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 Radiolytic reduction at 77 K of oxo-/hydroxo-bridged dinuclear iron(III) complexes in frozen solutions forms kinetically stabilized, mixed-valent species in high yields that model the mixed-valent sites of non-heme, diiron proteins. The mixed-valent species trapped at 77 K retain ligation geometry similar to the initial diferric clusters. The shapes of the mixed-valent EPR signals depend strongly on the bridging ligands. Spectra of the Fe(II)OFe(III) species reveal an S=1/2 ground state with small g-anisotropy as characterized by the uniaxial component (g z g av /2<0.03) observable at temperatures as high as ∼100 K. In contrast, hydroxo-bridged mixed-valent species are characterized by large g-anisotropy (g z g av /2>0.03) and are observable only below 30 K. Annealing at higher temperatures causes structural relaxation and changes in the EPR characteristics. EPR spectral properties allow the oxo- and hydroxo-bridged, mixed-valent diiron centers to be distinguished from each other and can help characterize the structure of mixed-valent centers in proteins. Received: 27 June 1998 / Accepted: 25 February 1999  相似文献   
Chromosomal mosaicism in chorionic villus samples (CVS) may arise from different sources, such as clonal diversity within the chorionic tissue or contamination with maternal cells. To determine the origin of karyotyped cells, we compared the immunocytochemical features of mitotic cells in CVS long-term cultures with histological sections of their tissue of origin, i.e. chorionic villi. Immunolabelling of intermediate filaments specific for epithelial cells (cytokeratin) and mesenchymal cells (vimentin) established that mitoses yielded from CVS long-term cultures indeed stem from independently growing clones derived from both the epithelial and mesenchymal parts of the chorionic villi. Thus, mosaicism in CVS cultures may reflect true genetic heterogeneity within the biopsy. However, epithelial chorionic cells undergo in vitro metaplasia leading to co-expression of cytokeratins and vimentin. Fetal-specific immune markers (-HCG and SP1-glycoprotein) are not reliably expressed in CVS cell culture.  相似文献   
Summary The spatial relationships between the homologous pairs of chromosomes in the normal human colcemid-treated metaphase plate were tested by two different mathematical approaches: (a) determination of the distances between the centromeres of the homologous chromosomes compared to the mean distance of all centromeres of the mitosis in question; (b) measuring the distances of the different chromosomes from the center of the mitosis.The following results were obtained: (1) The arrangement of human metaphase chromosomes does not follow a normal distribution; the distribution is narrower and taller, probably due to an impairment of free chromosome spreading by the cell membrane. We believe that only in membraneless mitotic cells should the chromosome-spread correspond to a normal distribution under the same preparation conditions. (2) There is a positive correlation between decreasing chromosome size and decreasing mean distance between homologous chromosomes. (3) A close positive correlation exists between increasing chromosome size and increasing distance to the barycenter of the mitosis. (4) There is also a close positive correlation between the distance of homologous chromosome pairs and their distance from the center of the mitosis, i.e., with increasing distance from the center of the mitosis, the distance between the homologous partners increases. (5) The following statistically significant deviations from these rules could be established: (a) The large acrocentric chromosomes are closer associated, as one would expect from their size, probably due to their participation in the nucleolus organization; (b) in the female cell one of the two X chromosomes has an extremely peripheral localization; the X chromosomes are furthest apart of all pairs of homologous chromosomes; (c) the chromosome pairs 6 and 8 are relatively close together in spite of their peripheral position, suggesting a truc close association of the homologus partners; (d) the chromosome pair 18 has a more peripheral position than expected, and a relatively large mean distance between the homologous partners; (e) the chromosome pair 1 has a much more central position and a closer association than is expected from its size.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 1969–1977 wurden in 15 Untersuchungsgebieten des Harzes, die sich auf die Höhenstufen von 100–900 m verteilen, brutbiologische Daten bei Trauerschnäpper, Sumpf-, Blau-, Kohl- und Tannenmeise gesammelt.Die Siedlungsdichte nimmt jeweils auf die Hälfte ab bei einer Höhenzunahme für die Sumpfmeise von 270 m, die Kohlmeise 195 m, die Tannenmeise 178 m und die Blaumeise 101 m (Halbwertshöhe).Die Verzögerung des Legebeginns bzw. des Schlüpftermins beträgt beim Trauerschnäpper 1,72, bei der Tannenmeise 1,68, der Sumpfmeise 1,97, der Kohlmeise 2,19 und der Blaumeise 5,24 Tage/100 m parallel zur vertikalen Verzögerung der Vegetationsentwicklung (Phänologie) von 1,8–2,6 Tage/100 m.Die Gelegegröße von Trauerschnäpper, Sumpf-, Blau- und Kohlmeise nimmt mit zunehmender Höhe linear um 0,14; 0,52; 0,51; und 0,11 Eier/100 m ab. Für die Kohlmeise ergeben sich Unterschiede in Laub- und Nadelwald, für die Tannenmeise zeigt sich eine Tendenz zur Zunahme mit der Höhe.Die Abnahme des Bruterfolges mit der Höhe beträgt beim Trauerschnäpper 0,22 flügge Junge/100 m, bei der Blaumeise 0,57, der Sumpfmeise 0,37, der Tannenmeise 0,23 und der Kohlmeise 0,13 flügge Junge/100 m. Für die Kohlmeise ergeben sich auch hier wieder Unterschiede in Laub- und Nadelwald.Für die Tannenmeise nimmt der Zweibrutanteil mit zunehmender Höhe linear um 3,6 %/100 m ab. Für die Kohlmeise zeigt er ebenfalls fallende Tendenz.Definiert man als vertikale Verbreitungsgrenze einer Art die Höhe, in der sich eine Population im Mittel noch stabil erhalten kann, so lassen sich aus der ermittelten Abnahme des Bruterfolges und den Werten für die Überlebensrate in einer vereinfachten Modellrechnung folgende Grenzen im Harz ermitteln: Blaumeise 500 m, Sumpfmeise 700 m, Kohlmeise 950 m, Trauerschnäpper und Tannenmeise 1000 m. Dies stimmt gut mit der Erfahrung überein.
The altitudinal influence on the population density and on the breeding biology ofFicedula hypoleuca, Parus palustris, P. caeruleus, P. major andP. ater in the Harz Mountains
Summary (a) Between 1967 and 1977, biological breeding data ofFicedula hypoleuca, Parus palustris, P. caeruleus, P. major andP. ater have been collected in 15 study areas of the Harz mountains, at altitude ranging from 100 m to 900 m.(b) The population density decreases by half, as a result of an increase in altitude of 270 m inP. palustris, 195 m inP. major, 178 m inP. ater and 101 m inP. caeruleus (halfvalue altitude).(c) The beginning of egglaying or hatching is delayed by 1.72 days per 100 m inFicedula hypoleuca; 1.68 days inP. ater; 1.97 days inP. palustris; 2.19 days inP. major and 5.24 days inP. caeruleus. These altitudinal retardations are parallel to that of the environmental vegetation (phenology) of 1.8–2.6 days per 100 m.(d) The clutch-size ofFicedula hypoleuca, P. palustris, P. caeruleus andP. major decreases by 0.14; 0.52; 0.51 and 0.11 eggs per 100 m increase of altitude respectively. InP. major, variations occur between deciduous and coniferous forests, and inP. ater the clutch-size tends to increase with an altitudinal increase.(e) The decrease in breeding success amounts to 0.22 fledglings per 100 m increase of altitude inFicedula hypoleuca, 0.57 fledglings inP. caeruleus, 0.37 fledglings inP. palustris, 0.23 fledglings inP. ater and 0.13 fledglings inP. major. Again, in the case ofP. major, differences occur between deciduous and coniferous forests.(f) The percentage of second broods ofP. ater decreases by 3.6 % per 100 m increase of altitude. The percentage of second broods ofP. major shows decreasing tendency, too.(g) When the altitudinal distribution limit of a species is defined as the level at which a population remains stable, the altitudinal decrease of breeding success and the mortality permit to draw up a simplified table of the altitudinal distribution limit. In the Harz these limits are as follows:P. caeruleus 500 m,P. palustris 700 m,P. major 950 m,F. hypoleuca 1000 m, andP. ater 1000 m. These results coincide with the experience.
H Zankl  H Seidel  K D Zang 《Humangenetik》1975,27(2):119-128
Twelve out of 88 cytogenetically examined meningiomas of female patients showed, in addition to the typical loss of a chromosome 22, a loss of 1 or more chromosomes of group C. Among them 8 tumors had less than 8% cells with Barr-body-like particles, whereas in one tumor 12% and in 3 others over 20% Barr bodies were found, which, based on control studies, were classified as sex-chromatin negative, partly positive, and positive, respectively. In one case the loss of an X chromosome was verified by Giemsa banding. In 6 out of 24 meningiomas of male origin, the chromosomal morphology and association pattern strongly indicated that besides the loss of a chromosome 22, the Y chromosome was also missing. Moreover, the loss of the male sex chromosome could be ascertained in 4 tumors by the conspicuous absence of Y fluorescence in interphase nuclei and in metaphase plates after fluorescence staining. The findings are discussed in connection with the gonosomal loss in other human tumors and in old age.  相似文献   
Summary Twelve out of 88 cytogenetically examined meningiomas of female patients showed, in addition to the typical loss of a chromosome 22, a loss of 1 or more chromosomes of group C. Among them 8 tumors had less than 8% cells with Barr-body-like particles, whereas in one tumor 12% and in 3 others over 20% Barr bodies were found, which, based on control studies, were classified as sex-chromatin negative, partly positive, and positive, respectively. In one case the loss of an X chromosome was verified by Giemsa banding.In 6 out of 24 meningiomas of male origin, the chromosoma. morphology and association pattern strongly indicated that besides the loss of a chromosome 22, the Y chromosome was also missing. Moreover, the loss of the male sex chromosome could be ascertained in 4 tumors by the conspicuous absence of Y fluorescence in interphase nuclei and in metaphase plates after fluorescence staining.The findings are discussed in connection with the gonosomal loss in other human tumors and in old age.
Zusammenfassung Unter 88 cytogenetisch untersuchten Meningeomen von Frauen wurden 12 Tumoren gefunden, bei denen außer dem für Meningeome typischen Verlust eines Chromosoms 22 auch ein oder mehrere Chromosomen der C-Gruppe verlorengegangen waren. Bei 8 dieser Tumoren konnte in Gewebekulturpräparaten nur in weniger als 8% der untersuchten Zellen Barr-body-ähnliche Kernstrukturen nachgewiesen werden, bei einem Tumor fanden sich 12% und bei 3 über 20% Barr-bodies. Auf Grund von Vergleichsuntersuchungen wurden 8 Tumoren als geschlechtschromatinnegativ, 1 Tumor als teilweise positiv und die übrigen 3 als eindeutig positiv eingestuft. Bei einem Meningeom konnte das Fehlen eines X-Chromosoms direkt mit der Giemsa-Bandentechnik nachgewiesen werden.Bei 6 von 24 Meningeomen männlicher Herkunft konnte auf Grund der Chromosomenmorphologie und des Assoziationsverhaltens sehr wahrscheinlich gemacht werden, daß außer dem Chromosom 22 auch das Y-Chromosom verlorengegangen war. Bei 4 dieser Tumoren konnte eine Fluorescenzfärbung durchgeführt werden, wobei das Fehlen einer Y-Fluorescenz in Interphasezellen und Metaphaseplatten nachweisbar war.Diese Befunde werden im Zusammenhang mit dem Geschlechtschromosomenverlust bei anderen menschlichen Tumoren und im hohen Lebensalter diskutiert.

Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 51 E 12).

Parts of this work are included in the doctoral thesis (M.D.) of H.S. at the University of Munich, Germany.  相似文献   
Trehalose-6-phosphate (T6P), an intermediate in the trehalose biosynthesis pathway, is emerging as an important regulator of plant metabolism and development. T6P levels are potentially modulated by a group of trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS) and trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase (TPP) homologues. In this study, we have isolated 11 TPS genes encoding proteins with both TPS and TPP domains, from rice. Functional complement assays performed in yeast tps1 and tps2 mutants, revealed that only OsTPS1 encodes an active TPS enzyme and no OsTPS protein possesses TPP activity. By using a yeast two-hybrid analysis, a complicated interaction network occurred among OsTPS proteins, and the TPS domain might be essential for this interaction to occur. The interaction between OsTPS1 and OsTPS8 in vivo was confirmed by bimolecular fluorescence complementation and coimmunoprecipitation assays. Furthermore, our gel filtration assay showed that there may exist two forms of OsTPS1 (OsTPS1a and OsTPS1b) with different elution profiles in rice. OsTPS1b was particularly cofractionated with OsTPS5 and OsTPS8 in the 360 kDa complex, while OsTPS1a was predominantly incorporated into the complexes larger than 360 kDa. Collectively, these results suggest that OsTPS family members may form trehalose-6-phosphate synthase complexes and therefore potentially modify T6P levels to regulate plant development.  相似文献   
Substrate binding and the subsequent reaction are the two principal phenomena that underlie the activity of enzymes, and many enzyme-like catalysts were generated based on the phenomena. The single chain variable region fragment of antibody 2F3 (scFv2F3) was elicited against hapten GSH-S-DN2phBu, a conjugate of glutathione (GSH), butyl alcohol, and 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB); it can therefore bind both GSH and CDNB, the substrates of native glutathione S-transferases (GSTs). It was shown previously that there is a serine residue that is the catalytic group of GST in the CDR regions of scFv2F3 close to the sulfhydryl of GSH. Thus, we anticipated that scFv2F3 will display GST activity. The experimental results showed that scFv2F3 indeed displayed GST activity that is equivalent to the rat-class GST T-2-2 and exhibited pH- and temperature-dependent catalytic activity. Steady-state kinetic studies showed that the Km values for the substrates are close to those of native GSTs, indicating that scFv2F3 has strong affinities for the substrates. Compared with some other GSTs, its kcat value was found to be low, which could be caused by the similarity between the GSH-S-DN2phBu and the reaction product of GSH and CDNB. These results showed that our approach to imitating enzymes is correct, which is that an active site may catalyze a chemical reaction when a catalytic group locates beside a substrate-binding site of a receptor. It is important to consider product inhibition in hapten design in order to obtain a mimic with a high catalytic efficiency.  相似文献   
籼粳亚种间杂交稻米脂肪含量的遗传分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用包括基因型×环境互作效应的种子性状遗传模型,研究了籼粳亚种间杂交稻米脂肪含量的遗传特性,结果表明:在籼粳杂种中,脂肪含量的遗传表达主要受控于种子直接加性效应和母体加性效应,以前者为主.基因型X环境互作主要表现为显性(包括直接显性和母体显性)X环境以及细胞质X环境工作.直接近传率和母体遗传率都极显著.此外,根据遗传效应预测值对供试条本的利用价值作了评价.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was the development of a method for quantitative expression proteomics on the limited sample amounts obtained through laser capture microdissection (LCM) of tissues, e.g., approximately 10 000 cells, which typically contain roughly 1-4 microg protein. The 16O/18O labeling method was selected as an approach to measure differential expression. A sample preparation protocol including lysis, digestion and 16O/18O labeling was first developed for LCM cell samples. The selected protocol was examined using two LCM caps of 10 000 cells from invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast and shown to be repeatable. A further test of LC-IT-MS/MS in combination with the 16O/18O post-digestion labeling method for studying low level samples was conducted first on a single protein (BSA) and then on a 5-standard protein mixture digest of different protein amounts, each with a total content approximately 1 microg. Next, protein expression was compared between 10 000 cells, each of microdissected normal ductal epithelium and metastatic ductal carcinoma, using the developed method. The proteins from the microdissected cells were extracted, precipitated, digested with trypsin and then 16O/18O labeled. The normal and metastatic cell samples were analyzed using reversed phase LC-ESI-MS/MS on the ion trap mass spectrometer. A total of 76 proteins were identified. Some, such as mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase, actin and 14-3-3 protein xi/delta were found to be significantly up-regulated in the breast tumor cells.  相似文献   
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