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Invasive species are a global threat to biodiversity, economy and human wellbeing. To mitigate these threats, identifying and halting the introduction of potentially invasive species is crucial. Although progress has been made in elucidating mechanisms underlying invasion success, the role of species behavioral strategies has only received scant attention. Here, we use the invasion of monk parakeets in Santa Catarina state, southern Brazil to study whether behavioral strategies such as nest thermoregulation and the ability to self-medicate against pathogens contribute to the establishment success of invading species. We relate data on monk parakeet reproductive success to ambient temperatures in- and outside nesting chambers and test the bactericidal potential of plants transported to the nest by breeding monk parakeets. Compared to breeding data from other invaded ranges and parts of the species’ native range, our results suggest both thermoregulation and the use of bactericidal plants could potentially influence monk parakeet reproductive success. Thermoregulation maintains stable temperatures of incubator chambers compared to large fluctuations (especially hotter extremes) outside the nest. At least one of the plants brought to the nest effectively inhibited growth of pathogenic bacteria. The union of these two factors could increase reproductive rates and may consequently aid the expansion of the species in new non-native environments.  相似文献   
The inbred rat is a suitable model for studying human disease and because of its larger size is more amenable to complex surgical manipulation than the mouse. While the rodent fulfills many of the criteria for transplantation research, an important requirement is the ability to mark and track donors cells and assess organ viability. However, tracking ability is limited by the availability of transgenic (Tg) rats that express suitable luminescent or fluorescent proteins. Red fluorescent protein cloned from Discosoma coral (DsRed) has several advantages over other fluorescent proteins, including in vivo detection in the whole animal and ex vivo visualization in organs as there is no interference with autofluorescence. We generated and characterized a novel inbred Tg Lewis rat strain expressing DsRed monomeric (DsRed mono) fluorescent protein under the control of a ubiquitously expressed ROSA26 promoter. DsRed mono Tg rats ubiquitously expressed the marker gene as detected by RT-PCR but the protein was expressed at varying levels in different organs. Conventional skin grafting experiments showed acceptance of DsRed monomeric Tg rat skin on wild-type rats for more than 30 days. Cardiac transplantation of DsRed monomeric Tg rat hearts into wild-type recipients further showed graft acceptance and long-term organ viability (>6 months). The DsRed monomeric Tg rat provides marked cells and/or organs that can be followed for long periods without immune rejection and therefore is a suitable model to investigate cell tracking and organ transplantation.  相似文献   
Understanding the temporal dynamics of communities is crucial to predict how communities respond to climate change. Several factors can promote variation in phenology among species, including tracking of seasonal resources, adaptive responses to other species, demographic stochasticity, and physiological constraints. The activities of ectothermic vertebrates are sensitive to climatic variations due to the effect of temperature and humidity on species physiology. However, most studies on temporal dynamics have analyzed multi‐year data and do not have resolution to discriminate within‐year patterns that can determine community assembly cycles. Here, we tested the temporal stability and synchrony of calling activity and also how climatic variables influence anuran species composition throughout the year in a metacommunity in the Atlantic Forest of southern Brazil. Using a multivariate method, we described how the relationship between species composition and climatic variables changes through time. The metacommunity showed a weak synchronous spatial pattern, meaning that species responded independently to environmental variation. Interestingly, species composition exhibited a nonstationary response to climate, suggesting that climate affects species composition differently depending on the season. The species‐climate relationship was stronger during the spring, summer, and winter, mainly influenced by temperature, rainfall, and humidity. Thus, temporal community dynamics seem to be mediated by species life‐history traits, in which independent fluctuations promote community stability in temporally varying environments.  相似文献   
Adrenomedullary cells, after fixation with OsO4, are filled with well formed granules which are considered to represent their catechol amine content. The submicroscopic appearance of these cells was studied in reserpine-treated rats during the late phase of catechol amine depletion and during the period of its restoration. At 3 days after the beginning of reserpine treatment, the granules appeared to be emptied of their content and small vesicles containing scattered, dense deposits of, presumably, catechol amines began to be seen. At 9 days after the beginning of treatment, these deposits had already become granules and the cells had attained a completely normal appearance. The submicroscopic structure of the adrenomedullary cells of rats pretreated with iproniazid (before reserpine), in which a complete inhibition of monoamine oxidase activity had thus been obtained, was similar to that seen in non-treated animals. In numerous cases, however, some characteristic features were noted: the sacs which usually contained a dense granule of catechol amines appeared swollen and many fine granules could be seen around them; the latter were dispersed in a way suggesting that they may represent a partial breakdown of the large granules which, under the inhibitory action of iproniazid, do not release the catechol amines contained within them.  相似文献   
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