supported by Public Health Service Research Grant AI-03524 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.  相似文献   
Genome wide association studies show there is a genetic component to severe COVID-19. We find evidence that the genome-wide genetic association signal with severe COVID-19 is correlated with that of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), having formally tested this using genetic correlation analysis by LD score regression. To identify the shared associated loci and gain insight into the shared genetic effects, using summary level data we performed meta-analyses, a local genetic correlation analysis and fine-mapping using stepwise regression and functional annotation. This identified multiple loci shared between the two traits, some of which exert opposing effects. The locus with most evidence of shared association is TYK2, a gene critical to the type I interferon pathway, where the local genetic correlation is negative. Another shared locus is CLEC1A, where the direction of effects is aligned, that encodes a lectin involved in cell signaling, and the anti-fungal immune response. Our analyses suggest that several loci with reciprocal effects between the two traits have a role in the defense response pathway, adding to the evidence that SLE risk alleles are protective against infection.  相似文献   
The enormous variety of substances which may be added to forage in order to manipulate and improve the ensilage process presents an empirical, combinatorial optimization problem of great complexity. To investigate the utility of genetic algorithms for designing effective silage additive combinations, a series of small-scale proof of principle silage experiments were performed with fresh ryegrass. Having established that significant biochemical changes occur over an ensilage period as short as 2 days, we performed a series of experiments in which we used 50 silage additive combinations (prepared by using eight bacterial and other additives, each of which was added at six different levels, including zero [i.e., no additive]). The decrease in pH, the increase in lactate concentration, and the free amino acid concentration were measured after 2 days and used to calculate a “fitness” value that indicated the quality of the silage (compared to a control silage made without additives). This analysis also included a “cost” element to account for different total additive levels. In the initial experiment additive levels were selected randomly, but subsequently a genetic algorithm program was used to suggest new additive combinations based on the fitness values determined in the preceding experiments. The result was very efficient selection for silages in which large decreases in pH and high levels of lactate occurred along with low levels of free amino acids. During the series of five experiments, each of which comprised 50 treatments, there was a steady increase in the amount of lactate that accumulated; the best treatment combination was that used in the last experiment, which produced 4.6 times more lactate than the untreated silage. The additive combinations that were found to yield the highest fitness values in the final (fifth) experiment were assessed to determine a range of biochemical and microbiological quality parameters during full-term silage fermentation. We found that these combinations compared favorably both with uninoculated silage and with a commercial silage additive. The evolutionary computing methods described here are a convenient and efficient approach for designing silage additives.  相似文献   
With the rapidly increasing number of health care professionals seeking international research experience, comes an urgent need for enhanced capacity of host country institutional review boards (IRB) to review research proposals and ensure research activities are both ethical and relevant to the host country customs and needs. A successful combination of distance learning, interactive courses and expert course instructors has been applied in Peru since 2004 through collaborations between the U.S. Naval Medical Research Center Detachment, the University of Washington and the Department of Clinical Bioethics of the National Institutes of Health to provide training in ethical conduct of research to IRB members and researchers from Peru and other Latin American countries. All training activities were conducted under the auspices of the Peruvian National Institute of Health (INS), Ministry of Health. To date, 927 people from 12 different Latin American countries have participated in several of these training activities. In this article we describe our training model.  相似文献   
Complex neural circuitry requires stable connections formed by lengthy axons. To maintain these functional circuits, fast transport delivers RNAs to distal axons where they undergo local translation. However, the mechanism that enables long-distance transport of RNA granules is not yet understood. Here, we demonstrate that a complex containing RNA and the RNA-binding protein (RBP) SFPQ interacts selectively with a tetrameric kinesin containing the adaptor KLC1 and the motor KIF5A. We show that the binding of SFPQ to the KIF5A/KLC1 motor complex is required for axon survival and is impacted by KIF5A mutations that cause Charcot-Marie Tooth (CMT) disease. Moreover, therapeutic approaches that bypass the need for local translation of SFPQ-bound proteins prevent axon degeneration in CMT models. Collectively, these observations indicate that KIF5A-mediated SFPQ-RNA granule transport may be a key function disrupted in KIF5A-linked neurologic diseases and that replacing axonally translated proteins serves as a therapeutic approach to axonal degenerative disorders.  相似文献   
Bacillus subtilis endospore‐mediated forsterite dissolution experiments were performed to assess the effects of cell surface reactivity on Mg isotope fractionation during chemical weathering. Endospores present a unique opportunity to study the isolated impact of cell surface reactivity because they exhibit extremely low metabolic activity. In abiotic control assays, 24Mg was preferentially released into solution during forsterite dissolution, producing an isotopically light liquid phase (δ26Mg = ?0.39 ± 0.06 to ?0.26 ± 0.09‰) relative to the initial mineral composition (δ26Mg = ?0.24 ± 0.03‰). The presence of endospores did not have an apparent effect on Mg isotope fractionation associated with the release of Mg from the solid into the aqueous phase. However, the endospore surfaces preferentially adsorbed 24Mg from the dissolution products, which resulted in relatively heavy aqueous Mg isotope compositions. These aqueous Mg isotope compositions increased proportional to the fraction of dissolved Mg that was adsorbed, with the highest measured δ26Mg (?0.08 ± 0.07‰) corresponding to the highest degree of adsorption (~76%). The Mg isotope composition of the adsorbed fraction was correspondingly light, at an average δ26Mg of ?0.49‰. Secondary mineral precipitation and Mg adsorption onto secondary minerals had a minimal effect on Mg isotopes at these experimental conditions. Results demonstrate the isolated effects of cell surface reactivity on Mg isotope fractionation separate from other common biological processes, such as metabolism and organic acid production. With further study, Mg isotopes could be used to elucidate the role of the biosphere on Mg cycling in the environment.  相似文献   


Sleep-wake disturbances and concomitant cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease (PD) contribute significantly to morbidity in patients and their carers. Subjectively reported daytime sleep disturbance is observed in over half of all patients with PD and has been linked to executive cognitive dysfunction. The current study used daytime actigraphy, a novel objective measure of napping and related this to neuropsychological performance in a sample of PD patients and healthy, age and gender-matched controls. Furthermore this study aimed to identify patients with PD who may benefit from pharmacologic and behavioural intervention to improve these symptoms.


Eighty-five PD patients and 21 healthy, age-matched controls completed 14 days of wrist actigraphy within two weeks of neuropsychological testing. Objective napping measures were derived from actigraphy using a standardised protocol and subjective daytime sleepiness was recorded by the previously validated Epworth Sleepiness Scale.


Patients with PD had a 225% increase in the mean nap time per day (minutes) as recorded by actigraphy compared to age matched controls (39.2 ± 35.2 vs. 11.5 ± 11.0 minutes respectively, p < 0.001). Significantly, differences in napping duration between patients, as recorded by actigraphy were not distinguished by their ratings on the subjective measurement of excessive daytime sleepiness. Finally, those patients with excessive daytime napping showed greater cognitive deficits in the domains of attention, semantic verbal fluency and processing speed.


This study confirms increased levels of napping in PD, a finding that is concordant with subjective reports. However, subjective self-report measures of excessive daytime sleepiness do not robustly identify excessive napping in PD. Fronto-subcortical cognitive dysfunction was observed in those patients who napped excessively. Furthermore, this study suggests that daytime actigraphy, a non-invasive and inexpensive objective measure of daytime sleep, can identify patients with PD who may benefit from pharmacologic and behavioural interventions to improve these symptoms.  相似文献   


Efforts to scale-up maternal and child health services in lower and middle income countries will fail if services delivered are not of good quality. Although there is evidence of strategies to increase the quality of health services, less is known about the way these strategies affect health system goals and outcomes. We conducted a systematic review of the literature to examine this relationship.


We undertook a search of MEDLINE, SCOPUS and CINAHL databases, limiting the results to studies including strategies specifically aimed at improving quality that also reported a measure of quality and at least one indicator related to health system outcomes. Variation in study methodologies prevented further quantitative analysis; instead we present a narrative review of the evidence.


Methodologically, the quality of evidence was poor, and dominated by studies of individual facilities. Studies relied heavily on service utilisation as a measure of strategy success, which did not always correspond to improved quality. The majority of studies targeted the competency of staff and adequacy of facilities. No strategies addressed distribution systems, public-private partnership or equity. Key themes identified were the conflict between perceptions of patients and clinical measures of quality and the need for holistic approaches to health system interventions.


Existing evidence linking quality improvement strategies to improved MNCH outcomes is extremely limited. Future research would benefit from the inclusion of more appropriate indicators and additional focus on non-facility determinants of health service quality such as health policy, supply distribution, community acceptability and equity of care.  相似文献   
Coral Reefs - Cumulative anthropogenic pressures have triggered a global decline in the health of marine ecosystems, and coral reefs, in particular, are in crisis. With climate and...  相似文献   
Many tropical plant species show wide intra-population variation in reproductive timing, resulting in the protracted presence of flowering and fruiting individuals. Various eco-evolutionary drivers have been proposed as ultimate causes for asynchronous phenology, yet little is known about the proximate factors that control reproductive onset among individuals or that influence the proportion of trees producing new inflorescences within a population. We employed a nine-year phenological record from 178 individuals of the hyperdominant, asynchronously flowering canopy palm, Oenocarpus bataua (Arecaceae)¸ to assess whether resource-related variables influence individual- and population-level flowering phenology. Among individuals, access to sunlight increased rates of inflorescence production, while the presence of resource sinks related to current investment in reproduction—developing infructescences—reduced the probability of producing new inflorescences. At the population level, climate anomalies induced by El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affected the proportion of the population producing inflorescences through time. Moreover, the effects of ENSO anomalies on flowering patterns depended on the prevalence of developing infructescences in the population, with stronger effects in periods of low developing-infructescence frequency. Taken together, these results suggest that resource-related variables can drive phenological differences among individuals and mediate population-level responses to larger-scale variables, such as climate anomalies. Consequently, a greater focus on the role of resource levels as endogenous cues for reproduction might help explain the frequent aseasonal phenological patterns observed among tropical plants, particularly those showing high intra-population asynchrony.  相似文献   
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