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From tissues of hibernating and active long-tailed ground squirrels and from the brain of cold-adapted Yakut horses, low molecular peptide fractions were obtained which, after injection to albino mice, decreased oxygen consumption and rectal temperature in them. The same fractions exhibited negative chrono- and inotropic effects on isolated hearts of ectothermic and endothermic animals. Fractions from the brain of ground squirrels and the brain of horse exhibited similar pattern of the activity. The activity of fractions was subjected to seasonal changes and depended on the degree of their purification. Provisional intracellular microelectrophysiological analysis of the effect of these fractions on the frequency and strength of contractions in isolated heart was made.  相似文献   
基于MODIS-EVI的西南地区植被覆盖时空变化及驱动因素研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于MODIS-EVI和气象数据,利用最大值合成法、像元二分模型、趋势分析和相关分析等方法,探讨了西南地区2001-2015年植被覆盖时空变化特征及其对气候因子的响应,并分析了温度和降水对植被覆盖时空变化的驱动作用。结果表明:(1)2001-2015年,西南地区植被EVI以0.1%/a的变化率呈波动增加趋势,但空间异质性显著,呈现出从东南向西北逐渐递减的趋势;(2)西南地区以高和极高植被覆盖度为主,极低植被覆盖度区域约占研究区总面积的8.6%,植被覆盖度增加的区域集中分布在广西省北海-钦州、贵州省邵通-毕节-遵义、四川省广元-广安以及西藏那曲等地区,植被覆盖度呈减少趋势区域主要集中在西藏拉萨-阿里地区和四川成都-阿坝州-甘孜州等地区;(3)植被EVI与同期温度和降水相关性较好,均以正相关为主。在0.05显著水平下,受降水驱动的区域呈斑块状分布在西藏自治区和青海省交界处,以及云南和广西部分地区,约占研究区总面积的3.4%;受温度驱动的区域零星分布在各省、自治区,约占研究区总面积的1.6%;受温度和降水共同驱动的区域约占研究区总面积的7.2%,主要分布在西藏自治区的阿里地区北部,青海省的三江源地区以及四川和贵州两省交界处的小部分地区;西南地区大部分区域的植被EVI指数变化表现为非气候因素驱动。  相似文献   

Dolphins possess a highly sophisticated auditory system and a keen capability for echolocation. Signals are emitted in the form of high intensity, short duration, broadband exponentially decaying pulses. The frequency spectra of echolocation signals used by many dolphins are dependent on the output intensity of the signals and not on any fine tuning by the animals. When the output intensity is low, the center frequency of the click tends to be low. As the output intensity increases, the center frequency also tends to increase. The pulses propagate from the dolphin's melon in a relatively narrow beam, and echoes are received via the lower jaw, with a slightly wider beam. Echo- locating dolphins can detect targets at ranges of approximately 100 plus meters, depending on the size of the targets. Target discrimination experiments have shown that dolphins can discriminate the shape, size, material composition and internal structure of targets from the echoes. The broadband short duration properties of the signal allow the echoes to have high temporal resolution, so that within the structure of the echoes a considerable amount of information on the properties of the target can be conveyed. A brief comparison between the bat and dolphin sonar system will also be made. Bats typically emit much longer signals and a wider variety of different types of signals than dolphins. Signals used by some bats are suited to detecting Doppler shift, whereas the dolphin signal is designed to be tolerant of Doppler effects.  相似文献   
Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - The regioselective synthesis of betulin 3,28-bis- and 28-monoacylates (nicotinate and isonicotinates) as well as of 3β-hemisuccinyl dipterocarpol was...  相似文献   
Thermal treatment of short‐chain oligopeptides is able to initiate the process of their self‐assembly with the formation of organic nanostructures with unique properties. On the other hand, heating can lead to a chemical reaction with the formation of new substances with specific properties and ability to form structures with different morphology. Therefore, in order to have a desired process, researcher needs to find its temperature range. In the present work, cyclization of L‐isoleucyl‐L‐alanine dipeptide in the solid state upon heating was studied. Kinetic parameters of this reaction were estimated within the approaches of the nonisothermal kinetics. The correlation between side chain structure of dipeptides and temperature of their cyclization in the solid state was found for the first time. This correlation may be used to predict the temperature, at which dipeptide self‐assembly changes to chemical reaction. The differences in self‐assembly of linear and cyclic dipeptides were demonstrated using atomic force microscopy. The effect of dipeptide concentration in a source solution and an organic solvent used on self‐assembly of dipeptides was shown. The new information obtained on the thermal properties and self‐assembly of linear and cyclic forms of L‐isoleucyl‐L‐alanine may be useful for the design of new nanomaterials based on oligopeptides, as well as for the synthesis of cyclic oligopeptides.  相似文献   
Homotropic cooperative binding was observed at vapor sorption of organic solvents (acetonitrile, propionitrile, ethanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol, nitroethane) by dried solid trypsin from porcine pancreas (0.05 g H2O/g protein). The vapor sorption isotherms were obtained by the static method of gas chromatographic headspace analysis at 298 K for 'vapor solvent+solid trypsin' systems in the absence of the liquid phase. All isotherms have a sigmoidal shape with significant sorbate uptake only above the threshold of sorbate thermodynamic activity. On the sorption isotherms of non-hydroxylic sorbates the saturation of trypsin by organic solvent was observed above the sorbate threshold activity. The formation of inclusion compounds with phase transition between solvent-free and solvent-saturated trypsin is supposed. Approximation of obtained isotherms by the Hill equation gives the inclusion stoichiometry S, inclusion free energy, and the Hill constant N of clathrates. The inclusion stoichiometry S depends significantly on the size and shape of sorbate molecules and changes from S=31 mol of sorbate per mol of trypsin for ethanol to S=6 for nitroethane. The inclusion free energies determined for the standard states of pure liquid sorbate and infinitely dilute solution in toluene are in the range from -0.5 to -1.2 kJ/mol and from -3.1 to -8.1 kJ/mol, respectively, per 1 mol of sorbate. The Hill constants are relatively high: from N=5.6 for 1-propanol to N approximately equal to 10(3) for nitroethane. The implication of the obtained results for the interpretation of solvent effects on the enzyme activity and stability in low-water medium is discussed.  相似文献   
为保护香港特有植物香港鹅耳枥,基于典型样地调查,对香港鹅耳枥所在群落进行了研究。结果表明,在225 m2的样地内,有维管植物37科66属68种。建群种为香港鹅耳枥,个体高度最高3 m,所在群落植株平均高度0.92 m,分层不明显。位于中国香港岛的香港鹅耳枥处于衰退状态,小个体极少。因此,建议采取就地保护和迁地保护措施,以重建种群。  相似文献   
Effects of some neuropeptides identified in the brain of hibernators (TSKYR, TSKY, DY) and of monoaminergic neurotransmitters (noradrenaline and serotonin) on responses of the medial septal neurons evoked by intraseptal electrical stimulation were analyzed in slices taken from the ground squirrels with chronic basal undercutting of the septum. Despite the elimination of direct contacts with the preoptic area and afferents ascending in the medial forebrain bundle, the neurons retained almost normal level of reactivity and distribution of the reaction types. The neuropeptides effectively modulated neuronal responses of various types, including oligosynaptic short-latency single-spike responses. The latter were strongly facilitated by the neuropeptides. As a rule, changes in the responses to electrical stimulation were independent of the spontaneous activity shifts (in 78% of the tests). It was suggested that the neuropeptides exert a double influence on the septal neurons: direct nonsynaptic effects on the pacemaker potential responsible for the background activity and modulation of synaptic processes. Our experiments showed that descending influences of the septo-hippocampal system are not crucial for the entrance into the hibernation state and its tonic maintenance. The influences of the thermoregulatory--circadian structures of the preoptico-hypothalamic area determine the paradoxically increased latent excitability of septal neurons that allows the septo-hippocampal system to gate external stimuli and organize arousal of the forebrain during hibernation in case of emergency.  相似文献   
Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - A proteomic analysis of the venom of males and females of the Naja kaouthia monocled cobra specimens kept in captivity was carried out. Using the amino...  相似文献   
Apart from acetyl-choline (Ach), adenosine-5′-trisphosphate (ATP) is thought to play a role in neuromuscular function, however little information is available on its cellular physiology. As such, effects of ATP and adenosine on contractility of mice diaphragmatic and skeletal muscles (m. extensor digitorum longa—MEDL) have been investigated in in vitro experiments. Application of carbacholine (CCh) in vitro in different concentrations led to pronounced muscle contractions, varying from 9.15 ± 4.76 to 513.13 ± 15.4 mg and from 44.65 ± 5.01 to 101.46 ± 9.11 mg for diaphragm and MEDL, respectively. Two hundred micromolars of CCh in both muscles caused the contraction with the 65% (diaphragm) to 75% (MEDL) of maximal contraction force—this concentration was thus used in further experiments. It was found that application of ATP (100 μM) increased the force of diaphragmatic contraction caused by CCh (200 μM) from 335.2 ± 51.4 mg (n = 21) in controls to 426.5 ± 47.8 mg (n = 10; P < 0.05), but decreased the contractions of MEDL of CCh from 76.6 ± 6.5 mg (n = 26) in control to 40.2 ± 9.0 mg (n = 8; P < 0.05). Application of adenosine (100 μM) had no effect on CCh-induced contractions of these muscles.

Resting membrane potential (MP) measurements using sharp electrodes were done at 10, 20 and 30 min after the application of ATP and adenosine. Diaphragm showed depolarization from 75 ± 0.6 down to 63.2 ± 1.05, 57.2 ± 0.96 and 53.6 ± 1.1 mV after 10, 20 and 30 min of exposition, respectively (20 fibers from 4 muscles each, P < 0.05 in all three cases). Adenosine showed no effect on diaphragmatic MP. Both agents were ineffective in case of MEDL.

The effects of ATP in both tissues were abolished by suramin (100 μM), a P2-receptor antagonist, and chelerythrin (50 μM), a specific protein-kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, but were not affected by 1H-[1,2,4]-oxadiazolo-[4,3-]-quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ, 1 μM), a guanylyl-cyclase inhibitor, or by adenosine-3,5-monophosphothioate (Rp-cAMP, 1 μM), a protein-kinase A (PKA) inhibitor.

Besides the action on contractile activity, ATP (100 μM) led to a significant (P < 0.001) depolarization of diaphragm muscle fibers from 74.5 ± 2.3 down to 64 ± 2.1, 58.2 ± 2.2 and 54.3 ± 2.4 mV after 10, 20 and 30 min of incubation, respectively. Incubation of MEDL with the same ATP concentration showed no significant change of MP.

Denervation of the muscles for 28 days led to a decrease of CCh-induced contractions of diaphragm down to 171.1 ± 34.5 mg (n = 11, P < 0.05), but increased the contractile force of MEDL up to 723.9 ± 82.3 mg (n = 9, P < 0.01). Application of ATP elevated the contractility of denervated diaphragm caused by CCh up to normal values (311.1 ± 79.7 mg, n = 6, P > 0.05 versus control), but did not significantly affect of contractility of MEDL, which became 848.1 ± 62.7 mg (n = 6).

These results show that the effects of ATP on both diaphragmatic and skeletal muscles are mediated through P2Y receptors coupled to chelerytrin-sensitive protein-kinase C.  相似文献   

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