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To verify non-random positioning and to define the stability of the mitotic spindle orientation in neuroepithelial cells of mouse foetuses, computer - assisted morphometric analysis at the light microscopy level was performed. It was confirmed that the mitotic spindle axis is positioned non-randomly in relation to the cell polarity axis and could be displaced only within a narrow range. This orientation was found to be attained at metaphase and it does not change until telophase is completed. However, in relation to the long axis of the neural tube the mitotic spindle axis was found to be positioned randomly. In the light of these findings centrosome movement and positioning are discussed.  相似文献   
We studied gene flow and bottleneck events in the population history of locally isolated citril finches endemic to European mountains. For the present study, we used two genetic markers with different rates of evolution: a fast evolving mitochondrial marker (ATPase6/8) and a more slowly evolving nuclear marker (02401). Populations north of the Pyrenees showed in general fewer haplotypes and a considerable lower nucleotide and gene diversity than the Iberian populations. Unexpectedly, we found very little genetic variability in the fast evolving mitochondrial marker, arguing for a strong and relatively recent bottleneck event in the species population history. This pattern potentially reflects a sudden decrease of crucial resources during Mid‐Holocene (mountain pine, Scots pine, and black pine) and a subsequent breakdown of the population. The bottleneck could also have been caused or coincide with a selective sweep in the mitochondrion. By contrast, the slowly evolving nuclear marker showed a much higher variability. This marker probably reflects major gene flow along a potential expansion pathway from the Eastern Pyrenees, northwards to the populations of Central Europe, and southwards to the more fragmented populations of central and southern Spain. The population of the Western Pyrenees (Navarra) appears to be cut‐off from this major gene flow and our data indicate a certain degree of partial isolation, probably reflecting more ancient events (e.g. the separation in distinct refuge sites during the last glacial maximum). © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 707–721.  相似文献   
There is a need for safe medications that can effectively support recovery by treating symptoms of protracted abstinence that may precipitate relapse in alcoholics, e.g. craving and disturbances in sleep and mood. This proof-of-concept study reports on the effectiveness of gabapentin 1200 mg for attenuating these symptoms in a non-treatment-seeking sample of cue-reactive, alcohol-dependent individuals. Subjects were 33 paid volunteers with current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV alcohol dependence and a strength of craving rating 1 SD or greater for alcohol than water cues. Subjects were randomly assigned to gabapentin or placebo for 1 week and then participated in a within-subjects trial where each was exposed to standardized sets of pleasant, neutral and unpleasant visual stimuli followed by alcohol or water cues. Gabapentin was associated with significantly greater reductions than placebo on several measures of subjective craving for alcohol as well as for affectively evoked craving. Gabapentin was also associated with significant improvement on several measures of sleep quality. Side effects were minimal, and gabapentin effects were not found to resemble any major classes of abused drugs. Results suggest that gabapentin may be effective for treating the protracted abstinence phase in alcohol dependence and that a randomized clinical trial would be an appropriate next step. The study also suggests the value of cue-reactivity studies as proof-of-concept screens for potential antirelapse drugs.  相似文献   
Folliculogenesis was studied daily in the 18 oestrous cycles in six prolific Olkuska ewes from October to December using transrectal ultrasonography to record the number and size of all ovarian follicles > or =2 mm in diameter. Blood samples were taken once a day and were analyzed for concentrations of FSH, LH, estradiol and progesterone. Follicular and hormonal data were analyzed for associations between different stages of development of the follicular waves and concentrations of FSH and estradiol. The first wave during which at least one follicle reached maximum diameter of > or =4 mm after ovulation, was defined as a wave 1, and the following waves were numbered sequentially. Waves 1, 2, 3, 4 and the ovulatory one emerged on days: -2 to 4, 4 to 8, 6 to 11, 10 to 12 and 11 to 15, respectively. The mean number of follicles per wave that reached diameter of > or =4 mm was 4.15 +/- 1.1 and 16.62 +/- 8.6 follicles per estrous cycle of a total 299 follicles were observed. Significantly more follicles (p> or =0.05) emerged on days 2, 8 and 13 than in other days. Serum FSH concentrations fluctuated from 0.11 ngml(-1) on day 2 to preovulatory maximum 1.81 ngml(-1) on day 17 of the estrous cycle. The emergence of follicular waves was associated with elevations of FSH concentrations in blood serum. The mean increase in FSH concentration was followed by the recruitment of follicles of the next wave. The mean daily FSH concentration and the mean number of follicles emerging each day were negatively correlated. The length of the interwave interval (4.4 +/- 1.6 days) did not differ significantly from the interval between pulses of FSH (4.8 +/- 0.3 days). The mean serum estradiol concentrations showed fluctuations until day 14 and then gradually increased from 5.47 +/- 0.3 pgml(-1) to reach a peak 13.14 +/- 0.2 pgml(-1) on the day before ovulation. To summarize, the growth of ovarian follicles during the estrous cycle in high fecundity Olkuska sheep exhibited a distinct wave-like pattern. Ovarian follicles emerged from the pool of 2 mm follicles. The preovulatory follicles originated from the large follicle population were present in the ovary at the time of luteal regression. The initial stages of the growth of the largest follicles appears to be controlled primarily by increases in FSH secretion.  相似文献   
Industrial microbiology of solar salt production   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Solar salterns can be modeled as giant outdoor chemostats, much like a series of dams on a slow-moving river. Microorganisms and their products play an essential, but sometimes uncharacterized, role in salt production in these ponds, from seawater salinity up through NaCl saturation. They may physically affect the evaporation process and their by-products may chemically modify or bind with dissolved ions. Many solar salt facilities engage microbiologists to establish monitoring programs for analyses of nutrients, standing crop and associated biological variables in the ponds. Other solar salt companies engage microbiologists only when there are “crises” in the ponds that interfere with salt production. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2002) 28, 42–47 DOI: 10.1038/sj/jim/7000173 Received 20 May 2001/ Accepted in revised form 13 June 2001  相似文献   
We have shown recently that fasting permits leptin to modulate both luteinizing hormone (LH) and insulin secretion in cows. In rodents, leptin causes divergent effects on LH and insulin release that are dose dependent. To test the hypothesis that leptin effects on LH and insulin secretion in fasted cows are dose related, we examined the effects of various doses of recombinant ovine leptin (oleptin) in mature cows. Twenty ovariectomized beef cows, each bearing an estradiol implant to maintain basal estradiol concentrations, were used. All cows were fasted for 60 hr with free access to water and were assigned randomly to one of four groups (n = 5/group): 1) saline control; 2) leptin, 0.2 microg/kg; 3) leptin, 2.0 microg/kg; and 4) leptin, 20 microg/kg body wt. Blood samples were collected at 10-min intervals for 6 hr on Days 0 and 2, with saline or oleptin injected intravenously immediately after the first intensive sample on Day 2 (54 hr). Leptin caused a dose-related increase (P < 0.001) in mean concentrations of circulating LH. Stimulation of LH release by leptin was significant at the lowest (141% of control) and middle (122% of control) doses used, but no increase was observed for the highest dose. Increased mean concentrations of LH appeared to result from an augmentation of basal secretion, as pulse characteristics were not affected. After 54 hr of fasting, plasma insulin concentrations were lowered (P < 0.01) in all treatment groups compared to Day 0. After leptin injections, plasma insulin concentrations increased (P < 0.01) and reached highest concentrations during the first hour of sampling. However, this increase was sustained for several hours only in the intermediate (2.0 microg/kg) dose group. Collectively, our results show that leptin has potent positive effects on both LH and insulin secretion in fasted cows, but the anterior pituitary and endocrine pancreas appear to become downregulated in the presence of excess ligand.  相似文献   
Using immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis we attempted to identify the estrogen receptors in ovine luteal cells at different stages of the estrous cycle. Monoclonal antibody against estrogen receptors was used for immunolocalization of estrogen receptor-alpha in corpora lutea sections. Generally, the most intense cytoplasm staining was present in large luteal cells. On the 6th day of the estrous cycle, weak immunostaining of estrogen receptors was observed in large luteal cells as well as in the connective tissue. Luteal cells from regressing corpora lutea expressed the weakest immunostaining. The most intense immunoreactivity for estrogen receptors was found in sections of corpora lutea collected on the 9th day of the cycle. Both, cytoplasmic and nuclear localization was observed depending on cell types in the ovine corpus luteum. Our studies demonstrated the presence of the estrogen receptor-alpha in the luteal cells and suggested an autocrine/paracrine role of estrogen in the regulation of estrous cycle in sheep.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to determine if correlations exist between the numbers of microscopic follicles comprising ovarian follicular reserve (OFR) and antral follicle counts (AFCs), and to assess the usefulness of computerized analyses of ovarian ultrasonograms and magnetic resonance (MR) images for estimating OFR in excised porcine, ovine and bovine ovaries. As a pre-requisite to these analyses, we characterized and compared ovarian cortical histomorhpology and follicle populations in the three species varying in prolificacy and overall reproductive longevity, and hence the total number of microscopic and antral follicles. Ultrasonographic and MR images were obtained at the scanner settings optimized to provide opposing contrasts between antral follicles and the ovarian stroma. Commercially available ImageProPlus® analytical software was used to calculate numerical pixel values (NPVs) and pixel heterogeneity (standard deviation of the pixel values) along the computer-generated lines (4–6) placed in the area corresponding to the ovarian cortex. The numbers of primordial (r = 0.38, P < 0.01) and intermediate follicles (r = 0.37, P < 0.01) were correlated with the numbers of antral follicles in bovine ovarian sections. The numbers of primordial (r = 0.28, P < 0.05), intermediate (r = 0.31, P < 0.01) and primary follicles (r = 0.27, P < 0.05) correlated directly with mean NPVs of the ultrasonographic ovarian images in cattle. There was a negative correlation between primary follicle numbers and NPVs of MR images (3D FAST-SPOILED GRADIENT ECHO) of the porcine ovarian cortex (r = −0.31, P < 0.05). To summarize, the numbers of primordial and intermediate follicles could only be estimated from AFCs in cows. Using ultrasound NPVs, the numbers of primordial, intermediate and primary follicles could be directly estimated in bovine ovaries and the quantitative image attributes of MR images were useful for quantifying porcine primary follicles. The bovine ovarian model is compatible with human situation and hence future studies should be undertaken to ascertain the usefulness of AFCs and ultrasonographic image analyses for estimating OFR in women.  相似文献   
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