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目的旨在探讨脑干听觉传入通路中GABA能神经递质及GABAA受体对电刺激位听神经传入冲动的影响.方法使用出生后0~5 d的ddy/ddy小鼠制备脑干切片.脑片经电压敏感染料NK3041染色,电刺激与脑片相连的位听神经残端.使用16×16像素的硅光电二极管阵列测量光学信号.所采集的数据使用ARGUS50/PDA软件分析.结果多部位的光学记录方法显示了从位听神经到耳蜗核和前庭核的兴奋性传导的时间-空间分布.其中每一个光学成分由快峰电位样反应和慢反应组成.抑制性神经递质GABA可降低诱发的光学信号的快反应和慢反应,GABAA受体拮抗剂荷包牡丹碱可增强这些反应.结论16×16像素的硅光电二极管阵列可记录位听神经刺激诱发的多部位光学信号,每一个光学信号含有突触前及突触后电位成分.抑制性神经递质GABA和GJBAA受体拮抗剂可调节光学信号的兴奋性传导.  相似文献   
Manipulation of protein solubility is important for many aspects of protein design and engineering. Previously, we designed a series of consensus ankyrin repeat proteins containing one, two, three and four identical repeats (1ANK, 2ANK, 3ANK and 4ANK). These proteins, particularly 4ANK, are intended for use as a universal scaffold on which specific binding sites can be constructed. Despite being well folded and extremely stable, 4ANK is soluble only under acidic conditions. Designing interactions with naturally occurring proteins requires the designed protein to be soluble at physiological pH. Substitution of six leucines with arginine on exposed hydrophobic patches on the surface of 4ANK resulted in increased solubility over a large pH range. Study of the pH dependence of stability demonstrated that 4ANK is one of the most stable ankyrin repeat proteins known. In addition, analogous leucine to arginine substitutions on the surface of 2ANK allowed the partially folded protein to assume a fully folded conformation. Our studies indicate that replacement of surface-exposed hydrophobic residues with positively charged residues can significantly improve protein solubility at physiological pH.  相似文献   
耐有机溶剂微生物是一类新颖的极端微生物,直到20世纪80年代才被系统地研究.它们通过各种耐受机制,有效抵御或降低有机溶剂对其细胞产生的毒害作用.因此,在全细胞催化、环境污染治理等领域,耐有机溶剂极端微生物具有广阔的工业应用前景.此外,深入透彻地了解耐有机溶剂极端微生物的各种耐受机制,有助于利用基因工程技术改造和优化现有耐有机溶剂极端微生物的各种性能,进一步拓展其工业应用领域.本文将从囊泡外排、改变细胞膜磷脂结构和组成等4个方面概述近年来耐有机溶剂极端微生物的耐受机制研究新进展,并介绍它们在全细胞催化等领域的应用.  相似文献   
头孢藻属(Cephaleuros)是一类寄生性藻,在分类学上位于绿藻门石莼纲橘色藻目橘色藻科。国内对头孢藻属的研究多见于它对经济作物和观赏植物的危害,而分类学研究较缺乏。为了全面系统地了解中国头孢藻属的多样性,于2012-2018年先后在多个省份采集头孢藻属标本60余份,并对其进行了形态分类学研究。结果显示,头孢藻属中国新记录种有6种,分别为:寄生头孢藻(Cephaleuros parasiticus Karsten)、德鲁特头孢藻(Cephaleuros drouetii Thompson&Wujek)、肿毛头孢藻(Cephaleuros tumidae-setae Thompson&Wujek)、散生头孢藻(Cephaleuros diffusus Thompson&Wujek)、宽阔头孢藻(Cephaleuros expansa Thompson&Wujek)、亨宁头孢藻(Cephaleuros henningsii Schmidle),对6个种的形态学特征进行了详细描述,并提供了照片资料。  相似文献   
Human bocavirus (HBoV) is a new parvovirus first discovered in 2005, which is associated with acute respiratory infection. Analysis of sequence homology has revealed that a putative phospholipase A2 (PLA2) motif exists in the VP1 unique region of HBoV. However, little is known about whether the VP1 unique region of HBoV has PLA2 enzymatic activity and how these critical residues contribute to its PLA2 activity. To address these issues, the VP1 unique region protein and four of its mutants, were expressed in Eschericha coli. The purified VP1 unique protein (VP1U) showed a typical Ca2+-dependent secreted PLA2-like (sPLA2) activity, which was inhibited by sPLA2-specific inhibitors in a time-dependent manner. Mutation of one of the amino acids (21Pro, 41His, 42Asp or 63Asp) in VP1U almost eliminated the sPLA2 activity of HBoV VP1U. These data indicate that VP1U of HBoV has sPLA2-like enzymatic activity, and these residues are crucial for its sPLA2-like activity. Potentially, VP1U may be a target for the development of anti-viral drugs for HBoV.  相似文献   
Several studies have shown that low expression of epoxide hydrolase 1 (EPHX1) is closely associated with varying human cancers, including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). This study aims to explore the potential mechanism of EPHX1 silencing and revealed a novel regulatory pathway in the pathogenesis of HCC. In this study, micro ribonucleic acid (miR)-184 was predicted and validated to be a regulator of EPHX1 through experiments, and its expression was negatively correlated with the messenger RNA (mRNA) levels of EPHX1 in primary tumors. Elevation of EPHX1 suppressed cell proliferation and migration as well as cell cycle progression, and induced apoptosis, while downregulation of miR-184 exhibited the opposite effect on cellular processes. Moreover, LINC00205 interacted with miR-184 and was markedly downregulated in tumors. The effects of the miR-184 inhibitor on cell proliferation, apoptosis, and migration were reversed in part by the transfection with LINC00205 small interfering RNAs. In addition, LINC00205 acted as a molecular sponge to positively regulate the mRNA and protein levels of EPHX1 via regulating miR-184. The tumorigenicity of HCC cells was enhanced by LINC00205 shRNA but diminished by overexpression of EPHX1 in vivo. Clinically, the EPHX1 expression in patients with HCC was markedly downregulated. Taken together, the results of this study suggest that as a competing endogenous RNA, LINC00205 may regulate EPHX1 by inhibiting miR-184 in the progression of HCC and that targeting the LINC00205/miR-184/EPHX1 axis may provide a treatment protocol for patients.  相似文献   
We have determined the solution structures of the core light-harvesting (LH1) alpha and beta-polypeptides from wild-type purple photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum using multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. The two polypeptides form stable alpha helices in organic solution. The structure of alpha-polypeptide consists of a long helix of 32 amino acid residues over the central transmembrane domain and a short helical segment at the N terminus that is followed by a three-residue loop. Pigment-coordinating histidine residue (His29) in the alpha-polypeptide is located near the middle of the central helix. The structure of beta-polypeptide shows a single helix of 32 amino acid residues in the membrane-spanning region with the pigment-coordinating histidine residue (His38) at a position close to the C-terminal end of the helix. Strong hydrogen bonds have been identified for the backbone amide protons over the central helical regions, indicating a rigid property of the two polypeptides. The overall structures of the R.rubrum LH1 alpha and beta-polypeptides are different from those previously reported for the LH1 beta-polypeptide of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, but are very similar to the structures of the corresponding LH2 alpha and beta-polypeptides determined by X-ray crystallography. A model constructed for the structural subunit (B820) of LH1 complex using the solution structures reveals several important features on the interactions between the LH1 alpha and beta-polypeptides. The significance of the N-terminal regions of the two polypeptides for stabilizing both B820 and LH1 complexes, as clarified by many experiments, may be attributed to the interactions between the short N-terminal helix (Trp2-Gln6) of alpha-polypeptide and a GxxxG motif in the beta-polypeptide.  相似文献   
银杉遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
用随机扩增多态 DNA(RAPD)标记方法对银杉(Chthaya argyrophylla)75个个体(采自湖南和四川)进行了遗传多样性检测. 21个 10 mer -的寡核苷酸引物共检测106个位点,其中多态位点34个,占32%.相对于其它裸子植物,银杉的遗传变异水平偏低.湖南居群和四川居群的多态位点百分率分别为 18%和 25%,两居群间的遗传变异量占总变异量的 7. 99%,这一数值高于裸子植物居群间遗传差异的平均值(6.8%).同时,发现遗传变异水平的高低与生境的复杂程度有一定的相关性.由于点突变和随机遗传漂变,银杉的部分亚居群间有较强烈的分化,亚居群间的遗传差异最高可达 16. 23%.此外,提出了度量遗传多样性水平的分化指数概念及其计算方法,并指出低水平的遗传多样性可能是银杉濒危的原因之一.  相似文献   
SRp38基因研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SR蛋白在前体mRNA可变剪接调控中发挥重要作用。可变剪接调节因子SRp38作为一种新近发现的具有神经及生殖组织特异性的SR蛋白,有典型的SR蛋白结构特征并能够调控GluR-B、TRK-C以及NCAML1等基因的可变剪接,但与其他SR蛋白不一致的是,SRp38可以在一定条件下(有丝分裂M期,热休克)抑制前体mRNA剪接,从而防止错误剪接的出现。SRp38的RRM结构域可以识别特殊的RNA序列并跟U1snRNP结合,而其RS结构域则参与调控前体mRNA剪接。SRp38的磷酸化状态可以影响其调控功能的发挥,在有丝分裂M期及热休克时,该蛋白质均呈去磷酸化状态。SRp38在爪蟾胚胎神经发育过程中发挥作用并且可以同TLS(translocation liposarcoma)蛋白相互作用,提示其可能通过调节前体mRNA可变剪接在神经系统的发育分化以及在肿瘤的发生中扮演角色。  相似文献   
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