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We have used limited proteolysis of affinity-labeled estrogen receptors (ER), coupled with antireceptor antibody immunoreactivity, to assess structural features of ER and the relatedness of ER from MCF-7 human breast cancer and rat uterine cells. MCF-7 ER preparations covalently labeled with [3H]tamoxifen aziridine [( 3H]TAZ) were treated with trypsin (T), alpha-chymotrypsin (C), or Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease prior to electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels. Fluorography revealed a distinctive ladder of ER fragments containing TAZ for each protease generated from the Mr 66,000 ER: for T, fragments of 50K, 38K, 36K, 31K, 29K, and 28K that with longer exposure generated a 6K fragment; for C, fragments of 50K, 38K, 35K, 33K, 31K, 19K, and 18K that with longer exposure generated 14K and 6K fragments; and for V8, ca. 10 fragments between 62K and 28K. Two-dimensional gels revealed charge heterogeneity (two to three spots between pI 5.5 and 6.2) of the 66K ER and the T-generated 28K meroreceptor form. Immunoblot detection with the primate-specific antibody D75P3 gamma revealed that all immunoreactive fragments corresponded to TAZ-labeled fragments but that some small TAZ-labeled fragments (V8-generated forms less than 47K and T-generated forms less than 31K) were no longer immunoreactive. In contrast, use of the antibody H222Sp gamma revealed a correspondence between TAZ-labeled and immunoreactive fragments down to the smallest fragments generated, ca. 6K for T and C and 28K for V8. MCF-7 nuclear and cytosol ER showed very similar digest patterns, and there was a remarkable similarity in the TAZ-labeled and H222-immunoreactive fragments generated by proteolysis of both MCF-7 and rat uterine ER. These findings reveal great structural similarities between the human (breast cancer) and rat (uterine) ER and between nuclear and cytosol ER, indicate charge heterogeneity of ER, and allow a comparison of the immunoreactive and hormone attachment site domains of the ER. The observation that T and C generate a ca. 6K TAZ-labeled fragment that is also detectable with the H222 antibody should be of interest in studies determining the hormone binding domain of the ER and in amino acid sequencing of this region.  相似文献   
Isoproterenol-stimulated cyclic AMP (cAMP) accumulation in lymphocytes is an index of beta-adrenergic receptor functioning. It is not known if a delay between blood collection and subsequent cell preparation influences cAMP accumulation. We compared cAMP levels in lymphocytes processed from whole blood immediately after collection and following a 3.5 hour delay. There were no significant changes in either basal or stimulated levels of cAMP. This information may alleviate time constraints in certain experimental designs where immediate isolation of lymphocytes from whole blood may not be practical.  相似文献   
We have investigated the fine specificity of anti-lipid A antibodies to identify conserved lipid A antigens. Because lipid A derived from many different Gram-negative bacteria has similar biologic activities, the conserved regions may be of particular importance for the immunostimulatory and toxic properties of lipid A. We found that five of nine antibodies bound to a wide variety of Gram-negative bacteria. All these widely cross-reactive antibodies bound to the same antigenic site within lipid A. Polymyxin B, an inhibitor of lipid A activity, bound to this site as well. The widely cross-reactive antibodies bound to native and base-hydrolyzed lipid A equally well, and also bound to the monosaccharide precursor lipid X. The less cross-reactive antibodies recognized base-hydrolyzed lipid A poorly, and did not recognize lipid X at all. Other investigators have shown that lipid X has some of the activities of lipid A in vitro and can inhibit the lethal toxicity of LPS in vivo. On the basis of this study, we suggest that lipid X contains a conserved lipid A epitope as well.  相似文献   
Summary The occurrence of Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), as judged from 13C values, was investigated in epiphytes and some related plant species at a series of sites covering the approximate altitudinal range of epiphytes in Papua New Guinea. Comprehensive collections were made at each site and the occurrence of water storage tissue and blade thickness was also determined. Some 26% of epiphytic orchids from a lowland rainforest (2–300 m.a.s.l) showed 13C values typical of obligate CAM and possessed leaves thicker than 1 mm. A second group of orchids, mostly with succulent leaves, possessed intermediate 13C values between -23 and -26% and accounted for 25% of the total species number. Some species of this group may exhibit weak CAM or be facultative CAM plants. The remainder of the lowland rainforest species appeared to be C3 plants with 13C values between -28 and -35%. and generally possessed thin leaves. Obligate CAM species of orchids from a lower montane rainforest (1175 m.a.s.l) comprised 26% of the species total and mostly possessed thick leaves. The remainder of the species were generally thin-leaved with 13C values between -26 and -35%. largely indicative of C3 photosynthesis. Orchids with intermediate 13C values were not found in the lower montane rainforest. Obligate CAM appeared to be lacking in highland epiphytes from an upper montane rainforest and subalpine rainforest (2600–3600 m.a.s.l). However the fern, Microsorium cromwellii had a 13C value of -21.28%. suggesting some measure of CAM activity. Other highland ferns and orchids showed more negative °13C values, up to-33%., typical of C3 photosynthesis. The highland epiphytic orchids possessed a greater mean leaf thickness than their lowland C3 counterparts due to the frequent occurrence of water storage tissue located on the adaxial side of the leaf. It is suggested that low daytime temperatures in the highland microhabitats is a major factor in explaining the absence of CAM. The increased frequency of water storage tissue in highland epiphytes may be an adaptation to periodic water stress events in the dry season and/or an adaptation to increased levels of UV light in the tropicalpine environment.  相似文献   
Summary Different mushrooms, mosses and corresponding soil samples have been collected mainly from two sites in the alpine region of southwestern Bavaria. At the end of the growthseason, September 1986, gamma spectroscopic analysis showed that the moss-, mould, and needle-layer contained considerably more 134Cs and 137Cs activity per unit fresh weight than eight different species of mushroom. These two isotopes were carried into the biotop mainly as a consequence of the Chernobyl accident. 131J could not be found any more in the samples ca. 5–6 months after the catastrophe. The activity of the cesium isotopes decreased with increasing soil depth. In the mushrooms the activity was relatively high in Xerocomus badius and surprisingly low in Boletus edulis; samples of the latter and of Cantharellus cibarius collected in September 1985 (before the accident) and kept deep frozen contained almost identical amounts of 137Cs as those collected from August to October 1986. Mushrooms contained considerably more of the natural isotope 40K than the needlelayers and the soil samples in the neighbourhood. In all mushrooms except Xerocomus badius the activity of 40K was generally higher than the 137Cs activity. The results indicate that except Xerocomus badius the analyzed mushrooms do not actively take up Cs from the soil, in contrast to K.  相似文献   
Summary An analysis was made of the effects of different sampling and extraction techniques on the amounts and pattern of monoterpenoids isolated from needles of Norway spruce. The following isolation and analysis procedure was finally adopted: liquid nitrogen-cooled needles were pulverized by a microdismembrator, extracted with pentane overnight at 2°–3°C and concentrated to a volume not less than 3 ml/g fresh weight on a Vigreux column. The crude extract was injected splitless (with solvent split) onto a cold programmed temperature vaporized (PTV) precolumn of a gas chromatograph and the vaporizable compounds heated to a capillary column. This method was tested for production of artefacts and quantitative extraction and applied to needles of eleven 80-year-old spruce trees.  相似文献   
Sexual maturation and fertility were assessed in fourteen cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) females under various social conditions. Six tamarin females (20-28 mo of age) showed a suppression of fertility while living with their families. Hormonal profiles demonstrated low, acyclic levels of urinary luteinizing hormone (LH) and estrone-conjugates (E1C). A rapid onset of ovarian and pituitary cyclicity occurred when four of the six females were removed from their families and paired with an unrelated male. In one female, an ovulatory LH peak occurred as early as eight days after pairing and resulted in conception and full-term pregnancy. Two of the six females were housed in total isolation for 30 days following their removal from the family and prior to pairing. Gradual increases in hormone concentrations occurred during isolation; however, there was no ovarian cyclicity until each female was paired with an unrelated male. In all six females, conception occurred before or as a result of the third ovulatory cycle. Partial isolation of a 36-mo-old female resulted in elevated LH and E1C levels, but cyclicity was not observed until the female was paired with an unrelated male. These findings indicate that removal of a female from the family alone does not initiate ovarian cycling. Sexual maturation, or puberty, occurs in female tamarins living with their families between 15 and 17 mo of age when mean LH and E1C levels began to increase. However, when a female is removed and paired at 9 mo of age with an unrelated male, elevated levels of LH and E1C may be seen by 10 and 11 mo of age. Our findings indicate that a suppression of fertility occurs in cotton-top tamarins living with their families, but that reproductive suppression does not affect the process of sexual maturation. Both removal from the family environment and stimulation by an unrelated male tamarin were necessary to induce normal reproductive activity. An acceleration of puberty occurred when a female tamarin was removed from her family early in development and paired with a male.  相似文献   
Transformation of NIH 3T3 fibroblasts by an activated form of p59hck.   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Phosphorylation of a tyrosine residue near the carboxy terminus of src-family protein tyrosine kinases is believed to regulate the biological activity of these gene products. Conversion of this tyrosine in p59hck (Tyr-501) to a phenylalanine residue by using oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis yielded a product (p59hckF501) with very potent transforming activity. Quantitative analysis by a soft-agar cloning assay revealed that p59hckF501 was more than 100-fold more effective than a closely related transforming element, p56lckF505, in colony formation. Cells bearing p59hckF501 had increased levels of protein phosphotyrosine. The ability of p59hckF501 to transform NIH 3T3 cells was abolished by a second mutation believed to destroy the ATP-binding domain.  相似文献   
Summary Cuticle/water partition coefficients (Kc/w) for d-limonene, -pinene and -pinene were determined by an extrapolation and a desorption method. The sorption experiments were carried out with isolated angiosperm and gymnosperm cuticles and with [14C]-labelled monoterpenes, which were obtained biosynthetically. Both methods were suitable for the determination of the Kc/w of volatile hydrophobic compounds. For the angiosperm cuticles the partition coefficients are of the order of 104, which indicates a high accumulation of monoterpenes in the cuticle. The values of the conifer cuticles of Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Abies alba Mill., however, are lower due to their high lignin content. This is proved by the increase of the partition coefficients after removal of polar and phenolic components. The Kc/w can be estimated with good accuracy from the octanol/water partition coefficient, which was determined experimentally.  相似文献   
External invertase is the product of the SUC2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The deduced sequence of this enzyme (Taussig, R., and Carlson, M. (1983) Nucleic Acid Res. 11, 1943-1954) reveals it to contain 14 potential N-linked glycosylation sites, or sequons, although only 9-10 appear to be glycosylated (Trimble, R. B., and Maley, F. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 4409-4412). To determine the location of the glycosylated sequons, external invertase was deglycosylated with endo-beta-acetylglucosaminidase H and its component peptides analyzed by both fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FABMS) and classical peptide isolation procedures. By use of the former technique most of the glucosamine-containing sequons could be located and by the latter sufficient amounts of small glucosamine-containing peptides were isolated to enable their quantitation. From the combined FABMS and glucosamine analyses, it was established that eight of the sequons in a subunit of invertase are either completely or almost completely glycosylated, while five others are glycosylated to the extent of about 50% or less. In the case of two overlapping sequons (4 and 5), which include Asn92-Asn93-Thr-Ser, only the first Asn was glycosylated. Thus, all but one of the sequons of external invertase are glycosylated to some extent, giving an appearance of only 9-10 N-linked oligosaccharides/subunit. The sequence identity of both external and internal invertase was verified by FABMS and by peptide sequence analysis. In only one site was an amino acid found to differ from that deduced from the DNA sequence of the SUC2 gene. This occurred at position 390 where a proline was found in place of alanine, which could result from a single base change in the triplet specifying the latter amino acid.  相似文献   
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