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Plants are an invaluable source of potential new anti-cancer drugs. Here, we investigated the cytotoxic activity of the acetonic extract of Buxus sempervirens on five breast cancer cell lines, MCF7, MCF10CA1a and T47D, three aggressive triple positive breast cancer cell lines, and BT-20 and MDA-MB-435, which are triple negative breast cancer cell lines. As a control, MCF10A, a spontaneously immortalized but non-tumoral cell line has been used. The acetonic extract of Buxus sempervirens showed cytotoxic activity towards all the five studied breast cancer cell lines with an IC(50) ranging from 7.74 μg/ml to 12.5 μg/ml. Most importantly, the plant extract was less toxic towards MCF10A with an IC(50) of 19.24 μg/ml. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis showed that the plant extract induced cell death and cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 phase in MCF7, T47D, MCF10CA1a and BT-20 cell lines, concomitant to cyclin D1 downregulation. Application of MCF7 and MCF10CA1a respective IC(50) did not show such effects on the control cell line MCF10A. Propidium iodide/Annexin V double staining revealed a pre-apoptotic cell population with extract-treated MCF10CA1a, T47D and BT-20 cells. Transmission electron microscopy analyses indicated the occurrence of autophagy in MCF7 and MCF10CA1a cell lines. Immunofluorescence and Western blot assays confirmed the processing of microtubule-associated protein LC3 in the treated cancer cells. Moreover, we have demonstrated the upregulation of Beclin-1 in these cell lines and downregulation of Survivin and p21. Also, Caspase-3 detection in treated BT-20 and T47D confirmed the occurrence of apoptosis in these cells. Our findings indicate that Buxus sempervirens extract exhibit promising anti-cancer activity by triggering both autophagic cell death and apoptosis, suggesting that this plant may contain potential anti-cancer agents for single or combinatory cancer therapy against breast cancer.  相似文献   
Streptococcus gallolyticus (formerly known as Streptococcus bovis biotype I) is an increasing cause of endocarditis among streptococci and frequently associated with colon cancer. S. gallolyticus is part of the rumen flora but also a cause of disease in ruminants as well as in birds. Here we report the complete nucleotide sequence of strain UCN34, responsible for endocarditis in a patient also suffering from colon cancer. Analysis of the 2,239 proteins encoded by its 2,350-kb-long genome revealed unique features among streptococci, probably related to its adaptation to the rumen environment and its capacity to cause endocarditis. S. gallolyticus has the capacity to use a broad range of carbohydrates of plant origin, in particular to degrade polysaccharides derived from the plant cell wall. Its genome encodes a large repertoire of transporters and catalytic activities, like tannase, phenolic compounds decarboxylase, and bile salt hydrolase, that should contribute to the detoxification of the gut environment. Furthermore, S. gallolyticus synthesizes all 20 amino acids and more vitamins than any other sequenced Streptococcus species. Many of the genes encoding these specific functions were likely acquired by lateral gene transfer from other bacterial species present in the rumen. The surface properties of strain UCN34 may also contribute to its virulence. A polysaccharide capsule might be implicated in resistance to innate immunity defenses, and glucan mucopolysaccharides, three types of pili, and collagen binding proteins may play a role in adhesion to tissues in the course of endocarditis.Several studies have reported that the proportion of infective endocarditis due to Streptococcus gallolyticus has increased during the last decades, concomitantly with a decrease of cases due to oral streptococci (35). S. gallolyticus is now becoming the first cause of infectious endocarditis among streptococci in Europe (16). Furthermore, S. gallolyticus endocarditis is associated with rural residency, suggesting transmission from animals (29). However, the reasons for the emergence of this pathogen remain poorly understood. S. gallolyticus belongs to the Streptococcus bovis group known for more than 60 years to cause endocarditis (45). Recently, the former species S. bovis has been divided into four major species (50, 53). S. gallolyticus corresponds to S. bovis biotype I (mannitol fermentation positive), the closely related species S. pasteurianus to biotype II/2 (mannitol negative and β-glucuronidase positive), and the more distantly related species S. infantarius to biotype II/1 (mannitol negative and β-glucuronidase negative). S. macedonicus, the fourth species, commonly found in cheese, is nonpathogenic and also considered a S. gallolyticus subspecies (53, 62). A majority of endocarditis cases was due, among the formerly S. bovis group, to S. gallolyticus strains (4).Multiple studies have shown that endocarditis due to S. gallolyticus as well as positive blood culture for this species is often associated with gastrointestinal malignancy (4, 6). This association has led to a strong indication for gastrointestinal investigation and endoscopic follow-up in the case of S. gallolyticus infections (66). The association of S. gallolyticus infection with colon cancer is a major but still unsolved issue. It may be just incidental, as the alteration of the digestive mucosa may favor the translocation of the bacteria into the bloodstream. Alternatively, the tumor may contribute to the proliferation of S. gallolyticus in close proximity to the gut epithelium, increasing its probability of translocating through the gut barrier. It has also been suggested that the bacterium itself contributes to carcinogenesis (60, 69). In addition to human disease, S. gallolyticus may also cause diseases in animals, like septicemia in pigeons (19), outbreaks in broiler flocks (11), or bovine mastitis (28).Independent from its association to disease, S. gallolyticus has been isolated as a tannin-resistant bacterium from the feces of different mammalian herbivores, including the koala (48) or the Japanese large wood mouse (52), and it is also a normal inhabitant of the rumen (39). Its resistance to tannins is linked to its tannase activity, a characteristic which also led this bacterium to be named “gallolyticus” as it is able to decarboxylate gallate, an organic acid derived from tannin degradation. S. gallolyticus is also known to express other degradative functions unique among streptococci, like a bile salt hydrolase or an amylase. These properties allow its multiplication outside the animal host, as S. gallolyticus was isolated from a digester fed with shea cake (derived from the nuts of the African tree Vitellaria paradoxa) rich in tannins and aromatic compounds (12). S. gallolyticus is a commensal of the human intestinal tract but remains a rarely detected (2.5 to 15%) low-abundance species (10, 40). In herbivores, overgrowth of S. bovis may become deleterious. For example, ingestion of large amounts of rapidly fermented cereal grains leads to a destabilization of the rumen flora and to the proliferation of acid-tolerant bacteria, including S. gallolyticus. This is accompanied by the overproduction of mucopolysaccharides that stabilize the foam, resulting in feedlot bloat, a significant cause of economical loss (14).Virulence and colonization factors of S. gallolyticus in humans are largely unknown. Studies of the bird host have shown that this Streptococcus species expresses a capsular polysaccharide, and five different serotypes have been described (19). In addition, electron microscopy studies have revealed the presence of fimbria-like structures on the surface of S. gallolyticus. It was hypothesized that capsules and/or fimbriae are involved in virulence (63). S. gallolyticus isolates responsible for endocarditis exhibited heterogeneous patterns of adherence to extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, which suggests that they produce different surface components (55). Recently, a collagen binding adhesin together with 10 putative ECM binding proteins were identified in the draft genome sequence of a human isolate of S. gallolyticus (54).Here we describe the sequence and analysis of the genome of S. gallolyticus strain UCN34 isolated from a human case of endocarditis associated with colon cancer. Analysis of the predicted proteins revealed unique metabolic and cell surface features among streptococci, which contribute to its adaptation to the rumen and to its ability to cause endocarditis. We showed by comparative genomics that many of the corresponding genes were probably acquired by lateral gene transfer (LGT) from other Firmicutes of the gut microbiota.  相似文献   
The Oualidia lagoon provides important ecosystem services, such as fishing, aquaculture, tourism and high biological and ecological productivity. Many indices have been developed to evaluate environmental risks and to estimate the anthropogenic contribution of potentially toxic elements (PTE) in surficial sediments. The results show that the concentrations of the PTE found in surface sediments due to the anthropogenic activities in the area (urban effluents, aquaculture and agricultural areas) are significantly higher than those from the local background and sediment quality guidelines (SQGs). The potential ecological and biological risk index present satisfactory results. However, the sites near to the areas where anthropogenic activities are developed present 49% probability of toxicity, while the rest of the lagoon, present 9% to 21% probability of toxicity and low potential ecological risk, except for Hg where the risk was considered to be considerable. The PTE are mainly originated from the anthropogenic activities; nevertheless, anthropogenic contributions represent up to 69% of the total sediment of content, but it depends on the PTE: Cd (16%), Ni (38%), Zn (41%), Cr (43%), Cu (56%), Hg (68%), Pb (69%). Compared with the Sub-basin soils, the PTE are higher than 80%, hence the sub-basin feeds the lagoon by these elements (PTE).  相似文献   
The human RPSA [ribosomal protein SA; also known as LamR1(laminin receptor 1)] belongs to the ribosome but is also a membrane receptor for laminin, growth factors, prion, pathogens and the anticarcinogen EGCG (epigallocatechin-gallate). It contributes to the crossing of the blood–brain barrier by neurotropic viruses and bacteria, and is a biomarker of metastasis. RPSA includes an N-terminal domain, which is folded and homologous to the prokaryotic RPS2, and a C-terminal extension, which is intrinsically disordered and conserved in vertebrates. We used recombinant derivatives of RPSA and its N- and C-domains to quantify its interactions with ligands by in-vitro immunochemical and spectrofluorimetric methods. Both N- and C-domains bound laminin with KD (dissociation constants) of 300 nM. Heparin bound only to the N-domain and competed for binding to laminin with the negatively charged C-domain, which therefore mimicked heparin. EGCG bound only to the N-domain with a KD of 100 nM. Domain 3 of the envelope protein from yellow fever virus and serotypes-1 and -2 of dengue virus bound preferentially to the C-domain whereas that from West Nile virus bound only to the N-domain. Our quantitative in-vitro approach should help clarify the mechanisms of action of RPSA, and ultimately fight against cancer and infectious agents.  相似文献   
The spirochetes of the Leptospira genus contain saprophytic and pathogenic members, the latter being responsible for leptospirosis. Despite the recent sequencing of the genome of the pathogen L. interrogans, the slow growth of these bacteria, their virulence in humans, and a lack of genetic tools make it difficult to work with these pathogens. In contrast, the development of numerous genetic tools for the saprophyte L. biflexa enables its use as a model bacterium. Leptospira spp. require iron for growth. In this work, we show that Leptospira spp. can acquire iron from different sources, including siderophores. A comparative genome analysis of iron uptake systems and their regulation in the saprophyte L. biflexa and the pathogen L. interrogans is presented in this study. Our data indicated that, for instance, L. biflexa and L. interrogans contain 8 and 12 genes, respectively, whose products share homology with proteins that have been shown to be TonB-dependent receptors. We show that some genes involved in iron uptake were differentially expressed in response to iron. In addition, we were able to disrupt several putative genes involved in iron acquisition systems or iron regulation in L. biflexa. Comparative genomics, in combination with gene inactivation, gives us significant functional information on iron homeostasis in Leptospira spp.  相似文献   
A high anti-leishmanial activity was observed in an aqueous extract from the marine sponge Pachymatisma johnstonii, Bowerbank 1842 (Demospongiae, Geodiidae). Pachymatismin, a glycoprotein, was purified and shown to be a cytotoxic agent, which acts on promastigote and clinical-like amastigote stages with IC50 about 1 microg protein/ml and induces changes in the cell shape, phospholipase A2 activity and invasion capacity of the parasite. We believe pachymatismin is the first reported substance from a marine organism with anti-leishmanial activity.  相似文献   
Leptospira biflexa is a free-living saprophytic spirochete present in aquatic environments. We determined the genome sequence of L. biflexa, making it the first saprophytic Leptospira to be sequenced. The L. biflexa genome has 3,590 protein-coding genes distributed across three circular replicons: the major 3,604 chromosome, a smaller 278-kb replicon that also carries essential genes, and a third 74-kb replicon. Comparative sequence analysis provides evidence that L. biflexa is an excellent model for the study of Leptospira evolution; we conclude that 2052 genes (61%) represent a progenitor genome that existed before divergence of pathogenic and saprophytic Leptospira species. Comparisons of the L. biflexa genome with two pathogenic Leptospira species reveal several major findings. Nearly one-third of the L. biflexa genes are absent in pathogenic Leptospira. We suggest that once incorporated into the L. biflexa genome, laterally transferred DNA undergoes minimal rearrangement due to physical restrictions imposed by high gene density and limited presence of transposable elements. In contrast, the genomes of pathogenic Leptospira species undergo frequent rearrangements, often involving recombination between insertion sequences. Identification of genes common to the two pathogenic species, L. borgpetersenii and L. interrogans, but absent in L. biflexa, is consistent with a role for these genes in pathogenesis. Differences in environmental sensing capacities of L. biflexa, L. borgpetersenii, and L. interrogans suggest a model which postulates that loss of signal transduction functions in L. borgpetersenii has impaired its survival outside a mammalian host, whereas L. interrogans has retained environmental sensory functions that facilitate disease transmission through water.  相似文献   
A new bis-amido-copper(II) complex 2 has been prepared. In the presence of reducing agents (ascorbate or DTT) under air atmosphere or hydrogen peroxide, complex 2 exhibited interesting nuclease activities in the 1-10 microM concentration range. For explaining the activity observed with hydrogen peroxide, we propose the occurrence of a bis-amido-copper(III) intermediate and an oxidation mechanism involving a H-atom abstraction of deoxyribose moieties of DNA.  相似文献   
Osteoblasts are target cells for glucocorticoids and calcitriol, and their phenotype is greatly modified by these hormones. We investigated the effect of continuous or discontinuous hormonal exposure to osteoblasts derived from rat bone marrow stromal cells in long-term subcultures. Stromal cells were grown in primoculture in presence of dexamethasone (dex), but in following subcultures, dex and/or calcitriol were added just after seeding or after a 7-day hormone-free period. Cell proliferation, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) histochemical staining, and enzymatic bioactivity measurement, osteocalcin (OC), ALP and bone sialoprotein (BSP) mRNA expression were used to study the differential effect on osteoblastic phenotype of various conditions of treatment by dex and calcitriol. In primoculture, the osteoblastic differentiation was confirmed by the formation of calcified nodules and by strong expression of ALP, OC, and BSP mRNAs. In subcultures, proliferation of stromal cells was stimulated by dex and inhibited by calcitriol and by both hormones. Cell proliferation was not modified by hormonal lack during 7 days. Continuous hormonal treatment by dex strongly enhanced OC and BSP mRNAs, but apparently did not modified ALP mRNAs expression. Continuous treatment by calcitriol decreased ALP and the dex-induced BSP expression and stimulated the OC mRNAs level, strongly when associated with dex. The population of ALP+ cells and ALP bioactivity were strongly increased by dex, whereas calcitriol or both hormones decreased them. When the subcultures were undergone without hormonal treatment during 7 days, all osteogenic mRNAs strongly decreased even after hormonal recovery. Dex, calcitriol, and both hormones inhibited ALP mRNAs. OC messengers were only weakly detectable with both hormones. ALP+ cell population and ALP bioactivity were decreased after 14 days of hormonal treatment recovery. These results support that continuous presence of glucocorticoids appears as a major key for the permanent expression of the osteoblastic phenotype that is inhibited by calcitriol, in the rat bone marrow.  相似文献   
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