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The binding of ligands with DNA is a key moment in a whole range of cellular processes that provide not only the normal cell vital activity but also the development of some pathological processes. Depending on ligand type, structure of DNA adsorption centers, and physical–chemical conditions of the surrounding, the ligand may bind to DNA by several modes [1]. Particularly, adsorption isotherm of multimodal ligands binding to DNA in Scatchard’s coordinates has a concave shape with two brightly expressed linear areas in the region of small fillings. The analysis of such type of adsorption isotherm for determining of important binding parameters such as binding constant and number of adsorption centers (the part of DNA polymer with which one ligand molecule binds) presents difficulties. Practically in all cases, the analysis of such adsorption isotherm is carried out by linear parts of curves. Such analysis mode of experimental points is approximate method, since all registered of experimental points are roughly divided into two groups and they are treated by linear binding isotherm and therefore the binding parameters are determined. In the present work, the non-linear adsorption isotherm in Scatchard‘s coordinates is obtained which allowed, provided, the more precise treatment of all experimental points by unique curve which includes linear regions as well. Such mode of treatment of experimental points makes more precise the determination of not only binding constant and number of adsorption centers that correspond to the one ligand molecule binding, but also additional binding parameter – a proportion of adsorption centers of each binding to DNA type of multimodal ligand.  相似文献   
Diverse functions of ethylene in plants may depend on its ability to interact with other hormones. We studied the participation of ethylene in the regulation of accumulation and metabolism of cytokinins comparing ethylene-insensitive mutant plants of arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana [L.] Heynh., etr1-1) with the plants of original ecotype Columbia (Col-0). Because cytokinins can regulate growth of both leaves and roots, we determined the weights of these organs and the ratio between them. The content of zeatin and its riboside in the roots of etr1-1 plants was two times greater than in Col-0 plants, which could be accounted for by inhibition of conversion of these forms of cytokinins into 9-N-glucosides. In the leaves of mutant plants, expression of IPT3 gene responsible for the synthesis of cytokinins was more intense than in Col-0 plants, which could also contribute to a rise in the content of cytokinins. In this case, the weight of roots in etr1-1 mutants was lower than in the plants of original ecotype. Because high concentrations of cytokinins can inhibit root growth, suppression of accumulation of their biomass in mutant plants may be related to a greater content of cytokinins therein. The obtained results suggest that ethylene can suppress accumulation of cytokinins and, thereby, maintain redistribution of biomass in favor of the roots, which is important for plant adaptation to a shortage of water and ions.  相似文献   
The polyribosomes newly formed on recombinant GFP-encoding mRNAs in a wheat germ cell-free translation system were analyzed using cryo-electron tomography, with sub-tomogram averaging of polysomal ribosomes and reconstruction of 3D structures of individual polyribosomes. The achieved level of resolution in the reconstructed polyribosomes allowed deducing the mRNA path by connecting adjacent exit and entry sites at the ribosomes inside each polyribosome. In this way, the circularity of a significant fraction (about 50%) of translating polyribosomes was proved in the case of the capped poly(A)-tailed mRNA, in agreement with the existing paradigm of the circularization via interaction of cap-bound initiation factor eIF4F with poly(A)-binding protein. However, translation of the capped mRNA construct without poly(A) tail, but with unspecific 3′-UTR derived from non-coding plasmid sequence, also led to the formation of circular polyribosomes in similar proportion (40%). Moreover, the polyribosomes formed on the uncapped non-polyadenylated mRNA with non-synergistic 5′- and 3′-UTRs proved to be circular as well, and appeared in the same proportion as in the previous cases. Thus, the formation of circular polyribosomes was found to be virtually independent of the presence of cap structure and poly(A) tail in mRNA, in contrast to the longstanding paradigm in the field.  相似文献   
Series of structurally diverse 2-imidazoline derivatives have been synthesized by condensation of substituted aldehydes with ethylenediamine, Pd-catalyzed N-arylation of 2-imidazolines and by the formation of 1,2,4-oxadiazoles and benzoxazepines from 2-imidazoline-containing precursors. The 2-imidazoline derivatives were evaluated as potential inhibitors of human monoamine oxidase (MAO) A and B. Among the 2-imidazolines, good potency inhibitors were discovered with compound 9p (IC50?=?0.012?µM) being the most potent MAO-B inhibitor, while compound 9d (IC50?=?0.751?µM) was the most potent MAO-A inhibitor of the series. These potencies are in the same range as those of reference MAO inhibitors used in the clinic. Among 33 compounds evaluated, 13 exhibited IC50 values in the submicromolar range for the inhibition of an MAO isoform. It is postulated that the imidazoline moieties of some of these inhibitors may be recognized by the imidazoline I2-binding site of MAO. Good potency MAO inhibitors may be useful for the treatment of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders such as depression and Parkinson’s disease, and future application for the treatment of prostate cancer, congestive heart failure and Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, high potency 2-imidazoline-derived MAO inhibitors may be used as potential probes for the imidazoline binding sites of the MAOs, as well as to determine alternative binding regions of imidazoline within the MAO active site.  相似文献   


Cell free DNA (cfDNA) circulates throughout the bloodstream of both healthy people and patients with various diseases and acts upon the cells. Response to cfDNA depends on concentrations and levels of the damage within cfDNA. Oxidized extracellular DNA acts as a stress signal and elicits an adaptive response.

Principal Findings

Here we show that oxidized extracellular DNA stimulates the survival of MCF-7 tumor cells. Importantly, in cells exposed to oxidized DNA, the suppression of cell death is accompanied by an increase in the markers of genome instability. Short-term exposure to oxidized DNA results in both single- and double strand DNA breaks. Longer treatments evoke a compensatory response that leads to a decrease in the levels of chromatin fragmentations across cell populations. Exposure to oxidized DNA leads to a decrease in the activity of NRF2 and an increase in the activity of NF-kB and STAT3. A model that describes the role of oxidized DNA released from apoptotic cells in tumor biology is proposed.


Survival of cells with an unstable genome may substantially augment progression of malignancy. Further studies of the effects of extracellular DNA on malignant and normal cells are warranted.  相似文献   
We find that several protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors, previously considered to be specific, directly inhibit voltage-dependent Na(+) channels at their useful concentrations. Bisindolylmaleimide I (GF 1092037), IX (Ro 31-8220) and V (an inactive analogue), but not H7 (a non-selective isoquinolinesulfonamide protein kinase inhibitor), inhibited Na(+) channels assessed by several independent criteria: Na(+) channel-dependent glutamate release and [(3)H]batrachotoxinin-A 20-alpha-benzoate binding in rat cortical synaptosomes, veratridine-stimulated 22Na(+) influx in CHO cells expressing rat CNaIIa Na(+) channels and Na(+) currents measured in isolated rat dorsal root ganglion neurons by whole cell patch-clamp recording. These findings limit the usefulness of the bisindolylmaleimide class PKC inhibitors in excitable cells.  相似文献   
The swimming behaviour of the green flagellated protist Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is influenced by several different external stimuli including light and chemical attractants. Common components are involved in both the photo- and chemo-sensory transduction pathways, although the nature and organisation of these pathways are poorly understood. To learn more about the mechanism of chemotaxis in Chlamydomonas, we have generated nonchemotactic strains by insertional mutagenesis. The arginine-requiring strain arg7-8 was transformed with DNA carrying the wild-type ARG7 gene. Of the 8630 arginine-independent transformants obtained, five are defective in their chemotaxis towards various sugars. Two of the mutants (CTX2 and CTX3) are blocked only in their response to xylose. Mutant CTX1 is blocked in its response to xylose, maltose and mannitol, but displays normal taxis to sucrose. Mutants CTX4 and CTX5 lack chemotactic responses to all sugars tested. CTX1, CTX4 and CTX5 represent novel chemotactic phenotypes not previously obtained using ultra-violet or chemical mutagenesis. Genetic analysis confirms that each mutation maps to a single nuclear locus that is unlinked to the mating-type locus. Further analysis of CTX4 indicates that the mutant allele is tagged by the transforming ARG7 DNA. CTX4 appears to be defective in a component specific for chemotactic signal transduction since it exhibits wild-type photobehavioural responses (phototaxis and photoshock) as well as the wild-type responses of EGTA-induced trans-flagellum inactivation and acid-induced deflagellation. Insertional mutagenesis has thus permitted the generation of novel chemotactic mutants that will be of value in the molecular dissection of the signalling machinery.  相似文献   
A series of novel 3-hydroxy vinylboronates which share structural similarities with sphingolipids were synthesized and tested in vitro and in vivo as anticancer agents. The molecules reduced cancer cell survival in vitro by influencing their sphingolipid metabolism. In a cancer model in nude mice the lead compound E7 prevented the development of tumor as long as the treatment period continued. Moreover, it delayed tumor growth after the treatment was finished.  相似文献   
The removal of four of five roots of 7–8-day-old wheat plants resulted in the activation of lateral root growth and the initiation of lateral root primordia on the remained root as compared to the main root of intact plants. The extent of this growth response depended on placing cut surface above or beneath the surface of the nutrient solution. The measurement of the IAA and cytokinin contents showed accumulation of these hormones in the root of experimental plants as compared to the main root of intact plants. IAA accumulation was correlated with the number of lateral roots and their primordia. The analysis of hormonal balance and their transport from the shoot to the root permits discussing the involvement of these hormones and their interaction in the control of root growth at the stages of both primordium initiation and development and lateral root elongation.  相似文献   
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